Oct 31, 2016 – November 8, 2016 ”THE GLORIOUS DAY”

November 8, 2016 … ”THE GLORIOUS DAY”
Ioan Peia <peiaioan@yahoo.com>
To: Maureen@LibertyPrayerNet.org
Mon, 31 Oct 2016 at 03:08
Good message. May you emphasize that the call for the spiritual battle on Nov 08 must go out to all the nations!? That those spiritual leaders who receive the message will translate this battle call in their own trumpet call (Numbers 10) for their nations but also for the USA.
I sense in the spirit that you/us who are sharing the decrees of Heavens are attacked. I pray right now for our protection. I will call you in the early morning.
On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 20:09, Maureen Bravo
<Maureen@LibertyPrayerNet.org> wrote:
Initial DRAFT: Ioan…Do you have some additional thoughts, additions, corrections? Maureen
November 8, 2016 … ”THE GLORIOUS DAY”
A pivotal day for the United States of America…and for Our Father’s world. This will be a time of spiritual convergence that will usher in the breakthrough the Church has been praying for and the world has been longing for. On this, THE GLORIOUS DAY, we will at long last see the birthing of the sons and daughters of God who will radiate and show forth their Father’s MANIFEST PRESENCE in the earth! Alleluia!
As representatives of the ekklesia, believers called out from the world and into the Father’s eternal kingdom, we have come together in this Malachi moment, in the Lord’s Presence, to discern His will, and receive our marching orders! What He has revealed seems good to the Holy Spirit and us, hence, we are issuing a “Call to Arms” for the upcoming elections in the United States of America, and issued on behalf of our nation and the nations of the world!
Like the Jews in Susa at the time of Esther, we are facing an imminent threat which seeks to destroy us and our very way of life! We know that our lives and futures depend on what we do at this very hour! We have appealed to and have been heard in the Courts of Heaven, and have been granted the legal right to fight to defend ourselves and our country at this crucial hour in history! This is a spiritual battle of epic proportions! It is not only our right, but our responsibility to fight…for our lives and the lives of future generations depend on it!
A divinely inspired, strategic battle plan is necessary for such an encounter. Like the people of Israel repairing the city’s wall, we have been watching and rebuilding, with both trowel and sword in hand! We have built; now we must fight! Like David’s mighty men, we will take a stand and hold firmly to our ground!
“Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” Neh 4:14
Therefore, this day, we summon the Church to awaken, arise and adore the Lord, to consecrate ourselves to Him anew, and to begin to war as never before…over our lives, our families, our homes, our communities, cities, states, and nation!
For three days, November 6th-7th-8th, 2016, we will corporately “Fast, Pray and Fight” in order to experience THE GLORIOUS DAY on November 8th, and rejoice as we stand and see the deliverance of the Lord!
Pass this official “summons” across our nation and throughout the nations of His world. Let all believers engage together in the greatest spiritual warfare of our time…for the souls of our nations! The God-of-the-Angel-Armies is with us, commanding His ministering spirits to go forth and accomplish His will! He will prevail!