Jun 12, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Sunday, June 12, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them.
His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever.”
Psalm 111:2-3
We sing: I Stand in Awe of You
You are beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words
too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard.
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love?
You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty, enthroned above.
And I stand, I stand in awe of You! I stand, I stand in awe of You!
Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!
You are beautiful beyond description, yet God crushed You for my sin.
In agony and deep affliction, cut off that I might enter in.
Who can grasp such tender compassion? Who can fathom this mercy so free?
You are beautiful beyond description, Lamb of God, who died for me!
And I stand, I stand in awe of You! I stand, I stand in awe of You!
Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!
I stand, I stand in awe of You! I stand, I stand in awe of You!
Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For the removal of Joe Biden and restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
That as the REDEMPTION of the AMERICAN REPUBLIC takes place, those leaders that God anoints and appoints will take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election!
Strategic Focus for Sunday
Standing in the GAP – Part 1
“But a generous man devises generous things, and by generosity he shall stand.”
Isaiah 32:8
Last week, conservative podcaster Joe Oltmann did an interview with patriot / Professor David Clements. They discussed the decision by New Mexico’s three Otero County Commissioners to vote to oust the Dominion Machines. Their conversation was graciously transcribed by Susan (GA) and we are bringing it to the intercessors as “fuel for prayer”! Read and pray as the Spirit leads! Pray.
Joe: I’ve been working on a plan. We have one person who’s like a dog with a bone working with his wife in Otero County. Otero voted out the Dominion Machines and will not allow machines to count any Otero votes going forward. David, welcome to the show. Give us the update. I watched the hearing. It seemed it got put off and put off. Then they took lunch…but they were the lesser magistrates. (I’ve been talking about that for the last week. I’ll tell you what I mean by that.) Tell us what’s going on.
David: Well, I think you are on to something, Joe. The County Commission strategy is something that I have been touting since October, after the disappointment of Maricopa. We have to acknowledge it. It did not pan out as hoped. The goals were too large or unruly to expect to get an entire legislature on board or expect a judge to do the right thing. So the epitome of the lesser magistrate going to your point is the County Commission. They are in a perfect position to nullify overreach, because you have to have people certify results, that they say are trustworthy, on machines that are devised to commit fraud. That is the approach that we were able to finally get a victory yesterday, which was something started last October. Pray.
You know, we sent out an election fraud report 261 pages long. We bound it and sent it to every politician in the state. To every County Commission, the Secretary of State. And yesterday, there were leftist operatives that were interrupting the proceedings. We were tired. It just seemed like there was a spiritual warfare that was going on. There were people sent there to interrupt the proceedings. And at some point, the Commission heard enough and they voted on three very, very, crucial items.
- First; to do hand tabulation for the primary. So we are going to see if we can get some real time audits of what happened with this election that happened this last week.
- Second, is to eliminate the Zuckerberg drop boxes in Otero county.
- Third, the biggest one, is to eliminate not just Dominion, all election machines. Pray.
The poll books…we think the poll books are optimizing the mules…giving people sufficient information to know which ballot boxes to stuff. All of that. Pray.
Just a huge day, and the good news is we have another presentation before Lincoln County on Tuesday. And two more counties are ready to do the same thing. And we will reveal their identities soon. Pray.
Joe: So the vote was two to one? I know what it was. I’m baiting you. It was a knockout, right?
David: It was 3-0. And to be honest we weren’t sure that we would have all three. The skeptic was one of the stronger at the end. He saw “2000 Mules”. He has seen our presentation every other week. We just came up with new findings. And they know that this isn’t over by any means. You are going to have court challenges and the Secretary of State is going to try to take it back. As you said before, you have got to stand in the gap. You have three commissioners that stood in the gap yesterday. And I am super proud of them. Pray.
Joe: Any surprises come out of it?
David: I was just hoping and praying. You know, you don’t want to count the votes before they are cast. I was so used to bad news and people threw monkey wrenches in plans at the last minute. But we got through it. And the response is terrific. Pray.
I just got off the phone with someone just elected in GA that wants to get rid of machines there. And I think the beauty of the strategy is that you are training the Commissioners to know exactly what their power is and there are certain things you cannot take from the commissioner. That doesn’t mean they can run roughshod. They can’t do what the Secretary of State can do or the Clerk can do. But what we are finding, there is one thing the Commissioners possess is to certify the post-election results. No one else in New Mexico and many other states…and we’re telling them, you can withhold that certification if there is a breach of public trust. That lightbulb finally went off. Pray.
Maybe we don’t have the statutory authority to select the equipment that’s being used, but no one can make us say that it’s trustworthy. You can’t make us certify. And that’s effectively what they are doing. And they are going to leverage that to get more information. So if there is going to be a big push: “Hey, you have got to certify this.” They can say: “Okay, give us the source code” (which we know they are not going to get.) “Okay, let us crack the hood on these tabulators and look for chip modems” (which they are not going to do.) So as long as they are unreasonable, these commissioners are in a position of strength until the public trust is restored. And at this point, there is no way Dominion is going to restore the public trust. It’s just not going to happen. Pray.
Joe: And I think they shouldn’t restore the public trust. But you have the uniparty, the left and the right have come together. I am incredibly grateful. They have done something that hasn’t really been done across the country. I know there have been some small counties that have just said, “We’re going to go to a hand count because we only have 1,200 people in our community.” And all 1,200 said: “You aren’t going to get out of the building alive if you don’t get rid of these machines.” That is happening across the country. This is the first time they have stood up and said, we cannot have confidence in these machines. So this becomes a standing in the gap moment that I think can push us to where the other commissioners will do the same thing. And how do you do this when mainstream media is parroting the BS on both sides of the aisle? Pray.
David: To your point, we have someone running for attorney general that is our current state auditor, running commercials bragging about shutting down the Otero audit. That was going on in Albuquerque. Even though he is running those on mainstream media and everybody was seeing these things…in spite of it, we were giving updates and then you see what happened yesterday. I think that people need to see something simple. Profound and simple. You can do that. You can utilize the power of NO. And that is exactly what they are doing and they are modeling it. Pray.
I would like to take all the credit for it, but let’s be honest. Jim Marchon and Nye County without an audit, without a machine expert saying you have a problem, they voted 5-0. That was a major, major boost for the movement. Pray.
But what was special about Otero, it was the first start to finish. We worked with the Commission, we did an audit, we did a canvass…we had high-level experts throughout. We modeled the drama of every fight you can imagine. While the commission voted for this, the county attorneys were not receptive to this. The County Clerk was down right hostile. Yesterday, she said: “Everything was wrong…you’re lying…” and she stormed out.
So you know we have taken a look at little victories in these counties ….now Otero and we’re hoping for three more counties in our state. I hope this momentum is reciprocal….. maybe there are people in NV. Is it just us? No, no, no, help is on the way. We have to go on offense and continue. Pack these rooms. Let Commissioners know we’ve got their backs….relentlessly showing up and supporting the lesser magistrates. Pray.
Joe: So we have the vote. It’s a five-minute clip. I think it’s awesome!!! This is the last moment… Spike the ball. (I’m having fun with this.) We are proud of you. You have taken hits from everyone even on our side that said they wanted to get to the bottom of the 2020 election… I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am eternally grateful for the strength and courage of you and Erin and the Commissioners have shown. Pray.
David: Thank you Joe. We can’t do it without you. There has been a time when Joe sent a text that picked me up at the right time. But the focus is on “We the People” being the solution. That’s it. It really mobilized our numbers. Pray.
Joe: Last night I presented what I thought was the plan…So I am going to ask you about the Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrate. Get your thoughts on it. David, you said we can take the machine to court and have it checked, whatever you said, that it was legal would those machines still be legit? Would they have the chance to be redone again?
David: In my opinion, you’ve got so many different vulnerabilities throughout the system, but there are a couple of things we’ve provided to you that people are keeping that should be part of the discussion.
1) We have proven digital manipulation in your voter roll and it looks like the vote runoff the machines themselves. So the way to put that to the test is to, because it’s a socket design, remove it on 40 tabulators. It’s not that hard to see if there is remote access capability. If that’s the case, then that’s huge. Pray.
2) The source code…the ability to actually make the decision to flip and shuffle… we can determine all those things. That would be another way to alleviate distrust. But my understanding from the Secretary of State is: “You will not touch these machines. We own them” (as if they didn’t come from the coffers of the taxpayers as well as the other counties). Pray.
And the source code…because you have litigated for this. you have access to it, because it’s tied up in the courts. This puts you in a really weird position. “Ok, we’ve got to certify this. We just ran an election.” And I’m saying that you can withhold that certification.
On letting us see the machines. This has never been about one thing. This is about your constituents believing that something that is worthy of you to certify. I’m saying this is trustworthy. That’s what it comes down to. So the Clerk has the authority to inspect. “Are these machines right?” That’s her decision per the code. But she cannot use that to force you to perpetuate a fraud on the American people. So that’s where you are at… and no one can take that power from you. If it forces a conversation…. if it’s in a court of law …okay. You want my certification? That can only come from me. Let us inspect the source code. I have some other things. Let’s look at the machines. And if they cannot answer those questions, sir, then it’s your certification. It’s your voice. It’s your power. Okay. Pray.
One Commissioner said: Well I really think and I really hope that 32 other counties are listening to this because they need to wake up. They need to listen to it. All they have to do is answer some questions. That’s right. Pray.
Another Commissioner said: Why is it so hard to get the information? The harder they push back the more I want to see it. Just comply with what we are asking. We are not asking to see how anyone voted, nothing. We want to look at the machines. They won’t let us. I have a problem with that. Pray.
Another Commissioner said: “Where are the other counties…. where are the small commission bodies?” Someone in the audience replied:….”They want to do the right thing…They want to do the same thing.” Commissioner: All right I already read this. Does anyone want to second the motion? Second. Vote 3-0 Pray.
Joe: And it passes. And the crowds cheer….How was that moment, David?
David: Well it was surreal because I was tired. There was a troll about five feet behind us. It’s almost like a demon in my ear saying you’re going to jail. He told my wife; you’re going to jail…To be honest, by the time the vote came, I was so exhausted. Everything I’ve been doing has been dedicated to this moment. It wasn’t until after that people said; it was such a boost to see a success. Pray.
We don’t have a platform like Frank Speech or War Room. This will shock people. We spent all-in $10,000 on this audit. And I have been accused of being a grifter. We didn’t charge a cent. That actually came from the taxpayers of Otero. Start to finish it was $10,000. It can be done. We have been telling people, don’t go to the bottlenecks of corruption. Go to the most abused neglected County Commissions in rural areas and start pulling out those blocks of truth. Pray.
Right now we have a tower of corruption in NW that is wobbling. We have observed statistical and mathematical impossibilities with the rigged election as it is. When we can start comparing paper-based elections that are honest with the machine-driven fraudulent ones, game over. Pray.
And right now we have the ability this week to do micro audits in many states. Pull those cast vote records. Requesting those cast vote records should take just a few days. Request those cast vote records and do an immediate audit right now. Across the country, this is the time statutorily to do that. You can throw a giant monkey wrench into this. I’m throwing a lot at you, but there are a lot of opportunities right now for the commissions to double down. We’re going to withhold certification until we can figure this out. Pray.
We pray:
- Lord, we thank You for the character, strength and fortitude You have built into David Clements and his precious wife, Erin, preparing them to stand in the gap as we engage in the Battle to SAVE America! Pray.
- Protect them and grant them unlimited favor in the coming days as many see the light and enter into the process of exposing and rectifying fraud in our election process! Pray.
- Guard and protect President Trump and the members of our 24/7 family with the Blood of Jesus, as we engage with patriots across this land in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA! Pray.
- Call Donald Trump forth quickly, and guide him in his preparations to return to the White House. Pray.
- Protect our Supreme Court Justices and their families. Help them to stand for righteousness and justice, and to remain firm in their decision to return the determination on LIFE to the individual states! Pray.
- Protect the sovereignty of the United States of America and do not let it be compromised in any way! Remove Biden and all those who want to betray our Constitution and sell us out! Pray.
- Let our homes get in order so that they might be places for Your HABITATION and sanctuaries for others! Pray.
- That we will joyfully release the LOVE of GOD from our hearts over this, our beloved nation. Pray.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
Ways to connect with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call and have access to our information:
Our 24/7 NSPC Truth Social –https://truthsocial.com/@247NationalStrategicPrayerCall
Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Channel –https://t.me/nationalstrategicprayercall
Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Group – https://t.me/joinchat/2ktpOlvELsNiMzMx
Our 24/7 NSPC website- https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com
We also have a page on our 24/7 NSPC website for people to post prayer requests.
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