Sep 30, 2018 – Prayer Focus

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Sunday, September 30, 2018
“A CALL TO THE WALL…ONE NATION UNDER GOD” 1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly for the safety and security of our President and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for the protection of our President, Donald Trump and cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
Thank You for instructing and guiding him, giving him wisdom through Your Holy Spirit.
We bless his wife, our First Lady, Melania, their young son Barron and each of their family members.
We also cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family with that Precious Blood,
and include all those in the Trump Administration who are serving You and our nation! Thank You, Father!
Today is Day 63 of an 100 day initiative to mobilize the Body of Christ across the USA for the midterms!
“100 Days of Standing in the Gap”
July 30th-November 6th
Join the 24/7 family each Monday evening from 8-10 PM Eastern for our dedicated call, and feel free to participate in any of the national calls listed on our 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call fb page.
Please pray for the midterm elections now!
Strategic Focus for Sunday
Highlights from President Trump’s UN speech
I am the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt;
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.
Psalm 81:10
As all the “shenanigans” (secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering) were taking place in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings this past week, our President was in NY, tending to our nation’s business at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly. Today, we are going to be focusing on the things he shared, as he chaired a session of the Security Council. We proudly stand for and with him, as he, directed by God, speaks out with the authority of his office on behalf of our nation and people.
Please pray into the heart of each of these excerpts as led by the Spirit:
We are standing up for America and for the American people. And we are also standing up for the world.
This is great news for our citizens and for peace-loving people everywhere. We believe that when nations respect the rights of their neighbors and defend the interests of their people, they can better work together to secure the blessings of safety, prosperity, and peace.
- We pray…
America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control, and domination. The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return.
- We pray…
We cannot allow the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism to possess the planet’s most dangerous weapons. We cannot allow a regime that chants “Death to America,” and that threatens Israel with annihilation, to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on Earth.
- We pray…
America’s policy of principled realism means we will not be held hostage to old dogmas, discredited ideologies, and so-called experts who have been proven wrong over the years, time and time again. This is true not only in matters of peace but in matters of prosperity. We believe that trade must be fair and reciprocal. The United States will not be taken advantage of any longer. For this reason, we are systematically renegotiating broken and bad trade deals.
- We pray…
The world trading system is in dire need of change. Countries were admitted to the World Trade Organization that violate every single principle on which the organization is based. While the United States and many other nations play by the rules, these countries use government-run industrial planning and state-owned enterprises to rig the system in their favor. But those days are over. We will no longer tolerate such abuse. We will not allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred. America will never apologize for protecting its citizens.
- We pray…
My administration has demonstrated that America will always act in our national interest. I warned that the U.N. Human Rights Council had become a grave embarrassment to this institution, shielding egregious human rights abusers while bashing America and its many friends. Our Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, laid out a clear agenda for reform, but despite reported and repeated warnings, no action at all was taken. So the United States took the only responsible course: We withdrew from the Human Rights Council, and we will not return until real reform is enacted.
- We pray…
For similar reasons, the United States will provide no support in recognition to the International Criminal Court. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority. The ICC claims near-universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness, and due process. We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism. Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination.
- We pray…
Illegal immigration exploits vulnerable populations, hurts hard-working citizens, and has produced a vicious cycle of crime, violence, and poverty. Only by upholding national borders, and destroying criminal gangs, can we break this cycle and establish a real foundation for prosperity. We recognize the right of every nation in this room to set its own immigration policy in accordance with its national interests, just as we ask other countries to respect our own right to do the same — which we are doing. That is one reason the United States will not participate in the new Global Compact on Migration. Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens. Ultimately, the only long-term solution to the migration crisis is to help people build more hopeful futures in their home countries. Make their countries great again.
- We pray…
The United States is the world’s largest giver in the world, by far, of foreign aid. But few give anything to us. We are taking a hard look at U.S. foreign assistance, to examine what is working, what is not working, and whether the countries who receive our dollars and our protection also have our interests at heart. Moving forward, we are only going to give foreign aid to those who respect us and, frankly, are our friends. And we expect other countries to pay their fair share for the cost of their defense.
- We pray…
The United States will not pay more than 25 percent of the U.N. peacekeeping budget. This will encourage other countries to step up, get involved, and also share in this very large burden. We are working to shift more of our funding from assessed contributions to voluntary so that we can target American resources to the programs with the best record of success. Only when each of us does our part and contributes our share can we realize the U.N.’s highest aspirations. We must pursue peace without fear, hope without despair, and security without apology.
- We pray…
Americans know what kind of future we want for ourselves…what kind of a nation America must always be. In America, we believe in the majesty of freedom and the dignity of the individual, self-government and the rule of law. We prize the culture that sustains our liberty -– a culture built on strong families, deep faith, and fierce independence. We celebrate our heroes, we treasure our traditions, and above all, we love our country.
- We pray…
To unleash this incredible potential in our people, we must defend the foundations that make it all possible. Sovereign and independent nations are the only vehicle where freedom has ever survived, democracy has ever endured, or peace has ever prospered. We must protect our sovereignty and our cherished independence above all. When we do, we will find new avenues for cooperation unfolding before us. We will find new passion for peacemaking rising within us. We will find new purpose, new resolve, and new spirit flourishing all around us, and making this a more beautiful world in which to live.
- We pray…
So together, let us choose a future of patriotism, prosperity, and pride. Let us choose peace and freedom over domination and defeat. And let us come here to this place to stand for our people and their nations, forever strong, forever sovereign, forever just, and forever thankful for the grace and the goodness and the glory of God.
- We pray…
Additional prayer points:
- We pray for the Kavanaugh family, Brett, Ashley, Margaret, Liza and Judge Kavanaugh’s parents…and their friends who have been suffering alongside them… in these most cruel circumstances. We thank God for the healing and restoration He is doing in the midst of it all!
- We continue to pray for the members of the Senate: that the 51 Republicans will stand together, united in this confirmation, and that many of the remaining 49 Senators will join them.
NOTE from Pastor Ioan and Maureen: Many have asked about the Arch of Palmyra that was displayed on the Washington Mall from September 25-28. We are grateful for those prayer teams who went on-site and the many who prayed off-site, cancelling any effect it might have had, binding and containing the darkness that accompanied it, preventing it from any ability it might have had to influence our people of government!
- We pray: Lord, we know that the forces of darkness are on full display, fighting hard to intimidate and cause fear to rise up in the hearts of Your people. We do not bow down to Baal, nor do we fear the demonic power behind this image. We bow before You, and You Alone! It is You that we reverence, fear and honor. You are the only true God and You will defeat and scatter all Your enemies, as we stand confidently, and worship You over our nation! Alleluia! Amen!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love!
The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
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