
Nov 8, 2016 – Election Day – “The Glorious Day”

Nov 8, 2016 – Election Day – “The Glorious Day”

At 2 PM Nov 8, 2016 the Lord instructed Ps Ioan to blow the silver trumpet

over the USA, according to Numbers 10:9

 “When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the Lord your God, and you will be saved from your enemies.”

These were some emails sent out and received by Ps Ioan Peia in that Day. 

Ioan Peia <peiaioan@yahoo.com>

To: Dai Sup Han

Tue, 8 Nov 2016 at 08:22


I received the insight that many who want to steal the elections are facing a lot of trouble of mind. As well those who intend to vote for Dems and HC are troubled in mind.

The instruction from the Lord is to issue an order of arrest for the evil spirits which control their minds and to speak to this people straight calling them to turn back to do God’s will right now.


On Tuesday, 8 November 2016, 8:04, Kainos Ministries <office@kainos.de> wrote:


Just for your info. Trumps mother was a praying Presbyterian woman coming from the island of Lewis (Hebrides, NW Scotland) where the revival in the nineteen fifties happened that spread over Scotland and impacted many thru people like Duncan Campbell.

Barbara actually experienced this revival as a child in North Scotland.

So Trump has a heritage influencing his life and there is still God fearing family around him that he relates to.


Berthold Becker

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