The Sin of our Nation – Day 25 – Dishonoring and Violating the Sanctity of Marriage

The Sin of our Nation
30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31-September 29, 2021
Day 25 – Dishonoring and Violating the Sanctity of Marriage
September 24, 2021
– Marriage trouble because of male or female dominance
– Jezebel spirit; Gay marriage
– Hardened hearts when Jesus is not in the center of our lives
– Living separate lives while married perhaps because of wounding
– Husbands who will not lead and women who insist on leading in spiritual things
– Struggling marriages or no marriage at all
– Fear of getting married because the marriage will end in divorce anyway
– Pornography destroying marriages
– Failure for society to properly honor marriage
– TV programs, movies, and books that desecrate marriage
– The sin of living together, shacking up, without the benefit of marriage
– Not being willing to make a commitment to a marriage partner
– Laws that break down marriage by making it financially much harder to be married
– The bachelors and bachelorettes and love island programs that pour out pornography to our children
– Parents being horrible examples for their children by their own broken marriages
– The failure to encourage our children to marry and have children
– Damaging marriages and relationships by the proliferation of, and addiction to, pornography and perversion by both men and women
– Portraying men, husbands, and fathers, as bumbling fools who have no business being in any kind of authority. Feminizing men and making women more masculine thugs breaking down God’s design for marriage. The focus on having women work if they are to be truly fulfilled, the denigration of women who choose to stay home.
– The aborting of the unborn that tears down the sanctity of the marriage covenant
– Failure to keep the marriage covenant thus breaking our covenant relationship with God
– Living together before marriage; Laws that make marriage a financial hardship
– The idea that marriage is so dangerous that it needs to be tried out before there’s a lifelong commitment
– The ridicule of the ideas of purity and keeping the marriage bed sacred as a covenant
– Husband and wife dishonoring each other and disagreeing with God’s word and with each other, being a bad example before the children so they have wrong ideas about marriage.
– The harm done by adultery
– Making other things more important than the marriage relationship itself, not treating the wife with unconditional love, not meeting each other’s emotional as well as physical needs
– The denial of marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman, that exemplifies the covenant between God and His people, and that sexual activity is ordained by God to only be within marriage as God’s life-giving gift
– The plague that divorce brings upon our families and our nation
– The spirit of pride, selfishness, and impurity that ruins marriages; the failure to include God as the third element in a marriage who keeps a marriage together and makes it work
– Giving others like the LGBT community the status of marriage with the sanctity of the marriage covenant
– Unfaithfulness in marriage, the pain that it has caused the spouse and the children; Unforgiveness
– What we chose to have our eyes see and our ears hear, the evil that is done
– Lack of attentiveness to maintain a marriage relationship allowing distractions to pull us away from God and from each other. No longer taking joy in each other or giving the attention that is needed
– The times that we have not honored our spouses not treating them as precious and complaining about their faults to others tearing down our own homes with our mouths
– The horrible examples we give our children as to the nature of marriage
– The glorifying of alternatives to marriage such as the LGBT agenda, premarital experimentation with sex
– Allowing sexual perversion and pornographic portrayal of sexual activity to become so prevalent in our nation. The idea that women have to work outside the home in order to be truly fulfilled. That there is no honor in raising Godly children.
– The loss of the idea of working together in unity as a family
– Not seeing the advantage of having the mom in the home to raise the children.
– The church not being a support system for the children of single parents
– The stress put upon women in having to work away from home and then try to fulfill their responsibilities as a mom and wife. Breaking down the sanctity of the marriage bed, not doing things God’s way depriving children of knowing what marriage truly is when lived in agreement with God’s design.
– The economic structure that makes it essential for women to work outside the home, The taxes and the cost of living, and the pressure it puts on a marriage.
– Repeated agenda of people outside marriage to destroy them. Healing past sins, healing emotions hurts; repented men being disrespected in tv, movies
– repent of any teachings in the church and school that violates marriage.
– Repent cults that send curses against marriage
– read Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Prayed marriage to be protected.
– cause spouses to love, care, forgive and support others.
– witchcrafts against marriage to be exposed
– lies, mistrust, dishonesty; Repent homosexual marriage in church
– repent laws that allow homosexual marriage and problems caused by it
– repent of racism and issues caused by it in the black church and black families.
– Mark 10:9. What God has joined together let no man separate.
– Racism, forgiveness, heal and move on
– repent divorce, problems caused by it
– We repent for breaking the covenant; For not keeping marriage holy
– For men not taking their responsibility; Men not loving their wives
– For women not submitted to husbands
– A wise woman builds her house but a foolish woman tears down by her own efforts
– Forgive us for the hidden sin of pornography; Not keeping our vows; Watered down divorce laws
– Father, forgive us for being apathetic and complacent…for not paying attention to the ways legislative bills are written…we should have been saying “NO!” We allowed horrible desecration of marriage in this country. – Forgive us and heal America! We need to speak boldly and not care what others think. Use us as vessels to speak the truth about homosexuality…about men marrying men and women marrying women. Help us to speak the truth and to know what is not right! Bring transformation and restoration. Your heart grieves over this lifestyle.
– Forgive us for being distracted by so many things and not being alert…for being led away from the truth and not following Your Word! Bring our focus back to You to hold up truth and exalt Your name. We are so quick to give up truth and follow man’s direction…Forgive us!
– I experienced divorce and I repent for the effect it had on our children. We heard that everyone gets divorced! We pray that we see the truth and that the church will speak to it, that it is a holy covenant.
– We repent for allowing and being quiet about divorce, for not fighting for healing and restoration! I speak of my son’s marriage…he is divorced…it’s so easy to say it’s just toxic and unbalanced and get out!
– Make us aware of the damage divorce has on the little ones…remind us of the covenant promises we made…awaken our spirits to say no to divorce! We say to the enemy, “No! You cannot have our marriages!” Heal our hearts of selfishness and the things we allow to separate us.
– Father, we repent that the Church is not teaching the importance of the marriage covenant…they need to show us how important it is to You and what You say about marriage in Your Word.
– We repent for pornography…we pray for deliverance for the people involved in it…restore them and restore their marriages.
– Thank You for restoration of the broken…we repent for being nonchalant about the damage we bring to marriages…awaken our spirits to say, “Not on our watch!” Bring forth truth and the issues we need to repent of…give us revelation of You coming back for Your Bride. I had a new revelation of marriage! Don’t let the enemy destroy our marriages…give us the backbone to stand for Your ways!
– My husband and I are celebrating our 46th anniversary! It’s not easy!…1 Peter 3:1-4 “In the same way, you wives, be subject to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won over without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your pure and respectful behavior. Your adornment must not be merely external – braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or putting on apparel; but it should be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” Thank You for Your wisdom…You are still working on me. My husband is backslidden but draws him back! I have to be quiet, I’m working on that! I have to have a quiet spirit and not blurt things out! My mom was active in the Catholic Church but my dad was not a believer until he accepted Christ at the age of 80! Hallelujah!! (I’m one of eleven children) Thank You that it’s according to Your plan. They had many problems but Mom never gave up! There are things my husband would like changed in me and I would change some things in him…my mom had a very negative attitude toward men, so God gave me three boys…and a girl! I am grieved when I hear my sisters complain about their husbands…I repent of that negativity toward men…help my husband and children to know You!
– We repent for fornication and the adults who have committed these behaviors…Psalm 51 So often the young stray…we say Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Most young have not been trained up in the Word…we pray for revival to sweep over this land!
– Forgive all the young people who are living together (outside of marriage)…and we are not standing up against homosexuality. Thank You for giving us the strength and power to come against evil. Thank You for answering our prayers.
– Forgive us for making divorce so easy and for the Church not reaching out to hurting families who need help. If both parents are working and not paying attention to what their children are doing, they can stray…show us Your way!
– We pray for prayer altars to be established in the homes and for families to pray together each day. For children to be raised up in the Word…we have to communicate this to them in an interesting and creative way to hold their attention and get them excited about the Word and not dread learning of it.
– We repent that parents are not more mindful of who is influencing their children. We need to vet those around them to be sure they have pure motives and are not pedophiles or some other form of evil influence. Give us discernment and forgive us for not being more involved with our children…help us to pay attention to the music they listen to and the words of that music. It can seem to kids like one big party…Help our parents mature and accept the responsibility of parenting.
– Thank You for hearing our prayers…I need to confess my sin of compromise … I have three great kids…but I have compromised, the Church has compromised and been conformed to the culture and we have not been saying we want Your holiness. Churches should help protect marriage. There are many pedophiles in the Church…we speak holy fire over youth leaders…judgment begins here!
– Forgive us for being so busy that we are leaving kids to themselves, neglecting them.
– Thank You for revealing these things to us and for renewing our minds daily…my 11-year-old nephew is always on his iPad or his phone…I hear of the evils of Tik Tok which opens them up to the world of pornography…my sister has to check what he is looking at…I was trying on a mother-of-the-bride dress and so many things came up in my memory…I repent for not having the wisdom when I was raising them…we can’t control it all! We were going to a wonderful church but when the pastor was involved in adultery the whole church fell apart…the youth groups, everything fell apart! Forgive us for not helping our kids deal with these issues…Bring them back! We need to get help, spiritual counsel, on how to help them…Forgive me…I can be helping younger women, I can help them with these situations…I’ve been through much of it.
– There are so many people moving from New York to Florida…it’s so obvious! We need to get to the root…leaders are man pleasers. Pray for godly servant leaders to help in the harvest field…may those people who fear God pervade the land! We pray for the root cause. We thank You for the courts of Heaven…
– We repent for not doing our due diligence…it’s on us to take over and be role models, to raise up laborers, and show young people the way to go.
– We are being schooled today and I want to get on the call more often today to learn more about helping marriages.
– divorce, the trauma of divorce, money mismanagement, tithing, cohabitation, fornication, adultery,
homosexual, prostitution, selfishness, not marrying believers, dating practices, counseling, mates coming back.
– sin of wives not fulfilling their roles in marriage such as is stated in Ephesians
and of walking in our own ways
– sin of men not fulfilling their roles as leaders in the home, of being responsible to God for the spiritual things in our homes
– the sin of degrading man in our society and removing him from the authority that God gave him.
– The sin of not asking, allowing our homes to be Christ-centered.
– the sin of the church for not teaching about the sanctity of marriage in the church,
– the sin that we all let divorce etc. creep into our “house” and become normal, and accept it as the world did.
– the sin of compromising with the world and doing as they did and calling it ok and necessary.
– the sin of damaging our children by degrading etc. marriage. it caused them irreparable pain and disillusionment in marriage caused confusion in their lives,
– the sin of allowing Jezebel to come into our homes.
– repented for the sin of our nation for passing laws to devalue, and mock God’s institution of marriage by promoting LGBTQ.
– through the media; fornication (living together) because of divorce in the family
– lack of commitment to covenantal relationships; societal lack of support for marriage
Pornography; denigration of men; children not encouraged to marry and then have families
– Lord, please hear our confession and forgive our sins:
– We have not diligently taught our children abstinence before marriage
– We have loved our own pleasure more than God; We have left our first love
– We passed no-fault divorce laws; We divorce over trivial matters/”We can’t get along.”
– We are excusing sexual sin; We have not followed Your counsel
– We have not exercised discernment within our congregations and have allowed and many times even condoned sexual sin, fornication, adultery, homosexuality
– We have embraced ungodly doctrines concerning sexuality
– We developed “Safe Sex” doctrines and taught them through birth control promoting promiscuity
– Men have left reflecting the Love of God in their homes to their wives and children
– Women have left reflecting the Love of God to their husbands and children
– We are emasculating men, defeminizing women, and causing them to leave their God-given roles
– We have exalted self over selflessness and exalted self over God
– We have forsaken love and respect
– We have forsaken being equally yoked
– We have painted men as oppressors and women as victims
– We have denigrated motherhood and promoted the killing of babies/
– We have painted children as burdens and curses
– We have been unforgiving
– We have promoted doctrines of socialism, Marxism, LGBTQ, that destroy the God-ordained family structure
– We have defiled and denied God’s image imbedded into male and female and dishonored His plan for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
– We have passed laws that have caused fatherless homes to be exalted and fathers to be unwanted and unneeded as providers and protectors
– We have passed laws to promote living off the government instead of requiring the able-bodied to work further undermining the role of fathers
– We have passed laws that have stolen Christian benevolence from the Church
– Lord, please forgive, cleanse by the washing of Your Word and the Blood of Jesus, Cleanse by reforming our nation, and heal the wounds these sins have caused. O Lord, have mercy and heal our land.
– Lord, hear our prayers of confession and forgive our sins and restore our families:
– We have left following Your design for families.
– We have forgotten to establish family altars.
– We exalt and follow our feelings rather than honoring our covenants.
– Lord we are seeking pleasure instead of You and excusing our fornications
– We are self-centered, selfish, and self-reliant, exalting of self
– Lord we are not putting You in the center of our relationships
– We have discarded the teaching of marriage being a sacred covenant
– Forgive us for not diligently teaching and modeling the Godly Marriage Covenant
– Forgive us for the pain inflicted on our family members, esp the children when we have not followed a Godly family pattern
– Forgive us for allowing the desecration of marriage to be paraded in front of our children in the media
– We have not been a reflection of Your faithfulness
– We have ignored Your Word and what it teaches on the Godly order within marriage
– We have not walked by the Spirit, but we have followed our flesh
– We have indulged in and embraced roots of bitterness resulting in so many divorces
– We have indulged and embraced our own pride with its accompanying selfishness, anger, malice, and wrath, strife, dissension, and evil speaking
– We have not trusted in You in the face of these kinds of attacks and have retaliated
– We have given place to and have aided and abetted the accuser
– We have believed the devil lies concerning marriage
– We have indulged in and allowed ourselves to be victims of controlling manipulations
– We have accepted homosexual and other perverse false doctrines of marriage
– We have left off preaching the truth from the pulpits on marriage
– We have not taught women the beauty of a meek and quiet submissive spirit
– We have not led Your people by example, Pastors Marriages have not put You first
– Lord, have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and cleanse by the Blood of Jesus, and restore by the healing and washing of Your Word.
– Lord, Your Word is Truth!! Restore and cleanse our hearts and recreate a right spirit within us and cause us to return to You, O Lord. Please heal our land.
Forgive us for
-Temptations that take us from God; Making it easy to divorce
– Transgender or homosexual divorce; Thinking marriage is in the upper 20s
– Not respecting husbands or cherishing wives; Not respecting men or loving wives
– Woke society and their lingo; Transforming Biblical worldview
– Neglect of children- too busy; Men not being head of the house
– Departed from Raising a child…
– We are compromisers. The slow fade is allowed.
– We go outside of God’s bounds; Protect marriage. No compromises.
– No subtle corruption; Acting like Just Friends. We are not.
– Walk-in Truth. We don’t walk in Truth. Not just friends. Protect marriage
– Acceptance of frivolous excuses – I’m not happy.
– A failure of the church; Eyes on God. Forgive us!
We repent of:
– The way we have devalued, “opted-out” of marriage
– That Christians have as high a divorce rate as the secular world
– Being selfish, wanting our own way; Abandonment of spouses
– Not displaying, defending the importance of marriage
– For agreeing with the mockery of marriage, mockery of husband/father role in “entertainment”, supporting it with attendance and funding
– For not standing up for marriage and defending it; Adultery, unfaithfulness to the marriage covenant
– Women’s lib, having invaded the church as well as society
– Pride (Proverbs 6:16-17) within marriage; Lack of respect for husbands
– Allowing promotion of homosexuality; Tolerating the “redefinition” of marriage
– Not reflecting your love and Holy Spirit to homosexuals we know
– Not practicing forgiveness within marriage, teaching forgiveness to children
– Create a pure heart in each of us, whether we are married or not, we have an obligation to protect the sanctity of marriage. There is a cost to being Holy.
– Eph. 5:31-32 “…the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. It’s no wonder satan tries to destroy the earthly example of our spiritual union with Christ.
– We repent of failing to defend the truth of what the Scripture says about marriage.
– We repent of failing to work on marriage relationships.
– 1Cor. 15:31-32 We repent of not being steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Forgive us for believing and saying that marriage does not come with a manual. For discounting the instruction found in the Scripture.
– Forgive us for not making You first even before we get married and using the Word of God to somehow validate the marriage when they are merely words that are part of the wedding ceremony.
– Forgive us for the sin of living together before marriage.
– Forgive the church for coming into agreement with the culture of the world. We have failed to be salt and light. We repent that we have not established You over the seven societal mountains.
– Forgive us for normalizing same-sex marriage.
– We pray for a spirit of repentance to come upon the land. Ezra 9:15-10:1-4.
– That married couple would watch their “garden” and catch the foxes that would seek to defile their marriage. We pray and thank You for good strong Godly counsel before marriage.
– We repent of making divorce too easy.
– We repent for not being faithful examples of the work it takes to make and keep a Godly marriage together and thus destroying the stability and confidence of their children.
-That our pastors would repent for falling into adultery when counseling married couples.
– abuse – verbal and sexual abuse in marriages; pornography
– drugs and alcohol being used in marriages/families which leads to abuse
– when one partner falls away from the Lord and the other suffers from that brokenness
– spirit of adultery we ask forgiveness; distractions – friends come first – work, etc.
– Hobbies, man cave, being in the garage fixing a car instead of nurturing their marriage
– repent for not being there for the husband’s physical needs
– both parents working and kids being raised with daycare providers; lack of communication which then breaks down a marriage; tearing down what marriage was supposed to be
30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31 – September 29, 2021
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
We of the 24/7 NSPC have been engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love…interceding hourly on behalf of our nation for the past 4¾ years, beginning on November 11, 2016. Today, we enter into 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation, answering the call of God to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately before Him. When we do, His promise is that He will “hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Our corporate sin has allowed the undermining and erosion of the very foundations of this nation! Heeding the words of Ezra 10:4, we acknowledge “arise, for this matter is our responsibility.” Receiving conviction for the sin of this nation in our hearts, we will be empowered to confess and repent for those sins, then pray effectively for the healing of our nation!
Over the next 30 days, as we identify, confess and repent for our national sins, we will trust God for the healing He promises in His Word. This is a battle, and it must be engaged in by individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
Like the Jews in Susa, we have been given permission with the legal right and responsibility to fight and defend ourselves and our land. And fight we must…for our very lives and the lives of our families depend on it!
“The king granted the Jews who were in each and every city the right to assemble and to defend their lives,
to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them,
including children and women, and to plunder their spoil, on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus…”
Esther 8:11-12
Like the people of Israel working with Nehemiah, we have been on the wall, watching and rebuilding with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built…now we fight!
“When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people:
‘Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome,
and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.’”
Nehemiah 4:14
True corporate repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on confession and prayer, fueled by authentic repentance. In Scripture, we see that solemn assemblies were called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation, and throughout our US history, we have had 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance.
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses a nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ…and oh, how we need that now! Having begun this time of 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation on August 31, 2021, we will conclude it by WELCOMING THE KING OF GLORY into all 50 states and territories, simultaneously, on September 29, 2021, during the feast of SIMCHAT TORAH, “The Joy of the Torah.” As Christians, our joy is found in the Living Torah…Jesus Christ, the Word of God!
We prayerfully invite all Christian believers, from each of our 50 States and Territories, to join us in this initiative. Like David’s mighty men, let us all awaken, arise, and adore our GOD… taking our stand and holding our ground!
Amen! Alleluia!
Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia, on behalf of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family
Call in number: 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Covenant Documents Welcome The King Of Glory into the US States and Territories
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