
Oct 31, 2016 – Final Doc. November 8, 2016 “THE GLORIOUS DAY”

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

Oct 31, 2016 – Final Doc. November 8, 2016 “THE GLORIOUS DAY”

November 8, 2016… “THE GLORIOUS DAY”

Maureen Bravo <maureen@ruii.org>

To: Romania-Ioan Peia

Mon, 31 Oct 2016 at 10:32

From: Maureen Bravo [mailto:Maureen@RUII.org]

Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 1:12 PM

To: F1-*Bravo-Maureen (LPN); JA-*I-Dallas Eggemeyer; Ioan Peia

Subject: November 8, 2016… “THE GLORIOUS DAY”

November 8, 2016… “THE GLORIOUS DAY”

A DECLARATION of a pivotal day for the United States of America…and for Our Father’s world. This will be a time of spiritual convergence that will usher in the breakthrough the Church has been praying for and the world has been longing for.  On this GLORIOUS DAY, we will at long last see the birthing of a new era for the sons and daughters of God, who will radiate and show forth their Father’s MANIFEST PRESENCE in the earth, and bring forth the global harvest HE has been longing for!! Alleluia!

As representatives of the ekklesia, believers, called out from the world and into the Kingdom of God’s love, we have come together in this Malachi moment, in the Lord’s Presence, to discern His will and receive our marching orders! What has been revealed under the direction of the Holy Spirit, we now release to you. This is a “Call to Arms” for the upcoming elections in the United States of America, issued on behalf of our nation and the nations of the world!

Like the Jews in Susa at the time of Esther, we are facing an imminent threat which seeks to destroy us and thwart God’s intended purposes and plans for our nation!  We know that our lives and futures depend on what we do at this very hour!  We have appealed to and have been heard in the Courts of Heaven. Our loving Father has always protected and made provision for His people; He has granted us the legal right to fight to defend ourselves and our country at this crucial hour in history!

This is a spiritual battle of epic proportions! We are not at war with our neighbors, but with fierce dark forces in heavenly places. We acknowledge Almighty God as the Supreme Judge and Lawgiver and declare that He alone he has the right to govern over His creation. We fight from this place of Truth! It is not only our right, but our responsibility to fight…for our eternal lives, the lives of future generations and the Kingdom plan to bring forth the world harvest, which will be ushered in as the King’s candidate is elected. 

To fight such a spiritual battle, not a physical one, we need a divinely inspired, strategic battle plan! This is one that “seems good to the Holy Spirit and us”. Like the people of Israel repairing the city’s wall, we have been watching as we have rebuilt, with both trowel and sword in hand!  While repairing the breaches in our nation’s walls, we have seen the enemies approaching our gates. We have built; now we must fight!  Like David’s mighty men, we will take a stand and hold firmly to our ground!  “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses.” Nehemiah 4:14  

Therefore, this day, we summon the Church of the Living God to awaken, arise and adore the Lord, to consecrate ourselves to Him anew, and engage in spiritual battle as never before…over our lives, our families, our homes, our communities, cities, states and nation! We exhort every spiritual leader, to stand up and speak up as the Black Robed Regiment of old, defending truth, justice and mercy! We appropriate and receive all that our heavenly Father has for us as He positions and anoints us for this battle, which is the LORD’s. It is He Who will defeat every enemy. Our assignment is to enter into His rest and to trust that He will deliver us. We do only that which we see Him doing, and speak only that which we hear Him saying, and release the authority of Heaven into the earth. This “Call to Arms”, a call to action, requires a response on our part!

For three days, November 6th-7th-8th, 2016, we will engage corporately in an Esther fast, with no food or water. We will “Fast, Pray and Fight” and ultimately experience THE GLORIOUS DAY on November 8th, rejoicing as we stand and see the deliverance of the Lord!  Remember the powerful spiritual principle of Matthew 6…Prayer, Fasting, and Giving. We fight by giving; doing acts of kindness and love, showing mercy and charity to those in need, and blessing your enemies. When we operate with this powerful trio, the hand of God moves and we receive a spiritual upgrade in our authority and anointing, which in turn gives us the Faith to move mountains!

This will be a universal spiritual battle. On November 8th, we will see the breakthrough as our God moves. As this official “summons” is sent around the world, believers will unite in the nations, to engage in the greatest spiritual warfare of our time…for the very souls of our nations! The God-of-the-Angel-Armies is with us, commanding His ministering spirits to go forth and accomplish His will!  He will prevail! This call must go out to all the nations. To those who receive it, translate this “trumpet call” into your language, so the people of your nation might be alerted and take up their positions. “When you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and be saved from your enemies.”  Numbers 10:9

“Thus they set out from the mount of the Lord three days’ journey, with the ark of the covenant of the Lord journeying in front of them, seeking a resting place. The cloud of the Lord was over them by day when they set out from the camp and Moses said, “Rise up, O Lord! And let Your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee before You.”  Numbers  10:33-35

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