Sep 5, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

`09-05-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We entered the call with a cry for VICTORY for righteousness in our nation! We pray that the Lord will bring about that VICTORY for President Trump and all those who are being unjustly persecuted and prosecuted by evildoers!
Janis (MA) led us as we prayed to receive the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18.
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Prayer requests:
Pastor Ioan – traveling mercies as he travels to Romania on Thursday, where he, his son David, and family will observe the 10-year Anniversary of the Homegoing of his beloved wife, Miruna. Please keep them in your prayers during this time! We prayed corporately into this, then offered individual prayers.
Donna (MD) let the entire family rejoice as they celebrate her life and love! Let the cloud of witnesses
Rejoice with them, in heaven and on earth!
Joan (AZ) his wife wanted the family to be reunited in the USA, and as they rejoice in the life they had together, let her desires be accomplished!
Danielle (SC) thanked God for the celebration of their lives together, and I believe that the desires of their hearts, to be together in America, will come to pass.
For the Body of Christ in the USA and in the nations:
“Look with favor on Your people, Lord, we pray, and pour out upon us the gifts of the Spirit, that we may grow constantly in love of the truth and devote ourselves with zeal to perfect unity among Christians. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen!”
Praise reports:
Roman (UT) contacted us to say “thank you” for the love, prayers, and support given him following the loss of his younger brother Joey this past month. He expressed his appreciation for all who have ministered to him on the call.
Bobbie Benthall (NC) is doing much better, rehabbing following a stroke that impeded her left side. She sends her love and thanks for the prayers and notes of encouragement from the 24/7 family.
Susan (GA) is finally back home and delighted to be recuperating in her home, supported by her family!
We prayed corporately in thanksgiving for Bobbie’s and Susan’s recoveries and for Roman’s peace following the loss of his brother Joey!
Statements from President Trump
“Is Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor who is continuously overturned due to his unchecked and insane aggression, investigating the political Hacks & Thugs of the highly partisan January 6th Unselect Committee for tampering with, deleting, and destroying highly Confidential and classified documents, pictures, tapes, evidence, and all forms of other important information? If not, WHY? I fully believe it is because the evidence in question destroys his Fake, Election Interfering, case. DISMISS SUIT!
“The highly partisan January 6th Committee of political Hacks and Thugs has been found to have DELETED & DESTROYED all evidence and findings of the recently ended Committee of TRUMP persecution and hatred. This is a highly illegal act to, among other things, protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi for her grossly incompetent, or intentional, actions regarding her weak and inadequate response to security measures taken at the Capitol, for which she was responsible. This evidence is now criminally destroyed!”
We prayed individually into this crime!
Nadine (TX) we place this all into Your hands and ask that righteousness come out of all this mess. For those who have been held captive illegally will receive restitution.
Diane (MT) give wisdom as to how to bring that evidence out
Debbie (TX) prayed for those cases against the President and asked that God stand against those who stand against him.
Carol (NY) there were so many people at the J6 event, and we ask that there be a collection and preservation of it and the evil they intended will come upon them!
Mary Ellen (IL) prayed that it would all come out…in GA and everywhere else.
Trump’s Momentum Toward 2024 Is a Case of the Office Seeking the Man
Published in the NY Times magazine, The Sun, by Conrad Black
It’s getting difficult to see anyone breaking his lock on the Republican nomination. There now seems to be a double inexorability as the campaign for next year’s presidential election gets seriously underway. On the one side, despite the most fervent ambitions of the Republican Never-Trumpers and anti-Trump independent voters, it is practically impossible to see anyone breaking his lock on the Republican nomination.
The Democrats have no more indictments to conjure out of legal contortions and gymnastics and fictions and it should be possible for Mr. Trump’s lawyers to defer all these cases until after the election. The indictments will fade in their electoral significance other than as indicative of the corruption of the legal system and the temporary degeneration of the Democratic Party into a perennial dirty tricks operation, a monument to Saul Alinsky and not Jefferson, Madison, FDR, or JFK.
The other inexorability, much less advanced but firming up every week, is the pressure on Biden not to seek reelection. A moment’s reflection on the vigor with which Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump pursued reelection is enough to demonstrate the complete inadequacy of the incumbent’s claim to another four years as president. His diction is so slurred and his syntax so complicated, it is often difficult to understand him.
Up until now, the Democratic Party bosses who resuscitated Mr. Biden four years ago and parachuted him into the nomination while fastening the Sanders socialist program around his neck and unctuously dismissing the 2020 Black Lives Matter urban riots as understandable,post-George Floyd African-American righteousness and illustrative of Trump chaos, have indulged Mr. Biden on the assumption that he could defeat Mr. Trump, again.
“Biden defeated Trump before, there’s no reason why he couldn’t do it again,” is the conventional wisdom spouted by Washington commentators who should know better. Leaving aside for the moment the question of the authenticity of the 2020 election result, Mr. Trump is clearly more popular as an underdog facing a corrupted justice system than he was as an incumbent president steeped in Covid and Democratic-enabled urban rioting.
Mr. Biden, after two and a half years of millions of illegal migrants flooding into the country, the green terror, government-induced inflation, and the deterioration of America’s international position, most spectacularly in the Afghanistan debacle, and after four years of mental and physical attrition, is not the candidate of 2020. Then he was the quiet, reassuring, good-natured, moderate adult-in-the-room Joe Biden whom it was possible to hide in his basement throughout the campaign because of the pandemic.
Almost all polls now show Mr. Trump either leading Mr. Biden or running within one or two points of him, which would give Mr. Trump the election because the Democratic majorities in California and New York are larger than the Republican majorities in Texas and Florida. In these circumstances, and with the ever more damaging evidence of the Biden family influence-peddling operation that has been widely conducted for more than a decade, there seems to be a second inexorability: that the powers that be in the Democratic Party will discard their leader.
Mr. Trump served their ends four years ago and has fronted the lurch to the left sponsored by Senator Sanders and his acolytes. Mr. Biden has been rewarded with the highest honor that can be conferred on the loyal but geriatric partisan placeman, in this case, in Cromwellian terms, “a decayed servitor.”
In order to avoid the unfeasible misfortune of a Harris presidency, which would make her almost an invincible candidate for the nomination, the president should be induced to announce his retirement fairly soon after the new year in order for his party to be able to stage a few primaries and produce a semi-presentable candidate.
The argument that both Messrs. Biden and Trump are too old has just been a false effort to create an equivalence between them, as presidents and in their physical and mental condition. There have been many examples of people who have served successfully in high public office in their 80s, (Adenauer, Gladstone, Tito, Cardinal Fleury, various popes, including Celestine III and Leo XIII, and the Venetian doge, Enrico Dandolo).
Even in his prime, Mr. Biden fantasized about many aspects of his own past and was never more than banal and laborious, other than in his occasional lapses into outright wickedness as in his assault upon Supreme Court nominee, Judge Robert Bork, in 1987.
Assuming the Democratic bosses successfully ease Mr. Biden out and dispose of Vice President Harris in the primaries if she runs in them, the most likely nominee is Governor Newsom of the crumbling state of California. Governor Whitmer might get some votes because of her gender, but certainly not because of her performance leading Michigan. Governor Shapiro of Pennsylvania would be better, partly because he is less well-known but has been more sensible than Mr. Newsom or Ms. Whitmer.
The governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, doubtless would imagine he could be a viable candidate, but he scraped to reelection and has lumbered himself with an impossible record in education matters. None of these people is any world-beater, and nobody will be able to defend the record of the current administration.
The theory that any so-called fresh Democratic face would make short work of Mr. Trump in an election is just another anti-Trump fable, like the widely agreed-upon lie most recently respectabilized by the distinguished political organizer and commentator Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal on August 31, that President Trump’s concerns about the 2020 election have been fairly adjudicated.
Mr. Rove knows as well as anyone that the judiciary at all levels declined in 2020 to judge on the merits all 19 of the constitutional challenges to the changes in voting and vote-counting rules supposedly to accommodate Covid voting and that created millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots, about which concerns were raised that they were not verifiably cast by the people who ostensibly filled them out.
At this point, Mr. Trump should be the modest favorite, but he could strengthen that status and make it the third inexorability of this early election campaign if he put on a charm blitz. All those who know him personally know him to be capable of it. There would be an end to disparagements of opponents and a gradual adoption of Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment… not to speak ill of a fellow Republican.
Mr. Trump could lead a return to civil discourse in the exchange between the presidential candidates, whoever the Democrat may be. He could confine references to the past election to saying that he believed he was defeated by the use of harvested ballots that were not authorized in several swing states by the state legislatures as the Constitution requires and that the courts refused to hear these actions and leave it at that. He has a substantive program for the future and the Biden administration presents a vast open goal for the Republicans to score in; if he plays his cards right, Mr. Trump will win.
Assuming those indictments of him that higher courts allow to proceed are deferred until after the election, Mr. Trump, without over-stressing it, can benefit from an election that is in part a referendum on the political abuse of the justice system and the intelligence agencies. Played properly, he is not only the likely winner, the office is almost inexorably seeking the man.
We prayed for President Trump and his swift return to the White House.
Nancy (FL) We all love and want to see President Trump in the White House again. We trust You in this and entrust him to You! Have Your way, Lord. Do what You know is right to do. You alone know all You have put into this man. America thrived and we were free in America! We ask that in Your time, You put him back in the White House.
Mary Ellen (IL) heard Donna Brazil (Dem strategist) speak about how she adored Obama, and how what was happening with President Trump was “a movement.“ Usher him in with Your warring angels.
Diane (MT) thought that Brazil said we needed to respect that movement.
Danielle (SC) “That the office is waiting for the man”…is a very interesting statement! She spoke of the demonic symbols in the WH and the activities taking place in the Biden Oval Office. We ask You to consider that the handwriting is on the wall of the WH…so clean out the WH in preparation for the man. She declared that the OFFICE IS WAITING FOR DONALD TRUMP to take that office and lead the nation once again!
Bobby (WI) saw a little white house in the middle of the swamp. Let it be cleaned out and remain safely in the pole.
Today, a leader of the Proud Boys, who was not even in DC, was sentenced to 22 years in prison. This is part of the Dems setting the stage for their intended imprisonment of President Trump. We say “NO !” to that!
We paused just before 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6 prisoners!
Carol (NY) led us in singing the National Anthem from across the nation, in unity with J6 prisoners.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
FBI Created 3,200 J6 “Playing Cards” to Identify and Surveil Americans who Attended J6 Protests During the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States-led coalition, the United States Department of Defense released a set of playing cards with the names and faces of the most-wanted Iraqi members of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s government, including high-ranking members of his Baath Party and family members including his two sons. The US Department of Defense used these playing cards to identify and capture America’s enemies, the dangerous members of Saddam Hussein’s inner circle. This was a clever way the DOD thought up to target, capture or kill America’s enemies. They are using the same methods they used then against Americans now.
We prayed corporately that the American people would rise up, and cry out and stop this “cruel injustice system” from oppressing ”We, the People.”
JUSTICE IS DEAD: Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio, who was not even in Washington DC on January 6 was sentenced to 22 years on “Seditious Conspiracy”
Proud Boys members Enrique Tarrio, Ethan Nordean, and Joe Biggs were unjustly targeted by the Biden regime. On Tuesday. Tarrio, who was not even in Washington DC on January 6th, was sentenced to 22 years in prison for running a “seditious conspiracy” from a different state.
Judge Tim Kelly applied a terrorism enhancement to Enrique Tarrio’s sentence earlier in the day. Then Kelly forced Enrique to listen to his blustery nonsense before he was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison – more than a murderer.
There were dozens of feds and FBI agents who infiltrated the Proud Boys in the lead-up to January 6th. Not one of the informants could bring evidence that the group was planning an insurrection. With each new day, we learn the January 6 “insurrection” was an FBI setup. What a disgraceful time for America. The only evidence the DOJ discovered against the Proud Boys was planted by an FBI operative in their chat group. Imagine the BS this regime is pumping out to the public on a daily basis!
The demented Judge Kelly relished in sentencing Tarrio to prison for his remaining days – for his politics. Kelly forced Tarrio through a struggle session in court on Tuesday. How did this wicked creature ever become a judge?
We prayed corporately into this very unfair situation then offered individual prayers.
Janis (MA) Psalm 140:8: “Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked; Do not further his wicked scheme, Lest they be exalted. Selah.”
Marsha (CA) We bless You, Lord, and know that You make righteous judgments! We trust You in that!
On Labor Day, President Trump sent a message to the J6 family,
“Tell our heroes everything is going to be ok.”
He added: “Special thanks to Jamie Crowe for making such a beautiful expression of J6 love and dedication in the American flag quilt she spent countless hours making, and then her dedication in seeing it delivered to Trump personally. What a beautiful gift!”
Response from Jamie: “The experience was the best I ever hoped for our J6 patriots. Myself and many other patriots waited hours to meet with President Trump. The anticipation of meeting our President was overwhelming. My handmade flag was finally delivered in hand to President Trump, in honor of all J6 prisoners and patriots across the country. It was an honor also for him to sign the J6 flag that hangs at the J6 vigil in honor of Mama Micki and the J6 prisoners…a Labor Day I will always cherish forever. That’s a win for all J6 Patriots. For President Trump to say to tell our heroes everything will be ok…gives them hope…God Bless America! Trump 2024”
We prayed corporately… that on his first day in office, President Trump will set the J6 prisoners free!
Lord, Have Mercy on Us!
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch.
Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
“Ready For Ron” PAC Former Co-Chair Flips On Sunday, Ed Rollins, the former co-chair of the “Ready for Ron” PAC said: “No one in the Republican primaries is going to beat, defeat President Trump. He has a strong, solid base. It’s gotten stronger as he’s gone through these terrible indictments. The fact that he’s been indicted on 91 counts is just absurd.” Rollins did shy away from the DeSantis campaign in July when he called DeSantis a “flawed candidate“. Rollins, who was once a consultant for Ronald Reagan in 1984, previously headed the Great America PAC in support of President Trump, until flipping sides for “Team DeSantis.”
We prayed corporately for FL Governor De Santis to drop out of the race, support President Trump for reelection, and work to see that conservative patriots are elected to office.
Debbie (TX) shared with us about her experience praying on-site for the opening session of Texas AG Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial which started today. When there was a move to dismiss, sadly, there were several Republicans who voted with the Dems to continue with the trial, which they did. The Bush-backed “establishment” wants to remain in control there. Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is serving as the presiding Judge over the proceedings, with attorneys advising him. There are 15-20 attorneys working with the prosecution, against Paxton. Debbie and others prayed walked the grounds and found items left by practitioners of witchcraft.
We prayed for AG Ken Paxton, for Lt. Gov Dan Patrick, who has been placed in a precarious position as the judge, and for all the intercessors like Debbie, who are standing in the gap for righteousness and truth in the great State of Texas. Maureen prayed into this.
Debbie (TX) Lt. Fov Dan Patrick is more conservative than TX Gov Abbott, and may be the next target of the left
Pastor Ioan prayed for AG Paxton…there is a time for battle and a time for peace, for joy and mourning…and this is a difficult time for those who are standing for Truth in TX, May the fear of the Lord come into that room, and let there be a turn around in this trial.
As we prepared to share in communion, we remembered how painful betrayal is for the AG of Texas, for our President, and his co-defendants, and we asked God for TRUTH TO BE REVEALED and for righteous vindication and victory in every case they are facing. We thank You,Lord, that the VICTORY is already won, and it will manifest in due time. We shared in communion and closed the call with an encouragement to those who are considering joining us for the assignment in Israel, October 10-15. Stay tuned for more details!
Blessings and love,
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We currently have all slots filled with Facilitators! Praise God!
All participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we still need 50 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
Hours needing Co-Facilitators:
12 AM ET – all slots filled
1 AM ET – Saturday
2 AM ET – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
3 AM ET – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
4 AM ET – Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
5 AM ET – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday
6 AM ET – all slots filled
7 AM ET – all slots filled
8 AM ET – all slots filled
9 AM ET – Sunday, Thursday, and Friday
10 AM ET – all slots filled
11 AM ET – Tuesday
12 PM ET – all slots filled
1 PM ET – all slots filled
2 PM ET – Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday
3 PM ET – Sunday, Wednesday
4 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
5 PM ET – Tuesday, Saturday
6 PM ET – Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday
7 PM ET – Monday, Wednesday
8 PM ET – Monday, Saturday
9 PM ET – Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday
10 PM ET- Friday,
11 PM ET – all slots filled
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
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