
Nov 6, 2016 – Prophetic words coming to pass in our midst!

Nov 6, 2016 – Prophetic words coming to pass in our midst!

Prophetic words coming to pass in our midst!

Maureen <maureen@ruii.org>

To: Romania-Ioan Peia

Sun, 6 Nov 2016 at 04:09

We are seeing many of the prophetic words released and received recently coming to pass in our very midst!

The words like the DECLARATION of November 8th as the “GLORIOUS DAY”, the call to the ESTHER FAST, the proclamation of  THREE DAYS of GRACE for the UNITED STATES…all dovetailing and flowing together…coming together like pieces of a DIVINE PUZZLE…being put into place in order to bring forth a clear picture…showing us how God is planning to redeem our nation!

  • He is looking for a people who will return to Him, obey and cooperate with Him, and let Him lead us out of captivity and through the waters to dry land.
  • There He will circumcise our hearts anew, and through us, He will make His name known, and touch the hearts of those who do not yet know Him.
  • We look to the HARVEST! It, too, is GLORIUS!

Representing the East and West Coast states, from New York to Florida and from Oregon to California, and the oceans that bound them, we call the angelic host positioned off our coasts to attention.

  • We release them to patrol and guard the borders and boundaries of our nation, the air above and the earth below, and the buffer zones out into the sea!
  • We command these ministering spirits to escort all those who want to go to vote their Biblical consciences to the polls, protecting them from any intimidation, suppression or intended harm.
  • Let any who have planned evil be themselves intimidated and prevented from acting out any plots or schemes they have planned!
  • We declare that any intended fraud or treachery involved in our elections will be exposed, uprooted, and destroyed. NO evil will results! We reject Satan and all his schemes. They will NOT prosper in our land!


A Vision and Word from the Lord

Received through His servant Ioan Peia from Romania

November 4th -12 Noon (Pacific Time) – in Corona, CA

PREFACE: An Esther Fast has been proclaimed in preparation for an Introduction to the King of Glory and Mediation. Many are taking part nationally and worldwide, interceding for the United States of America leading up to the National Election Day in the United States, November 8th, 2016. People are fasting and praying on different days, but the time frame for this particular ESTHER FAST is from the beginning of the Sabbath (Friday, November 4th at 7 PM) until sunset of the third day (Monday, November 7th at 7 PM)

Today, as we prepared to enter the fast at sundown, three statements were received from the Lord: Let the Light of the Godhead Shine, Let the Living Waters Flow, Let the Love of God Embrace All Creation, and Bring Salvation. As we enter these three days ESTHER FAST, each day will have a specific Name and Action:

DAY ONE:  Let the Light of the Godhead Shine

The Light of the Glory of God will Shine. The Battle will transpire in Heavenly places.

 As the children of God enter into the first day of prayer and fasting, they start to Shine the Glory of God and radiate His Presence. This anointing of the Joy of the Presence of God will spread from one to another. The Angels of God, who are waiting to see that Light of Glory, will come down to join the children of God. Then the Light will spread and start to cover all the Land. The Heavenly Host will act alongside those who spread the Light of the Glory of God. “Christ in us, the Hope of Glory!”

DAY TWO: Let the Living Waters Flow

Living Water will cleanse the entire nation. The Battle will be engaged in the Land, bringing deliverance, the cleansing and changing of hearts and minds, and new hearts and spirits to those who accept His Grace.

On the second Day, like a tsunami, the Living Water which flows from Lord Yeshua will start to cover the nation. The children of God who shine the Light of Glory will experience this flow of the Living Waters, and from their inner beings, they will release this flow, watching it move outward from within them toward their families, communities, towns and cities, until it floods the entire nation. We will stand and behold the prophecy of Ezekiel as it comes to pass…Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.  A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. I will also save you from all your uncleanness” Ezekiel 36: 25-29  

DAY THREE: Let the Love of God Embrace All Creation and Bring Salvation

There will be an outpouring of the Love of God resulting in Salvation. The sound of the Voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit will be heard by all.

As the spiritual battle is ongoing in the heavenly places and the Living Water cleanses the Land, the Voice of the Lord will sound in and over the entire nation. This Amazing Grace is for those who are willing to receive it, but will not benefit those who “harden their hearts in rebellion.” Hebrews 3

NOVEMBER 8th – The “GLORIOUS DAY” is  Election Day – is the day of Battle. THE LORD’s BATTLE! All Glory will be given to HIM for the outcome of the elections and His Amazing Grace given to this nation.


NOTE: It is not required that one fast in order to spread this outpouring of the Light of Glory, but rather, we fast to welcome the Presence of the Lord in and through us, His children.

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