The Sin of our Nation – Day 15 – Gender Identity Issues, Homosexuality and Perversion

The Sin of our Nation
30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31-September 29, 2021
Day 15 – Gender Identity Issues, Homosexuality and Perversion
September 14, 2021
– the love of money which is the root of all evil; schools that give Planned Parenthood, a billion dollar industry, a platform; taking God out of school and putting planned parenthood in
– allowing the covenant rainbow to be perverted
– perversion of the man and woman in the marriage covenant. Satan hates the marriage covenant because it exemplifies our relationship with God; degragation of the human being created in God’s image
– making ourselves an idol; mutilation of our bodies. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
– grooming of our young children
– allowing movie stars and other leaders to confuse our children with these gender identity issues
– for the lack of a leadership role in the church concerning young people, especially young men that struggle with these issues
– These young men often get acceptance in the community but the church turns their backs on them. Give us wisdom, Lord, on how to deal with these tough issues so that our young people get the help that they need. Raise up men to help the men.
– shaming people instead of caring enough to pray and help them out of the darkness
– Using the awkwardness of adolescence to justify the imposition of sexual perversions like transgenderism
– How movie stars are used to glorify being transgender
– The men in the Church not reaching out to young men who are struggling with their sexual identity thus driving them into the arms of women who influence them to become feminized or transgendered.
– School mandates that force teachers to use pronouns that are a lie concerning sexual identity. Forms to fill out that say Male, Female, Other.
– We can be conflicted as our emotions awaken when we are young. Forgive us for not seeing the temptations of our young as the enemy prowls around seeking whom he may devour. Show us who we can trust with our children. Let the churches vet their workers.
– School boards and teachers’ unions that mandate that sin be taught in the classrooms, that the only help that can be given is to push our young into perverse lifestyles.
– Books and movies that include homosexuality and stories that have been rewritten to include homosexuality and sexual perversion. The suicide that is so prevalent among the LGBT community.
– Mandating that children can be operated on to change their sex apart from anything a parent might say or do. Pushing sexual perversion on the young who are so impressionable.
– Pimps who search out and groom children for their own monetary gain and personal satisfaction
– The removal of a wicked governor in New York, Compromise against sin, courage to stand on God’s word.
– Lesbianism, homosexuality, and transgenderism are tools of the enemy to corrupt us. The sin of not speaking out or acting against these perversions in love.
– The deluded way of living we see advocated in our schools. Our sins opened the door to these perversions. We’ve allowed ourselves to be intimidated by the viciousness of those advocating alternate lifestyles.
– 8 and 9 year old children in church acting out what they’ve seen.
– Children playing and pretending to be the other gender. Children mimicking the perversions of the adults around them. Robbing children of their innocence.
– Not speaking the truth that this is not the way that God created. Allowing a few people to dominate us and to export this perversion to the world.
– The pride that drives the perversion as in Gay Pride Week.
– Forgiveness for allowing sexual sins to be taught in schools; Bring us back to the fear of GOD!
– allowing children to be confused … to think their gender/ their creation was a mistake, allowing t.v., cell phones, the internet to take over the lives/minds of our children & selves.
Apathy, not speaking strongly for the Word of God
– Allowing our children to be indoctrinated in public schools, in media/entertainment, in
government, in business, in military – electronics as babysitters
– Your word shows us how to raise up our children. God directs us to not to forsake teaching Your ways to children. Parents are to teach their children morning, noon and night, walking, in bed.
– We turned from your way. Deut 6:6-9
– We should, as a family, be working together, training up children. Lord, you commanded us to
teach our children throughout the day. Help us to gain a new vision of Your plan for family and
to have the wisdom and courage to exit the world system and live as You lead us.
– Toddlers dressed in rainbow colors,
– Even the Netherlands (and we know their reputation isn’t conservative) tore down all the LGBTQ /
rainbow clad propaganda on a public trail within 24 hours of it being constructed. Lord, forgive
us for tolerating anti-God wickedness.
– Brad – been in DC since 13 years old and in 60s now. I have seen this abomination /
Obamanation for some years now. Repent on behalf of homosexuals, bring them to salvation.
Rebellion – against God’s ways. Former transgender has come to Jesus and preaches mightily in
DC now! May more be saved and take a stand
– We repent for a lack of love, compassion for others, not looking after our neighbors and helping
those who were hurt. So many homosexuals were abused as children. Help us to love them.
– Having ridiculed others, instead of speaking truth in love.
– Mayor of Chicago and “partner” touted as good, and it isn’t
[Re: today’s recall election vote] Grew up in CA and remembers when it was conservative with
– Governor Ronald Reagan. Forgive us for allowing this state to be overrun with liberalism. God is
the ultimate poll watcher. Keep it fair, Lord.
– How terrible it is when adults tell children that they can choose their own gender! This breeds
confusion with children, who need clear boundaries. The masks are similar. These efforts are
separating people further. Forgive us for allowing this atrocity. Love truth
-Tolerating a bombardment of sexual images and thoughts; Not taking kingdom dominion
– Allowing the enemy to take your symbol to your people – the rainbow – and use it for perversion
– There used to be a law against sodomy. Classrooms pushed against kids not making fun of those
who dress gay (bullying). Identity has been robbed.
– Forgive the fashion designers for making gender-neutral clothes. Help them to make better designs.
– Forgive our schools that have the blot of confusing children. Allow your truth to flow like a river throughout our nation.
– What started in the art industry has moved into society.Forgive us for being asleep at the wheel and turn the tide.
– Help those who have been rejected and treated shamefully who struggle with their identity. (Forgive the church.) Help them to be content and who you made them. Give them the wisdom to fight against ungodly thoughts. Bring righteousness the gospel and “missionaries” into our schools and sports.
– Help us to get our eyes off of ourselves and focus them on you. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
– Transitioning Hormones provided to children at schools for sex change
– Parents allowing their children to sexually transition; Ecklessea not watching and acting
– Parents, teachers, and administration that allow and participate in announcements and curriculum promoting gender choice; Church allowing gay marriage
– Bathroom and locker room compromises of genders in schools and public restrooms
– Sexually exploiting children; Lewd and sexually perverted jokes overlooked or laughed at
– Pedophilia normalized; Prostitution legalized.
– Church has become a “club” not dealing with sin or transformation
– Church has not been willing to deal with the ‘unseemly’ [because it is tainted & not Godly ‘in our minds’]–so the unseemly has escalated
– Pastors’ prayerlessness–so the church has become prayerless & out of touch with God’s heart
– Repentance for not being in touch with the Spirit of God which would speak to us of what are the roots of all sin & would reveal areas of needed repentance
– Repentance for lack of compassion for the people who are trapped in these miserable life styles, so not seeking God for His answer which will set them free
– Jer. 6:16 return to the ancient paths, ask for the good ways and we will find rest for our souls. Lord, forgive us, we have lost our way. You are our light, come and heal our land.
– Rev. 3:2-6 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die. Lord, we repent of falling into alignment with the spirit of the god of this age. we have failed to set the standard at the gates. We have failed to watch, we have believed the lie of the enemy “hath God said?’ we have denied the power of the word of God to govern our nation.
– Heb. 12:25-29 Yet once more you will shake the things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Lord, we welcome your shaking. We pray for the grace to endure the shaking and to quickly release to Him all that is not of Him. Father, let us discern your ways and surrender to them.
– Ps. 127 Children are a heritage from the Lord. Father, we repent for allowing the anti-Christ spirit and the spirit of humanism to write on the hearts of our children and to indoctrinate them into satan’s agenda. Lord, we ask You to build the house and watch over the city. Lord, we ask that in the deliverance of your children they become arrows in Your hand.
– sins of gender identity and homosexuality.
– evil and witchcraft books in libraries, even for 5-year-olds. Transvestites reading stories at libraries.
– Intimidating parents. perversion in minds of youth. No right or wrong. Teacher unions promoting evil.
– pastors who are gay.
– we ask repentance for the sin of bestiality and the sin of incest in our country. We ask that this will be rooted out. We repent for the sin of witchcraft that was allowed in America. In some countries, they literally burned witches at the stakes to get rid of witchcraft. Father, I pray that Your holy fire will burn out all the powers of the enemy regarding the witchcraft in the nation and the spell that has been cast that has lulled the church into sleep. I repent that I have not fought harder. I repent in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– Heavenly Father, we come before Your throne of grace, mercy, healing and righteousness. It is shameful to even speak of the things being done. We know they are being done by the direction of satan and his evil hosts. Homosexuality is against Your Word. We have seen the consequences. Help us to repent. It is a big, ugly scab in our nation. Unless we renounce it, it will not go away. It angers us. Let our anger be directed at Satan, our arch enemy. Lord show us what to do. Give us the courage to stand up against this. It is not ‘equality’. Father, may both women and men admit their faults and sins and cry out to You for mercy. May the right thing be done. We ask in the mighty name of Your Son, Yeshua Hamachiak. Amen
– we ask forgiveness for all the false gods that have been brought into this country. There are other countries that practice child sacrifice. We ask forgiveness for that and the open doors that came in. We ask that the blood of the Lamb cover our country and bring down these false gods that have brought child sacrifice and all of these perversions. We ask that You close these doors. In Jesus’ Name.
– we repent for those are that are teaching our children ‘other religions’. We repent for that king of literature to propagate in our country. This country was founded for Jesus Christ. He shed His blood for everyone in the planet. It is a terrible sin we have committed. We have betrayed You. We ask for forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus. Amen
– Father we repent for fatherless homes. So many homes do not have a father to protect. We ask forgiveness in this country for ‘fatherlessness’. We ask forgiveness for young people turning to adults that are ‘not safe’. We ask that You cleanse our schools, cleanse our sports from those that are not safe. We pray for righteousness. We pray that our schools turn to righteousness. We pray forgiveness for Planned Parenthood. We ask that You close it down and they will not have influence in our schools. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– repentance for homosexuality which comes against You and against Your Word. You created man and woman and said they are to marry and be one. Homosexuality is an affront to You. Lord, You have said through your prophets that 100,000 homosexuals are going to repent and come to Jesus. I pray that You will used them as voices and that they speak out on the real truth of homosexuality and the brokenness and despair of that lifestyle. Lord, I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I pray for our churches. They do not want to even speak about satan. The Christian people need to wise up and see that this homosexuality is fueled by demons. Help our churches wake up and take a stand and pray, in Jesus’ Name.
– Father I do lift up this transgender thing and wanting to be accepted across society. We ask that this perversion be cleansed, especially in women’s sports. I just pray Lord that these people will be offered mental and spiritual help instead of what they are doing. Father cleanse our land. Please wash us. In Jesus’ Name.
– dear Heavenly Father. Forgive me for not speaking out to people whom I have worked with and who are homosexuals. I have had opportunities to confront their sin and love them. Forgive me for not coming to You in deep prayer to ask what to say. I pray You give me opportunities in the future and I will not miss out. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– Father give us wisdom on how to counsel our own children. May we let them know that somewhere in their past these people in these perverted lifestyles have been abused. To tell them not to accept their lifestyle, but try to find out where they have been hurt. To tell them that Jesus heals and delivers.
– I repent of our supreme court that has ruled so many times in favor of this evil. Lord remove them. Forgive our politicians who have agreed with any of this evil. We ask that You forgive our sins as a nation. In Jesus’ Name.
– Father God I am looking out into our history. There were movies that came out on sexual sins that the church remained ‘silent’ on. We are in the mode of ‘don’t get involved politically’. We were shut up and did not get involved in anything that had to do with ‘social issues.’ We turned our backs on the lost in America. We did not care about them taking notice of what the enemy was feeding them. I repent for the churches in the name of Jesus. Amen.
– I repent for Halloween being celebrated here in this nation. We repent for the huge demonic door that has been opened in this nation through the worship of satan on that day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I repent for churches that have ‘Christianized’ pagan practices. Eggs in easter. Halloween dress-ups. I pray that the times I have acted out at the schools and have cried out at the things they have done, that my words will ‘cry out’. This is not fun and games. Bring us back to Your Son, Lord. We have rebelled terribly. We have shed innocent blood. We have turned the Church into a diluted religion and have no power. We need You, Lord. In the Name of Jesus’ have mercy on us. And let it be soon.
– we pray for all the evil done in this nation. We ask Your forgiveness and pray from the bottom of our hearts that we are the salt and light of the Lord. Amen!
30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31 – September 29, 2021
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
We of the 24/7 NSPC have been engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love…interceding hourly on behalf of our nation for the past 4¾ years, beginning on November 11, 2016. Today, we enter into 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation, answering the call of God to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately before Him. When we do, His promise is that He will “hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Our corporate sin has allowed the undermining and erosion of the very foundations of this nation! Heeding the words of Ezra 10:4, we acknowledge “arise, for this matter is our responsibility.” Receiving conviction for the sin of this nation in our hearts, we will be empowered to confess and repent for those sins, then pray effectively for the healing of our nation!
Over the next 30 days, as we identify, confess and repent for our national sins, we will trust God for the healing He promises in His Word. This is a battle, and it must be engaged in by individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
Like the Jews in Susa, we have been given permission with the legal right and responsibility to fight and defend ourselves and our land. And fight we must…for our very lives and the lives of our families depend on it!
“The king granted the Jews who were in each and every city the right to assemble and to defend their lives,
to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them,
including children and women, and to plunder their spoil, on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus…”
Esther 8:11-12
Like the people of Israel working with Nehemiah, we have been on the wall, watching and rebuilding with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built…now we fight!
“When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people:
‘Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome,
and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.’”
Nehemiah 4:14
True corporate repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on confession and prayer, fueled by authentic repentance. In Scripture, we see that solemn assemblies were called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation, and throughout our US history, we have had 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance.
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses a nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ…and oh, how we need that now! Having begun this time of 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation on August 31, 2021, we will conclude it by WELCOMING THE KING OF GLORY into all 50 states and territories, simultaneously, on September 29, 2021, during the feast of SIMCHAT TORAH, “The Joy of the Torah.” As Christians, our joy is found in the Living Torah…Jesus Christ, the Word of God!
We prayerfully invite all Christian believers, from each of our 50 States and Territories, to join us in this initiative. Like David’s mighty men, let us all awaken, arise, and adore our GOD… taking our stand and holding our ground!
Amen! Alleluia!
Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia, on behalf of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family
Call in number: 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Covenant Documents Welcome The King Of Glory into the US States and Territories
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