Oct 24, 2023 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“You will show me the path of life;
in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. “
Psalm 16:11
We sing: In the Presence of Jehovah
In the Presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of Peace,
troubles vanish, hearts are mended, In the Presence of the King.
In and out of situations that tug-a-war at me, all day long I struggle for answers that I need.
Then I come into His Presence, all my questions become clear,
and for a sacred moment, no doubt can interfere.
In the Presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of Peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended, In the Presence of the King.
Through His love the Lord provided a place for us to rest, a place to find the answers in hours of distress.
There is never any reason to give up in despair.
Just slip away and breathe His Name; He will surely meet you there.
In the Presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of Peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended, In the Presence of the King.
In the Presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of Peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended, in the Presence of the King…
in the Presence of the King!
For us to receive and put on the Ephesians 6 “full armor of God” as we begin this hour,
that we might be protected as we stand in the gap for our country!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage
and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.
In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit,
so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation.
For David Clements, as he undertakes the assignment to connect with President Trump,
to see the declaration of a National Day of Repentance in which all Americans can take part!
For protection, provision, and peace
for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of our elections!
As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints
take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol!
Strategic Focus for Tuesday
The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 400
So all Israel shall be saved; as it is written,
“There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
For this is My covenant with them, when I have taken away their sins.”
Romans 11:16-29
Hamas and the End Times – Part 1
Pastor Mark Driscoll (Real Faith) shared the following information with his congregation…and it’s gone worldwide on the web. Let us read and pray into what he says about Hamas and the End Times, and use what we learn as “fodder for prayer.”
Let me begin with the storyline of the Bible in Genesis 12. There is a man named Abram who comes from a pagan father and family. God chooses him, pursues him, predestines him, elects him, calls him and saves him… and says, You need to leave your father and mother as an act of faith to a land that I will show you. God honors his obedience of faith as he leaves his father and mother and is sojourning. That land is very significant. That land is still in contention some 4,000 years later.
In Genesis, God whom he has just met appears to him again and reveals to him something that theologians will call the Abrahamic covenant. This series of promises to him is an unconditional, unbreakable covenant, secured by the promise of God. God creates the covenant and will cause it to be kept. Pray.
The Abrahamic covenant is echoed throughout Scripture. It has three aspects: land, lineage, and the Lord.
The land: It promises a piece of real estate to the descendants of Abraham, now known as the Promised Land,
The lineage: Through Abraham would come a son, and through that son would come a nation. We now know them as the Jews or the Israelis, and through those people, the land, the lineage would come.
The Lord, that ultimately all of this was to prophetically pave the way for the coming of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the prophecy.
In that moment that God spoke that covenant, there began a spiritual war that continues to this day. So the demonic, satanic war in history is over the land, whose lineage is going to take it, and who the Lord is. Pray.
As we move forward to the rest of the Bible, it talks a lot about this Abrahamic Covenant and the promised land. The Old Testament speaks to the promised land about 2,000 times, the New Testament about 700 times. This land is crucial to political history and prophetic history. In Genesis 16, Abram and his wife Sarah struggled to believe the promises of God, Who told them, “You’re going to have a son, and he will bring you a lineage and through him will come the Lord, a blessing to the nations of the earth through the seed” – Jesus Christ.
Sarah and Abraham waited many years, incapable of having a child because they were both elderly. Sarah devised a scheme where Abraham would take a second wife, a surrogate to have a son with. Abraham listened to his wife; and now had a second wife, Hagar (an Egyptian) and she had a son, Ishmael. Here’s what it says in Genesis 16:12 about the future of Ishmael and his descendants. “He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Ishmael would be an unrestrained and untameable man. He goes on to have 12 sons, just like the 12 tribes of Israel. Pray.
Eventually, God fulfills his prophetic promise to Sarah and she too, has a son, Isaac. Now you have Abraham with two wives, two sons, and one covenant. This leads to great conflict between the wives and the sons. Inevitably, God chooses Isaac, the son of Sarah, to fulfill and to receive the full promises of the Abrahamic covenant.
In Genesis 22, something very curious happens. God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son, the son of the promise, the son born of a miracle, the firstborn son, all prophesying the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. At this time, Isaac is a grown man, and his father is quite elderly. Isaac is told to carry wood on his back to a place where he would willingly lay himself down as a sacrifice to his father. All of this is prefiguring prophesying, foreshadowing the coming of Jesus, the Son of God, who would carry the wood of the cross on his back and willingly lay down his life to be put to death, by His own Father, His Heavenly Father. Isaac lays his body down, in surrender. Abraham takes the knife and is prepared to slaughter his son. Hebrews says that he believed that if necessary, God would raise his son from the dead. The resurrection, however, was not to be for that son, but the Son of God.
He is then stopped by an angel of the Lord, who may have been the Lord Jesus Christ pre-incarnate, who tells him not to sacrifice his son, that he was tested and passed the test. He had faith in God, and was willing to give his son. On the mountain of the Lord, the sacrifice would be provided. Later, the temple was built in that same region. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to that same region, carried the cross on his back, laid down his life, and was put to death as the sacrifice for the sins of the world. Pray.
2,500 years later, a man named Muhammad was visited by a demon that he said was an angel. Galatians tells us that even if an angel from heaven should appear, and present a gospel other than the one that is presented by the apostle Paul, then they are to be accursed… that it is a demonic, counterfeit spirit.
Satan counterfeits everything God creates. Muhammad was visited by a demon, a fallen angel…a demon that tells him that he needs to begin prophesying and presenting to the world a new religion.
The essence of Islam that comes from Muhammad is that the Hebrew Scriptures are wrong, that God chose Hagar, not Sarah, and that the son of promise for the Abrahamic covenant is Ishmael, not Isaac. He actually takes the story of Genesis 22, and says that it was Ishmael who went with Abraham, that Ishmael was the firstborn son of the promise, who laid down his life for his father. Islam takes all of the storyline of the Bible and twists it so that Sarah is rejected, Hagar is accepted, Isaac is rejected and Ishmael is accepted. As a result, the Muslims believe that the Abrahamic Covenant belongs not to the descendants of Isaac and the Jewish people, but to the descendants of Ishmael, Arabs, and the Palestinians. They say that Israel is their land, it should be their lineage, and that they are to worship their lord…Allah, not Jesus!
There has constantly been a war for these three things: who owns the land, which lineage is the inheritance of the covenant, and who ultimately is the Lord. This is a profound spiritual battle that continues until the Lord Jesus Christ returns…it’s not just political, but Biblical. Pray.
Today, Christianity is represented by the cross. And Islam is represented by the crescent. On the top of churches is the cross; we are worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. On top of mosques, there is a crescent. With the war in the Middle East, the sign in the heavens was the crescent on fire.
What we witnessed on October 7th was Hamas, the Palestinian lineage of Ishmael, invading and attacking Israel, the Jewish descendants of Isaac. The attack was land, sea and air. It occurred on a Saturday morning, which in Israel is SHABBAT, the Sabbath day. People were sleeping. Their technology was off, and as a result, they were more vulnerable. In addition, they were finishing a week-long Jewish holiday and were off work. You’re with family, your technology is off, you’re resting and enjoying… and then there’s a terrorist attack. Pray.
As we are watching the news, we see grown men doing the most damnable, despicable, demonic evil to civilians, to women. children and the elderly, shouting an Arabic phrase: “Allah Akbar.” Some translate that “God is great” but a better translation is “our god is greater.” This is a declaration that the demon and demons working through these people consider themselves to be greater than God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Ephesians 6 says that our war is not just against flesh and blood but powers principalities and spirits. This means when you see conflict in the natural realm, there is far greater conflict in the unseen realm. When you hear “our god is greater,” that is a declaration of spiritual warfare from a demon against the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Pray.
We pray:
That as we learn more about this spiritual battle, we will intercede for the souls of those who are trapped in deception, that many may be saved. Pray.
In thanksgiving for the TRUTH being preserved through Scripture and for the Jewish people being preserved throughout history to this day! Pray.
That the people of our nation will stand alongside President Trump, and remain engaged in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA until VICTORY is won! Pray.
That the members of Congress will fully investigate and bring a swift end to the Biden crime family and those associated with it: Obama, Clinton, Comey, and all the corrupt individuals concerned, convicting them of treason and restoring righteousness and justice for all!! Pray.
Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Prepare us for our NEXT STEPS in this Battle to Save America! Pray.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
REVIVAL – from Heart to heart!
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