Oct 11, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

10-11-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Tonight, as we come to this SHABBAT CALL, there is tremendous tension throughout the world, as Turkey has moved its military forces into Northern Syria. While the battle is raging on the ground there, conflicts have also arisen here in the US, between those who disapprove of the President’s decision to withdraw our forces and those who want to see our fighting men and women return home! When the White House announced this past Sunday night that US troops were withdrawing from their posts in northern Syria, analysts quickly warned an escalation between Turkey and the SDF would create a chaotic void which adverse actors could exploit further.
Measures being considered are: direct military intervention, the imposition of sanctions and finally, mediation between the ongoing conflict that has lasted for generations. Yet, we do not know the mind of God, or the President or what the ultimate outcome will be.
Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision.
Psalm 2:1-4
U.S. President Trump at the rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana
Our President told us when campaigning and throughout his tenure, that he wants to bring our military home, to no longer be the “policeman” of the world, not to be nation builders abroad, but rather to rebuild this nation. He was clear about his intentions and has been moving steadily in that direction for 3 years!
We prayed corporately and then shared what we were hearing and seeing in the Spirit individually.
- Fatima (TN) is trusting that God has heard our prayers for our President, and that he is doing what God has guided him to do!
- Kay (IL) hearing the same thing – we are not God, and it’s not our responsibility to police the world – GOD IS! Wars are often started by the wealthy and they make their fortunes from war…while the economy of a nation is depleted.
- Bev (NC) prayed that God is warning the intercessors not to get ahead of God. He says “Behold! I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:16
- Dena (IN) has been taking communion and bringing the President into the Supreme Court of Heaven and asking that favorable verdicts be rendered on his behalf, so that he might be able to perform what God wants done at this time in history! Vindicate him in the presence of his enemies! The BLOOD OF JESUS covers him!
- Donna (NY) be still and know that I am God. I am going to show you great and mighty things! You are going to have to trust Me. Don’t worry about what is going on in the world…get busy about My Father’s business
- Juanele (NC) God is not surprised – trust HIM and do what He has told us to do – pray for the President – and be a good witness to the world!
- Marguerite (MO) the President knows things we don’t and he is on target and on time!
- Bobby (WI) saw a large hand from heaven and heard PROTECTION! Trust Him.
- Laurel (WA) heard “4th man in the fire!” We are to protect the President and to affirm whatever has been downloaded from heaven to him!
- Albert (CA) shared that he saw the President fly into the air station in CA, and how the intercessors today were praying for the coast of the US, and had established a covering below the surface of the water. Let us pray effectively, as we are directed by Your Spirit!
- Kara (WY) heard the phrase “MY CHILDREN”! Help us do all things in order and to pray for the interpretation of what we are hearing from You. You are reassuring us that President Trump is Your chosen one to lead us now, and we are to pray for him as he serves! We are not to question or second guess him, but to intercede for him as we stay on the wall. Help us to stay faithful to You in this!
We shared that as we began this 24/7 assignment, the Lord said to “protect and secure the victory from the day of election!” The victory (on the day of the election) is a concept and it speaks of that battle between LIGHT and darkness! The President is the embodiment of the concept…and is the “carrier of the victory!” We are protecting the one who is the representative of that Victory…and that continues to this day! He did not give a length of time for that assignment, and now He has told us “protect My room”.
Pastor Ioan shared his thoughts based on 2 Samuel 16 and 17…:
When King David was fleeing from his son Absolom who was trying to kill him, God protected his life…just as He is protecting President Trump from those who are now seeking his life!
- vs 5 Absalom said, “Now call Hushai the Archite also, and let us hear what he says too.”
- Vs 14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” For the Lord had purposed to defeat the good advice of Ahithophel, to the intent that the Lord might bring disaster on Absalom.
- vs 23 “Ahithophel saw that his advice was not followed, he saddled a donkey, and arose and went home to his house, to his city. Then he put his household in order, and hanged himself, and died”
The President has some good advisors around him, and some who are not trustworthy. He has a way of understanding their motives and discerns by the Lord’s grace which to hear! He has a FATHER’s HEART for this nation and her people! He does not want to offer our youth in the military on the altar of Molech.
The Lord Himself is raising up the advisors around the President and HE will cause them to speak what HE wills, just as Baalam had to. We will not entertain any negative thoughts about our President and every weapon that is formed against him we will take captive, cast down and demolish!
This nation has a destiny…and it has a responsibility to bring God’s message of peace to the world! We are not to engage in wars…we have a critical role in the end times – and will be used for the harvest!
We invited feedback:
- Kathleen (PA) she heard “rescue mission”, and at first thought it was maybe for the innocent ones involved in these attacks in Syria, but now she thinks it is also for our President and for our nation!
- Bobbi (NC) last night we saw our President’s heart, as he spoke of the returned warriors in coffins and how their families reacted. He spoke of his own Father, and hailed his son Don who was there with him. Right now, he is calling the nations to come up higher and be all they can be…not to depend on us but to grow up and stand on their own feet. Time to take responsibility!
- Nancy (NY) God puts the words in his mouth
- Ina (MO) married to a military man, son Jesse active duty / 6 deployments, she prayed Psalm 91 every day for him…and he came back, but there is so much mental and emotional damage he’s not the same person! So many families have been impacted and destroyed by the results of WAR! End it, Lord!
- Donna (NY) prayed for Jesse and all our warriors that have PTSD and other issues, like anger and suicide. We prayed for them to be adjusted and reintegrated into family life!
- Kathleen (PA) her 2 brothers have PTSD..she prayed that she knows that whatever the torment – by the twisting that has gone on in their souls – God can heal it! RESCUE THEM, LORD and restore what the enemy has out on them! RESTORE!
- Mary Ellen (IL) her deceased brother had PTSD…asked that God would send those afflicted a vision of Jesus and draw them into the WORD.
In the last 60-70 years after WWII, the US got involved with 2 systems: Communism and Islam. We have troops in S Korea facing the Communists in N Korea, we have troops in Europe facing the threat from Islam in the Middle East. Over USA troops are present in over 80 nations and many are involved in conflict.
War ignites a fear of death, and that fear causes stress…and our people are being engaged with the demonic through death and fear of death, and socialism and communism and Islam. Then, those who go out and then come back in, bring the demonic spirits with them. Now the President is stopping that! We will bring our troops home and work toward the restoration of our country and our people!
We prayed into this corporately, and then offered more feedback:
- Donna (NY) prayed into the magnetic pulse issue, and thanked God for the President being aware of so many things and working to make this nation safe!
- Linda (AL) re: PTSD – a friend had used essential oils on her husband, and it helped his PTSD. She prayed from Nehemiah who said to fight for their lives for they were in a mortal battle!
- Susan (GA) thanked God for being able to pray with others for our President
- Diane (MT) re: felt that this was an orchestrated move by darkness and the President knows way beyond what we know. We have been praying that the Lord would keep him from war…and we are thankful for his strong stand, and the courage he has to do what is right! Release angels to protect the Kurdish Christians!
We prayed for President Trump to be able to mediate the conflict between the Turks and Kurds! Let him lead the way to peace…not to war! Let the President find a “man of peace” in each group and tribe, and bring them together – like knights around a table, with their weapons down, and seeing each other clearly and will to make the peace! AMEN!
We turned back to our own nation…and prayed for the US, declaring that the enemy will not prevail here!
We pray that our President will make every decision by listening to the VOICE OF GOD.
David’s rebellious son Absolom (who wanted to kill his father) represents those in this nation who are young and foolish and want something for nothing…(like the Democrat Socialists). They are anarchists, fueled by the demonic…which operates through globalists who are trying to destroy this country with the help of politicians who are corrupt and a mass media that is fueling the fires of rebellion and treason!
Just as those, who had been deceived by Absolom, realized their error and turned back to serving David, may our prodigals come to their senses and return home. Touch our people! Save our children!
We prayed corporately and then individually:
- Susan (GA) saw balloons and they were being popped by arrows
- Cheryl (MT) saw people in uniforms, in a “flying machine” in the mountains, going to different homes, carrying something and placing it by each house…felt it was for protection.
- Tessie (FL) prayed for the families in Syria in harm’s way
- Janis (ME) let the President have a “true friend” like David had in Hushai – “And Ahithophel was the king’s counselor: and Hushai the Archite was the king’s companion” 1 Chronicles 27:33
- John (NY) Jeremiah 1:9-10 Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.”
and vs 17-19
“Therefore prepare yourself and arise, And speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them. For behold, I have made you this day A fortified city and an iron pillar, And bronze walls against the whole land— Against the kings of Judah, Against its princes, Against its priests, And against the people of the land. They will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, “to deliver you.”
- Audrey (CA) shared about Naval Information Warfare System, which is covering an area that the enemy is trying to break through to defeat our nation! Our names are enrolled in heaven and the Lord hears and responds to our individual prayer and our CORPORATE PRAYERS!
“And Ahithophel was the king’s counselor: and Hushai the Archite was the king’s companion.” 1 Chronicles 27:33
- Ahithophel – a “counselor” who gave advice and betrayed his king
- Hushai – a “companion” who was very close…like a brother, and was faithful.
We have two matters that we are engaged in right now, preparing for:
- WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO FLORIDA – in Orlando, FL – November 8, 9,10, 2019.
~~~ See info below ~~~
We took communion together, blessing this sacred summoning of the Body of Christ to a day of corporate repentance! Lord, have mercy on us!
We love our 24/7 family. Blessings to all of you…always!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We are constantly being blocked by fb…so please, be an ambassador for the 24/7 NSPC and take a moment to POST the daily focus along with the notes from our special calls on your FB pages!
Thank you!
PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN UP FOR THE GOOGLE GROUP through which we are now sending out the daily focuses. It allows us to send to multiple names at once…much easier!
Click here or type in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/247-nspc/join
SHARE THE WORD…call others to pray on November 3rd!
November 3, 2019.
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land,
or send pestilence among My people,
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.“
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
God is calling us, the Body of Christ, to come together, fall on our knees and confess the sin of our nation, repenting corporately, with ONE VOICE before Him. Once that is done, God says He will hear us, forgive us and heal our land! In order to do that, we must be convicted of our sin, and be willing to repent, not just give lip service. “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” Matthew 15:8 God is asking us if we are willing to receive the burden of “conviction of the sin of this nation” in our hearts. As we agree, we will be empowered to pray effectively in repentance for our nation!
We are engaged in a spiritual battle…a warfare of love! Many in the Body of Christ are deeply concerned about the extreme danger being posed by the anti-Christ spirit, which is operating against not only our President but the United States of America at this very hour, trying to undermine and destroy our very foundations. Americans are distracted by a never-ending stream of “urgent” matters, while the media floods the airwaves 24/7 with “fake news” in an attempt to control our minds and instill fear in our hearts! What is taking place is a battle, against not only our Government but against individuals, families, churches and communities. It is an all-out war against the American way of life…and it has already been launched! “We, The People” are under attack! Unless the Body of Christ repents and then rises up in prayer, the United States will have no future.
“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate.
Joel 2:12-13
Nothing is too far out of reach that God cannot revive it. Repentance does not happen spontaneously. It first takes place in individual hearts, is nurtured by prayer and fasting, and is then birthed into the larger arena, often through solemn assemblies. In Scripture, these solemn assemblies were often called by priests, prophets or kings, for the entire nation. Prior to every national awakening in the United States, there was an emphasis on repentance, with fasting and prayer. Throughout our history, 788 solemn assemblies for national repentance took place!
The blessing of national repentance is not only that God heals and blesses the nation, but also that a passion for His Presence is stirred up in the Body of Christ.
During the Civil War, as President Abraham Lincoln struggled to mend a divided and war-torn nation and recenter Americans around God and prayer, he issued a proclamation on March 30, 1863, calling for a “Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer.” The text of Lincoln’s proclamation has pointed lessons for today, as our nation is once again deeply divided. It repeatedly references God, calls on Americans to turn back to prayer and acknowledges the importance that God plays in human affairs. It was indeed a “call to repent before God” which is appropriate for us today.
“Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation.
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, maybe but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People?
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.
Now, therefore, in compliance with the request, and fully concurring in the views of the Senate, I do, by this my proclamation, designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of April, 1863, as a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer. And I do hereby request all the People to abstain, on that day, from their ordinary secular pursuits, and to unite, at their several places of public worship and their respective homes, in keeping the day holy to the Lord, and devoted to the humble discharge of the religious duties proper to that solemn occasion.
All this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and the restoration of our now divided and suffering Country, to its former happy condition of unity and peace. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.”
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
Today, October 3, 2019, we, the undersigned, call the Body of Christ to a DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE
for the United States of America, to take place on Sunday, November 3, 2019, as a step toward a NATIONAL DAY OF REPENTANCE!
If you would like to have your name added to this list of endorsers for A CALL FOR A DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE BY THE BODY OF CHRIST IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on November 3rd, please RSVP to WTKOG13@gmail.com Having responded to this Call, we are each commissioned to issue this Call to others we know! Let each one “Herald this PROPHETIC CRY”, calling the people of this nation to repentance! Take it and RUN WITH IT! Share the Call with those you know, and invite them to join in!
Invitation to a Holy Convocation to
Orlando, Florida ~ November 8, 9,10, 2019
“But to you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.”
Malachi 4:2
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
God is moving powerfully in the United States of America…manifesting His intention to bring us back to the very foundations upon which He brought us forth 243 years ago! As we approach the elections of 2020, we see that the battlegrounds are many, and one state that is absolutely critical at this hour is FLORIDA! We are being summoned there, where darkness is making a stand, and martialing it’s forces, attempting to take and control the state, the rest of our country.
The battle lines are drawn, and the Lord of Hosts Himself will confront the enemy in FLORIDA. He will “rise and shine” His LIGHT into the darkness and open the doors for those who want to be delivered from captivity.
On behalf of the people of our nation, as representatives of the Ekklesia, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is calling for a Holy Convocation to WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA on November 8, 9,10, 2019 at the Orlando International Worship Center, 4700 Goddard Avenue, Orlando, FL 32804.
We are reaching out to you, seeking your blessing, endorsement and prayerful participation. This is your personal invitation to join us on behalf of this nation, to stand with us in this endeavor. We look forward to receiving your endorsement and acceptance to attend. To endorse, please send your name, state and ministry information to WTKOG13@gmail.com.
Thank you for the way in which you are serving our Lord…and hopefully, for your willingness to be our “companion on this journey.”
WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA Coordinating Team:
Audra Smith, Orlando International Worship Center,
Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia
Administrators of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Welcoming the King of Glory into Florida
Out of the Call to a Sacred Assembly to WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY into the State of Florida, we, the Sons and Daughters of God and Servants of the Most High, representing the BODY of CHRIST from our fifty States and territories, make this declaration on behalf of the State of Florida and our nation!
We proclaim that there is only One, True, Almighty God, Who is Creator of all, Life Giver, Sustainer, Authority and Commander-in-Chief of the Heavenly Host;
We believe in God the Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; We believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Messiah, Savior and King; We believe in the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
We declare that we are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. We cancel any plan or scheme of the enemy to delude, ensnare or divide our people of this region or any part of this nation. We cast down any plot or proposal of man to supplant or undermine God-given authority which protects our liberty and administers justice.
We renounce and annul all covenants made with darkness, from the time of our inception, throughout our birthing process and the two hundred forty-three years of our existence. We therefore nullify, cancel and reject any such agreements or associations with any proud thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God.
We renounce replacement theology and honor the Nation of Israel, the first recipient of God’s promise. We purpose to be reconciled to one another, and to share in God’s covenant promises. Fully submitted to Almighty God, we purpose to live and walk together in the Light, occupying and holding our ground as we stand firm in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Led by the Spirit of God, on this day, November 10, 2019, we, the Body of Christ, residents of the United States of America, positioned as Priests and Gatekeepers of our Nation, do ordain and confirm the Holy Covenant between the United States of America and the One True God…Father, Son and Holy Spirit…foundational to our nation’s conception and birth. We joyfully renew our marriage vows with our Lord Jesus Christ, and together with the Spirit, we, His Bride say, “Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:17)
We further declare that the state of Florida is a Covenant State and that its people dwell securely in the freedom that comes from being in right relationship with Almighty God. We declare that it is “HOLY UNTO THE LORD” and call forth that true unity necessary for the Kingdom of God to manifest in our midst!
We affirm God’s Universal Sovereignty and declare our joyful and willing submission to His Will, His Word, His plans, purposes and desires from this day forward. Let Faith increase, Hope be restored and the anointing of Love be released across this nation as we move in His Power and Authority to displace all that is profane or unholy and, in their places, erect altars of Holiness in a demonstration of the deep forgiveness and restorative power of our Holy God.
As we thank our God and Father for His Divine Mercy to the State of Florida and to this nation, we resolve to remain in His Presence from this day forward, to honor Him above all else in our lives, and to do only that which is pleasing in His sight!
On this Glorious Day, we proclaim Victory in a new season for our nation, a time of renewed Hope and Joy, when the revelation of the mature sons of God the Father, who as a Royal Priesthood in the order of Melchizedek will extend the fullness of the Word of God and His Kingdom throughout the nations of the earth.
As citizens of the State of Florida and the United States of America, we welcome our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Glory into Florida, submitting to His reign as Sovereign Ruler of our nation.
All Glory be to God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen!
Orlando, Florida – United States of America – November 10, 2019
Endorsers from the United States and the Nations:
Leslie Keegel – Chair of the Foursquare Church Global Council
John Robb – Chairman, International Prayer Council; Facilitator, World Prayer Assembly; Convener National Prayer Assembly (USA)
Rusty Bailey – Mayor of Riverside, CA
Nancy Schulze – Founder, The American Prayer Initiative
Jerry Dirmann – Founder and Senior Pastor, The Rock Church Anaheim, CA
Maryal Boumann – PRAY CALIFORNIA, Director; United States National Prayer Council – Global Director of Women’s Ministry
Dave Butts – President, Harvest Prayer Ministries
Yanira Gonzalez – International Prayer Council – Latin America; Latin American Prayer Council
Henry and Jeannie Lein – Senior Pastors, Evermore Church Riverside
David Kubal – President / CEO, Intercessors for America
Michael Griffiths – Servant Leader Directing Unite San Diego
Cindy Jacobs – Generals International; Reformation Prayer Network
Dean Briggs – The Call, Chief Strategy Officer
Tom Schlueter – Prince of Peace House of Prayer – Pastor; Texas Apostolic Prayer Network – Director
Jerry and Karen Ellard – Ambassadors for Israel Global
Lisa Crump – Vice-President Volunteer Mobilization and Liaison to Prayer Ministries; National Day of Prayer Task Force
Rick Torrison – Somebody Cares; Revival Rivers, Founder and President
Evangelist Alveda King – Civil Rights for The Unborn
Allan Parker – The Justice Foundation
Connie Lindsley – Oasis Ministries, Washington DC
Summer Ingram – National Director of Prayer and Mobilization; Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
Cynthia Collins – Speak Hope
Phil Miglioratti – National Pastors Prayer Network; Mission America Coalition
Pam Olsen – President, Florida Prayer Network
Michael Maeliau – All People Prayer Assembly; Board of Reference of the International Prayer Council
Ed Silvoso – Transform Our World
Ted Hahs – Harvest Evangelism, “California Canopy of Prayer,”
Ioan Peia – International Prayer Council – Eastern Europe Coordinator; 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Administrator, WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY
Maureen Bravo,- International Director of the Liberty Prayer Network, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Administrator, WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY
Diane Flaherty, Coordinator WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Area Coordinator for Moms in Prayer International
Dr. Henry and Grace Falany, Mariposa Revival Center, author of “God, Gold, and Glory – The California Contribution to Global Outpourings and the End-Time Harvest”
Grace Wallace, Santa Barbara
Victor and Barbara Batastini, Santa Barbara
Peggy Wilson, Santa Barbara
Pastor Jerry Menchaca, New Beginning Community Church
Pastor Jamie Ramirez, Eco A Covenant Order -Evangel
Pastor Dale Swanson, New Life Foursquare Church
Pastor Bob and Michelle Ryan, Veronica Springs
Pastor Pete and Brenda Miranda, Open Heaven, Santa Maria
Marsha Elliott, LA County
Keith and Mary Hudson, Rise International Ministries
Elizabeth Morey, Front Line California, Inc
Pastor Bob and Linda Reed, Ventura
Pastor Jerry Heater, Carpinteria
Pastor Jim Proeber, Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Jon and Julie Eryman, Jubilee Church
Sue Kasmar, Reality Santa Barbara
Rosa Lomeli
Janis Janowski
Bill Martin, New Life Foursquare Church
Daniel and Estee Ajian, Veronica Springs
Esther Constantakis, San Jose
Rob Dayton, Santa Barbara House of Prayer
Shelley Trost, House of Prayer
Diana Brunner, Calvary Chapel
Danna Cook,
Jubilee Church, Santa Barbara
Paul Berquist
Laurie Punches
Adena McCaghren, Gatekeepers, Paso Robles, California Intercessors
Angie Royal, Eagles’ Nest, Ventura County
Cindy and Jeff Gough, Santa Maria Healing Rooms
Jon and Trey Lindsley
Filip Peia – Biola University
Ellen Laitinen – Pastor Gateway Community Church / Geographic Spiritual Elder of The Bay Area
Carmen Gabriele – Sr. Pastor, New Life Fellowship, Hollister, CA
Ramona Trevino – Radio Talk Show Host KKMC 880AM / 97.3FM
Ramona Helfer – “Flags of Worship and Praise” CA
Ron Hart – Marketplace Leaders Area Director, Northern CA
Adam Bernal – Sr. Pastor Jubilee Bridge Church, Morgan Hill, CA
Michelle Bernal – Asst. Pastor Jubilee Bridge Church, Morgan Hill, CA, Founder / EO Helps For Hansen’s,
Michael-John Toste – Sr. Pastor Acts Church, Morgan Hill, CA
Pastor Chris Cobb – Executive Director Of Ministries, Gateway Community Church, San Jose, CA
Margaret Deemer – Pastor Gateway Community Church, San Jose, CA
Eduardo & Bethany Valenzuela – Sr. Pastors The House, San Jose, CA
Dori Prado – Director, South County Faith Based Coalition
Margaret Jackson – Publisher, Concierge e-Magazine / Business On The Edge Radio Talk Show Host AM1220
Phillip Lemkin – Reverend, Temple Emanuel, Australia
Linda (Lloyd) Lemkin – Founder, I Am & Little Lambs, Inc., Family of The Lamb Network
Rudy “Fire Eagle” Arechiga – Evangelist of Native Americans
Albert Wright – Jubilee Bridge Church Morgan Hill
Susan Landry – Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Bay Area
Bridgette Jones – Publisher, South Valley Review Newspaper
Sonny & Linda Lara – Sr. Pastors Star of David Ministries, San Jose. CA
Danny Chavez – Executive Director, Empowering Our Community for Success
Pastor Ben Medel – Pomo Miwok Nation
Leon and Tina Rosario – WTKOG into Bay Area
Anthony Marquez – Kingdom Of God Ministries,
ND ASK Network – South West Zone (AZ/CA/CO/HI/NE/NM)
Kimberly Sayer – Cathedral of Faith San Jose
Robert Wolff -Majestic Glory Ministries – Malibu, California
Alysha Larsen – WTKOG into Yosemite National Park
Kristin Eslik – Merced, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Angelic Torrez – 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Sr. Georjean Allenbach – Canaan in the Desert, Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary
Bonnie Fridenmaker – Director, School of Prayer, Church for the Nations, Phoenix, AZ
Pastor Nadina Myron – Sunlight Church, Hopi Reservation, AZ
Jim Gilbert – Hopi / Apache, Phoenix, AZ
Emily Gilbert – Chickasaw / Cherokee, Phoenix, AZ
Carol Flores – Hopi, Phoenix, AZ
Myra Wilson – Alaskan Native, Phoenix, AZ
Maryann Hopkins – Phoenix, AZ
Betty Harper – Phoenix, Arizona
Pastor Jess Garrison – Southern Baptist Convention
Louise McJunkin – Arizona Glory Warriors, Scottsdale
Joan Dziedzic, Phoenix, AZ
Marcia Schmidt, Scottsdale, AZ
Rob and Kay Winters, Prepare the Way International Church
Jenny Johnson – WTKOG into the Mt. Shasta Region
Pastor Ray and JoAnne Shelton – Shasta Indian Nation, Mt. Shasta Region First Nations Gatekeepers
Pastor Corey Yake, the Gathering (Church)
John Masis, Senior Pastor, Templo de la Cruz, Hayward, CA
Paul Roman, Pastor, Templo de la Cruz, Hayward, CA
Melanie Rodriguez, Intercessory Prayer Leader, Assistant Worship Director, Templo de la Cruz, Hayward, CA
Chantelle Alvarez, Pastor, Intercessory Prayer Leader, Templo de la Cruz, Hayward, CA, WTKOG into Hayward, CA
Sara Ballenger, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Becky Castle, Texas
Carol Vance, Texas
Carolyn Vance, Texas
Doug Stringer, Texas
Josh Mitchell and Wife, Texas
Michael Harada, Texas
Pamela Harada, Texas
Bob and Bonita Hunt, Texas
Jane Costello, Texas
Donna Walden, Texas
Cindy Cook, Texas
Calvin Miller and Wife, Texas
Gideon Eboh and Wife, Texas
Gideon and Sara Stanley, Texas
Rickie and Dale Bradshaw, Texas
John and Linda Moore, Texas
Ron Watty and Wife, Texas
Carl and Judith Arnold, Texas
Bob and Diana Jones, Texas
Kay Farmer, Texas
Glenda Kay Mitchell, Texas
Randy Campbell, Texas
Jennifer Campbell, Texas
Cassidy Campbell, Texas
Sally Bohart, WY
Donna Elford, MT
Rhonda Burnett , MT
Richard Stoffel, AK
Dottie McCurdy, WY
Kara Linn Wyoming
Laurie Clark, WY, Hebrew Roots Congregation
Letha and Ralph Stark, MT
Tommie Lewis, ID
Wanda Shields, MT
Bonnie Stevens, MT, First Nations Peoples
Cheryl Winkler, MT
Pastor Paul McElroy, MT, Mountain Family Fellowship, IPHC
Sherrie Lewis, WY
Arly Frye, WY, Generals of Intercession
CJ Canzano, MI
Becky Wilder, MI
Pam Arrington, TX, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Nela Wainscott, FL, Evangelist
Edward and MaryAnn Edman, VA, CHPP
Barbi & Terry Franklin, TN, Worship City
Genendal Fratantuono, GA, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
John Donato, NJ, Facilitator 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Before the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election, the Day of the Battle…the “GLORIOUS DAY”, many intercessors, who had joined together in prayer, entered into a three (3) day ESTHER FAST on behalf of our nation! On the evening of November 8th, as the polls were closing and the votes were being counted across the land, prayer furnaces were fueled up and operating in high gear. We prayed and watched as the “tide turned” and Donald Trump was elected as our 45th President!
While rejoicing in the mercy and goodness of God to our nation, we immediately sensed an urgency to remain “on the wall” in intercession, to pray for the protection of our incoming President and to assure his being inaugurated and set into the position God had given him! Thus, on November 11th at 12 AM, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call was launched…with the key assignment of “protecting and securing the victory from the day of election” interceding hourly for the safety and security of our President and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
On November 20th, silver trumpets were blown over the nation, calling the Body of Christ to a HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into the United States of America in Washington, DC from January 17th-20th, 2017. Two months later, on January 20th, after President Trump took the oath of office at 12 Noon, the 24/7 NSPC intercessors gathered on the National Mall next to David’s Tent to proclaim “The Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King. He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22. We confirmed our nation’s covenant with the Father and renewed our marriage vows with our Lord Jesus Christ, declaring the Victory of His Love over our entire country. Together with the Holy Spirit, we cried out: “Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!” This, the Second Day of the Battle, was a “DAY OF VICTORY”…a Day of Worship, Joy and renewed Hope!
We continued “on the wall’”, covering the President’s FIRST 100 DAYS on the 24/7 NSPC. The Lord began to turn our attention to developing additional Strategic Prayer Calls in the individual states. During prayer for California, He gave deeper revelation of the condition of that state and what He wanted to do there! Thus began a series of gatherings in that state to Welcome the King of Glory in 10 different locations! These were followed by gatherings in Phoenix and Sedona, Arizona, Houston, Texas and in the three states comprising Yellowstone Park: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming!
He has now summoned us to another HOLY CONVOCATION…to WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY into FLORIDA. The battle lines are drawn, and a “holy confrontation” is imminent! The Lord of Hosts Himself will confront the evil that has been holding Florida’s people hostage, opening the doors for those who want to be delivered from captivity…and shining His LIGHT into the darkness that has surrounded them!
WE NEED TO BE PREPARED TO WELCOME HIM! On behalf of our nation, as representatives of the Ekklesia, the Body of Christ in Florida will gather together on November 8, 9, 10, 2019 to WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY into FLORIDA! Brothers and sisters from other states, as well as those from the nations, will be joining us, praying and serving as our witnesses as we affirm our Covenant with the Lord!
To prepare for this HOLY CONVOCATION to WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA, we encourage everyone to participate in the DAY OF CORPORATE REPENTANCE BY THE BODY OF CHRIST IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on November 3, 2019! It will be a sweet fragrance before the Lord and a worthy preparation for when we WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO FLORIDA the following weekend!
This is “history in the making”…and it is already causing a “stirring in the spirit”, as the forces of darkness are about to be displaced. We are expectant about what God has planned for us as He releases His GLORY in our midst! Please make your plans now to join our 24/7 family and Pastor Ioan Peia and Maureen Bravo in Orlando for the weekend of November 8, 9,10, 2019 to Welcome the King of Glory into Florida.
This is where we will WELCOME the KING of GLORY into FLORIDA!
Orlando International Worship Center 4700 Goddard Avenue Orlando, FL 32804
From I-4 Exit 88, it is 2.1 miles West on Lee Road, then turn South (left) onto Goddard Avenue.
Friday, November 8th 6 PM – 9 PM Gathering of the saints
Saturday, November 9th 10 AM – 12 PM Centrality of the Cross
2 PM – 5 PM Supremacy of Christ
7 PM – 9 PM Unity of the Body
Sunday, November 10th 10 AM – 12 PM Sunday morning service at OIWC
Closing Celebration and Commissioning
Registration: FREE. Please register
Each participant is responsible for their own flights, lodging and transportation.
The two airports closest to Orlando are Orlando Int’l Airport (MCO) and Orlando-Sanford Int’l Airport (SFB)
We have a guaranteed room rate of $60.+ tax / night at the Quality Inn and Suites Winter Park Village Orlando.
Address: 626 Lee Road Orlando, FL 32810 (off of I-4 on Lee Road, Exit 88 – only 2.1 miles from our venue)
Call 407-645-5600 and ask for Julianne, Sales Manager Tell her you are with the WTKOG group / 24/7 NSPC!
They recently refurbished their 5th floor, and have agreed to book our group on that floor, so we’ll be together!
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