Oct 31, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

10-31-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Tonight, Maureen will be leading the call from Orlando, while Pastor Ioan is in Bucharest, Romania. Let us begin our “CALL TO THE WALL” by praying for him and for his upcoming return trip to the USA in early November. Let’s pray corporately for him!
Jan (IL) led us as we prayed to receive the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18,
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Prayer requests:
This marks Day 25 in the war on Israel. Houthi rebels in Yemen have been attacking Southern Israel with missiles, rockets and drones. The Iran back Houthis have claimed responsibility for three attacks on Israel thus far. Since October 17, there have been 27 attacks on US military bases in Iraq and Syria. Pray for the protection of the soldiers of both nations. We prayed corporately for the war and for the protection needed for Israel, and for us, at our bases throughout the world and here in the USA.
Danielle (SC) prayed for Divine strategy for our military, and for our intelligence services to be sharp and alert, to prevent the intended war that the enemy wants to draw us into. Let their power source be defunct.
Joan (AZ) prayed for all those in the IDF and the military of the USA, to be guarded and protected wherever they are. Put a swift end to this situation.
Sherrill 9TX) prayed for the families left behind, in Israel and in the USA…spouses, children, parents, and
relatives. Let the angels protect the homes of each soldier. Let all the ranks of the angelic be called into
service at this hour so the warriors can carry out their assignments effectively.
Joan (AZ) bring the strategies to the leaders of the armies so they will make the right decisions.
Praise reports:
Sherrill (TX) thanked God for the young female IDF soldier who was found and freed by the IDF forces
yesterday. And for her ability to give them info to find the others who were being held hostage!
Danielle (SC) gave us an update on Rachel and her son Derek, a J6er. They are in DC and feel our
prayers. Rachel said that things went well at the pre-trial hearing today. They go to trial tomorrow.
Kay (IL) prayed for Derek and the trial tomorrow. She lifted up all those being persecuted unjustly and
asked that he find favor tomorrow, and forever long, it takes for his case.
Beverly (CA) Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) has called for the censure of “Squad” member Rashida Talib. We pray for her censure and expulsion and for the other Squad member
Teddi (TN) Enough is enough! Out with her!
Susan (GA) the vote on that censure will be in the House tomorrow
Mary Ellen (IL) declared that the Republicans be united and prevail in all these issues. Let that spirit of unity fall on the GOP, RINO’s included
Danielle (SC) canceled all witchcraft over this vote. Cancel and do not allow it io influence that vote, and let JUSTICE prevail.
Mary Ellen (IL) called for Michael and the angels to be released to this situation so that there will be peace and common sense reigning over this whole matter
Susan (GA) You put Your man in as Speaker, so that the House, Your House, would be cleaned. You know
which ones need to go and You will remove them! AMEN!
Mary Ellen (IL) You are already turning the hearts of the constituents who elected them…to no longer support them. Let their ratings be down and if they dare to run again, let them be defeated. We declare the dawn of a new day…of light and victory!
Susan (GA) shared about a Commissioner in her county writing up a resolution to support Israel. There
was a group that came against Israel and caused a ruckus so it was pulled from the agenda because
Sen Marsha Blackburn said there are nearly 500 Americans behind the lines in Gaza that have been taken hostage.
Sherrill (TX) CBN said there are now 238 total hostages from various countries. It doesn’t add up!
Susan (GA) said there are a lot more people involved than the government has spoken about.
Mary Elen (IL) clarified the numbers that had been taken.
We paused to pray for all those being held hostage as well as those behind enemy lines who can’t get out.
Today is REFORMATION DAY…the day on which we recall how, over 500 years ago, Martin Luther, posted his 95 Theses on the Wittenberg Church door…an act that reverberated around the Christian world, noting that we are saved, not by our own works, but by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. His righteousness, not our own, won salvation for us!
Like Martin, we are being called to stand up and speak out wherever we see unrighteousness at work! As the attacks against Israel intensify, we must stand up for Israel and speak out against those who are anti-Semitic Jew haters! We all have family and friends asking questions about Israel and Palestine, and there are many out there who have differing views about it. The focuses we are doing on the History of Israel will help us to speak about it clearly and understandably and to share the TRUTH with them. Israel was given by God to Abraham and the Jewish people…since 2000 BC.
Let us pray that we might be able to speak the truth in love to those who have other opinions. We prayed corporately and then offered individual prayers for Israel.
Kay (IL) we praise You, Lord of Truth, for showing us the truth. Open the minds of those who have been
confused and tricked by the enemy and can not receive the truth.
Beverly (CA) I am grieved at those who we think are Spirit-filled believers who have been deceived about
this matter. So much confusion and so many lies on the internet have caused a blurring of their vision.
We paused at 9 PM, as we do nightly, and Carol (NY) led us in singing the National Anthem,
united with the J6ers, from states across our nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We continue to pray into the matter of standing and speaking for truth.
Susan (GA) We seek You out to see what You have to say. Give dreams, and visions to wake up the Body of Christ to discern what is of You and what is evil. Give them backbones of steel!
Debbie (VA) repented for the Church, and for us passing on untruths about this situation. Forgive them and let us discern and be wise, so we are not filled. Bless Maureen and Pastor Ioan and all the leaders of this nation, to help guide us through these difficult and deceptive times. I bind the lying spirit and ask that You would cause them to be ineffective.
Beverly (CA) thanked God for HOLY BOLDNESS to fill us and enable us to confront anti-Semitism and to
speak the truth. She prayed for the silence of churches. It is deafening in its silence. Let the pastors
call their congregations into alignment and stand for Israel.
Diane (MT) lifted up those pastors who were more concerned about mammon than the Kingdom. Let there be a great shift. Give them dreams and visions to know Your will.
Susan (GA) thanked God that more and more people would come together. Gideon went from thousands to 300…and that small group had the anointing to take down the enemy! Let that be with us.
Kay (IL) lifted up the pastors and asked for mercy, to open their ears and minds to know the Holy Spirit’s voice, and they would KNOW it’s Him! Some don’t have a clue of what His VOICE is.
Maureen asked Kay to pray for all of us to have a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit….for some, perhaps, a first infilling.
Mary Ellen (IL) asked that the Holy Spirit would open our mouths to “trigger” that conversation. Let us not be afraid to initiate!
Debbie (VA) we are responsible for where we put our tithes and gifts…and if we are not in a ministry that
honors God in this matter of Israel, show us wherever else we might put it. Baptize us with FIRE so we
hear You at all times.
As we discussed this matter of TRUTH and Holy Boldness, Maureen asked that we pray for all involved in the entire HALLOWEEN situation, where so many are deceived into touching unclean things and playing with darkness! We prayed corporately and then offered individual prayers.
Sherrill (TX) a young woman told her that she had been trick or treating and felt the spirit of a lesbian enter her and it held her captive for 20 years until she could come out of it! We say to the darkness you may not have our children. We pray for the children who are “going after the candy” tonight, and that they be protected in such devilish times,
Kay (IL) had a missionary stay with her in October one year…who told her that Americans have no idea
what we are inviting in and dealing with during Halloween. We think it’s weird to think that, but it is not. We do not endorse evil or what it intends for our children! We lift the children of our nation to You, Lord, and pray for them to be protected in spirit as well as physically. The spiritual attacks are more dangerous than laced candy!
Mary Ellen (IL) her pastor wouldn’t allow evil costumes, instead, they had a “HalleluYah!” party. Let us repent and return to holiness.
Ydia (FL) there is not one light on at the houses on my block.
Susan (GA) How did we get here? I have so much opposition from my family, it’s hard.
We are so thankful for the Republicans unanimously electing a Conservative Christian, Mike Johnson (R-LA), as Speaker of the House! That is certainly a Psalm 133 prayer answered! After praying with his fellow members of the House, in his first legislative act as Speaker of the House, he led the House to pass a resolution supporting Israel and condemning Hamas.
Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel (LC) said: “I’ve known Mike for many years. He is a devout Christian and is right on all the issues. I couldn’t be more pleased that he will be leading the House. His leadership has already been very effective.”
Jonathan Alexandre of Liberty Counsel Action (LCA) Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs writes: “Over the years I have led prayer meetings alongside Mike Johnson and stood by his side on multiple occasions as we engaged in the frontlines of the most contentious legislative battles, defending the sacred sanctity of life and upholding the timeless Judeo-Christian values. Speaker Johnson has contagious humility, unwavering virtue, and commanding leadership. My heartfelt congratulations to the House Speaker….a man of God and a true freedom fighter who is a champion for life, liberty, family, and the conservative values that make our nation great. Liberty Counsel Action congratulates Mike Johnson on winning the speakership. Join us in praying for Speaker Johnson and that God would use Him to advance conservative values in Washington.”
We prayed corporately for Speaker Mike Johnson, then offered individual prayers. We then offered individual prayers.
Marsha (CA) thanked God for how He used individuals throughout history to transform nations. Muke and his family are pure toward you. Raise them up to do what You will. Quicken us to pray for him when he needs prayer.
Mary Ellen (IL) noted that he is a Constitutional Attorney, like David Clements. One week from today, David’s documentary LET MY PEOPLE GO! Is due to be released. Get him and Mike together so then can work on election fraud.
Annie (FL) He is anointed and picked by You, Lord. Let him be blessed and bring blessings to us. Speak to him and give him the strategies to do the right things!
Statements from President Trump:
“Three Republican presidential candidates have already dropped out of the primary. But there’s a MUCH BIGGER STORY going on……A new report shows that some special interest RINO big-money DONORS are now “giving up” on their plot to try and install a puppet nominee. The truth is: that RINO candidates are powerless without the millions and millions of dollars in special interest money propping them up. And now, the globalist special interest donors – having already burned through MILLIONS of dollars with nothing to show for it – are falling to their knees and accepting that our America First movement is unstoppable.
“Big GOP donors hoped for an alternative to Trump. Now some are giving up.”
[SOURCE: Politico]
But until that headline says ALL of them are giving up, we cannot slow down even one tiny bit.”
We prayed for our President and asked that we would stand with him and see this through until he is back in the White House and at the helm of the government once again!
“Throughout October, the attacks against our movement accelerated like never before. The month began with me sitting in a courtroom, as Democrats attempted to invoke the “corporate death penalty” upon me and my family. Then, a gag order was imposed upon me to restrict my First Amendment right to Free Speech in the middle of a presidential election. Finally, the month is ending with a sham trial aimed at REMOVING my name from the ballot in 2024. It’s our chance to show Crooked Joe and the Democrats that their attempts to overrule the will of the American people completely and totally backfired.”
As we lift up our President and the entire Trump family, we ask for righteous vindication in every case he is facing. We prayed corporately into this.
We shared in communion, led by Carol (IL) and Sandra (LA) remembering that as “armor bearers” for President Trump, we are anointed and appointed to stand and fight with him. We have been exhorted to raise a shield of protection for President Trump, his family, and the nation, speaking a short prayer over him whenever the Holy Spirit brings him to our remembrance and prompts us to pray! Whenever the Holy Spirit prompts us, we can pray something like this:
“Lord, bless and protect President Trump and his family, and bless the USA!”
Blessings and love,
Maureen (in Orlando) and Pastor Ioan (in Bucharest)
Every slot for FT Facilitators is now filled.
(Contact Maureen to be put on the wait list to serve. 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website: https://247nationalstrategicprayercall.com/facilitation-and-co-facilitation-needs/
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at: WTKOG13@gmail.com
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