The Sin of our Nation – Day 13 – The Family

The Sin of our Nation
30 Days of Confession, Repentance and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31-September 29, 2021
Day 13 – The Family
September 12, 2021
– dabbling in the occult even once; not warning our families of the harm of witchcraft; divorce
– men and women who did not keep their vows, did not love their families, checked out; selfishness
– abortion; Parents who did not confront living together in their adult children
– compromise; allowing gov’t to take children at very young ages and “raise” them through daycare, etc.
– failing to teach our children the word of God; failing to teach our children to pray/intercede
– sins mentioned in the book of Jude; Cain, the spirit of murder, attacked the character of males; Esau, disrespectful for the family birthright, wanted blessing without birthright; Baalam, compromise; Korah, rebellion; Sodom and Gomorrah, sexual sin, …gone after strange flesh, LGBTQ-homosexual sin
– Unequally yoked; no reverential fear of the Lord; Gloria Steinman, who hated men, lead the women’s movement which was so detrimental to the family
– not respecting the order You’ve put forward, ie., women have usurped the authority that belongs to men in the home (Adam was created first, then Eve from his side)
– men have not taken their place in the home; absentee fathers; any acceptance of ungodly deviation
– foolishness and the “trans-gender” lie
– Not being strong enough in saying “no” to our children when we knew what they were asking for was wrong; The sin of divorce
– Opening up a portal into the occult by allowing Harry Potter to be read by her grandchild by her daughter
– The wounding of children in divorce; Sexual abuse to take place by allowing her husband to take their niece places, later to discover he was sexually abusing her
– The sin of infidelity and abandonment of the family; and that those who feel abandoned would have dreams and know they were not abandoned by the Lord.
– The sin of “shacking up”
– So many abortions taking place as the result of “shacking up” and the resulting unplanned pregnancies.
– The sin of same-sex marriage; For our country suddenly “acknowledging” what we know is a lie: that there are over 100 sexes when we know God created only two: male and female.
– Allowing adoption to take place by same-sex couples. Churches that condone same-sex marriages
– Dropping our children off at Sunday School, believing they would get all they would need of the Bible, and not following through at home. Letting TV be our children’s babysitter
– Allowing our children to play video games with neighbor kids who were allowed to play games with a Mature-rating. Our own infidelity, whether in thought or act
– Married couples to focus on Him and communicate together; The Bible to be our guidebook when raising our children
– The sin of putting career before children; The sin of incest in families
– Parents to teach their children how to communicate with the opposite sex; and that they would hold back their passions
– The sin of prostitution, pornography, and sex trafficking, and the breakdown of the family that would cause a child to run away from home into the arms of a pimp who would “love” them, and give them a place to stay and a warm meal. Abuse of children in churches, and any cover-ups
– Not using the Bible as a guide for raising children; Putting work above caring for the children
– The sexual sin of incest; Not teaching children how to relate with the opposite sex
– The Sin of pornography that has destroyed so many families
– The sin of prostitution that has caused men to stray;
– The sin of a wife who refuses sexual favors to her husband
– Priests or ministers who have abused children
– Sex trafficking; Fatherless families
– The attack on the family through the media and others that are trying to cancel the family.
– The effort to confuse the meaning of family by saying that a family can be 2 men or 2 women.
-The mockery of the family and especially entertainment that mocked the father as a bumbling fool, tearing down the authority structure in the family.
– The sin of divorce that breaks up families and robs the children of being in a family that protects and guides them
– The vulnerability of children who have a broken family and end up enslaved by alternates such as gangs or social movements like socialism or Marxism.
– How sexual pervasion has subverted the family
– The lie that says it’s ok for both parents to be working so that children aren’t fully protected and guided by a strong healthy bond with their, in most cases, mom, that makes physical prosperity more important than the spiritual health of a family
– How uninformed people are in the dangers
– Not having the word of God as a foundation for the physical and spiritual health of the family and for guidance as the children are raised in the way they should go.
– Allowing rivalry and a lack of love between the children.
– For the personal pride of one or both of the partners to allow the covenant relationship to be broken.
– Making convenience into an idol to the idea that children can be aborted because they are not always convenient. Putting fulfillment of personal desires as the highest good.
– Allowing a breakdown between the church and the family, treating the church as optional.
– Minimizing the importance of divorce and remarriage, that’s it’s ok to divorce and then marry someone else, or the importance of marriage before there is sexual activity. that sexual activity is only to be within marriage.
– The abuse and disrespect of men, the feminization of men, and the masculinization of women. Not supporting fathers as the head of the household as God’s order, intimidation that criticizes a patriarchal structure
– Keeping silent when we are something that needs to be dealt with because it’s contrary to God’s way. Allowing a little leaven to corrupt the whole loaf. Allowing something we think is just a little thing to grow until the whole house is burning.
– Using the TV as a substitute babysitter. Allowing society to denigrate stay-at-home moms.
– Christians have not had persistence and perseverance
– We don’t take time to be quiet and listen. listen to others in their needs
– Not being grateful for people that God has put in our lives
– lacking love and compassion for going with the flow and being part of the world and being a bad example
– We pray to be more like Jesus to sit are affection on things above not on things in the earth
– For not having the joy of the Lord and not Letting peace have its rule
– For not being patient and waiting on the Lord.
– For not having the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Lovejoy kindness meekness self-control mercy goodness faithfulness peace; Forgive us for being selfish; The sin of rejecting God
– We repent of being Judgemental toward others toward the church, Not being gracious, being bitter unforgiving; Lord forgive us, we repent change us o Lord!
– There was a real sense of compassion for those with addictions because they haven’t seen the real love of God. The real love of the father. The real love of the family.
– God saves to the uttermost! He can break every chain and every addiction!
– Teaching evolution vs creation; Not recognizing You as Father; Abortion
– Removing prayer, Scripture, 10 commandments from school and family
– Rejecting Your plan for the women; Homosexuality (the epitome of idolatry); Promiscuity
– No-fault divorce; Lack of spiritual mentors for families; The sin of “knowing better than God—we don’t need You); Turning laws against Your Word; using IT as babysitters
– Praylessnes; Divorce Compromise; Poor teaching/role models in leadership; Rebellion; Wantonness
– Abortion; Ungodliness; Immorality; Mixture; Pride of Life; Lust of flesh; Convenience; Bitterness
– Competition; Hatred; Unforgiveness; Shame; Lock of boldness
– For the selfish, self-centered agenda of woke- ism
– For the division in the generations, neglecting the family while chasing mammon.
– For the woke people and the races for not leaving their kindred and their father’s house ( idol worship) for saying this is the way we have always done things and not hearing the higher call that God wants to make of you a great nation!
– For the woke agenda harming the economy and for businesses caving in to cancel culture.
– For not celebrating diversity and understanding our differences. Joseph’s coat of many colors.
– For any prejudice we have against those in our own country.
– For using social justice as a way to bring shame and guilt on people instead of accepting God’s plans for social justice which are: love thy neighbor as thyself and the golden rule, do unto others as you would have others do unto you, and to Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and strength.
– For the race card, innuendo, not focusing on the content of character, allowing race to play a role. For not focusing on one’s identity, purpose, and assignment. For cursing and not blessing our nation.
– For assaulting the nuclear family and attacking the gender of our children.
– Lies we have allowed to be taught our children, spare rod, no discipline, spoiled
– Allowing the school to dictate their identity; Lack of wholesome activity, fun things to do
– Allowing video games and tv to babysit; Absent Dad and Mom, fatherless, getting into drugs
– Emasculate men, blaming them as bad, Jezebel spirit; Kids disrespect parents and authorities
– Not tithing, bringing a curse of fear, not honoring; Sexual perversion and pornography shown to children at an early age; Fornication, living together, not married, shaking up
– No meal times, meeting together; Forgot God; Idol worship, do good deeds, no salvation
– Women’s liberation movement, don’t need men, women leaders; Not honoring marriage, shacking up
– Pray all lies exposed about men; Gender changes, not man and woman; Abortion
– Divorce and damage to children; Evolution theory
– Same-sex marriage and relationships introduced in tv and movies; Know the Truth about evolution
– Pokémon Harry Potter, witchcraft; Video games, tv, babysitting
– Profanity not in Bible, the language of hell; Cancel culture, cancel identity
– Father as a spiritual leader, not participating
– Help Christian parents to help their kids’ friends and be parent figures; Help us not to be lazy in tasing our children; Beat back evil with good.
– Defeat evolution; Return us to our righteous roots; Forgive us for not being the first to talk to our kids about doctrine, theology, sex, etc.
– Help us to honor marriage; Forgive us for pornography! Make it illegal
– Forgive us for what we see in movies, dresses, commercials, etc. Remove porn from our society.
– Give us a desire to please you! Cleanse us. Shut off the flood gates.
– Help us to raise up our children the way they should go. Help us prioritize what is right.
– Return us to a Godly family structure. Father as the head. Submission.
– Return us to proper discipline. spank when needed in love. Transform the educational process
– Forgive us for relying on technology and anything other than you.
– Help us to be a different people than the world. Help us, women, to be busy at home.
– Families living outside of God’s plan for marriage. Allowing unmarried couples to sleep together in their homes. Adultery including pastors who have fallen into this sin
– Sexual abuse of children as well as the beating of women and children due to alcohol.
– Latch free children…need protection
– Addictions to gambling which have hurt families; Idolatry…sports anything or person above Christ.
– Lower taxes for couples living together as opposed to married couples.
– Not taking the responsibility for teaching our children what is right.
– Mammon….abuse of credit cards, getting in debt for things we don’t need. Giving our children so many things. SPIRIT OF MAMMON…instant gratification
– Not holding teachers and school boards accountable. Teachers Unions…..children’s minds
– Pornography; Children abandoned by parents.
– Tolerating the cancel culture attack on the family; Allowing confusion about what a “family” is, and allowing society to define family; Allowing books in school like “My Two Mommies”
– Tolerating the mockery of traditional family roles in entertainment
– The sin of divorce, and its impact on children; a divorce rate in the church equal to that in the world
– Sins of sexual perversion including pornography, prostitution, and sexual trafficking
– The sin of operating in ignorance and not in the spirit of the Lord
– Not establishing the family on Your Word and on a spiritual foundation
– The selfishness of focusing more on career than family; Infidelity of any kind, physical, emotional, and spiritual; Expecting children to be convenient, that the inconvenient can be cast away as in abortion
– Pride; Lack of trust, lack of forgiveness, lack of establishing that covenant relationship between husband and wife
– Allowing the blurring of gender lines; Not standing for what “manhood” is
– Not following Your guidelines about “head of the house”
– Thinking there were “small” problems and ignoring them until the whole house burns down
– Lawlessness; Not searching our hearts as individuals, families, and a nation
– Feminism/toxic masculinity; The rebellion of male leadership
-Gov’t laws that encourage singleness; Co-habitation, polygamy
– Older women teaches young how to love their husband – mentoring
– Easy divorce/anticipate divorce; Selfishness; Not loving-not living for love Ga. 2:20
– Fatherlessness in Families/Absenteeism; Incest and Pedophilia
– Identifying and repenting for blood sacrifices offered up for children. Vs accepting Jesus’ blood sacrifice
– Unforgiveness and Disrespect towards parents
– Prov. 1:18 not training up children in the ways of God + Rebellion of children; allowing the TV to babysit
– Corinthians 6:4 being unequally yoked not trusting in God’s providing their mate
– Parents not listening to their children; I Tim. 5:8 Irresponsibility to provide and entitlement mentality
– Not guiding them re. Gender Confusion and Fornication; Church not holding up a standard and teaching righteousness
– Pray for families being demoralized by LGBTQ
– We repent for not putting Christ in the center of families’ lives; We repent for the eroding of family values
– We repent for Fatherhood not being held in high esteem
– We repent for the abuse of children and/or mothers/wives; We repent for the outside interference in the home; We repent for the church not have financial counseling for families
– We repent for abortions and the rejection of life
– That Men would grow up and put away childish and foolish things such as video games, too much TV.
– Men would grow up to manhood and care for their wives and children. Provide for their families needs.
– We repent for not living in and pursuing God’s ways for the home and family
– Divorce, Brokenness; Abuse, verbal and physical; Infidelity; Parents’ sin is hurting the children
– Too many idols; Not putting God first; Selfishness to ‘keep up with the Jones” instead of putting family first
– Pride; Parents have not taught their children to walk in repentance, repentant heart
– Single parents are not being supported enough by the church; Addictions (pornography, drugs)
– Parents have given away their authority to others such as schools and the government; parents have abdicated their authority; parents are not willing to do their job as parents
– It’s easier to let others do the parental work (laziness, apathy); Not teaching children their proper place
– Not teaching children respect; Parents are also not respecting each other
– Older people have not taught the younger people; Parents not being examples for their children
– Anger, Division, and strife in the family, Do not let the sun go down on your wrath
– Parents allow video games that are not godly.
– Parents are watching ungodly movies and allow kids to watch too
– Parents are using TV, computers, and phones as ‘babysitters’ instead of spending time with their kids
– Family not being a place of joy and peace and forgiveness
– Families not standing against the LGBT agenda, allowing ‘Pride’ month
– Parents allowing their children to wear LGBT themed clothing
– Families not coming against the misuse of the Rainbow for the LGBT agenda
– Parents are not being more involved in kid’s schools and curriculum
– Parents allowing ‘white lies’ amongst themselves and between the children
– Homes have not followed the Spirit of Truth in every decision
– One mother repented for allowing her kids to play with ‘Pokemon’ cards (=little demons in a pocket).
– Parents not doing their research on what their kids play with or read (Harry Potter)
– Rebellion; Pornography, Perversion
– Government Overreach to tell parents what they must do to their children (such as vaccination)
– Families not taking a stand against Abortion; Breach of communication in the family
– Lack of Forgiveness; Lack of Compassion
– We have not appreciated each other and valued each other in the family; Lack of Brotherly Love
– Not preferring one another; Spirit of Division in the family, fighting, strife
30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation
August 31 – September 29, 2021
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
We of the 24/7 NSPC have been engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love…interceding hourly on behalf of our nation for the past 4¾ years, beginning on November 11, 2016. Today, we enter into 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation, answering the call of God to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately before Him. When we do, His promise is that He will “hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Our corporate sin has allowed the undermining and erosion of the very foundations of this nation! Heeding the words of Ezra 10:4, we acknowledge “arise, for this matter is our responsibility.” Receiving conviction for the sin of this nation in our hearts, we will be empowered to confess and repent for those sins, then pray effectively for the healing of our nation!
Over the next 30 days, as we identify, confess and repent for our national sins, we will trust God for the healing He promises in His Word. This is a battle, and it must be engaged in by individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
Like the Jews in Susa, we have been given permission with the legal right and responsibility to fight and defend ourselves and our land. And fight we must…for our very lives and the lives of our families depend on it!
“The king granted the Jews who were in each and every city the right to assemble and to defend their lives,
to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them,
including children and women, and to plunder their spoil, on one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus…”
Esther 8:11-12
Like the people of Israel working with Nehemiah, we have been on the wall, watching and rebuilding with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built…now we fight!
“When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people:
‘Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome,
and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.’”
Nehemiah 4:14
True corporate repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on confession and prayer, fueled by authentic repentance. In Scripture, we see that solemn assemblies were called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation, and throughout our US history, we have had 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance.
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses a nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ…and oh, how we need that now! Having begun this time of 30 Days of Confession, Repentance, and Prayer for the Healing of our Nation on August 31, 2021, we will conclude it by WELCOMING THE KING OF GLORY into all 50 states and territories, simultaneously, on September 29, 2021, during the feast of SIMCHAT TORAH, “The Joy of the Torah.” As Christians, our joy is found in the Living Torah…Jesus Christ, the Word of God!
We prayerfully invite all Christian believers, from each of our 50 States and Territories, to join us in this initiative. Like David’s mighty men, let us all awaken, arise, and adore our GOD… taking our stand and holding our ground!
Amen! Alleluia!
Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia, on behalf of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family
Call in number: 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Covenant Documents Welcome The King Of Glory into the US States and Territories
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