The Restraining of Evil in Preparation for the End Times Revival
The purpose of this message is so that the Body of Christ will understand what the Lord is preparing for the End Times Harvest, during which the greatest revival on earth will take place.
As Christians and citizens of the United States of America, those called to the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family recognized our responsibility for our nation, and have been praying for President Trump and for the USA together for the past 7 years and 7 months. During that time, we have witnessed extraordinary moves of God. On October 24, 2004, the structure of the demonic over the USA was revealed, and years later, it was shared with and embraced by those of us serving on that 24/7 Call. This demonic entity was described as a great eagle-like figure that covered the entire nation and our Territories. Moving from our Southern border North, it was tearing up the land with its talons, while its wings created a demonic breeze in the air above the nation, to the delight of Obama and his minions. Then, the talons sank deep into the ground of two cities, Colorado Springs, CO and Kansas City, MO and held them firmly in its grasp! The impact on Colorado Springs, which had been a national hub for Christian ministries, was the closing of most of the religious organizations, while Kansas City was hit by a shocking scandal of failed leadership at the HQ of the IHOP there! With its beak, this demonic force also delivered blows to the Northern states, starting with the State of Michigan. As it began to cause pain throughout the nation, Obama and his followers began to bow down to it out of fear. As this was revealed to our 24/7 team, we were instructed to confront and dismantle this structure piece by piece, and to affirm our national Covenant with the Lord and Welcome the King of Glory, then serve Restraining Orders and Notices of Eviction to the demonic entities seated in each place. (The final step of that particular process will take place on July 4, 2024 in Washington, DC. More on that below),
It is understood that when we identify and divorce ourselves from demonic entities we have previously served, in the past, and declare we have only one Husband, Jesus Christ, and belong to Him alone, we are legally able to demand the divorce from and removal of any others we were formerly attached to. Throughout the United States and the world, as legal documents such as Restraining Orders and Notices of Eviction are issued and served to those controlling principalities, they are being removed and replaced by the Lord Jesus Christ!
In January 2023, a Holy Convocation was held in Bucharest, Romania, where all present, including children, signed and reaffirmed the Covenant Document between the Lord and the continent of Beulah (formerly known as Europe.) At that time, the demonic structure of the Hydra was revealed to the intercessors, with Ishtar / known as the Queen of Heaven at its center.
Thereafter, a gathering followed on April 1, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium, when a team of 9 (6 from the USA and 3 from Beulah), were called to share our “Ambassadorial credentials” as testimonies of God’s work in our lives. Then, together, in front of the European Parliament building, acting as Process Servers for the Courts of Heaven, we reaffirmed the Covenant and served the Notice of Eviction to the demonic entity known as the Queen of Heaven / Ishtar – the head of the other 8 principalities.
The next assignment followed in the UK, where, on May 6, 2023, the day of Charles III’s coronation, a team traveled to the City of London, declared the Covenant, and served the Notice of Eviction to the Prince of Persia / Imperialism and World Domination. Notably, during that time, we met in a house of worship where William Penn, a Quaker and one of the spiritual fathers of the USA, was buried. His life was radiant with respect and brotherly love for all men, especially for those of the First Nations.
Shortly thereafter, on June 23, 2023, we witnessed the reaffirmation of the June 23, 1683 Penn Treaty with a chief of the Lenape Tribe and a descendant of William Penn. The next day, on June 24, 2023, in Manhattan, NY, in front of the NY Stock Exchange on WALL STREET, we presented the Notice of Eviction to the Prince of America / Mammon (which caused men to pursue wealth rather than God).
In October 2023, a team was released to WTKOG in Jerusalem, along with the Messianic believers there. Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, and war broke out. Those who made it to Israel (despite many flights being canceled) witnessed the Covenant being declared on October 11th by the Messianic Jews, who recognized Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, the Son of God and Savior of the World. Then, on October 14th, they joined together to evict the demonic principality residing on the Mount of Olives…the Prince of the Middle East / Baal – representing False Worship.
From Israel, the team was evacuated to Athens, Greece, which was on our list of upcoming assignments. There, on October 20th, 2023 they declared the Covenant and served the Notice of Eviction to the Prince of Greece / Humanism
On November 19, 2023, a team was sent to Colorado Springs to present the Order of Eviction to the “spirit of Jezebel,” represented by “the left leg” of the eagle-like figure. Following that, the team moved on to Kansas City, MO, and on November 25, 2024, presented the Order of Eviction to the “spirit of Absalom” represented by “the figure’s right leg.”
Next came the assignment in American Samoa, the Southwesternmost US Territory…on January 21, 2024. There the Prince of Pacific / Tagaloa / Corruption of Man and Flesh was removed.
The most recent USA assignment was to Mt. Shasta, CA on May 31, 2024, where “the left wing” of the demonic structure was removed. There, the Covenant with the Lord was reaffirmed and a Restraining Order and a Notice of Eviction was served to the principality that resided there…“the rider on the black horse.” This entity is associated with the technology behind the internet and AI. Being “yoked” with it allowed it to control men’s minds!
The next assignment will remove “the right wing” of the demonic structure that has been tormenting the USA. On July 2-4, 2024, in Washington, DC, two critical demonic entities will be dealt with. Independence Day, July 4th, will mark that time we declare our repentance for our national sins, reaffirm our Covenant with the Lord, and evict the spirit of abortion, Molech, from the entire USA. We will then serve the Restraining Order and Notice of Eviction to the “the rider on the white horse” – the demonic entity of “conquering,” seated in our nation’s Capitol. It has been influencing much of the Federal Government.
On Monday, June 10th, we received word of a pending nuclear confrontation between Russia and the USA. It said that potential destruction is coming…and in order to turn it back, we must repent according to 2 Chronicles 7. The
Lord has said it is up to us! Throughout the nation, the call is going forth for deep and sincere repentance!
Be part of the restoration of the nation…”stand in the gap”…either in DC or in your own home State or Territory!
Use the following links to download and print the various documents to be used that day:
Declaration of a National Day of Prayer and Repentance
Covenants of Welcoming the King of Glory into the USA, the U.S. states and territories
Notice of Eviction to Molech in Washington, DC, and the entire USA
Restraining Order and the Notice of Eviction to the principality of Washington, DC.
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Final Invitation to A Holy Convocation in Washington, DC – July 2 – 4, 2024
NOTE: Following DC, there still will be 3 principalities of the Hydra to be removed:
the Prince of Africa / Occultism, Witchcraft and Slavery, based in Egypt.
the Prince of Asia / Death, seated in North Korea, where the evil leaders believe they receive their power from Paektu, a mountain located between China and North Korea.
the Prince of the North / War, the fearless spirit of the Vikings, now residing in Kremlin, Russia.
All will be removed in God’s timing.

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