The Sin of our Nation – Day 6 – The Church

The Sin of our Nation
30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31-September 29, 2021
Day 6 – The Church
September 5, 2021
– Judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
Father, we the Church repent for:
– not fearing the Lord; idols in our hearts, places where we’ve made a throne to the enemy
– thinking we are wise in our own eyes but have become fools; idolatry
– looking for live in the wrong places; pornography; compromise
– embracing vial, dark TV shows like Harry Potter, witchcraft, even in Disney movies like Frozen
– seeking worldly pleasures; entertaining instead of equipping our children
– filling voids with food, drugs, porn, alcohol,etc. We are to have no gods before Me..,
– not taking a stand and drawing the line on covid. We let the government intrude in the churches. Pastors compromise, or water down the word , instead of fighting. Give the devil an inch-he takes a mile.
– pastors concerned about church size, have a fear of man, instead of preaching the word.
– ignorance; blindness; lack of prayer in our churches; fearing man more than fearing God
– being a church benchwarmer; lukewarmness; not being loving; “my four and no more” mentality
– not being laborers in the field; tribalism , cliches , no effort to connect with others
– thinking my church is better than yours, instead of having humility; not heeding scriptures
– sins of unbelief, evil spirit of unbelief; sins of the mouth, speaking death instead of life
– church gives lip service but no follow through; being thorny soil, cares of this world creep in
– not claiming John 14:12 greater works will we do; keeping people on milk when meat is needed
– not teaching prayer language /baptism in the Holy Ghost and power
– prayer chain is just a gossip line; a church that doesn’t prayer
– Prayerlessness in the church; Becoming so seeker friendly that the gospel itself is compromised
– Doing things in a human way and not God’s way; The spirit of pride that says we don’t need God, that we can do it ourselves; Not praying for our leaders that we might have quiet and peaceful lives
– No longer preaching about sin or righteousness; Allowing the fear of man to control what is said.
– Silent as the state tries to take authority over the churches; The sin of complacency
– Loss of intimacy and with Jesus; The lack of love, loss of the first love for Jesus
– Selfishness within the church, my needs are most important
– For not speaking out against abortion, not protecting the most vulnerable
– Not speaking out about immorality like same-sex marriage; Not training our children in the way they should go with the word of life; Not trusting God to show his power on our behalf; Not being saturated with His word so that we can please Him by the actions we take
The Spirit of The Lord says:
– Name change for President Trump for the 2nd term; You are John The Beloved; Abram to Abraham; Jacob to Israel; Picture of President standing in front of the church with the Bible; They are not really coming after just me, they are coming after you.
Sins of the Church
– Repent for lust, sexual perversion
– Compromise, allowing witchcraft and sorcery, pride in our Churches; Abortion, immorality
– Church leader declaring: CDC mandates: only vaccinated and masked will be allowed to enter the church All others may watch online only; CDC and government is their god; Repent for Shunning their flock;
Repent for them Willingly Relinquishing their power as the body of Christ
– Repent for not speaking up and cowering down, bowing to the masters of deception.
– Neither hot nor cold but lukewarm; I will vomit you out of my mouth.
– Forgive us for allowing ourselves to be silenced and compromised.
Revelation 3: Therefore be Zealous and repent, I stand at the door and knock.
– We are overcomers
– When the righteous rule people rejoice; The body of Christ is the righteous, not uncircumcised philistines
– Repent for the Church not rising up against abortion
Pastors not righteously leading their flock and teaching them the difference between right and wrong, sin and righteous living. Not teaching about the Constitution.
– Raise up Righteous, Bold men to our pulpits.
– Forgive the previous generation for allowing the Johnson Amendment. The church did nothing.
– Repent for compromise
– The government is ours
– Forgive us for intimidation and fear of rejection
– Turn us back to zeal, power, and passion
– Church: Choose this day who you will serve
– Repent for fear of man
– Bind fear, doubt, unbelief, offending people, laziness, pleasing man.
– Complacency, distraction, of not engaging, of placing self-interest first
– Forsaking the gifts of the Spirit
– Humanism, trusting in people, thus being asleep while people in places of leadership and influence steal from us
– Neglecting the Holy Spirit
– Neglecting the foundation stone doctrines (Heb. 6:1-3)
– Not understanding what sin is, and not experiencing godly sorrow
– Cheap grace
– Tolerating abortion
– Churches becoming social clubs, entertainment centers–instead of places of prayer and the Word of God, equipping people for the work of the ministry
– Not praying for our pastors and leaders
– Murmuring
– Thinking that being spiritual means going to church on Sunday and listening to a sermon
– Pastors not training their congregations for ministry
– Spectator mentality
– Passivity, choosing lies because more comfortable
– Worldly sorrow, rather than godly sorrow
– Listening to the false prophets of the media
– Not spending enough time in God’s Word
– Sending kids to government schools, expecting righteous results
– Love of mammon, hoarding money, spending on selves, not generous
– Not trusting God to fulfill our needs
– Not seeking first God’s kingdom
We agreed that the list seems endless! O, God! Have mercy on us and turn us from our wicked, selfish, worldly ways!!!
– Leadership not taking responsibility for sheep; Looking to man to solve our problems
Allowing ungodly things; Watering down the scripture to own satisfaction
Not listening to You; Prayerlessness; James 4
– Prayerlessness
– Believing misconceptions about the church (shouldn’t be involved in politics, etc.)
– Letting the enemy take control based on the excuse of God’s sovereignty (Biden meant to be president…)
– “Skinny jeans and fog machines” approach to church as entertainment
– Immodest dress and attitudes tolerated
– Allowing the spiritual wall to be broken down, giving the enemy access to our young people even as the broken southern border gives him access to our country
– A spirit of unforgiveness, especially regarding divorce
– Belief that atrocities such as Afghanistan are God’s will as things get worse and worse, and that the Church is powerless
– Not believing “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”
– Going along to get along
– We have not resisted the enemy, causing him to flee!
– WE REPENT OF BEING A WIMPY CHURCH, not believing Daniel 11:32, “the people who know their God will be strong and carry out great exploits”
– Cowardly- not standing for the truth; Fear of Man; Self Centered; Complacent/Comfortable
– Entitlement/Materialism; Greed/Love of Money
– Failure to stand before the cross in humility; Worldliness; Mixture
– Self-serving and making co-dependents; False Love; Deception; Thought/Word/Deed corrupted
– Worshiping other gods; Not abiding in the Lord
– For not being salt and light in culture; For not putting God first
– Wanting to be entertained and not preaching the Word of God; For not teaching God’s holiness
– For not seeking the full counsel of God; For tolerating Halloween; Not revering judgment of God
– For cheapening Christ’s blood and His sacrifice; For twisting God’s Word
– For not seeking first the kingdom of God; For cheap grace and not revering the justice of God
– For not walking in the power of Holy Spirit; For bowing before idols
– For allowing other things to be more important than God
– We want to love God with all our hearts, minds, and strength; For not walking in Jesus’ grace and truth
– For seeking refuge in job, people, money instead of God; For fear instead of trusting God
– For striving instead of being still and knowing that He is God; For not speaking the truth, for not being bold
– For speaking the truth without love; Forgive the body of Christ for competition and not concentrating on the kingdom of God; For raising up denominations and things separating the body
– Neglecting our mission field, own children in the playground; Speaking salvation; No bibles in the pews
– Looking to man to solve our problems; Neglected poor and needy; Expose our foolishness, show us God’s truth; Sexual immorality, pedophile, pornography; Episcopal church condoned homosexuality
– Self-importance, abusing children; Having a form of godliness, but denying God’s power
– Work of flesh, issues spoken in counseling session used against client; Indifference
– Teen celebrations, taught them to drink and party, not revere God
– Prayerlessness, no fervency in prayers (foreign countries, people walk for days to attend prayer. They pray all night, and several days); Cliques, don’t fit in, rejection
– Marketplace, we allow everything, abortion, took prayer out of school
– Stealing the Tithe and Offering Building our kingdoms vs. Kingdom of God
– Fear of Man vs. Fearing God; Not speaking up about sin especially sexual morality
– Not taking action, Not leading; Not knowing, reading, honoring, and standing of the WORD
– Walking in fear and unbelief vs. Faith
– Not being a strong voice against abortion, CRT, socialism, LBGTQ, and removing God from our public places
– Staying in the church walls and not being salt and light
– Not seeking 1st His Presence and the Kingdom of God
– Pastors are driven by fear of losing members, thus not speaking on the difficult truths in their sermons
– Disunity, pride, division over doctrine; Prayerlessness
– Churches promoting sexual immorality; Lack of intimacy with God
– Not training up children but entertaining them in church
– Lack of unity and division
– Lack of communication and things that separate us. We need to unite against the evil one and fight together.
– Sexual perversion and homosexuality and pedophilia and abuse
– Pride. Can’t even recognize our own weaknesses and you can’t tell the church from the world at times. We are full of self. Traditions of men.
– Lack of love for You and others.Lack of oneness with You and each other.Critical spirit.
– Don’t know You. We don’t seek Your face and Your Kingdom and Your righteousness.
– Complacency. Business as usual with such serious, horrible things going on and people aren’t coming out in mass against abortion, homosexual marriage, etc and so little outcry and discussion.
– Prayerlessness; Lack of identifying our own sins, log in our own eye.
– Letting the deceitfulness of riches control us and the cares of this world.
– Hardness of heart. Like we are safe and not truly grieving from our hearts. Lack of mercy.
– Don’t understand the meaning of the Cross and the sacrifice that was made.
– The number of divorces; Silent and not speaking out and supporting those who are speaking out
– Not seeking Your face and Your assignment for each day
– Not knowing Your WORD for ourselves.
– Lack of fasting.
– For not knowing how You work, not knowing Your ways….prayer and fasting
– Believing in a gospel of works. Not devoted to following God, but man-made rules instead.
– Promoting a religion of works. They stood for their religious system rather than for God, His Word & His Messiah. It was all about power, control & money.
– Using religious rituals for personal gain. All done for profit, the perversion of justice & truth to enrich themselves.
– Selective “obedience” to God’s Word done in hypocrisy & in a manipulating fashion. Using “their power” to pervert the law rather than to enforce it properly.
– Emphasizing the importance of religious ritual over true relationship with God & fellow man
– Making others unrighteous & defiled through cross-contamination.
– Believing themselves righteous (self-righteous).
– The main point of the 7 woes is central point #4 (selective obedience to God’s Word). Cherry-picking things we prefer in the Bible & ignoring the things we don’t like. All the while living in rebellion to God’s authority, by just pretending & going through the motions outwardly, but acting like you are righteous & holy. This air of self-righteousness superiority stinks and gives off a stench that many today can see right through & actually moves the lost further away from God. The false teachers of all the ages have operated in this spirit forever. They universally share a love of money & an insatiable drive to gain it through corrupt religious practices. Peter calls it “the way of Balaam” in 2 Peter 2:15.
– All of these can be seen clearly operating in the corrupt corporation churches today. They all seem to be driven by the love of money & are frequently caught acting contrary to their words. Jesus as well as His apostles repeatedly warn us of watching out for false teachers. They selectively interpret a Bible verse out of context that actually contradicts the major teachings of the entire Bible. So why does this work so well? Because the majority of the people do not read God’s Word, let alone studying it.
– So we repented for the lack of leadership in the churches. We repented for the fact that the majority of Christians do not read the Bible. We repented for the majority of evangelicals do not believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and therefore do NOT have a biblical worldview. We repented for the spirit of the 7 churches in the book of Revelation which seem to all have these same similar flaws & traits. We repented for our lack of stepping up and speaking out & challenging the corrupt hypocrite leadership. We also repented for our own words that have been spoken without love and actually spoken as curses. We prayed for Holy boldness and unity.
– We don’t trust in the Lord; We are not picking up our own cross; We don’t crucify our own flesh
– All we want is milk, and we don’t want the meat of the Word (as a result, we have too many 40-year old babies who refuse to grow up)
– Leadership in the church is not leading in a way that pleases God
– We have allowed abortion and not fought hard enough against it
– Sexual misconduct in the church leadership and in the body of Christ
– We are not living in purity and holiness; We are setting bad examples for our children
– We want to be entertained in church; We are watching R-rated movies and even let our children watch these things; We are enticed by Babylon; We love sin more than God
– We don’t run away from sin (we should be like Joseph, running from Potiphar’s wife)
– We don’t share the gospel with our neighbors; We walk in fear instead of walking in faith
– We are lifted up in pride; We think that we are always right; We are not dying to ourselves every day
– We are not taking responsibility; We are not speaking the truth; We are preoccupied with things of the world; We left our First Love and put the world first
– God has called some Christians into politics but they have refused, resulting in not enough righteous people being in politics; We are disobedient; We have not spent enough time reading the Word
We have become lukewarm.
– rejected the leadership of Holy Spirit, fear of what you might do, not allow
Spirit to lead the church -Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither
are your ways my ways,”
– deny and neglect Power and Authority we have capitulated to the devil
– water down the gospel, accepted the teaching of the culture, accepted it Ok with
immorality, prayer for sexual purity, and Holiness
– Not responding to your voice when you speak John 10, overcome doubt and fear
– even in the church Jezebel acceptance, anti-God message
– I Thes. 5:19 not quench the Holy Spirit; Eph 4:40 do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
– Accepting immoral/anti-God messages in form of entertainment
– James 3 not tamed the tongue – criticize make accusations over leadership and others agreeing with Satan who accuses us day and night Rev. 12:10
– not believing all scripture of God’s word- Rev.22:18 – everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
– repent of laziness and compliance
– Forgiveness of the church for not seeking your power and not taking our places as true disciples. Unbelief, pride of life, and tolerating Jezebel. The love of money, tolerating hirelings, and not seeking out true shepherds. Ezekiel 34 shared. Lack of love and judgmentalism. Sexual sins, pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality and adultery are tolerated. Not equipping ourselves to engage the culture. Self-promotion.
30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31 – September 29, 2021
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
We of the 24/7 NSPC have been engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love…interceding hourly on behalf of our nation for the past 4¾ years, beginning on November 11, 2016. Today, we enter into 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation, answering the call of God to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately before Him. When we do, His promise is that He will “hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Our corporate sin has allowed the undermining and erosion of the very foundations of this nation! Heeding the words of Ezra 10:4, we acknowledge “arise, for this matter is our responsibility.” Receiving conviction for the sin of this nation in our hearts, we will be empowered to confess and repent for those sins, then pray effectively for the healing of our nation!
Over the next 30 days, as we identify, confess and repent for our national sins, we will trust God for the healing He promises in His Word. This is a battle, and it must be engaged in by individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
Like the Jews in Susa, we have been given permission with the legal right and responsibility to fight and defend ourselves and our land. And fight we must…for our very lives and the lives of our families depend on it!
“The king granted the Jews who were in each and every city the right to assemble and to defend their lives,
to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them,
including children and women, and to plunder their spoil, on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus…”
Esther 8:11-12
Like the people of Israel working with Nehemiah, we have been on the wall, watching and rebuilding with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built…now we fight!
“When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people:
‘Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome,
and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.’”
Nehemiah 4:14
True corporate repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on confession and prayer, fueled by authentic repentance. In Scripture, we see that solemn assemblies were called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation, and throughout our US history, we have had 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance.
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses a nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ…and oh, how we need that now! Having begun this time of 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation on August 31, 2021, we will conclude it by WELCOMING THE KING OF GLORY into all 50 states and territories, simultaneously, on September 29, 2021, during the feast of SIMCHAT TORAH, “The Joy of the Torah.” As Christians, our joy is found in the Living Torah…Jesus Christ, the Word of God!
We prayerfully invite all Christian believers, from each of our 50 States and Territories, to join us in this initiative. Like David’s mighty men, let us all awaken, arise, and adore our GOD… taking our stand and holding our ground!
Amen! Alleluia!
Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia, on behalf of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family
Call in number: 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Covenant Documents Welcome The King Of Glory into the US States and Territories
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