Oct 8, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

10-08-24 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we begin our call tonight, Milton, a Category 5 hurricane, (the 2nd in less than 2 weeks), is moving swiftly toward the State of Florida fully weaponized with sustained winds of 180 mph. It is anticipated to make landfall late Wednesday night / early Thursday morning. Its projected path is cutting a swath from West to East, across the entire Florida peninsula, passing directly through Central Florida’s Seminole County, 10 miles North of Orlando where Maureen lives. Tonight, we will lift up all those in harm’s way, asking for their protection and preservation and remember those who were so devastated by Hurricane Helene, and who are now facing a 2nd hit! First, Ps Ioan asked that we pray to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God,” that we might be enabled to fully engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our state and nation, and be victorious! Tesi (FL) led us in this powerful prayer:
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, to receive God’s armor, and to wear it with the grace and dignity that it deserves!
Ps Ioan then shared this picture of Hurricane Milton taken by the Space Station cameras, 240 miles above Earth! It shows both the eye and the breadth of the storm as it swirls over the ocean, heading for Florida!
Ps Ioan spoke of the protocol of heavenly places that we have learned over the past 8 years…and how we are to approach the Lord in humility, asking him to accept our petition and answer as He will!
We prayed corporately into that.
We then prayed in repentance and asked for forgiveness for the sin of our nation, and that He would allow us to be cleansed and to be “holy” once again!
We prayed corporately for that.
We recognized that the Lord Jesus Christ is the CENTER of all things, and only by the grace He has won for us can we dare to enter into the Presence of God. We enter by the Blood of the Lamb, which sanctifies us!
We bow in humility, praying corporately for His mercy to be extended to us!
Ps Ioan asked specifically that God’s glory would come and surround and embrace us, that we might know that He has accepted our prayer. Coming in that humble position of grace, penitence and love, we ask corporately, that He would have mercy on us and remove this threat!
We prayed corporately into that.
We read this Scripture reference aloud: On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” Mark 4:35-41
As we read this verse, the Lord was stirring our spirits at the thought of His words spoken to the storm of His era. We petitioned the Father, now we petition You, Jesus, our High Priest and Savior, to speak to this storm tonight! We thanked the Lord for His Word going forth on our behalf – in mighty power – to calm this storm! AMEN! AMEN!
We place You on the highest place, for You are the great High Priest.
We place You High above all else and we come to You and worship at Your feet.
We face the coming storm with full faith and confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ!
We paused a few moments before at 9 PM, uniting our hearts to pray corporately for the J6 prisoners from across our nation. We prayed for them not to lose hope and to stand strong in the midst of their trials!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We then joined them, singing in their cells at the DC Gulag and in prisons across the land,
as we stood and covered our hearts and sang our National Anthem together.
Tonight, we have a special guest: Kayleigh Bush, 18, a contestant in the upcoming Miss Florida pageant, the state preliminary to the Miss America Pageant. Maureen met Kayleigh and her mother Lauren at Liberty Counsel’s 35th Anniversary Gala last week, and was delighted to find such an outstanding young Christian woman wanting to represent her state in the national pageant!
They have reached out to us, asking that we cover Kayleigh in prayer as she has now taken a bold action. Monday at 4 am in the morning, Kayleigh recorded a video which she sent to the local and state directors of the Miss America Pageant. In it, she stood on truth and with a gentle tone, challenged their false definition of a “female” …the affirming of which is a stipulation in the contract the contestants have to sign in order to compete. She petitioned them not to take away her title because of her convictions. Kayleigh hopes her video will precipitate a change in the dangerous (and demonic) direction in which the Miss America organization is moving. She hopes it will encourage them to act to preserve the definition and dignity of women and to protect female competitions.
Lauren spoke first and then turned it over to Kayleigh, who shared about how, after being crowned, she returned for a photo shoot, during which she was made aware of / challenged to accept the new rules in the contract for MISS FLORIDA…which include affirming the “trans” agenda, including allowing them to compete as women in the Miss USA pageant. She could NOT accept that. Her mission is to inspire a love of God and our nation to the members of her generation! She asked for prayer so that those who see her video will be pricked in conscience to uphold righteousness. Imagine what it would mean to future generations to allow a man competing as a woman! Lauren affirmed her daughter’s convictions and added that the actions being taken are irreversible and damaging beyond description. This iconic Miss America Pageant has been a model for so many young girls, and now, there are so many contestants being affected by mental health issues. Since the Miss USA Pageant has crumbled in this arena, Kayleigh is hoping that the Miss America directors will hold the line and not give in to the demonic agenda that is being foisted on them.
We prayed for Kayleigh in her stand for truth!
Bernadette (NY) thanked God for Kayleigh with the spirit of Esther upon her, who was also in a beauty
contest. You have raised her up “for such a time as this!” Let this video go viral and give her FAVOR as
You did to Esther!
Mary Ellen (IL) encouraged Kayleigh by sharing about other pageant winners who took their platforms into the schools and had tremendous influence with the youth! She sees Kayleigh as a mirror of Jesus! As others look at her, they will see Jesus! Don’t look back…keep going forward!
Bobby (WI) her name Kayleigh comes from the Hebrew meaning “crown of life” and she will work hard to reach her potential and freely give back for all God has given her. Kaylee Name Meaning – What Does The Name Kaylee Mean?
Tesi (FL) prayed for her to stand firm and not draw back
Diane (MT) Prayed Psalm 1 over her and Genesis 50:20 that no weapon formed against her would prosper.
Beverly (CA) how heroic it is when someone gives up something they have desired for so long, because of their integrity! She stands on that integrity, and we know You will give her back what she is willing to give up – let her come back and tell us of the goodness of God!
Mary Ellen (IL) asked who is funding this effort to include the trans agenda.
Answer: Lauren: New ownership and challenges that come with it, as they “tried to clarify” the
definition of a woman. (Sadly, so many others caved in and signed it.) A former contestant said she “stood on truth over a tiera!” Mat said this needs light and public outcry! She can not remain silent on this issue.
Maureen asked if it had gone beyond the pageant directors?
Answer: Lauren: Only to the pageant personnel for now.
Debbie (TX) Lauren didn’t want to have Kayleigh fight this battle, but she will do what the Lord instructs!
Ps Ioan then told Kayleigh about Jonathan Cahn’s book: THE RETURN OF THE GODS and how it outlines the evolution of the homosexual / transgender / matters of perversion! We have read and prayed it through. He shared about it and suggested Kayleigh do the same!
Maureen blessed Kayleigh and encouraged her to pray for God’s timing to release that video to go viral. She then prayed for all of us as we closed out this time together. We hope she will be back soon…with good news!
FB – Miss North Florida – Kayleigh Bush Instagram – missnorthfloridafl
Yesterday, October 7th, we observed the one year memorial of the untold horror perpetrated on Israel by Hamas. One year after this date in 2023, Israel thoroughly understands that the point is NOT to contain the conflict…it is to WIN it. Maureen heard a poignant phrase the other day, which is exhibited by Israel as they skillfully fight to WIN this war. It is: “Proper planning prevents poor performance.” What we have seen undertaken by the leaders of Israel through the IDF is remarkable…and the results have been nothing less than miraculous! It has been said that this is a civilizational fight with existential stakes, indeed it is! We rejoice in advance over the VICTORY that is coming, and PRAISE the GOD of ISRAEL for His protection of His people.
Yesterday, Debbie (TX) contacted us with the following prayer request. “Steve Maxwell, founder of Citizens Defending Freedom (CDF) is also part of the Remnant Alliance. The head of the Latino Remnant Alliance is named Louis Cabrera. Thanks to General Flynn, who texted 45, Ps Cabrera.has a meeting with Donald Trump tomorrow, Tuesday. He intends to ask President Trump to call the nation to a National Day of Repentance, Fasting and Prayer on Sunday, November 3rd, just 2 days before the election. Intercessors are being mobilized and asked to pray that President Trump will accept this call (as we of the 24/7 NSPC have been praying) and agree to participate live at 12 Noon that day.” We are praying for a GOOD NEWS update!
Responses from two national prayer leaders:
“Oh I join in that prayer ! YES LORD have President Trump call for such a day on Sunday November 3!” YES—- with God nothing is impossible !”
-Ps Jeff Dsly, National Day of Repentance
“Lord, we pray that 45 will issue a declaration for a day of prayer. In Jesus Name.”
-Bill and Rosie Pezzutti, GACX
Kay (AL) One of our intercessors suggested: “Whether or not President Trump agrees, maybe we at the 24/7 could fast and pray for 3 days before the elections, like Esther requested her people to do before she went before the King. Praying for a National Day of Repentance, Fasting and Prayer.”
Debbie said that she would update us asap…as the 24/7 NSPC has been praying for this for almost 3 years now.
We shared in communion, led by Ps Ioan and Maureen, then closed this call asking God to protect President Trump and our nation and to BRING FORTH VICTORY for RIGHTEOUSNESS on November 5th. We rejoice in every day that the Lord is protecting and securing the life of our beloved President, Donald John Trump. We are standing, in FAITH AND HOPE AND OBEDIENCE TO OUR CALLING…trusting that President Trump will indeed be alive on November 5th! Only 28 days to go!
*** Be sure to watch for alerts and be ready to pray for President Trump and JD Vance
whenever they are exposed on the campaign trail!
God bless you! We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We NEED FT Facilitators to volunteer to cover these hours weekly!
*** Please, see which hour might fit into your schedule and step up!***
(Convert Eastern Time (ET) to that of your own time zone!)
3 AM ET Tuesday and Wednesday
4 AM ET Friday
2 PM ET Sunday
Using the “two by two” Biblical model, we also have “Co-Facilitators” to help Facilitators carry the call.
(This ensures us each hour is always covered…and the need for subs can be eliminated!)
We need those who are willing to step up and stand in the gap for the 24/7 NSPC!
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve for an hour a week…407-810-4665)
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our 24/7 family to be open and willing to rise up and serve
at this 11th hour for our nation’s destiny and deliverance!
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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