


So thankful to come together in unity and pray for our President, administration, nation, churches and families!

There is power in numbers praying in one accord, in Jesus’s Name; all ethnic groups, all denominations, all ages, men and women of God, children through the elderly! Together, from every state, we are the Body of Christ pulling down strongholds that come against our President, and our nation.

This is an answer to what God has commanded us to do. I’m so thankful for the leaders that make this call happen and all the thousands that pray. United we stand!!!

Spectacular evidence of what can be produced at the direction of Holy Spirit. The easy to follow format provides for the organization of all the focuses the Lord has given us on an aesthetically pleasing layout. Well done, Pastor

These people are not worthy to be called Americans…they are insurgents with an agenda to turn America into a police state under socialism/communism…only those who truly love this country and act for its benefit can be called Americans…it’s an honor and a privilege to stand for Truth and Justice and the One True God!

Thank you soooooo much for a non-Facebook platform. So thankful!!!

Join us! It will only take a minute

CALL 1-712-770-4340   Code:  543555 # 

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Oct 16, 2024 – Prayer Focus

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call “A CALL TO THE WALL…ONE NATION UNDER GOD” 1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!) We begin[…]

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Oct 15, 2024 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call  “A CALL TO THE WALL…ONE NATION UNDER GOD” 1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!) We begin[…]

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Oct 14, 2024 – Prayer Focus

Monday, October 14, 2024 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call “A CALL TO THE WALL…ONE NATION UNDER GOD” 1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!) We begin[…]

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35 Responses

  1. Maureen+Carson+Bravo says:

    This new website is “lookin’ good”! Thank you for the hours of love and labor on behalf of our 24/7 family!

  2. Gigi Gutierrez says:

    Thank you everyone, I have been praying with you for months and months. If for some unknown reason I ca no longer view you on FB, please email me. God bless you for taking on this mission!

    • Desiree says:

      Facebook is not a friend of God loving, Freedom loving AMERICANS. Anyone still on FB is fueling communism in the USA. All is being monitored. There are new REAL freedom social media RUMBLE where your 1st Amendment will not be censored. Signup today! Merry CHRISTmas!

      • IoanPeia says:

        We agree that the owner of FB is against our nation. We reached the understanding to use it and share the Truth with them and our friends as long they do not close our accounts. But we believe this will come soon as we do not compromise to their oppression.

    • Leslie Mason says:

      Urgent need for a facilitator on Christmas Day, 2-3 Eastern time (1-2 Central time.)
      Pat Gabbart from Mississippi has agreed to co-facilitate during that time slot & she has no problem reading the whole focus but we need someone who has been trained as a facilitator to be on the call.
      Please contact me (Leslie from Iowa 515-291-0065) or Pat from Mississippi
      Thank you and God bless !

  3. Spectacular evidence of what can be produced at the direction of Holy Spirit. The easy to follow format provides for the organization of all the focuses the Lord has given us on an aesthetically pleasing layout. Well done, Pastor🥇

  4. Laura says:

    Dear Pastor Ioan and Maureen,

    I simply want to thank you both and everyone that helps you for your faithfulness to our God. God bless you all.

  5. Roberta says:

    Prayers for President Trump. For America. For justice and honesty. Amen

  6. Shifrah Yisrael says:


    • LuAnn McLaughlin says:

      Praise God for your time and lobor of love creating this site for us all to be informed up to date in real time ! No weapon formed against shall prosper !!!!!!!

  7. D. Lynn & Nancy says:

    Thank you for this change! We have been praying a long time to get off the FB page and new media platforms get established. We have been spyed on by the enemy(we give no credit) too long. Blessings for all the hard work to many in the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. Isaiah 28:17 I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plummet; The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters will overflow the hiding place. Blessings from Illinois

  8. Julie says:

    Thank you for this leadership! I highly recommend this to all my friends and family. I’m sure this constant prayer stops evil and promotes good!

  9. John Donato (New Jersey) says:

    I pray that citizens from all 50 states file 1983 civil rights violation cases due to the voter fraud. A Section 1983 lawsuit is a civil rights lawsuit that can be filed by someone whose civil rights have been violated. The victim can file the lawsuit if the wrongdoer was acting “under color of law.” Rights guaranteed by state law cannot be the basis of a Section 1983 lawsuit. Only federal rights are protected by the statute. Technically, Section 1983 is nothing more than a procedural device based on a federal statute. It gives federal courts jurisdiction to hear civil rights cases. No one can be liable under Section 1983. Instead, it creates liability for violating other federal laws. That is why 1983 cases always include an alleged violation of another law, such as the:
    First Amendment,
    Fourth Amendment (i.e. arrests without probable cause, unreasonable searches),8
    Eighth Amendment,
    Fourteenth Amendment.

    Section 1983 was originally designed to protect slaves who were freed in the Civil War. Southern states passed laws that harassed and intimidated African Americans. Law enforcement officers in the south used their positions to assault victims.
    The law was passed as a part of the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This act of Congress allowed black victims to file a lawsuit and recover money damages. That lawsuit could be filed in federal court. This allowed the victim to avoid state court. In state court, the victim would likely have faced a strong bias.
    The civil rights violation has to be committed “under color of law.” People act under color of any statute when they behave with the apparent authority of the state. Some people who do not work for the government can still act under color of law. This can happen if they conspire with government officials to deprive someone of their civil rights.

    Victims of civil rights violations can sue people who acted under the color of law. This includes: people who work for the government (including state government, local government, and government for the District of Columbia), other individuals who conspire with those government workers, and certain government entities.
    A Section 1983 litigation claims can be filed against state and local officials such as:
    police officers, sheriff’s deputies, state or county prison guards, police chiefs, county sheriffs, prison wardens, and other public officials.

  10. Becky Miller says:

    So glad this is up and running as many don’t have Facebook. Thanks for the effort it took to get this launched.

  11. Diane in northern California says:

    Thank you for praying for my healing a couple of weeks ago on the group prayer call re a “suspected” (one-time only) mini stroke of just over a year ago that has effected my energy levels badly since and my balance/walk/gait at times, plus a few head injuries through life effecting left back side of head. By the way, the spirit of death entered my room at the time of the M.S. (for the 2nd time in my life — so I knew this was not from God, 1st time was in my 30s after a bad fall accident). Praise: I notice a significant difference in my energy levels, but not normal yet. Recent extensive lab tests show everything else in normal range. NEW: I passed out 2 Monday evenings ago for I believe a very short while and was very confused and disoriented when I came-to, but it cleared before the evening was over.

  12. Julie Bachman says:

    THANK YOU for continuing this important ministry. It is very encouraging.

  13. Ina Fernandez says:

    ROE v WADE
    I want to let you know that Alveda King co-produced a movie called Roe V Wade . It is not in movie theaters but only available by streaming services. Today 2 April, Good Friday, is the Premiere. I want to help spread the news about this powerful movie. See article in Christian NewsWire.
    Hope this link works: http://christiannewswire.com/index.php?module=releases&task=view&releaseID=85059

  14. PRAISE GOD for this website and the efforts of those who have been faithful with this mission. I have been following and praying with you on and off for over a year now, thankful to be even a small part. May God continue to bless your efforts and hear our prayers and move His Hand!

  15. Shifrah Yisrael says:

    PLEASE PRAY 🙏 for Mother Ann who has been experiencing some serious symptoms in her physical body that is causing pain. PLEASE PRAY for complete restoration in her mind, body, soul and spirit. May we PLEAD THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB over her and her family.
    We anticipate MANY HEALING MIRACLES!!!!!

  16. Shifrah Yisrael says:

    Shalom! PLEASE PRAY 🙏 for Mother Sandra (my spiritual mother) for healing MIRACLES and for every need to be met, according to ABBA’S riches in GLORY!!!!!
    PLEASE PRAY 🙏 for Auntie Lynn who is supposed to have a procedure tomorrow at 2pm. For her and her husband, their children and grandchildren and all of their loveline and bloodline. PLEASE PRAY 🙏 for Mother Brittain {my spiritual daughter} and her two children, her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, all of her family. She needs divine protection, provision, humility, clarity, discernment, wisdom, understanding, shalom and more. Plus all the spiritual fruit.

  17. Becky Miller says:

    This is a great website. I have been away for a few months but am planning to be back. You are doing a necessary thing!

  18. Leslie Mason says:

    Please pray for my friend, Cheryl who has been alienated from her adult children for many years. Only God has the power to restore her family. Please pray for reconciliation. Thank you.

  19. Leslie Mason says:

    Thank you so much for each and every prayer. Cheryl sees some progress and gives the Lord all the glory

  20. John Donato (NJ) says:

    Why should you pray with us, well we have an enormous responsibility before God and before the entire world to give ourselves body and soul to this great battle against the schemes of the evil one. Battling against the forces of darkness is what makes human life possible on Earth. It’s the Christians who are the salt of the earth. If we choose not to be in the fight, choose not to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, then human life could not exist on this planet. The forces of evil would run unopposed and rampant throughout society and life on earth would be unbearable and unendurable hell. From Spiritual warfare by Ray Stedman.

    This is from Come Away My Beloved by Francis J. Roberts. It’s called The vineyard of prayer. Oh my child the days are heavy with burdens, burdens that need to be born upon the shoulders of faithful prayer warriors. Where are those who are willing to make themselves available to the Spirit for this ministry? The planted word will dry up like carelessly strewn seed if it is not watered with the tears of intercession. Nothing is more needful at this present hour than prayer that draws His power from the full operation under the direction and the unction of the Holy Spirit. I am is calling His Spirit-filled believers to the concentrated labor in this the vineyard of prayer. Hidden from human eyes it is wide open to heaven and the saints in heaven joined with you in this operation of God’s love. Rejoice to be granted the privilege of so sacred attack count it most precious and guard against the intrusion of distractions. Nothing of all you can do for Him is more important in His sight.

  21. Sherry Domanek says:

    I haven’t been receiving the focus for the last few days since Saturday. Could you start resending them to me daily. It’s the most important part of my day is to pray over the daily focuses. Thank you sherry from ohio

  22. Leslie Mason says:

    We need a co-facilitator replacement for April 15th from 1-3 Central time.
    Please let me know if you can fill in.
    Thank you and God bless!
    Leslie Mason

  23. Leslie Mason says:

    Requesting intercessors on April 15th, 1-3 Central Savings Time as co-facilitator will not be able to join the call

  24. Leslie Mason says:

    Thank you to Bobby from WI, for taking one o’clock Cental time slot !

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