Nov 5, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Friday, November 5, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour with the reading of God’s WORD!
I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath. He has led me and made me walk in darkness and not in light. Surely He has turned His hand against me time and time again throughout the day. He has aged my flesh and my skin, and broken my bones. He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and woe. He has set me in dark places like the dead of long ago. He has hedged me in so that I cannot get out; He has made my chain heavy. Even when I cry and shout, He shuts out my prayer. He has blocked my ways with hewn stone; He has made my paths crooked. He has been to me a bear lying in wait, like a lion in ambush. He has turned aside my ways and torn me in pieces; He has made me desolate. He has bent His bow and set me up as a target for the arrow. He has caused the arrows of His quiver to pierce my loins. I have become the ridicule of all my people – Their taunting song all the day. He has filled me with bitterness, He has made me drink wormwood. He has also broken my teeth with gravel, and covered me with ashes. You have moved my soul far from peace; I have forgotten prosperity. And I said, “My strength and my hope have perished from the Lord.” Remember my affliction and roaming, the wormwood and the gall. My soul still remembers and sinks within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth. Let him sit alone and keep silent, because God has laid it on him; Let him put his mouth in the dust – There may yet be hope. Let him give his cheek to the one who strikes him, and be full of reproach. For the Lord will not cast off forever. Though He causes grief, yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies. For He does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men.
Lamentation 3:1-33
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
Strategic Focus for Friday
Lamentation for the United States of America – Day 5
Beginning August 29, 2021, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family spent 27 days identifying the sin of the nation, in preparation for Welcoming the King of Glory into all 50 States and US Territories on September 30th. During that period, the prayers of those on the call were recorded each hour and compiled into a special document: Lamentation for America.
Since Monday, November 1st, and going through Tuesday, November 9th, we are praying into 3 of the 27 topics every day, with 8 hours dedicated to each one. We will be speaking out our Lamentation for America, asking for forgiveness. We encourage the participants to share in the solemn reading of our Lamentation, punctuating it periodically with the fervent prayer:
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
The Family
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 12 AM through 7 AM EST)
– dabbling in the occult even once; not warning our families of the harm of witchcraft; divorce
– men and women who did not keep their vows, did not love their families, checked out; selfishness
– abortion; Parents who did not confront living together in their adult children
– compromise; allowing the government to take children at very young ages and “raise” them through daycare, etc. failing to teach our children the word of God; failing to teach our children to pray/intercede
– sins mentioned in the book of Jude; Cain, the spirit of murder, attacked the character of males; Esau, disrespectful for the family birthright, wanted blessing without birthright; Baalam, compromise; Korah, rebellion; Sodom and Gomorrah, sexual sin, …gone after strange flesh, LGBTQ-homosexual sin
– Unequally yoked; no reverential fear of the Lord; Gloria Steinman, who hated men, lead the women’s movement which was so detrimental to the family
– not respecting the order You’ve put forward, ie., women have usurped the authority that belongs to men in the home (Adam was created first, then Eve from his side)
– men have not taken their place in the home; absentee fathers; any acceptance of ungodly deviation
– foolishness and the “trans-gender” lie
– Not being strong enough in saying “no” to our children when we knew what they were asking for was wrong; The sin of divorce
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Opening up a portal into the occult by allowing Harry Potter to be read by her grandchild by her daughter
– The wounding of children in divorce; Sexual abuse to take place by allowing her husband to take their niece places, later to discover he was sexually abusing her
– The sin of infidelity and abandonment of the family; and that those who feel abandoned would have dreams and know they were not abandoned by the Lord.
– The sin of “shacking up”
– So many abortions taking place as the result of “shacking up” and the resulting unplanned pregnancies.
– The sin of same-sex marriage; For our country suddenly “acknowledging” what we know is a lie: that there are over 100 sexes when we know God created only two: male and female.
– Allowing adoption to take place by same-sex couples. Churches that condone same-sex marriages
– Dropping our children off at Sunday School, believing they would get all they would need of the Bible, and not following through at home. Letting TV be our children’s babysitter
– Allowing our children to play video games with neighbor kids who were allowed to play games with a Mature-rating. Our own infidelity, whether in thought or act
– Married couples to focus on Him and communicate together; The Bible to be our guidebook when raising our children
– The sin of putting career before children; The sin of incest in families
– Parents to teach their children how to communicate with the opposite sex; and that they would hold back their passions
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Not using the Bible as a guide for raising children; Putting work above caring for the children
– The sexual sin of incest; Not teaching children how to relate with the opposite sex
– The Sin of pornography that has destroyed so many families
– The sin of prostitution that has caused men to stray;
– The sin of a wife who refuses sexual favors to her husband
– Priests or ministers who have abused children
– Sex trafficking; Fatherless families
– The attack on the family through the media and others that are trying to cancel the family.
– The effort to confuse the meaning of family by saying that a family can be 2 men or 2 women.
-The mockery of the family and especially entertainment that mocked the father as a bumbling fool, tearing down the authority structure in the family.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– The sin of divorce that breaks up families and robs the children of being in a family that protects and guides them
– The vulnerability of children who have a broken family and end up enslaved by alternatives such as gangs or social movements like socialism or Marxism.
– How sexual perversion has subverted the family
– The lie that says it’s ok for both parents to be working so that children aren’t fully protected and guided by a strong healthy bond with their, in most cases, mom, that makes physical prosperity more important than the spiritual health of a family
– How uninformed people are in the dangers
– Not having the word of God as a foundation for the physical and spiritual health of the family and for guidance as the children are raised in the way they should go.
– Allowing rivalry and a lack of love between the children.
– For the personal pride of one or both of the partners to allow the covenant relationship to be broken.
– Making convenience into an idol to the idea that children can be aborted because they are not always convenient. Putting fulfillment of personal desires as the highest good.
– Allowing a breakdown between the church and the family, treating the church as optional.
– Minimizing the importance of divorce and remarriage, that’s it’s ok to divorce and then marry someone else, or the importance of marriage before there is sexual activity. that sexual activity is only to be within marriage.
– The abuse and disrespect of men, the feminization of men, and the masculinization of women. Not supporting fathers as the head of the household as God’s order, intimidation that criticizes a patriarchal structure
– Keeping silent when we are something that needs to be dealt with because it’s contrary to God’s way. Allowing a little leaven to corrupt the whole loaf. Allowing something we think is just a little thing to grow until the whole house is burning.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Using the TV as a substitute babysitter. Allowing society to denigrate stay-at-home moms.
– Christians have not had persistence and perseverance
– We don’t take time to be quiet and listen. listen to others in their needs
– Not being grateful for people that God has put in our lives
– lacking love and compassion for going with the flow and being part of the world and being a bad example
– We pray to be more like Jesus to sit are affection on things above not on things in the earth
– For not having the joy of the Lord and not Letting peace have its rule
– For not being patient and waiting on the Lord.
– For not having the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Lovejoy kindness meekness self-control mercy goodness faithfulness peace; Forgive us for being selfish; The sin of rejecting God
– We repent of being Judgemental toward others toward the church, Not being gracious, being bitter, unforgiving; Lord forgive us, we repent, change us, Lord!
– There was a real sense of compassion for those with addictions because they haven’t seen the real love of God. The real love of the father. The real love of the family.
– God saves to the uttermost! He can break every chain and every addiction!
– Teaching evolution vs creation; Not recognizing You as Father; Abortion
– Removing prayer, Scripture, 10 commandments from school and family
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Rejecting Your plan for the women; Homosexuality (the epitome of idolatry); Promiscuity
– No-fault divorce; Lack of spiritual mentors for families; The sin of “knowing better than God—we don’t need You); Turning laws against Your Word; using IT as babysitters
– Praylessnes; Divorce Compromise; Poor teaching/role models in leadership; Rebellion; Wantonness
– Abortion; Ungodliness; Immorality; Mixture; Pride of Life; Lust of flesh; Convenience; Bitterness
– Competition; Hatred; Unforgiveness; Shame; Lock of boldness
– For the selfish, self-centered agenda of woke- ism
– For the division in the generations, neglecting the family while chasing mammon.
– For the woke people and the races for not leaving their kindred and their father’s house ( idol worship) for saying this is the way we have always done things and not hearing the higher call that God wants to make of you a great nation!
– For the woke agenda harming the economy and for businesses caving in to cancel culture.
– For not celebrating diversity and understanding our differences. Joseph’s coat of many colors.
– For any prejudice, we have against those in our own country.
– For using social justice as a way to bring shame and guilt on people instead of accepting God’s plans for social justice which are: love thy neighbor as thyself and the golden rule, do unto others as you would have others do unto you, and to Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and strength.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– For the race card, innuendo, not focusing on the content of character, allowing race to play a role. For not focusing on one’s identity, purpose, and assignment. For cursing and not blessing our nation.
– For assaulting the nuclear family and attacking the gender of our children.
– Lies we have allowed to be taught our children, spare rod, no discipline, spoiled
– Allowing the school to dictate their identity; Lack of wholesome activity, fun things to do
– Allowing video games and tv to babysit; Absent Dad and Mom, fatherless, getting into drugs
– Emasculate men, blaming them as bad, Jezebel spirit; Kids disrespect parents and authorities
– Not tithing, bringing a curse of fear, not honoring; Sexual perversion and pornography shown to children at an early age; Fornication, living together, not married, shaking up
– No meal times, meeting together; Forgot God; Idol worship, do good deeds, no salvation
– Women’s liberation movement, don’t need men, women leaders; Not honoring marriage, shacking up
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Pray all lies exposed about men; Gender changes, not man and woman; Abortion
– Divorce and damage to children; Evolution theory
– Same-sex marriage and relationships introduced in tv and movies; Know the Truth about evolution
– Pokémon Harry Potter, witchcraft; Video games, tv, babysitting
– Profanity not in Bible, the language of hell; Cancel culture, cancel identity
– Father as a spiritual leader, not participating
– Help Christian parents to help their kids’ friends and be parent figures; Help us not to be lazy in tasing our children; Beat back evil with good.
– Defeat evolution; Return us to our righteous roots; Forgive us for not being the first to talk to our kids about doctrine, theology, sex, etc.
– Help us to honor marriage; Forgive us for pornography! Make it illegal
– Forgive us for what we see in movies, dresses, commercials, etc. Remove porn from our society.
– Give us a desire to please you! Cleanse us. Shut off the floodgates.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Help us to raise our children the way they should go. Help us prioritize what is right.
– Return us to a Godly family structure. Father as the head. Submission.
– Return us to proper discipline. spank when needed in love. Transform the educational process
– Forgive us for relying on technology and anything other than you.
– Help us to be a different people than the world. Help us, women, to be busy at home.
– Families living outside of God’s plan for marriage. Allowing unmarried couples to sleep together in their homes. Adultery including pastors who have fallen into this sin
– Sexual abuse of children as well as the beating of women and children due to alcohol.
– Latch free children…need protection
– Addictions to gambling which have hurt families; Idolatry…sports anything or person above Christ.
– Lower taxes for couples living together as opposed to married couples.
– Not taking the responsibility for teaching our children what is right.
– Mammon….abuse of credit cards, getting in debt for things we don’t need. Giving our children so many things. SPIRIT OF MAMMON…instant gratification
– Not holding teachers and school boards accountable. Teachers Unions…..children’s minds
– Pornography; Children abandoned by parents.
– Tolerating the cancel culture attack on the family; Allowing confusion about what a “family” is, and allowing society to define family; Allowing books in school like “My Two Mommies”
– Tolerating the mockery of traditional family roles in entertainment
– The sin of divorce, and its impact on children; a divorce rate in the church equal to that in the world
– Sins of sexual perversion including pornography, prostitution, and sexual trafficking
– The sin of operating in ignorance and not in the spirit of the Lord
– Not establishing the family on Your Word and on a spiritual foundation
– The selfishness of focusing more on career than family; Infidelity of any kind, physical, emotional, and spiritual; Expecting children to be convenient, that the inconvenient can be cast away as in abortion
– Pride; Lack of trust, lack of forgiveness, lack of establishing that covenant relationship between husband and wife
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Allowing the blurring of gender lines; Not standing for what “manhood” is
– Not following Your guidelines about “head of the house”
– Thinking there were “small” problems and ignoring them until the whole house burns down
– Lawlessness; Not searching our hearts as individuals, families, and a nation
– Feminism/toxic masculinity; The rebellion of male leadership
-Gov’t laws that encourage singleness; Co-habitation, polygamy
– Older woman teaches young how to love their husband – mentoring
– Easy divorce/anticipate divorce; Selfishness; Not loving-not living for love Ga. 2:20
– Fatherlessness in Families/Absenteeism; Incest and Pedophilia
– Identifying and repenting for blood sacrifices offered up for children. Vs accepting Jesus’ blood sacrifice
– Unforgiveness and Disrespect towards parents
– Prov. 1:18 not training up children in the ways of God + Rebellion of children; allowing the TV to babysit
– Corinthians 6:4 being unequally yoked not trusting in God’s providing their mate
– Parents not listening to their children; I Tim. 5:8 Irresponsibility to provide and entitlement mentality
– Not guiding them re. Gender Confusion and Fornication; Church not holding up a standard and teaching righteousness
– Pray for families being demoralized by LGBTQ
– We repent for not putting Christ in the center of families’ lives; We repent for the eroding of family values
– We repent for Fatherhood not being held in high esteem
– We repent for the abuse of children and/or mothers/wives; We repent for the outside interference in the home; We repent for the church not have financial counseling for families
– We repent for abortions and the rejection of life
– That Men would grow up and put away childish and foolish things such as video games, too much TV.
– Men would grow up to manhood and care for their wives and children. Provide for their families’ needs.
– We repent for not living in and pursuing God’s ways for the home and family
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Divorce, Brokenness; Abuse, verbal and physical; Infidelity; Parents’ sin is hurting the children
– Too many idols; Not putting God first; Selfishness to ‘keep up with the Jones” instead of putting family first
– Pride; Parents have not taught their children to walk in repentance, repentant heart
– Single parents are not being supported enough by the church; Addictions (pornography, drugs)
– Parents have given away their authority to others such as schools and the government; parents have abdicated their authority; parents are not willing to do their job as parents
– It’s easier to let others do the parental work (laziness, apathy); Not teaching children their proper place
– Not teaching children respect; Parents are also not respecting each other
– Older people have not taught the younger people; Parents not being examples for their children
– Anger, Division, and strife in the family, Do not let the sun go down on your wrath
– Parents allow video games that are not godly.
– Parents are watching ungodly movies and allow kids to watch too
– Parents are using TV, computers, and phones as ‘babysitters’ instead of spending time with their kids
– Family not being a place of joy and peace and forgiveness
– Families not standing against the LGBT agenda, allowing ‘Pride’ month
– Parents allowing their children to wear LGBT themed clothing
– Families not coming against the misuse of the Rainbow for the LGBT agenda
– Parents are not being more involved in kid’s schools and curriculum
– Parents allowing ‘white lies’ amongst themselves and between the children
– Homes have not followed the Spirit of Truth in every decision
– One mother repented for allowing her kids to play with ‘Pokemon’ cards (=little demons in a pocket).
– Parents not doing their research on what their kids play with or read (Harry Potter)
– Rebellion; Pornography, Perversion
– Government Overreach to tell parents what they must do to their children (such as vaccination)
– Families not taking a stand against Abortion; Breach of communication in the family
– Lack of Forgiveness; Lack of Compassion
– We have not appreciated each other and valued each other in the family; Lack of Brotherly Love
– Not preferring one another; Spirit of Division in the family, fighting, strife
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
Abortion, Infanticide, Pornography, Prostitution and Human Trafficking
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 8 AM through 4 PM EST)
– trusting our Legislators to “take care” of these issues -they are not doing so for the most part
– our churches not addressing these sins, especially the sin of pornography-breaking up marriages and families; not teaching our children holiness, purity, about the Holy Spirit the 3rd person of the Trinity
– being a sleeping church; being too busy to care about what is going on, especially on the streets of our cities; being apathetic
– not equipping our youth people to go out into the highways and byways like Philip to the Ethiopian man
– blindness to these sins; greed, control, spirit of mammon- the love of money
– watching evil movies/TV, Movies like “Cuties” that promote sexuality in very young children
– the entertainment industry promoting filth,
– sins on skid row-Upland, CA capital of porn on the west coast
– spending money on frivolous things like Star Buck’s lattes, upgraded phones, etc. when people are selling themselves to survive; not teaching our children God-fearing principles/the fear of the Lord
– not teaching the Bible to our posterity; Taking life, light, and love out of the hearts of our children
– passivity in the face of evil
– Treating abortion as if it’s just contraception; Abortion usurps God’s plan for someone’s life.
– Refusing to recognize that abortion is actually the murder of a person who has the rights of all citizens to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
– Teaching children that life has no innate value
– Teaching children that personhood doesn’t begin at conception
– The sin of pornography that robs human sexuality of the truth that it’s a gift of God with specific boundaries within marriage; and a specific purpose – to serve as a basis for families.
– Utilizing an individual in the entertainment industry in a way that degrades their soul and personhood.
– desensitizing us to the beauty of the human person as being made in the image and likeness of God.
– Breaking up marriages and families as a husband or wife is made to be dissatisfied with their own God-given partner.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Making money by defiling the human body
– Devaluing the importance of sexual purity as a precious gift of God
– The guilt of the movie producers who promote nudity, lesbianism, homosexuality, sexual immorality of all kinds in order to induce people to act the way the stars do.
– Dehumanizing women and children for profit and pleasure.
– Not acknowledging God as our creator by defiling His creation.
– The glorification of lust and the defiling of marriage.
– The evil schemes at work to hurt innocent children by exposing them to pornography through movies and their devices connected to the internet.
– That the US is one of the world’s largest producers of pornography specifically NY and CA.
– Pastors addicted to pornography. Fleshly desires and lust
– For the Ekklesia being comfortable as the “Good Times” Church and NOT taking Her authority over demonic powers. For being passive watchmen.
– Parents forsaking their responsibilities to watch over their children’s eye gates.
– Not walking according to Your Laws and not seeking You with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.
– Repented of cluelessness on part of parents concerning their children into hooked on porn, Wakeup call is sent to Parents
– Repented of our public school system teaching sexual filth and porn and promoting abortion. Allowing those in authority and people at the local level abdicating responsibility to demand a clean curriculum. Asked for a return of the ten commandments to school.
– Spent quite a while repenting over abortion and infanticide praying over all aspects including the Supreme Court Case being heard right now
– Prostitution – the places it is legalized in our nation, the places it gets winked at in our nation, the extortion, coercion, slave labor involved.
Prayed God cause Church to rise up and send workers, rescue, and harvesters into this field again
Sex Trafficking, esp of children- how widespread it has become under our noses, how our ‘important’ people and leaders are caught up in it.
Cleansing, rescue, and forgiveness, mercy, shield and protect the children
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Lack of preaching of the true Gospel of Christ with commanding full repentance from sin
Call our nation to Holiness Lord, pour out Your Spirit and fire
Consume our filth in Your all-consuming fire. Separate us from our sin and cause us to be cleansed and made Holy in Your sight
– prayed for true repentance of the heart with weeping as in Ezra’s day over the sacrifice of infants to Baal. – prayed regarding Rev 2 why we tolerate Jezebel and her perversion in the church!
– prayed regarding our evil government leaders and their support of evil over good. Their rulings, laws, and private lives.
– reminding us court decisions can be overturned. We agreed those for good will be established and those for evil will be overturned.
– Abortion; infanticide; pornography; prostitution; human trafficking
They all come from
– selfishness which sees personal desires above anyone else’s need is connected to all of these sins
– ignorance that allows a parent or friend to not recognize the consequences of selling children to strangers for prostitution or human trafficking
– greed or a lust for money is connected to all of the above
– feelings of unworthiness that can come from being a victim of abuse can lead the person to fall into these problems because they don’t know how to live in a healthy way. The injury is too deep, and they need help
The conclusion is that none of these sins will be dealt with apart from God and the Church. God wants to use us to be the answer and it requires ears to hear and eyes to see the revelation and wisdom that God has for each situation.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Lies, selfishness, manipulation, the language of lies, coerced into abortion
– Not having a video in the ICU showing babies fighting for their lives.
– Repentance for states that have legalized abortion.
– Prayed for those contemplating abortion and mercy and healing for those who have had abortions.
– Vile, the wickedness of pornography, entrapment in our nation and the Body of Christ. Lack of
self-control; Photos of daughters on Facebook.
– Video games, TV programs and commercials, media promoting pornography.
– Entrapment of so many in prostitution.
– Boys that were sexually abused and caused to be drawn into a homosexual lifestyle.
– Human trafficking…..lustful perversion to go after young girls which destroys them.
– Help us to walk in the Holy Spirit
– End porn in America
– End Abortion
– Heal those who have been trafficked
– Forgive us for not stopping abortion
– Remove the demonic spirits of death and darkness.
– Bind up the work of the enemy and unleash your kingdom in your spirit here in America
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
The topic for confession and repentance today is allowing the sins of Abortion, Infanticide, Pornography, Prostitution, and Human Trafficking to wreck havoc in the lives of God’s precious people.
– PRAYER for the sins of abortions
– PRAYER for the sins of not speaking out against not dressing modestly.
– PRAYER for ministers not challenging those who are going the wrong way.
– PRAYER that all will know it’s not the outward appearance, but the inner for only ABBA FATHER knows the heart of people. May this nation and the planet get WRECKED with RUACH pouring over us so that we cannot speak anything except His love language. Ahava!
– PRAYER for the leaders of houses of worship will teach and preach and live in holiness.
– LORD, baptize us with FIRE Purge us with hyssop!
– PRAYER for the family
– PRAYER for repentance.
– We repent for those who participate in child pornography…they should have very harsh consequences. We ask for addictions to pornography to be broken. May the courts be clear and specific and follow God’s principles about the difference between obscenity and freedom of speech.
– It was startling to see how many prostitutes are on the streets of Salt Lake City. There were so many…and lots of homelessness too! And we pray that abortions are not used as a form of contraception.
– I repent for my colleagues in the medical profession who have done abortions without a second thought. And I pray for the Jewish community that follows the Talmud which is called the book of Jewish law, but it is not the Torah! The Talmud was written by men and it says that a baby in the womb is not human life. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was married to a Jew. (her father was an atheist) We repent for the nation! Demons like the blood of babies…they bring terror, hatred, and violence and when we kill babies we invite demons in. We repent for the Church which allowed this…Father, we thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness.
– I agree with my sister’s prayer. We ask for Your help to cut out the root of abortion…where there is no holiness and self-control addictions can develop. There is a lack of holiness in the Church and we have not spoken up against people sleeping together who are not married! My daughter said just give them the pill because they are going to sleep together anyway. Those who have sexual addictions have no self-control. There are many in the Church who say one thing sounding holy but live a life of wicked ways. Families should teach holiness at home. This is all so prevalent but we know that nothing is too big for You! We pray for deliverance from these addictions. Sexual relations are supposed to be between a wife and her husband. We repent for our actions and we thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness…
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We repent for parents who do not teach holiness to their children. Today, young children know too much, about sex and other adult things. Jeremiah 8:12 says “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: In the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the Lord.” These things have become the norm…we don’t blush anymore. You created sexual beings…You say, “Be holy”… Father, forgive us…renew and restore our relationship with You!
– Forgive the lie that it is just bloodless tissue (and not a child). Those liars have their place in the pit of hell…we pray they would acknowledge the lie. We pray against the satanic rituals that abuse (and murder) children…The military has discovered tunnels with children and women…we pray You would show the military all the tunnels so they can be destroyed. Help those who have survived the tunnels…they torture victims and drink their blood…there is so much evil!
– About witchcraft and the spirit of pharmakeia…give us understanding and knowledge about it…they are commanding us to take the vaccine that contains aborted fetal tissue. The pharmakeia system is seducing people into sorcery which is connected to abortion. It’s all connected! There is fetal tissue in water, soft drinks, cosmetics…it has totally paralyzed the world! We are already under this deep spell. God, invade this! Teach us what repentance means so these prayers are effective…so that our prayers teach us and will help to lift You up! Deliver us that we may honor Your name, the name above all names! We pray, remove the spirit of pharmakeia and mammon…we pray for full and complete healing!
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We have found out the fetal tissue is also in fast food meats…McDonald’s included! It’s a crime…it’s cannibalism! Have we stooped so low?
– How do we find these things out for sure so that we can tell others and prove what we say?
– Father, send us the online information to prove these claims…help us to search for the truth…they say it’s also in Coke and Pepsi…all vaccinations have for decades been using fetal tissue.
– Put these lists in the hands of Christians so we can refrain from buying from these places and so that they will feel the financial impact and it can be broadcast to everyone.
– Vaccination manufacturers are supposed to give all the ingredients in their products. We pray for honesty…they can use very long unfamiliar words to hide fetal tissue. We need wisdom and discernment…Force their hands!!
– We speak to the satanist agenda in the Harry Potter series…they are in bookstores, all libraries (on TV, in movies)…the author has made a fortune teaching witchcraft to kids. We can’t repent enough for the damage done. A young girl, an Olympic gymnast, said the author is her hero after which the author made contact with her. This Harry Potter stuff has been going on for 20 years! It’s a crime against children.
– We also repent of the evil things the kids play with like Pokemon cards…my grandchildren love them. We plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over this and ask You to restore righteousness.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Forgive us for not helping others in need, prostitutes, and the homeless. They are destitute and just trying to survive. We can sacrifice a latte to bring light to the outcasts.
– Help us to be in tune with you to set people free.
– Forgive Christian men that are involved in pornography. Help them hate evil and choose holiness. Forgive us for looking for secret ways to sin and going overseas to do so.
– Forgive us for allowing child pornography. Forgive us for becoming lax like other countries and allowing things to be easily accessed.
– Forgive us for trafficking little children as well as underage teenagers.
– Forgive us for not having strong, strict consequences for these sexual sins and allowing money to buy off consequences.
– Forgive us for accepting the cry of censorship in the ‘80s and for our courts not being able to distinguish the difference between free speech and obscenity.
– For not accurately teaching the word of God and that the Holy Spirit enables us to say no to Satan and for being asleep in the church.
– Forgive us for being a reprobate nation for the states that allow late-term abortion and infanticide.
– Forgive us for babies being molested, boys and girls being trafficked. Damaging children, destroying minds, assaulting the image of God.
– Forgive us for the sins of Babylon.
– Forgive us for allowing murder, abuse, rape, things that were inconceivable a century ago. We have lowered the bar so much. These are not just weak moments, these are abject sins. They have a conscience, they know what they are doing.
– Forgive us for the Gov. of VA, a pediatric doctor supporting infanticide.
– Forgive us for electing ungodly officials, who allow children to die and vote against the born-alive bill.
– Forgive us for allowing Planned Parenthood to sell their lies in our schools and for making women into
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Goddesses and not daughters made in the image of God.
– Forgive us for birth control that causes abortion of the fertilized egg. Forgive us for the morning-after pill.
– Forgive us for our lax morals and not teaching abstinence and the value of every life.
– Using fetal tissue in food and cosmetics
– Need to change our focus, not in idolatry
– Repentance for torture, sex trafficking, get adrenochrome
– Infanticide; Abortion, taking children’s blood, demonic
– Internal conflict, confess sins
– Public education done to children, purge US school system
– Abortion, child sacrifice, end wickedness Luke 18
– Save children
– Repent for puppets in place, indifference to sin
– Repentance for Human Trafficking, abortions under the outlandish slave trade; slavery
– Forgiveness for incest; sexual abuse
– For – Foster care abuse
– For – Lawyers coming against saving our children; selling body parts; warped, twisted values
– Forgiveness for innocently using products made from body parts; cosmetics, vaccines
– Forgiveness for exporting our sins to other nations (the sin of abortion)
– Repentance for the morning after pill; causing damage to mothers for allowing the book, Absolutely Normal, for promoting pornography – Let Jesus sing over us to reverse the effects of the book
– Repent for liberal agenda, not taking back our schools, government
– Repent for not being involved in the curriculum for our children
– Repent for New York and Virginia legalized abortions;
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
Gender Identity Issues, Homosexuality and Perversion
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 5 PM through 11 PM EST)
– the love of money which is the root of all evil; schools that give Planned Parenthood, a billion-dollar industry, a platform; taking God out of school and putting planned parenthood in
– allowing the covenant rainbow to be perverted
– perversion of the man and woman in the marriage covenant. Satan hates the marriage covenant because it exemplifies our relationship with God; degradation of the human being created in God’s image
– making ourselves an idol; mutilation of our bodies. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
– grooming of our young children
– allowing movie stars and other leaders to confuse our children with these gender identity issues
– for the lack of a leadership role in the church concerning young people, especially young men that struggle with these issues
– These young men often get acceptance in the community but the church turns its backs on them. Give us wisdom, Lord, on how to deal with these tough issues so that our young people get the help that they need. Raise up men to help the men.
– shaming people instead of caring enough to pray and help them out of the darkness
– Using the awkwardness of adolescence to justify the imposition of sexual perversions like transgenderism
– How movie stars are used to glorify being transgender
– The men in the Church not reaching out to young men who are struggling with their sexual identity thus driving them into the arms of women who influence them to become feminized or transgendered.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– School mandates that force teachers to use pronouns that are a lie concerning sexual identity. Forms to fill out that say Male, Female, Other.
– We can be conflicted as our emotions awaken when we are young. Forgive us for not seeing the temptations of our young as the enemy prowls around seeking whom he may devour. Show us who we can trust with our children. Let the churches vet their workers.
– School boards and teachers’ unions that mandate that sin be taught in the classrooms, that the only help that can be given is to push our young into perverse lifestyles.
– Books and movies that include homosexuality and stories that have been rewritten to include homosexuality and sexual perversion. The suicide that is so prevalent among the LGBT community.
– Mandating that children can be operated on to change their sex apart from anything a parent might say or do. Pushing sexual perversion on the young who are so impressionable.
– Pimps who search out and groom children for their own monetary gain and personal satisfaction
– The removal of a wicked governor in New York, Compromise against sin, courage to stand on God’s word.
– Lesbianism, homosexuality, and transgenderism are tools of the enemy to corrupt us. The sin of not speaking out or acting against these perversions in love.
– The deluded way of living we see advocated in our schools. Our sins opened the door to these perversions. We’ve allowed ourselves to be intimidated by the viciousness of those advocating alternate lifestyles.
– 8 and 9-year-old children in church acting out what they’ve seen.
– Children playing and pretending to be the other gender. Children mimic the perversions of the adults around them. Robbing children of their innocence.
– Not speaking the truth that this is not the way that God created. Allowing a few people to dominate us and to export this perversion to the world.
– The pride that drives the perversion as in Gay Pride Week.
– Forgiveness for allowing sexual sins to be taught in schools; Bring us back to the fear of GOD!
– allowing children to be confused … to think their gender/ their creation was a mistake, allowing t.v., cell phones, the internet to take over the lives/minds of our children & selves.
Apathy, not speaking strongly for the Word of God
– Allowing our children to be indoctrinated in public schools, in media/entertainment, in
government, in business, in the military – electronics as babysitters
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Your word shows us how to raise our children. God directs us to not to forsake teaching Your ways to children. Parents are to teach their children morning, noon, and night, walking, in bed.
– We turned from your way. Deut 6:6-9
– We should, as a family, be working together, training up children. Lord, you commanded us to
teach our children throughout the day. Help us to gain a new vision of Your plan for family and
to have the wisdom and courage to exit the world system and live as You lead us.
– Toddlers dressed in rainbow colors,
– Even the Netherlands (and we know their reputation isn’t conservative) tore down all the LGBTQ /
rainbow clad propaganda on a public trail within 24 hours of it being constructed. Lord, forgive
us for tolerating anti-God wickedness.
– Brad – been in DC since 13 years old and in his 60s now. I have seen this abomination /
Obamanation for some years now. Repent on behalf of homosexuals, bring them to salvation.
Rebellion – against God’s ways. Former transgender has come to Jesus and preaches mightily in
DC now! May more be saved and take a stand
– We repent for a lack of love, compassion for others, not looking after our neighbors and helping
those who were hurt. So many homosexuals were abused as children. Help us to love them.
– Having ridiculed others, instead of speaking the truth in love.
– Mayor of Chicago and “partner” touted as good, and it isn’t
[Re: today’s recall election vote] Grew up in CA and remember when it was conservative with Governor Ronald Reagan. Forgive us for allowing this state to be overrun with liberalism. God is the ultimate poll watcher. Keep it fair, Lord.
– How terrible it is when adults tell children that they can choose their own gender! This breeds
confusion with children, who need clear boundaries. The masks are similar. These efforts are
separating people further. Forgive us for allowing this atrocity. Love truth
-Tolerating a bombardment of sexual images and thoughts; Not taking kingdom dominion
– Allowing the enemy to take your symbol to your people – the rainbow – and use it for perversion
– There used to be a law against sodomy. Classrooms pushed against kids not making fun of those
who dress gay (bullying). Identity has been robbed.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Forgive the fashion designers for making gender-neutral clothes. Help them to make better designs.
– Forgive our schools that have the blot of confusing children. Allow your truth to flow like a river throughout our nation.
– What started in the art industry has moved into society. Forgive us for being asleep at the wheel and turn the tide.
– Help those who have been rejected and treated shamefully who struggle with their identity. (Forgive the church.) Help them to be content and who you made them. Give them the wisdom to fight against ungodly thoughts. Bring righteousness, the gospel, and “missionaries” into our schools and sports.
– Help us to get our eyes off of ourselves and focus them on you. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
– Transitioning Hormones provided to children at schools for sex change
– Parents allowing their children to sexually transition; Ecklessea not watching and acting
– Parents, teachers, and administration that allow and participate in announcements and curriculum promoting gender choice; Church allowing gay marriage
– Bathroom and locker room compromises of genders in schools and public restrooms
– Sexually exploiting children; Lewd and sexually perverted jokes overlooked or laughed at
– Pedophilia normalized; Prostitution legalized.
– Church has become a “club” not dealing with sin or transformation
– Church has not been willing to deal with the ‘unseemly’ [because it is tainted & not Godly ‘in our minds’]–so the unseemly has escalated
– Pastors’ prayerlessness–so the church has become prayerless & out of touch with God’s heart
– Repentance for not being in touch with the Spirit of God which would speak to us of what are the roots of all sin & would reveal areas of needed repentance
– Repentance for lack of compassion for the people who are trapped in these miserable lifestyles, so not seeking God for His answer which will set them free
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Jer. 6:16 return to the ancient paths, ask for the good ways and we will find rest for our souls. Lord, forgive us, we have lost our way. You are our light, come and heal our land.
– Rev. 3:2-6 Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die. Lord, we repent of falling into alignment with the spirit of the god of this age. We have failed to set the standard at the gates. We have failed to watch, we have believed the lie of the enemy “hath God said?’ We have denied the power of the word of God to govern our nation.
– Heb. 12:25-29 Yet once more you will shake the things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Lord, we welcome your shaking. We pray for the grace to endure the shaking and to quickly release to Him all that is not of Him. Father, let us discern your ways and surrender to them.
– Ps. 127 Children are a heritage from the Lord. Father, we repent for allowing the anti-Christ spirit and the spirit of humanism to write on the hearts of our children and to indoctrinate them into satan’s agenda. Lord, we ask You to build the house and watch over the city. Lord, we ask that in the deliverance of your children they become arrows in Your hand.
– sins of gender identity and homosexuality.
– evil and witchcraft books in libraries, even for 5-year-olds. Transvestites reading stories at libraries.
– Intimidating parents, perversion in the minds of youth. No right or wrong. Teacher unions promoting evil.
– pastors who are gay.
– we ask repentance for the sin of bestiality and the sin of incest in our country. We ask that this will be rooted out. We repent for the sin of witchcraft that was allowed in America. In some countries, they literally burned witches at the stake to get rid of witchcraft. Father, I pray that Your holy fire will burn out all the powers of the enemy regarding the witchcraft in the nation and the spell that has been cast that has lulled the church into sleep. I repent that I have not fought harder. I repent in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– Heavenly Father, we come before Your throne of grace, mercy, healing, and righteousness. It is shameful to even speak of the things being done. We know they are being done by the direction of satan and his evil hosts. Homosexuality is against Your Word. We have seen the consequences. Help us to repent. It is a big, ugly scab in our nation. Unless we renounce it, it will not go away. It angers us. Let our anger be directed at Satan, our arch enemy. Lord show us what to do. Give us the courage to stand up against this. It is not ‘equality’. Father, may both women and men admit their faults and sins and cry out to You for mercy. May the right thing be done. We ask in the mighty name of Your Son, Yeshua Hamachiak. Amen
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We ask forgiveness for all the false gods that have been brought into this country. There are other countries that practice child sacrifice. We ask forgiveness for that and the open doors that came in. We ask that the blood of the Lamb cover our country and bring down these false gods that have brought child sacrifice and all of these perversions. We ask that You close these doors. In Jesus’ Name.
– we repent for those who are teaching our children ‘other religions’. We repent for that king of literature to propagate in our country. This country was founded for Jesus Christ. He shed His blood for everyone in the planet. It is a terrible sin we have committed. We have betrayed You. We ask for forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus. Amen
– Father, we repent for fatherless homes. So many homes do not have a father to protect. We ask forgiveness in this country for ‘fatherlessness’. We ask forgiveness for young people turning to adults that are ‘not safe’. We ask that You cleanse our schools, cleanse our sports from those that are not safe. We pray for righteousness. We pray that our schools turn to righteousness. We pray for forgiveness for Planned Parenthood. We ask that You close it down and they will not have influence in our schools. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– repentance for homosexuality which comes against You and against Your Word. You created man and woman and said they are to marry and be one. Homosexuality is an affront to You. Lord, You have said through your prophets that 100,000 homosexuals are going to repent and come to Jesus. I pray that You will use them as voices and that they speak out on the real truth of homosexuality and the brokenness and despair of that lifestyle. Lord, I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I pray for our churches. They do not want to even speak about satan. The Christian people need to wise up and see that this homosexuality is fueled by demons. Help our churches wake up and take a stand and pray, in Jesus’ Name.
– Father I do lift up this transgender thing and wanting to be accepted across society. We ask that this perversion be cleansed, especially in women’s sports. I just pray Lord that these people will be offered mental and spiritual help instead of what they are doing. Father cleanse our land. Please wash us. In Jesus’ Name.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Dear Heavenly Father. Forgive me for not speaking out to people whom I have worked with and who are homosexuals. I have had opportunities to confront their sin and love them. Forgive me for not coming to You in deep prayer to ask what to say. I pray You give me opportunities in the future and I will not miss out. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– Father give us wisdom on how to counsel our own children. May we let them know that somewhere in their past these people in these perverted lifestyles have been abused. To tell them not to accept their lifestyle, but try to find out where they have been hurt. To tell them that Jesus heals and delivers.
– I repent of our supreme court that has ruled so many times in favor of this evil. Lord remove them. Forgive our politicians who have agreed with any of this evil. We ask that You forgive our sins as a nation. In Jesus’ Name.
– Father God, I am looking out into our history. There were movies that came out on sexual sins that the church remained ‘silent’ on. We are in the mode of ‘don’t get involved politically’. We were shut up and did not get involved in anything that had to do with ‘social issues.’ We turned our backs on the lost in America. We did not care about them taking notice of what the enemy was feeding them. I repent for the churches in the name of Jesus. Amen.
– I repent for Halloween being celebrated here in this nation. We repent for the huge demonic door that has been opened in this nation through the worship of satan on that day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I repent for churches that have ‘Christianized’ pagan practices. Eggs in easter. Halloween dress-ups. I pray that the times I have acted out at the schools and have cried out at the things they have done, that my words will ‘cry out’. This is not fun and games. Bring us back to Your Son, Lord. We have rebelled terribly. We have shed innocent blood. We have turned the Church into a diluted religion and have no power. We need You, Lord. In the Name of Jesus’ have mercy on us. And let it be soon.
– we pray for all the evil done in this nation. We ask Your forgiveness and pray from the bottom of our hearts that we are the salt and light of the Lord. Amen!
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
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