The Sin of our Nation – Day 2 – The Legislative Branch of our Government

The Sin of our Nation
30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31-September 29, 2021
Day 2 – The Legislative Branch of our Government
September 1, 2021
– abortion; funding abortions throughout the world; decisions that don’t line up with your word
– Schumer’s actions that are against your word, seeking after things, recognition of man instead of what your word says (the least will become greatest)
– calling evil good and good evil
– Negligence for not holding Senators and representatives accountable
– letting the fear of man rule the congress; failure to realize how awesome God is
– false gods names brought on the National Day of Prayer
– CRT pushed from the House to Senate and into our schools, military, etc.
– flying the LGTQ flag at our Capitol and American Embassies
– greed, covetousness, lust for power, the spirit of mammon
– Senate not doing its job in calling for a reverse of a stolen election
– House of Representatives impeachment show, not once but twice!
– drama, Russian Collusion, Pelosi, actors instead of statesmen in our Congress
– secret fund set aside to pay off women who have been sexually assaulted by congressmen
– confusion in the minds of our children, mind control, gender, LGTQ issues
(Ezekiel 22:30) We stand in the gap so that our land will NOT BE DESTROYED. Amen
– Repent of allowing Congress of trying to usurp the power of the presidency by their constant attacks trying to impeach, Russian collusion, obstruction at every turn. Repenting of not informing her congressmen of what she thought. Their refusal to accept the 2016 election.
– Repenting for having Mitt Romney as a RINO Senator who is trying to blame Trump for what happened in Afghanistan.
– Repenting of legislators who allowed fear to keep them from taking a stand against a fraudulent election.
– Legislators who are still denying that there was a fraudulent election. Liz Chaney who has been underhanded in what she has done to undermine this nation. That she lost the election in 2022. Repent of Nancy Pelosi who has been so instrumental in working to overthrow the legitimate government of our nation.
– Repent of the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi and her lies. Repent of the mandates that face masks for children with the purpose of teaching them to be obedient.
– repenting of lukewarmness in tolerating LGBT sin, asking the Lord to restore morality in our country in the media, in entertainment, in education. Reveal truth through our legislators who will not support immorality.
– Repent for legislators who lied about what happened on January 6th, thus preventing any objection to the certification of a fraudulent election. Repent for hundreds of political prisoners who have been imprisoned, tortured, and denied their constitutional rights because they expressed their support for Donald Trump
– repents for refusal to advance any pro-life bills instead of advancing bills to promote the murder of babies for the sake of convenience.
– For ungodly bills, for tyranny, for greed. For not loving our neighbors as ourselves
– The legalization of abortion
– The Law of life is the most precious. Roe v Wade was released through Congress. As a nation, we allowed this to happen.
– We ask forgiveness for allowing Congressmen to stay in office, they should have all been kicked out. A doctor known to Ray back in the ‘70s tried to stand up to the American Medical Association, but she was booed out of the meeting when she stood up against abortion.
We repent for all the murders.
– Mt 5:21, “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’
– Lust for mammon – Not having a balanced budget. Many have fallen into sin by putting money before You. There’s a phrase, “Just follow the money,” that reveals misdeeds.
– They have not done Your Word in Mt 6:33, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
– Separation and division
The idea was to let both parties represent the people so nothing gets overlooked. The focus shifted from the people to the party. They represent their own special interests or clubs, cliques.
We tried to give this sin a name and came up with Party Politics. And then came up with a more general heading of Oath – Breakers since they broke their oath to represent the people. We then put this under the sin of being Untrustworthy. Trustworthiness is one of the characteristics Jethro told Moses to look for when selecting leaders from among the men in Exodus 18:21.
– Fear of man is ruling – not fear of God
– People are buying positions a power – the ungodly continue to be elected by the American people
– Laws are passed that are not even read – developed by lobbyist
– Bribery is rampant – selfish ambition and selfish motives
– Pride; Tyranny by those who have stolen our elections; Abortion; Confiscation of property
– Voting procedures corrupted
– Separation of church and state accepted and used as a basis for legislation
– “We don’t need God here” – Jerry Nadler and the silence from the legislature was deafening
– Shedding of innocent blood
– The sin of silence–failing to do what we needed to do
– Immorality–perversion, pornography
– Idolatry–evil TV shows, fashion, keeping up with the Joneses
– Sorcery–introducing & agreeing with Harry Potter
– Dress code–sexualized
– Nancy Pelosi–breaking the demonic authority she walks in, eg. Saul on the road to Damascus
– Compromise; Stealing money and funding abortion; Leading people in unrighteousness
– Extortion, thieving robbing taxpayers; Lying, cheating
– The body has been apathetic, complacent, and lacked the discernment to see what they were doing. We repented for not trusting God. So we cried out that we may trust what we hear from you God.
– It was mentioned that David tried to bring the Ark back the wrong way. We have repented and repented and repented for ourselves and for this country and yet Lord it seems that we haven’t done it in the right way. We repent for not repenting in the right way. Father, help us to repent in a way that’s pleasing to you and effective for healing our land.
– Pride, selfishness, self-pity: help us O God to focus on you alone.
– Shedding innocent blood
– Love of money, power, and a desire to control has enlarged heads
– Bearing false witness against many of God’s appointed and anointed
– Passivity of the people
– Removal of prayer and of God
– Believing and propagating the lie of the separation of church and state. Father help us to become involved to vote to be active in city councils and school boards
– Passing unrighteous laws that go against God – rewarding people who don’t work for your word says that if a man doesn’t work, he shouldn’t eat
– The unrighteous tax code that for example rewards women for having children out of wedlock and promotes ungodliness in our lifestyles, such as giving to 501c3s like Planned Parenthood which murders babies and sacrifices children
– Comfortable and selfish – Father you commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Help us to do this. Transform us through your words; help us to meditate on your word.
– Me, me, me – We have raised our kids to think it’s all about them, and we think it’s all about us. Father, help us to become “uncomfortable,” embolden us so that we’re unafraid to speak the truth.
– Party politics – Father help people stand up and blow the whistle and turn from the evil party to you God
– Send forth the spirit of the fear of the Lord that we would fear nothing and no one but you almighty God
– compromises; steering from one fund and giving it to another fund for evil. For the shedding of innocent blood.
– for allowing evil people to lead our nation; for complacency; for not trusting you God; for pride; self-pity
– for our legislative body tax codes; for us Bowing down to them
– Lying to the American people by packing bills with hidden things. Deception.
– Shedding of innocent blood, passing laws to veil it under Women’s Rights
– Slander during campaigns. They have condemned the innocent and let the guilty go free
– Slander, the Russian collusion. Rudy Guliani. Jan. 6. Republicans held to the fire even for things they have not done while the sins of the Dems are hidden or ignored. They tell us a vision of a false reality. Supreme Court nominees slandered. Painting those who stand for truth and righteousness at ‘right-wing extremists’
– Lawlessness, lack of unity. Unrighteousness. Not one legislator and one senator from any of the 50 states stood in unity to stop this evil fraudulent election.
– Mind control. They tell us one thing and do another. They are veiling wickedness and deception with their words. Contributing to mental health issues and the loss of a sound mind and generating fear. Afraid of – Covid. Lack of discernment. Muzzling of our children with masks. Shot damage.
– Dividing the nation. Sowing discord among the brethren
– Those brought in by fraud. The 2 from GA. Usurping their positions
– Shredding the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and not upholding it and they vowed.
– Not willing to give all for You and this nation.
– Our lack of understanding and knowledge of these documents and our government that You established.
– Apathy on our part about checking into candidates. Just voting party lines.
– Joel 2:17 Heathen rule over us, because we Christians have been worldly, idolatrous.
– Repentance for losing our first love and the fear of the Lord.
– Repenting for allowing the enemy to usurp authority.
– Violations of oaths of office to obey and protect the Constitution and the U.S.
– Disrespect. (e.g., Nancy Pelosi’s shredding of Pres. Trump’s State of the Union address)
– Fraud in elections
– The unjust accusations and imprisonments resulting from the so-called “Insurrection.”
– We have allowed the enemy to breach the walls of justice, shred the Constitution.
– Witchcraft and all manner of occultism in our Congress.
– We Christians have abdicated the authority God gave us.
– Sin of Pride
– Sin of Unrighteous laws, unbiblical laws
– Sin of the church’s abdicating authority of We The People
– Sin of power and control
– Self of self-righteousness
– Ingratitude for all our many blessings, “Oh that we give thanks to the Lord” for His mercy & truth
– Forgetting to keep our thoughts fixed on the Lord-loving Him first-before what He does for us
– Repentance in the Congress for their not knowing where all laws come from–You are the Judge. Your commandments are the first law. You are the Creator, the true Judge. For Congress not caring for one another–how to listen to each other with respect. Cause them to have silence enough to listen for help beyond self.
– Sin of usurpation–taking ownership of the seat which belongs to the people [not them]. They don’t vote what their people want but what they want [for power]. PRIDE–thinking they deserve to be there as long as they want. Praying for them to be servants.
– Praying for passing of the term limits law for the senate & house.
– Spirit of power & cast into the pit of hell the anti-Christ & jezebel spirit, control & money & power – pride of life in Congress.
– Blessing the congressmen who are representing those who sent them
– Repentance for the way reps have to give money to their party which determines what committees they are placed on–buying power–expose this & bring repentance.
– Abortion, all bills, and negating life
– Lack of unity
– Gossip and slander
– Utah $ money received under the table
– Wyoming Liz Cheney, council on foreign relations, corruption
– Rhino, deception, lying
– Wrongful deaths supposedly suicide
– Human and sex trafficking
– Scheming and plotting to replace God
– Ignorance, not knowing what to do, how to vote
– Long term office, power grabs
– calling evil good and good evil, calling abortion good, gay marriage good, fornication good, child molesters in Hollywood good the mountain of the Lord will be above all other mountains
– on behalf of the legislature for taking bribes, unjust scales, saying one thing and doing another, voting contrary to what they said, volumes of laws, sneaking things through via laws, even treasonous “laws”, stealing from the people to fill their coffers, taking money from multinational companies, “senatorial privilege”
– the tongue, outright lying, esp. House of Reps, the vilification of DJT, evils that have gone forth from their lips, the media support of the lying, help us to walk worthy of You, Lord
– Senate re ratifying the election, Mike Pence and his part in betraying the election, please forgive us and them for ratifying the electoral college, please reinstate our rightful president
– not being servant leaders, but have made themselves elitists, better than anyone else
– for our part in trusting these people and continuing to vote for them, they have undermined the Constitution and their oath to uphold it, they have taken advantage of our trust, our goodwill, our compassion
– they have caused Your little ones to stumble, please remove those who have done this, bring Your justice, the checks and balances have been thrown out
– prayers that begin sessions of Senate and House, bring conviction via those prayers, and do a mighty work through them
– on our behalf for not praying consistently for these people because they cannot resist the amounts of money and the other temptations they are faced with on their own
– using their influence over others re sex, threats, and every other way, let them repent as well
– lack of bipartisanship, refusing to work together, for those who voted to impeach President Trump, for willingness to go along with evil bills, especially willful overspending, lording over (esp on the part of Pelosi), for caring nothing for the people of the country, for lobbyists’ easy access to legislators, for anti-God laws (even with the support of the people)
– For the Congress being a part of supporting abortion
– Your people have been asleep
– We pray that the lost would be saved
– That God break the lies of Satan in our children
– Repent for the lies coming from the educational system and attachments to China
– Repentance for what has transpired in Afghanistan
– Repentance for congressional representatives taking bribes
– Repentance for a weak-willed Congress
– Repentance for allowing people to languish in DC jails
– Repentance for Jerry Nadler saying there is no place for God
– Repentance for the lawlessness our Congress has allowed in our nation
– Repentance for the Congress supporting abortion
– Romans 6:23 Love of Sin and desire to lead others into sin
– Lawlessness
– Disrespect of Pelosi and Biden… honoring George Floyd vs. not honoring the 13 Fallen Troops returning from Afghanistan
– Isaiah 55 Not seeking the Lord or honoring His Word
– Proverbs 6:16-19 Prayer into the 7 sins God hates that prevails in Congress
– Fear of Man- yielding to group pressure to vote party line vs. representing the people and standing boldly and independently for righteousness
– Brash unjust use of power to control the people. Calling Christians and those who speak out, terrorist
– Georgia Senator who is a minster who misleads his flock calling good evil and evil good
– Rebellion not following the Constitution and founding documents
– Worship of Satanism and practicing witchcraft
– Funding of Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars
– Awake from Spiritual deadness and choose to stand for what is right!
– For not standing in the authority given to us, but cowering to evil. (Prayer for boldness to stand up against evil and faux government.
– Repent for fear of man that causes us to not stand.
– Allowing a party to pull the name of God from their platform and promote evil.
– Repent for those who do not see and participate in support of evil legislation
– Repent for the discord,& disunity in Ecclesia. Prayer for unity.
-Stop pointing fingers. The fault is ours
-Bring Nancy, Chuck, Biden to justice. Let them repent
-People spent us into ruin. Pet projects. Including abortion, CRT, transgender, revisionist. Finances allowed them to continue the agenda.
– Church should step up and evaluate
-Church not operating in fear of the Lord as in abortion. Church has contempt for God and leaves Him out.
Curse of allowing this. We treat Him as a friend, not God.
-Congressmen are greedy and vote in raises. Want more power, notoriety, and have special interests as abortion, the sexual revolution, defund the police
-Spirit of division. They pass laws but think they are above the law. Their own class with own privileges like healthcare
-Saw all happening now back in the ’50s.
Didn’t believe it then. The church is sleeping.
-Prayer out of schools by one woman, Madeleine O’Hare. We ignored the signs
-We try to win the lost by being like them, ie the music. The church lost the Holy Spirit. We are deceived.
-We party on Sunday morning with no teaching but get entertainment. Need Godly leaders and teachers.
-Legislation is more and more radical.
– repentance for the sin of abortion. Many people don’t see it as a sin or killing persons. We ask for forgiveness. That the conscience of the people will be returned. Forgive us for killing over 65 million babies. Also, forgive us for devaluing women. They think they can just sleep around and then get an abortion, because they do not value themselves. Bring us back Lord to You.
– we recognize the darkness of these times and we are standing in the gap. You are light. Some people do not sin as sin. We pray that the light will come from Your Throne. Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Your Kingdom will be established by Your Church. You said to comfort one another with these words: “You are coming back.” It will be glorious. I am seeing the wonderful process of prayer. We are a part of your holiness. We are unified in our prayers. We are effectual in our prayers. We are praying and agreeing. We have 15 now in the call. It is making a difference. I want to thank you for the gift of repentance. Let people’s eyes be opened to the gift of repentance.
– I repent for the utter contempt of those in Congress. Their haughtiness and their seared souls are just a stench in Your nostrils. Father, You say in your word that You direct the heart of the king as water. Lord show them their sins. I pray that they will see the end of their days and repent. Lord remove this evil in our Congress. In Jesus’ Name.
– forgive the lying and deceit in the legislative branch. We vote them in and then they do not do what they say they will do. They do not keep their word. We repent for this. They deceive the people that put them in office. Lord put in Congress people that will actually do the right thing. Bring people that will honor your Word and the Constitution. We take authority over this in Jesus’ Name.
– in Romans 12:1-2-is a picture of repentance. I sense that there is evil in Congress which has gone unchecked by pastors and leaders. We repent Lord. In these 2 verses, there is repentance ‘defined.” Offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Not conform to the patterns of the world, but renew our minds so we can know the will of God. There is greed. You said ‘my house will be called a house of prayer’ not a ‘den of thieves.’ Both congress and the church are a reflection of each other.
– This is the exact scripture the Lord gave her. Then Christ went to the church and overturned the tables and said: ‘My house is a house of prayer, but it has been made a ‘den of thieves.’Lord we repent. We cannot serve God and Mammon. It is a reflection on our government. Lord, cleanse our Senate and House. Also, in all of the states. Those climbing to the top with bribes, bring
them down. With these dominion machines, we know there was money in that. We ask for forgiveness.
Please Lord expose this and bring it down. In Jesus’ Name.
– there needs to be a divine intervention in our government. There needs to be divine judgment on the wicked. Lord, only You can fix our Nation. I pray that You will bring your righteous judgment upon
the wicked and may the ‘fear of the Lord’s return to the people of this Nation. In Jesus’ Name.
– I saw as you were praying, I saw Jesus. There are 2 stories of when He cleansed the temple. We are also His temple. This is the process of ‘cleansing His temple.’ It is a good thing to be disciplined by the Lord. We need continual repentance. Jesus made a ‘whip’. Lord thank you that you are trying to show us that it is important for our ‘temples’ to be cleansed. Judgment starts with us. There is greed and selfish ambition. The apostles warned against this. We repent of this selfish ambition in the Church. If it is unrestrained in the Church, will it be restrained in the culture? Lord, we want ‘holiness in the Church. We want to be a light to the world. Bring your cleansing fire. In Jesus’ name.
– thinking about the Church. Life is too busy and they do not want to think about the government or politics. I repent for this. Even Falwell said that Christians should stay out of politics until he saw they legislated ‘abortion, then he repented. May Christians see that we need to get involved. Father, I pray against that attitude. That the church will have oil in the lamps. May we be concerned about what our politicians represent and do our ‘homework.’ Lord forgive us for being
complacent. Lord, help us to rise up out of our slumber. In Jesus’ Name.
– we have allowed such evil in our government. We have allowed such corruption. We have not listened to the Holy Spirit. We have shunned You Lord. Father, we repent for being asleep. We repent for our apathy, in Jesus’ Name.
– I ask forgiveness for the drugs and alcohol, the excesses in our Congress. Forgive also our Church for these excesses. Forgive us as a Nation. In Jesus’ Name.
– I repent of the sin for the lack of due diligence for praying for our leaders. There have been times that there has not been hunger and zeal to pray. I repent of that sin. I also repent of the sin
when one of the Presidents said ‘I did not have sex with that lady’. He did not look at it as a ‘sexual act’. As a result of that sin, it opened the door for such perversion in our young people. I repent for the sin that occurred by that President for lying. It is the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy. I come that you have life abundantly, said Jesus. That was the thief that came to steal the soul our children. Forgive me for not praying enough for that President.
– I want to add also Father there has been so much pornography, pedophilia, occult in our Congress and Government leaders. We repent for these sins that our leaders have been involved in. This has opened the doors to the enemy. We repent for all of these things. We ask for purity to return to our leaders. I ask forgiveness for allowing this. We ask for this to be corrected, in Jesus’ Name.
– I ask for forgiveness for our prayerlessness. If we had prayed more, we would have known what was going on. We have been ‘ignorant’ of what has been going on. Forgive us, Lord.
– Lord I repent for the leaders and the church, for me, for not praying. For our ‘worldliness’ and thinking that everything is OK if we are living in ‘comfort’. We repent for ‘not knowing the will of God. It is right there in the word in Romans 12:2. We repent in Jesus’ Name.
– Father forgive us as your body that we get caught up in the ‘mesmerizing spirit’. We are playing on our ‘devices. So caught up in ‘social media’ and keeps us away on what we should be focused on. Especially as adults. As we are supposed to be setting examples for our children, they will see us and follow our examples. When we had vacation bible schools, several of the leaders were on their phones instead of being engaged. Our kids are ‘blank slates’ and copy our behaviors. Forgive us when we get caught up in things that do not matter and spend our time in foolishness. The hour is late. We are in a critical place in our nation. We should have taken authority over this. We must be in prevailing prayer. Even when we do not see answers to prayer, we must stay at it. We think of the parable of the unjust judge. We must follow the example of the widow. We must knock on the door of heaven and not give up. In season and out of season. Lord help us with this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– We repent for those who are RINOs, who say they are Republicans but fail to stand with other Republicans in support of President Trump and his policies.
– We repent for the Republicans that certified the faux election.
– We repented that the legislature has given money to and supports Planned Parenthood and is complicit in the murder of millions of unborn babies and in the financing of exporting this abomination around the world.
– Supports by funding the exporting of LGBTQ addenda to other nations as a condition to receive US aid.
– Accepting bribes and passing legislation in favor of those they are beholden to,
– Same-sex marriage
– They don’t have the heart of a servant
– Power-mongering; Corruption; Pride; Deception
– Party-spirit instead of working for the best of their constituents
– Prostitution; Compromise; Love of Money, Greed
– Staying in office forever for the money, then becoming Lobbyists for special interests (need term limits)
– Pay themselves wages that are too high and collect lifetime income
– God of Mammon
– Campaign Donations are being abused
– Mocking God
– Lack of Respect for God, for Jesus
Increase in Evil as some of them are into witchcraft
– Worshipping false idols
– The desire for more power
– Only caring for long tenure, not for good causes
– Abortion
– Unholy Alliances
– Not walking in Respect and Holiness
– Attacking the church and Christians
– Attacking schools and kids
– Tyranny against anybody who does not agree or conform
– Hurting innocent children
– We repented for Christians who voted for unholy politicians (not voting according to platform)
– We repented for Christians who voted only for personal gain
– Sin of handling foreign policy poorly, blunders, abuses, not putting America first
– Prayed for their salvation and for God to open their eyes, Saul to Paul conversions
– Sin of attacking Pres Trump every day, non-stop, with lies and schemes and impeachment
– Sin for attacking any friends and allies of Pres Trump
– Hating God, anti-God attitude
– Not good leaders but selfish
– Lack of backbone and principles
– Fearful and will not do their job due to this fear
– People who HATE America (like Tlaib and Ilhan Omar) are in powerful positions
– Not fighting against Human Trafficking enough
– Not protecting our borders but letting illegals in
– Prayed for conservatives ( Congressmen and Senators) who went to DC to make good changes but then got stuck in the swamp themselves.
30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31 – September 29, 2021
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
We of the 24/7 NSPC have been engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love…interceding hourly on behalf of our nation for the past 4¾ years, beginning on November 11, 2016. Today, we enter into 30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation, answering the call of God to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately before Him. When we do, His promise is that He will “hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Our corporate sin has allowed the undermining and erosion of the very foundations of this nation! Heeding the words of Ezra 10:4, we acknowledge “arise, for this matter is our responsibility.” Receiving conviction for the sin of this nation in our hearts, we will be empowered to confess and repent for those sins, then pray effectively for the healing of our nation!
Over the next 30 days, as we identify, confess and repent for our national sins, we will trust God for the healing He promises in His Word. This is a battle, and it must be engaged in by individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
Like the Jews in Susa, we have been given permission with the legal right and responsibility to fight and defend ourselves and our land. And fight we must…for our very lives and the lives of our families depend on it!
“The king granted the Jews who were in each and every city the right to assemble and to defend their lives,
to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them,
including children and women, and to plunder their spoil, on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus…”
Esther 8:11-12
Like the people of Israel working with Nehemiah, we have been on the wall, watching and rebuilding with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built…now we fight!
“When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people:
‘Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome,
and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.’”
Nehemiah 4:14
True corporate repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on confession and prayer, fueled by authentic repentance. In Scripture, we see that solemn assemblies were called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation, and throughout our US history, we have had 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance.
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses a nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ…and oh, how we need that now! Having begun this time of 30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation on August 31, 2021, we will conclude it by WELCOMING THE KING OF GLORY into all 50 states and territories, simultaneously, on September 29, 2021 during the feast of SIMCHAT TORAH, “The Joy of the Torah.” As Christians, our joy is found in the Living Torah…Jesus Christ, the Word of God!
We prayerfully invite all Christian believers, from each of our 50 States and Territories, to join us in this initiative. Like David’s mighty men, let us all awaken, arise and adore our GOD… taking our stand and holding our ground!
Amen! Alleluia!
Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia, on behalf of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family
Call in number: 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Covenant Documents Welcome The King Of Glory into the US States and Territories
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