Oct 29, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

10-29-19 Notes “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Lord, have mercy on us! Come and heal our land!
Cleanse with Your fire, heal with Your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
O Lord, have mercy on us! O Lord, have mercy on us!
Tonight, we will pray that God will send those who are pure of heart and with no agendas of their own, to speak and give counsel to our beloved President, helping him to identify and showing him what needs to be done in order to close those open doors that we have identified, which are permitting access to the demonic to attack, persecute and torment him!
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows;
for so He gives His beloved sleep.
Psalm 127:1-2
This is a difficult verse…to say that we as the watchmen, who are on the wall, stay awake in vain, unless the Lord Himself is with us! We recognize that we, without HIm, are nothing…and what we do is to no avail! It is the Lord Himself Who must build HIs House in this nation! We are His witnesses, and we stand in agreement with HIM and serve as His co-laborers! It is a heavenly partnership with HIM, and we are honored to have been called to it!
Lord, have mercy on us! Come and heal our land!
Cleanse with Your fire, heal with Your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now
O Lord, have mercy on us! O Lord, have mercy on us!
Areas we see that are allowing OPEN DOORS:
- President spoke out support for the homosexual community
- He sent congratulations to Trudeau in CANADA
- Allowed Diwali celebrated in the Oval Office – after there was an instruction to “PROTECT MY ROOM”
- Took part in Halloween celebration yesterday – with distribution of candy to children
- Today, Pelosi announced a vote in the House to legalize what is taking place behind closed doors
There are unwise and ungodly counselors around the President and those who know the truth about these things (and other things) must come forward and have access to him, to speak the truth in love, and have the wisdom to explain why these things are not suitable for him to do, say and support!
Tonight, we pray for mercy! We ask for ourselves and for our President and nation! We have all “offended” God in one way or the other and are in deep need of forgiveness and reconciliation with Him.
In the Book of Revelation, it says that whoever’s name was not inscribed in the Book of Life would perish. Those not in Covenant with God at the final hour would be blotted out and be sent to the lake of fire! Moses referred to that, asking God, that if He was going to take out the people for their sin, then He would take him first!
So Moses went back to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a great sin these people have committed!
They have made themselves gods of gold.
But now, please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.”
The Lord replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book.
Now go, lead the people to the place I spoke of, and my angel will go before you.
However, when the time comes for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin.”
Exodus 32:31-34
We prayed corporately, and then individually:
- Sherrill (TX) convict the President’s counselors and advisors of their negligence in informing him of these things
- Juanele (NC) You are righteous, O Lord, and Your judgments are righteous. We stand before You, between our President and Your Judgments and cry out for mercy, Lord!
- Greg (PA) thought of Gideon, who was a mighty man of valor, and although he made the ephod in error, You did not abandon him! Do not abandon our President, Lord. Forgive him for what he wittingly or unwittingly has done that has offended You and been out of alignment with Your Word!
- Sherrill (TX) reminded of a tremendous victory that the Lord gave our President this week with the bringing down of ISIS terrorist leader al-Baghdadi
Maureen said she saw a sword being sharpened. The blade of the sword was being drawn across a huge honing stone and as it spun around, flashes of sparks were flying from it as the edges were honed and perfected and sharpened for the battle!
We prayed corporately: Father, in the Name of Jesus, we ask You to forgive us and forgive our nation and forgive our President and also work with him. Have mercy on us, Lord. Be with us and let us come in Your Presence. In the name of Jesus Amen!
When these things happen, do not wait, do not delay. Wherever you are, if you sense that something is out of order, then stop and pray and stand in the gap for our President, and ask for mercy!
- Vai (CO) You have opened the door for our President, Donald Trump, to lead this nation! No Democrat, no person, no demon can shut it…only You have that option! We ask that You have mercy on us. We are weak vessels and we depend on Your strength… Your HOLY SPIRIT.. to lead us into righteousness, so no one can accuse us of anything! Have mercy, Lord, and forgive us for anything and everything that we have done wrong in Your sight. Burn it out so we can stand and lead Your people to You!
Pastor Ioan is a long-time friend of Vai, who is also a pastor, and the husband of our beloved Repeka from CO. Vai has served in the US Army and shared about the spiritual battle that took place alongside the temporal one! He spoke of the “rehearsals” for the mission…the practice that took place beforehand. We must do the same, to be ready for the spiritual battles we are called to…as well as the temporal ones!
We appreciated what the “voice of experience” said through Vai, and we asked Repeka to lead out in prayer, and then we prayed corporately for those who were part of the “takedown” of al-Baghdadi…the soldiers, the officers, the military and intelligence leaders who contributed information and planned the operation, and all who were involved, particularly for our President and Vice President and members of the Cabinet who were a part of it!
We prayed individually:
- Desiree (NY) prayed for protection and for refreshing, and for us to be prepared for what may come
- Barbara (NB) prayed against any retaliation from this mission. We say NO! and we ask that all involved would put on the full armor of God…to cover and protect them!
- Joan (AZ) shared from Psalm 91: the Lord will command the angels to guard them; they will trample the lion and serpent underfoot; those who cling to Me I will rescue them; they will call on Me and I will answer!
- Sam (TN) we pray for protection and encouragement for our President and all involved
- Janis (MA) the angels were guarding the prophet Elijah and encouraged him to get up and eat; so too, they were with our soldiers in the battle! Not one was lost!
We recognize that the enemy wants to destroy the President…and of this nation! Those aligned with darkness are playing their hand, and licking their lips in anticipation of their supposed victory! We read:
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.
Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing,
shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:31-39
We prayed corporately regarding this attack of the enemy, and declared that it will come to naught! Every weapon formed against our President will fail, and he will not only survive but thrive in this battle! We prayed individually:
- Mary Ellen (IL) when the angel came to Joseph and told him to take Mary and Jesus into Egypt, it was protecting them from slaughter – and she feels that is what is happening now, with the warring angels protecting our soldiers and people
- Debbie (VA) Psalm 37:32-33, 37 The wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to slay him.
The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright; For the future of that man is peace.
- Marian (CA) God had the President protected when arrows were coming at him!
- Joan (AZ) witches are sending spells against him…but none will prevail…nothing of evil will prosper
Pastor Ioan said that Sunday night President Trump attended a game…and the mass media joyfully reported that he was booed and that some shouted: “Lock him up!” That was a setup by professional agitators. We reject this as “orchestrated” by the fake news! They are looking for any way they can discredit him! We ask that the truth be exposed and revealed!
As the DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE approaches on Sunday, November 3, 2019, we are delighted at the number of congregations, prayer groups and ministries across the land who will be participating with us! For our 24/7 family, we have identified 24 key areas which we will cover in prayer that day during our 24 time slots! Please be with us as often as you can throughout the day and night on Sunday, as we are joined by Guest Speakers who will bring clarity to these specific topics. They will share for 5-7 minutes, and then give us a prayer point into which we will pray for @ 5 minutes, followed by another prayer point, and rotating from guest to participants, praying “antiphonally” into the topic during each hour!
***** If you would like to have your name added to the list of endorsers for A CALL FOR A DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE BY THE BODY OF CHRIST IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on November 3rd, please RSVP to WTKOG13@gmail.com
Having prayed and responded to this Call, we are each commissioned to issue this Call to others! “Herald this PROPHETIC CRY”, calling the people of this nation to repentance!
Print this copy out! Take it and RUN WITH IT! Share about the 24/7 NSPCall with those you know,
and invite them to join in prayer that day! Call in to: 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
November 3, 2019.
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
God is calling us, the Body of Christ, to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately, with ONE VOICE before Him. Once that is done, God says He will hear us, forgive us and heal our land! In order to do that, we must be convicted of our sin, and be willing to repent, not just give lip service. “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” Matthew 15:8 God is asking us if we are willing to receive the burden of “conviction of the sin of this nation” in our hearts. As we agree, we will be empowered to pray effectively in repentance for our nation!
We are engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love! Many in the Body of Christ are deeply concerned about the extreme danger being posed by the anti-Christ spirit, which is operating against not only our President but the United States of America at this very hour, trying to undermine and destroy our very foundations. Americans are distracted by a never-ending stream of “urgent” matters, while the media floods the airwaves 24/7 with “fake news” in an attempt to control our minds and instill fear in our hearts! What is taking place is a battle, against not only our Government but against individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and it has already been launched! “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and then rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate.
Joel 2:12-13
Nothing is too far out of reach that God cannot revive it. Repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena, often through solemn assemblies. In Scripture, these solemn assemblies were often called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on repentance, with fasting and prayer. Throughout our history, 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance took place!
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses the nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ.
During the Civil War, as President Abraham Lincoln struggled to mend a divided and war-torn nation and recenter Americans around God and prayer, he issued a proclamation on March 30, 1863, calling for a “Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer.” The text of Lincoln’s proclamation has pointed lessons for today, as our nation is once again deeply divided. It repeatedly references God, calls on Americans to turn back to prayer and acknowledges the importance that God plays in human affairs. It was indeed a “call to repent before God” which is appropriate for us today.
“Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation.
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, maybe but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People?
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.
Now, therefore, in compliance with the request, and fully concurring in the views of the Senate, I do, by this my proclamation, designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of April, 1863, as a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer. And I do hereby request all the People to abstain, on that day, from their ordinary secular pursuits, and to unite, at their several places of public worship and their respective homes, in keeping the day holy to the Lord, and devoted to the humble discharge of the religious duties proper to that solemn occasion.
All this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and the restoration of our now divided and suffering Country, to its former happy condition of unity and peace. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.”
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
Today, October 3, 2019, we, the undersigned, call the Body of Christ to a DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE
for the United States of America, to take place on Sunday, November 3, 2019, as a step toward a NATIONAL DAY OF REPENTANCE!
John Robb, NM, Founder, National Prayer Assembly (USA), Chairman, International Prayer Council, International Coordinator, World Prayer Assembly (2012)
Lori Robb, NM, Worshipper, Professional Musician and Prayer Leader
Dave Kubal, DC, President / CEO Intercessors for America
Kris Kubal, DC, Director of Strategic Resources and Engagement, Intercessors for America
Maureen Bravo, FL, Founder and Administrator of 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Liberty Prayer Network
Ioan Peia, CA, Founder and Administrator of 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, International Prayer Council
Jill Gates, Veritas Partners
Sara Ballenger, DC, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Cindy Williams, MI, Founder / Leader, Pray Michigan
Kris Eslick, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kay Elliott, IL, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Debbie and Craig Sams, VA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Albert Wright, CA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Wanda Shields, MT, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Marjorie Thomson, KS, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Aida Soultanian, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Joyce Psitzinger, WI, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Abigail Greene, MI, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Rebecca Wilder, MI, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Ydia Medina-Diaz, FL, 24/7 National Children and Youth Prayer Call Facilitator
Marilyn Wright, KY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Bev Dennen, NC, ACTS Prayer Network, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Annie Glatz, CO, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Annie and Johny Kuruvila, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sharill Sherwood, MO, Prayer Coordinator HaYovel, Israel, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Jane Kintu, MD, Christ to the Rescue Missions, Maryland Prayer Network, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
John and Gloria Veleber, NJ, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Susan and Bob Strevens, GA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Audrey Clements, CA, World’s Children Educational Foundation, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sandra Merritt, LA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Valerie Constantini, LA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Anita Ferrer, NJ, Brave Flame Productions and Outreach, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Jan Berlin, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Lynn Calahagn, NY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Odilia Servo, Vancouver, Canada
Vickie Farcasiu, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Bobby Johnson, WI, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Irma White, VA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Marian Gotanian, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
William Long, OH, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Ina Fernandez, MO, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Diane Anders, MT, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cindy Sandberg, CA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sally Bohart, WY, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Chaplain, Warrior Ministries, WY 24/7 SPC (Hope Again)
Maureen and Mark Lauer, MO, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Bobbie Benthall, NC, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Andrea George, NC, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Jim Degman, CA, San Francisco HOP
Donna Elford, MT, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Rhonda Burnettt, MT, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sherrill Boyd, TX, 24/7 TX Strategic Prayer Call
Carol Gunn, NY, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Raschel and Mark and son Beau Pecchenino, ID, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Laurie Clark, WY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Pam Arrington, TX, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Wumni Osinubi, NJ, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Anita Albright, IN, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Paul and Nancy McGuire, NY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
John Donato, NJ, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Nancy Grunwald, WA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Janice Wappel, AZ, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Janis Taylor, MA, The Rock HOP, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kala Miller, DMD, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Carol Bratcher, GA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Becky Bates, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Yoli (Yolanda) Choser, FL, Sovereign Lord Fellowship, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Nancy Ross, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kara and Larry Linn, WY, One Heart Prayer Call, Mountain States NDP, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Repeka Alaimoana-Nuusa, Facilitator 24/7 NSPC; Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, Israel; Cornerstone English Assemblies of God Women’s Intercessory Ministry, American Samoa
Vai Nuusa, CO, Council of Chiefs, Samoa
Glenda and Charles Schwartz, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Diane Fowler, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kimberly Sayer, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Nancy Sylvester, MN, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Carol Buchert, TX, CHPP, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Mary Ellen Fitzgibbons, IL, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Phillip and Linda Lemkin, CA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Trees of Gold
Tommie Lewis, ID, The Healing Rooms, NDP, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Donna Hastings, NY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Esther Goddard, AZ, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Fatima Eid, TN, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Peter Dettman, FL, SHALOM HOP, Kingdom Building Disciples International, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Nga Dang, CA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Lindsey and Cynthia Todd, and sons Adam and Lake, MS, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Carol and Parker Hills, MS, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Dena Yetsko, IN, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
David and Dorothy Barkley, MD, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cheryl and Jerry Winkler, MT, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Bob Evans, AZ
Patty DeGroot, AZ
Bill and Deb Grover, NY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Dana Gonzales, TX, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Richard Stoeffel, AK, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Tina and Leon Rosarion, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Dee OIt, IL, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Joseph and Janet Police, KY
Laurel Lease, WA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, Oasis of Hope Synagogue
Julia Riller and daughter Faith, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Dalen Fuller, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sue Trombino, FL, Women Impacting the Nation
Lois Colandrea, NY, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cynthia Carswell, MI, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Mike and Sharon Forest, LA, HAPN (Louisiana)
Cathy Owens, NC, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Barbara Sitler, PA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Amy Lofton Moore, SC, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Lorraine Zito, NY, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sophie Bunce, GA,24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Rev Lois Blei, AZ State Coordinator NDP, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Marcy Allen, TX, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Esther Lum, TX, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Ray Orsak, TX, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kellye Cokeroft, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Lois Colandrea, NY, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Bettina Arleo, NY, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
RaJean Vawter, President, Vawtermark Ministries
Jo Hansen Canon, CO/TX, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cheri Risch, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Barbara Sonin-Robbins, NJ, Stephen Minister Netcong, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Jerry and Karen Ellard, AL, Ambassadors for Israel Global
Linda Bemis, FL, Prayer Strategist, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
George and Gail McBane, CO, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Advisor
Kaye Simerly, FL, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Linda Khachadourian, NY, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Marie Hacker, NY,24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Leon and Tina Rosario, CA, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cynthia Carswell, MI, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Cathy Owens, NC,24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Allan Parker, TX, President, The Justice Foundation
Mathew D. Staver, FL, Founder / Chairman Liberty Counsel
John Barker, UT, President, 213° Consultancy
Liz Adleta, TX, Fellowship of Prayer Strategists
Joyce Smith, CA, Founder / Director, Prayer Force
Fr. Philip Eberhart, CO, Resurrection Anglican Fellowship, Colorado PRAYS / 10 Days Together Convenor
Stephen J. Spykerman, United Kingdom, Ephraim’s Watchmen
Carolyn Braudrick
Christine Jacobs, WI, RedFire International Founder and Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN)
Vada Reilly, CO
Ryan Williams, LA, NeedServ and Jesus Alliance
Bonnie Golliday, “Bonnie Blessing” U-tube channel
Bill and Rosie Pezzutti, FL, Prayer Mobilizers GACX
Denise Przybyla, FL, Servants of the Most High
Michael Phillips, LA, Jesus Alliance, NeedServ and All In
TC (Taechin) Kim, CO.Transform USA National Facilitator
Cathy Potts, MO, Prayer Partner, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Shaileen Acevedo
Michelle Wright, IN
Veronica Lekstutis, FL, “Care Bears for Christ”
Mark Tross
Peggy Wilson, CA
Elaine Kelly Randle, OH, 2nd grade teacher, Heritage Christian School
Pastors Rob & Kay Winters, AZ, Prepare the Way International Church
Patricia McIntyre, ND
Cynthia Collins, LA, SpeakHope/Operation Outcry, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Juanele Trusty, NC, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Pam Olsen, FL, President, Florida Prayer Network
Brenda Kelly, FL, Ministers Prayer Network
Dave Butts, President Harvest Prayer Ministries
Ann Quest, TX, UnityQuest
Esther Ilnisky, Esther Network International, Inc.
Mary Tome, ENI/World Shapers Club
Donna Smurawa, WI
Sandy Bruse
Frances Rogers
Marsha Wierson, GA
Glory Schadek-Koch
Clarity Regala
Sharon Doughty
Debra R. Kiser
Katie Allen-Franklin, KY
Karen Zavesky
Tiffany Granton
Clara J. Ortega
Sue LeCroy
Helen Brown
Maybelle Lorrie Main Kelly
Pauline Marie Dougherty
Terri Cook
Karen Kundinger
Debbie Anne Fring, WA
Carlos Villanueva, FL
Sandy Harper Walter, TN
Judy Ernst
Sharon Nathan Marcum
Sheila Hastings Niemela, FL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Phil Miglioratti, The #ReimagineFORUM @ Pray.Network
Phillip Jauregui, President, Judicial Action Group
Sue Rebar, Founder, Welcome Home Troops
Judith Yanira González, Executive Team, International Prayer Council
Nela Wainscott, FL, Evangelist
Edward and MaryAnn Edman, VA, CHPP
Barbi & Terry Franklin, TN, Worship City
Genendal Fratantuono, GA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
John Donato, NJ, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kitty Escue, FL, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Joe Cieszinski, Christian Bookstore owner
Pastor Eric Villanueva
Doug Stringer, Founder / President, Somebody Cares America, Somebody Cares International
Rev Roger L Story, National Leadership Ministries
Lin Story, Children’s Embassy of Washington DC, National Children’s Prayer Congress
Mark Sankey, Intercessor
Pastor Jim Montoya
Lisa Crump, Vice President, National Day of Prayer (NDP)
Paul McElroy, MT, Pastor, Mountain Family Fellowship Helena
Pierre Bynum, Chaplain / National Prayer Director, Family Research Council
Thomas C. Walker, Founder/ National Director National Governors’ Prayer Team
Ralph Feith, Prayer and Crisis Referral Network
Elaine & Tony Marine, CHPP
Roslyn McGriff, PA, Prompton Prayer Team
Gary and Sharon Keeton, AL
Barbara Prince, VA, Widow Ministry.
L. Michelle Smith, President, Source 1 Specialty Services, Inc.
Diane Sandoval
Charles and Gwen Weston
Fran Hagel, FL
Patti Kidd, FL
Wesley and SandiTullis, CO, Chairman- International Prayer Committee-Every Home for Christ, Co-Founders-Triedigm-Resources for the Restoration of All Things
Ivan and Linda Doxtator, MO, First Nation Restoration Ministries
Kathy Garske, FL
Demarick Patton, FL, Cru City Orlando
Anthony Verdugo, FL, Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida
Teresita Miglio, FL, 24/7 Florida Strategic Prayer Call, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Jess Espinosa, NY, Pro-Life and Prison Ministries
Leveta Thompson, TX, The Gathering Place House of Prayer, Canton
Karilyn Tap, FL, AGLOW, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Richard Paquette, CA, Minister to Recovered Addicts
Nancy Schulze, NC, Co-Founder (with Vonette Bright) The American Prayer Initiative
Viv Barrett, OH, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Bettina King
Carol Morris, IL, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Kathleen Trock-Mulholland, MI, Pebbles and Stones, Children In Prayer
Eliette Y. Bouie, PA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Nadine Fischer Cowey, TX, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
Drs. Frederic and Susan Rowe, Founders, The USA Watch
Margie Fontenot, LA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Gale Rowley, OK
Roxanna Lilienthal, MT, Intercessor RBC
Sheri Whitmore, ID, Idaho State Coordinator WFJ Ministry
Georjean Allenbach, AZ, Canaan in the Desert
Debbie Boehm, TX
Stephen Diaz, OR, 5:12 Prayer Ministry
If you want to endorse this document,
please send your name, state, ministry and email to: WTKOG13@gmail.com
Our dear brother, Pastor Vai, led us in taking communion together, and we closed the call exchanging blessings and love with all who are a part of our 24/7 family! Thank you for continuing to keep us in your hearts and prayers!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Please take time to repost our 24/7 focuses and notes on your FB page, and to your friends and family.
For those of you who are interested in helping with the Chronicling of the 24/7, please send your name and cell and email to WTKOG13@gmail.com and let us know how you would like to participate!
we use it to send out the daily focuses. It allows us to send to multiple names at once…much easier!
Click here or type in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/247-nspc/join
Note: We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. If at any time, it is necessary, the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over this line and our 24/7 family! Remember, ONLY if necessary!
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