Sep 17, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

09-17-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We opened in prayer, standing on the wall to pray for President Trump. As we begin tonight’s call, Maureen made our 24/7 family aware of this“MUST SEE…ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL MOVIE.” It speaks to our “national condition” in the political realm today, and will inspire and bring hope to everyone who sees it! She urged us to go – and to share about it with everyone we can!
Commenting about the 2nd assassination attempt, President Trump posted this message:
“My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life!
I will never slow down.
I will never give up.
I thank God every day for having supporters like you on my side.
May God bless you!”
We prayed corporately for President Trump as he has been in Flint, MI at a TOWN HALL with Sara Huckabee and for his safety and protection wherever he goes and to whomever he speaks. Hide him under Your Wings, Lord!
One of the Liberty Prayer Network intercessors responded:
“We need not be lulled into thinking that ‘Trump will be alright,’ because ‘he’s a savior.’
We need to remember that he is just like you and me…a soldier in a fallen world.
Father, help us not to take his or our safety for granted. We pray this in Jesus’ Name.”
We agree, and we prayed to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God,” for ourselves and President Trump, so that we, and he, will be able to fully engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE and be victorious…on behalf of our beloved nation! Sarah (GA) led us in this powerful prayer:
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Yesterday morning, Joe Hoft (of the GATEWAY PUNDIT) called the 24/7 NSPC line asking for prayer. He and his brother Jim are under severe attack from the left. Angela and Carol and others prayed for him, and told him about our Tuesday and Friday nite corporate calls. They urged him to call in when we have more of our 24/7 family together. We prayed corporately, lifting him and Jim to the Lord, along with others (like Tucker Carlson,) who are speaking out for “truth, justice and the American way!” Then Ps Ioan shared about his conversation with Joe and said that they had both encouraged each other. He and Maureen were invited to do a show with them soon. Ps Ioan prayed for the two brothers and for the case they are involved with to be resolved through mediation!
Mary Ellen (IL) said she has followed the Hoft brothers for several years and saw clearly how the far left
wants to take them down and bankrupt them. She said we need to continue to pray for them!
Mary Ellen (IL) sent us this information regarding the recent attack on President Trump.
It was published by the Hoft brothers on their Gateway Pundit site: No wonder they are being targeted!
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) Drops Bombshell Whistleblower Report Exposing Secret Service Failures in July 13 Assassination Attempt on Trump. Hawley sent a letter to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department of Homeland Security highlighting new allegations from a whistleblower regarding the security measures taken at former President Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024. According to one whistleblower, the night before the rally, the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally. This means that the technology was both available to USSS and able to be deployed to secure the site. Secret Service said no. The whistleblower further alleges that after the shooting took place, USSS changed course and asked the local partner to deploy the drone technology to surveil the site in the aftermath of the attack.
It is hard to understand why USSS would decline to use drones when they were offered, particularly given the fact USSS permitted the shooter to overfly the rally area with his own drone mere hours before event.”
Last week, Hawley revealed to Jesse Watters that the Department of Homeland Security is ordering the agency to refrain from complying with document requests to Congress. Yes, the Biden regime does not want the truth regarding what happened on July 13 to be unveiled. Hawley said. “I’m told the Department of Homeland Security is pressuring the Secret Service not to comply with document requests by Congress about the Trump assassination attempt. What are they hiding from the American people?”
Secret Service intelligence units—teams of Secret Service agents paired with state and local law enforcement to handle reports of suspicious persons—were absent from the Butler rally.
The hospital site where President Trump received treatment after the shooting was poorly secured, and the hospital site agent could not answer basic questions about site security.
To date, the Secret Service and DHS have provided virtually no answers and there remain many outstanding questions, including:
Who, within the Secret Service or DHS, made the decision to deny counter-sniper coverage to the rooftop from which Thomas Crooks shot former President Trump on July 13?
When will the Secret Service or DHS publicly name the lead site agent for the rally and the lead agent for the Butler visit?
Did the Acting Secret Service Director ever deny resources to the Trump campaign, or USSS sniper teams, as has been reported in the press?
Hawley’s report accuses the Secret Service, DHS, and FBI of “slow-walking” investigations, misleading the public, and refusing to provide answers to Congress. The report details how these agencies have resisted transparency at every turn, leaving Americans questioning how a known threat could have escalated into a near-fatal attack on a former U.S. president.
This was also sent to us, regarding what Dan Bongino said after the June 13th assassination attempt. He said that it was bound to happen again, and is pleading for drastic Secret Service (SS) changes. Bongino said that SS Acting Director Ronald Rowe did not tell the truth re Sunday’s recent assassination attempt.
There was no Counter Surveillance Unit and Intelligence Unit.
If the SS had less than an hour’s notice of the President’s change of plans for Sunday, how did Routh know before the SS? (He was hiding in the bushes at the golf course for over 12 hours!)
All SS needs is 10 minutes to search the outer perimeter for an event. Why did this not happen?
That is not the same group of agents regularly assigned to the President. The SS did not want to give President Trump extra protection. Whistleblowers tell Sen. Hawley there is a paper trail of request for enhanced protection.
SS knew about the Iranian threat for years.
Dan Bongino says this is “gross negligence” and that Acting Director Rowe and Dan began serving with the SS at the same time; so he knows better. Dan is very worried that President Trump will not make it to January. Bongino taught hundreds of agents about protecting against threats and he said not much was done re protecting DJT from overhead. He said terrorists use GoPro and ceramic plates; that there were stolen plates on the Routh vehicle; and that the serial # on the AK-47 weapon had been scratched off.
Mary Ellen (IL) shared that President Trump has been encouraged to hire private protection for himself
until this os worked out!
Ps Ioan said that he has been asking God about what will happen beyond November 5th. He addressed this issue to the 24/7 family tonight and is trusting God to give us direction. Tonight before the call, he was meditating and this phrase we pray every hour came to him:
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, his restoration to his rightful office, and that he is led by the Holy Spirit
so that he will discern truth and act for the good of the nation.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their marriage and family, and cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
We gave a brief recap of the history of the 24/7 NSPC, how we began on November 11, 2016. We prayed President Trump through the 70 days between the election and the Inauguration. The next portion of our assignment was to carry him in prayer through his first 100 days in office, as he set up his cabinet and began to serve. Then we were called to continue to undergird him in prayer…and we sensed that our assignment would continue through at least 12 years.
Today, our assignment remains the same…to pray for his safety and security…for his protection, his restoration to his rightful office. We are to pray for his LIFE…so that he will be alive on November 5th…after we have spent these next 50 days in FAITH AND HOPE AND OBEDIENCE TO OUR CALLING! SELAH!
We paused our discussion a few moments before at 9 PM, uniting our hearts with J6 prisoners from across our nation as Maureen led us in singing our National Anthem.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We invited responses to what God has spoken to us tonight,
Mary Ellen (IL) reflected on Moses being spared as a baby to lead the people out of Egypt. We need to
pray for President Trump, for it is only God Who spared him.
Joann (MO) President Trump testified that he is a believer and that God saved him!
Nadine (TX) Let the Holy Spirit protect and lead him all the rest of his life.
Joan (AZ) She remembers that a word was spoken that would really come to know God during his time as
President…and he has. So has Melania. Let this be his testimony and hers, to impact the world for Christ!
Joann (MO) they were fighting to keep him off the ballot.
Sarah (GA) she is happy to see how many are praying for him and our nation and thanked God for that!
She shared about Psalm 145 telling us God will destroy all His enemies…and He will!
Desiree (NY) President Trump will be in Nassau County, NY tomorrow. She prayed for Barron as he
attends an ultra-liberal school there.
Ps Ioan asked us to focus on these 50 days…and what will happen after that is to be revealed by God in His time!
Bobby (WI) shared from the book of Daniel…not to fear, to be strong, and from Haggai about the former
temple and the new…and their encouragement not to fear and to be strong! Let us be strong and work!
Dorothy (OR) the Lord put on her mind to pray for strength for Israel. And we need to be strong!
Sharon (CA) there is so much tension and anxiety, but we are overcomers, and our faith is in You. We stand one day at a time and ask forgiveness for the tension and anxiety, and we trust in You… that Donald Trump will be inaugurated and sitting in the White House!
Brad (VA) Today is Constitution Day, and many are fasting until Yom Kippur.
“We the People of the United States,
in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
(Preamble of the US Constitution)
Today, on Constitution Day, we set aside time for Americans to review and reflect upon the Constitution, as we all seek to form “a more perfect union.” With so many of our governmental institutions rejecting our founding principles and our founding document, fewer and fewer people recognize and celebrate this important holiday. We need to celebrate the liberties and principles in the Constitution. We must preserve our founding principles so we can be faithful stewards of the government our Founding Fathers left us. The problem is many people in power are not committed to preserving our Constitution. Government overreach has run rampant. Instead, they’ve corrupted its structure by adding the leftist administrative state as a fourth branch of government that would have our Founding Fathers turning over in their graves. That’s why we who are on the right side in this fight must see the administrative state dismantled and our constitutional order restored! The Heritage Foundation urges us to take time to re-read sections of the Constitution and thank God for it, as we observe Constitution Day!
We prayed corporately for our Constitution to be upheld and for our United States of America to be preserved and defended so that it might be the end times servant God intends it to be!
Statement by Elon Musk: “A Trump victory is essential to the defense of freedom of speech, secure borders, safe cities and sensible spending!”
Today a major blow struck Hezbollah terrorists, through a cyber attack by Israel through Pager devices on the belts of the terrorists. Here is a Hezbollah pager operation casualty update:
– 4,000 Hezbollah Terrorists injured.
– 400 in critical condition.
– 18 High-Ranking commanders injured.
– 500 plus lost their eyesight
– 11 Hezbollah Terrorists dead.
Numbers from Syria are not known yet. This is the biggest blow to Hezbollah since it was founded
-Pray for Israel, as the Iran Axis of Terror will try to launch a revenge attack.
-Pray that the Biden administration will not pressure Israel and try to deter them from going on the
offensive. It’s God’s prophetic display time to the world on all levels.
“O our God, will you not execute judgment on them? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you… Thus says the LORD to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s. Tomorrow go down against them. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz. You will find them at the end of the valley, east of the wilderness of Jeruel. You will not need to fight in this battle. Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, and the LORD will be with you. Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Hear me, Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you will succeed.”…And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say,“Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures forever.” And when they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed…For the men of Ammon and Moab rose against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, devoting them to destruction, and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they all helped to destroy one another…When Judah came to the watchtower of the wilderness, they looked toward the horde, and behold, there were dead bodies lying on the ground; none had escaped…And the fear of God came on all the kingdoms of the countries when they heard that the LORD had fought against the enemies of Israel.” 2 Chronicle 20:12, 15-17, 21-24, 29
Maureen said that this applies to Israel, and to us in the USA as well, re: what we prayed into tonight:
We are to pray for President Trump’s LIFE…so that he will be alive on November 5th…
after we have spent these next 50 days in FAITH AND HOPE AND OBEDIENCE TO OUR CALLING!
We prayed corporately for Israel as it prepares for war, and is being surrounded by its enemies!
*** Be sure to watch for alerts and be ready to pray for President Trump and JD Vance
whenever they are on the campaign trail! Here is one now:
“Nassau Coliseum, on Long Island, will be a really big deal. It will be PACKED with Patriots! We have a real chance of winning, for the first time in many decades, New York. Hundreds of thousands of Migrants, Crime at record levels, Terrorists pouring in, Inflation eating your hearts out – WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? VOTE FOR TRUMP! I will turn it around, get SALT back, lower your Taxes, and so much more. I’ll work with the Democrat Governor and Mayor, and make sure the funding is there to bring New York State back to levels it hasn’t seen for 50 years. People are fleeing, maybe we’ll get them to “flee back!” See you at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Wednesday at 7 P.M. EST!”
A grealy encouraging statement for our senior citizens, made today by President Trump:
We shared in communion and closed the call singing God Bless America!
May He protect our nation and to bring VICTORY for righteousness on November 5th.
We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We NEED FT Facilitators to volunteer to cover these hours weekly!
*** Please, see which hour might fit into your schedule and step up!***
(Convert Eastern Time (ET) to that of your own time zone!)
3 AM ET Tuesday
3 AM ET Wednesday
4 AM ET Friday
2 PM ET Sunday
Using the “two by two” Biblical model, we also have “Co-Facilitators” to help Facilitators carry the call.
(This ensures us each hour is always covered…and the need for subs can be eliminated!)
We need those who are willing to step up and stand in the gap for the 24/7 NSPC!
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve for an hour a week…407-810-4665)
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our 24/7 family to be open and willing to rise up and serve
at this 11th hour for our nation’s destiny and deliverance!
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
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