
Nov 5, 2021 – Notes Shabbat Call

Nov 5, 2021 – Notes Shabbat Call

11-05-21 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

7-10 PM ET  712-770-4340  code: 543555 #

“The LORD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; 

He is my God, and I will praise Him; my father’s God, and I will exalt Him”

Exodus 15:12

As we gather together for our SHABBAT Call tonight, Maureen led us in confessing our complete trust in and reliance on the Lord! We plead the Blood of Jesus over ourselves, our loved ones, and our nation!  This week, as we have been soberly and somberly lamenting, confessing our national sin, we have asked for God’s grace and mercy to be poured out upon us, that we might return to Him with all our hearts, and be empowered to faithfully serve His purposes in the end times! We thank God for those who have come onto the call and stood together to confess our sins aloud. 

Pastor Ioan said that we take deep into our hearts the reality of the abounding sin and the grace that abounds even more! We know not who else has received this assignment to repent on behalf of our nation,  we take this commission seriously and will fulfill it as instructed! AMEN! 

Pastor Ioan asked a question

“Did you have a time in your life and ministry in which you had a period of time where you confessed 

the sin of the nation, day and night, 24 hours a day, with a group of other intercessors?”

We all admitted that we had not, and realized what a privilege it is for us to be called for such an assignment at such a time as this! HalleluYah! 


We had received word that our FCC-HD Number  712-770-4340  is CHANGING as of NOVEMBER 16th, 2021

The new number would be 667-770-1527  but we’d keep the same codes: Participant:  543555 #  Host:  154143 #

11-03-21  TC to FCC   844-844-1322   

Spoke to Austin re: the purported change of our 24/7 CC number

Told him that:

  • we wanted to keep that number and not change it 
  • we wanted to remove the message on our line about the number change 

He first said that all the numbers were to be changed. When I told him that they had previously made an exception for us, he suggested that we contact support@freeconferencecall.com about it.

I said we had previously been assisted by Michael McCobb and Eric Sheridan…as well as Dave himself, early on. 

He left the line to speak to a supervisor, and came back to say that he had posted a trouble ticket on our account and that they would be dealing with it ASAP! Pray! 


Yes, our lives, our strength, and our hope are in the Lord.  He is our song tonight, and together we will EXALT HIM! 

We will now put on the Ephesians 6 “armor of God,” and as we receive each piece, thank the Lord for His provision and protection. Let us wear it well, as we engage in this wondrous WARFARE OF LOVE being fought on behalf of our nation!  We prayed corporately to receive the full armor of God. 


We sing: The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my Salvation. 

Under the shadow of His wings I belong, I will give thanks to the Lord!  


My life is in You, Lord…My strength is in You, Lord…My hope is in You, Lord…

In You, it’s in You.

My life is in You, Lord…My strength is in You, Lord…My hope is in You, Lord…

In You, it’s in You…In You, it’s in You…In You, it’s in You! 

I will praise You with all of my life. I will praise You with all of my strength….

With all of my life, with all of my strength…All of my hope is in You! 

My life is in You, Lord… My strength is in You, Lord… My hope is in You, Lord…

In You, it’s in You… In You, it’s in You…In You, it’s in You! 

Hinei Ma Tov

Hinei mah tov umah na’im Shevet achim gam yachad

Behold how good and how pleasing / for brothers (people) to sit together in unity.

Hodu L’Adonai Ki-Tov

Hodu le-Adonai Ki-Tov, Ki Le-olam Chasdo. 

Hodu le-Adonai Ki-Tov, Ki Le-olam Chasdo.  

Give thanks to the Lord for His is good; for His mercy endures forever!

John (NJ)  shared: Light of Life

Aida (MI)  shared: Bread of Life

Judy (VA) sang out VICTORY in JESUS! and thanked God for what He did for VA on Tuesday.

Sherrill (TX) offered this praise report and thanked God for how He has dealt mercifully with her daughter Laurel (Laurie) who shoplifted and had been put in jail, where she was acting like a 3-year-old. She had been mentally ill for a long time, but would never admit it!  A few weeks ago, she came to her senses and admitted that there was something wrong with her mind. She was so ashamed…and called each family member and apologized to them!  She is now in treatment and being very compliant, in her right mind, and receiving help in her hometown.  What was utter chaos is now becoming calm! (She and her husband Mark, a pastor, live near Manhattan,  Kansas, and had received a word about revival in his city. May he and she be catalysts in that.) We prayed for her hope and freedom and encouraged worship over her and her husband and their church. 

  • Carol (NY) sang: I just want to speak the Name of Jesus (over her!)

Pastor Ioan said that to recover your faculties/understanding speaks to the radical change that is taking place in her. It is like what is taking place in our nation, and he prayed that what is taking place in Laurel’s restoration, will also take place in our nation!  

  • Julie (KS) said that when people came in from all directions for the Prayer at the Heart in Lebanon, KS, the witchcraft was addressed as ley lines were crossed and broken!  
  • Bobby (WI) said that she has a granddaughter going through great trials now, and then prayed for Laurel

Pastor Ioan invited us to pray for Laurel and Mark, for those in the church congregation, and for their community, sealing the deliverance that is being given to her by the Lord! 


The off-year elections on Tuesday night a message was sent that reverberated across the nation.  It was a clean sweep for President Trump as he continues to be a huge boost for Republicans across the country. All four of Trump’s endorsements won their races in Tuesday night’s election.  The President endorsed Glenn Youngkin (Governor-elect of VA),  Mike Carey, (Republican Representative from Ohio), Vito Fosella (Borough President of Staten Island – NY), and Esteban Bovo (Mayor-elect of Hialeah, Florida)  This proves that President Trump is still the leader of the Republican party. The Democrats ran against Trump. They made all the races about Trump, and they lost.

As far as the left goes, it’s becoming more and more clear that the words of Pulitzer Prize-winning Russian author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn still applies today: 

“We know they are lying.

They know they are lying.

They know that we know they are lying.

We know that they know that we know they are lying.

And still they continue to lie.”

On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” The next day, he was exiled to the West, where he received a hero’s welcome. This moment marks the peak of his fame. His last word before leaving his homeland urges Soviet citizens as individuals to refrain from cooperating with the regime’s lies. Even the most timid can take this least demanding step toward spiritual independence. If many march together on this path of passive resistance, the whole inhuman system will totter and collapse.

When Pastor Ioan was watching the videos from Rome and Glasgow, he said that he had the thought “what a bunch of liars!”  We prayed corporately for truth! 

“He who works deceit shall not dwell within My house; He who tells lies shall not continue in My Presence.”

Psalm 101:7

“Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight.”

Proverbs 12:22

President Trump said today:  “The Democrat politicians of this Country spend 99% of their time-fighting Republicans and no time thinking about making our Country great. If they would spend half of that energy fighting China, Russia, Iran, and even the European Union, where the US just dropped all tariffs, we would go back to greatness again. Instead, they are weak with everybody except conservatives. Our Country has become the laughingstock of the world!”

We prayed into this individually:

  • Cindy (AZ) prayed for our true President, Donald Trump!
  • Bev (MT)  Psalm 18  
  • Maureen (MO) thanked God for President Trump and asked that he be strengthened in his inner man. Strengthen us as well, and ignite in us that Spirit of the American Revolution
  • Mary Ellen (IL) grateful for Special Counsel John Durham’s investigations into the origins of the probe into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election and the arrest of the Russian Igor Danchenko’s arrest and the beginning of the unraveling of the Russian hoax.
  • Dick (DC) still praying at the White House and has seen Biden, “the usurper,” fall on his face so many times, and we pray for our nation to be protected from this vile man who is occupying the White House! He.offered a prayer for God’s anointed President of the USA, Donald Trump, and asked that the Lord will lead and guide him while removing the ones currently in power. Protect America in the process!   
  • Brad (VA) for 12 years, he’s watched his state in decline because of the left. He rejoices that VA is redeemed now, and asked that other states follow suit!
  • Bobby (NC) prayed that many would come alongside our true President – DJT!
  • Joan (AZ)  Proverbs 16 We make plans… but the final outcome is in God’s hands!  She blessed those like Dick and Brad who are boots on the ground in DC! Noted that there was diversity in the VA election: White Governor, Black Lt. Governor, and Hispanic AG! 
  • Anita (NJ) lifted up NJ as she, Sophia, and others stand for their state each week praying together on the 24/7 NJ Strategic Prayer Call. Bring many others to the call for NJ.

Maureen prayed that God would expose the corruption that took place in the NJ election and reverse the results and put Ciattarelli in the office! 

  • Mary Ellen (IL) Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
  • Bobby (WI) use President Trump to bring integrity and truth back to our nation! 


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry today filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rule imposed on businesses with more than 100 employees. He joined the ranks of Attorneys General in 11 states who have filed a lawsuit against Joe Biden’s administration, challenging a new vaccine requirement for workers at large companies

Landry is part of a growing movement of State officials who are standing up for their citizens, rejecting this usurpation of our personal freedom through the “vax” mandates: 

The lawsuit, filed in the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, argues that the authority to compel vaccinations rests with the states, not the federal government.

“This mandate is unconstitutional, unlawful and unwise,” said the court filing by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, one of several Republicans vying for the state’s open U.S. Senate seat next year.

Biden vaccine rule: What you need to know about the January 4 deadline

Under new regulations by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, companies with more than 100 employees must require their workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or be tested for the virus weekly and wear masks on the job. The requirement is to kick in on January 4. Failure to comply could result in penalties of nearly $14,000 per violation.

Schmitt said Missouri has 3,443 private employers, with a combined 1.3 million employees, who could be covered by the vaccine requirement. He said he sued “to protect personal freedoms, preserve Missouri businesses, and push back on bureaucratic tyrants who simply want power and control.”

Missouri was joined in the lawsuit by the Republican Attorneys General of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The office of Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, a Democrat, also joined in the suit, along with several private, nonprofit, and religious employers.

The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, filed a challenge in federal court on Thursday. So did companies in Michigan and Ohio represented by a conservative advocacy law firm, as well as two Wisconsin manufacturers represented by a conservative law firm.

Florida has banned counties from enforcing their employees to be vaccinated. It has also banned school districts from universally enforcing mask mandates among students, and officials have voted to withhold funds from any districts that do not adhere to these rules.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted on Thursday that he will announce his plans to sue “once this illegal, unconstitutional regulation hits the Federal Register.”

  • Dick (DC)  said he knew Landry when he was a Congressman and that he is a good and Godly man
  • Diane (MT) said Biden is following the pattern of the UK and the restrictions put on their people
  • Maria (MD) don’t let the darkness slip in any “sleepers” with the Republicans…it’s not the “R”s but the heart that matters. 

We prayed corporately for Glenn Youngkin, a Christian, and the Governor-elect of VA. We cast down any false rumors about him and bless him to be the Governor that VA needs.  


God bless these 20 states, who are taking the lead in refusing to obey unjust mandates issued by the faux Biden administration and enforced by those serving darkness!

Let us pray that many other State Governors and Attorneys General will join the ranks of “non-compliant” patriots and defend our liberties! 


A glance back at our 24/7 NSPC history: In October 2016, Lisa Crump came forward during the National Prayer Assembly in DC, and committed to entering into a three-day Esther Fast prior to the 2016 election. She invited those present to join her, and everyone responded and participated!  The Strategic Battle Plan for that initiative was to Fast, Pray, Fight  – November 6-7-8, 2016 – right through election day!

November 8th was the GLORIOUS DAY…the day on which President Donald John Trump was elected to office! 

Then, at 12 AM on November 11th, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call was launched and has continued 24 hours a day ever since, for the past 5 years! 

Then, during the 3 days prior to the January 20th Inauguration of our 45th (and still ) President, Donald Trump, , (January 17-18-19),  these were the prayer points upon which we focused each day: 

  • January 17th – Let the Light of Glory shine upon the United States
  • January 18th – Let the Living Water flow
  • January 19th – Let the Love of God permeate and infuse every American

We prayed and offered gratitude for being part of the 24/7 NSPC:

  • Mary Ellen (IL) and Joan (AZ) were joined by others who thanked God for being part of the 24/7 NSPC
  • Desiree (NY) lifted up the new Mayor-elect of NY, Eric Adams, a former police Captain.


We then read about the  21 Judgments in the Book of Revelation


#1) Rider on the White Horse ~ False Peace

#2) Rider on the Red Horse ~ War

#3) Rider on the Black Horse ~ Famine

#4) Rider on the Pale Horse ~ DEATH

#5) Martyrdom of the Saints

#6) Cataclysmic Earthquake and Heavenly Phenomenon

#7) Solemn Silence as understanding increases as to the seriousness of events which will now take place.



#1) “Hail and Fire” ~ 1/3rd of grass and trees burned up.

#2) “Burning Mountain” (Asteroid?) ~ 1/3rd of ocean, sea life and ships destroyed.

#3) “Wormwood” (Nuclear power?) ~ 1/3rd of freshwater and lakes poisoned.

#4) “Heavenly Lights Out” ~ 1/3rd of Sun, Moon and Starlight goes dark.


WOE, WOE, WOE. The three woes now begin.

#5) Plague of demonic locusts from abyss ~ those unsealed will be tormented for 5 months.

#6) 4 Angels of the Apocalypse released from the 4 corners of the earth ~ 1/3rd of the global population will be destroyed.

#7) Announcement that the world and it’s kings and kingdoms have come to an end and the Messianic King Yeshua has now become the Final Ruler over all the Earth.

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah,

and He will reign for ever and ever.”

~(Revelation 11:15).




#1) FESTERING SORES AND BOILS ~ On those who took the “Mark of the Beast.”

#2) SEAS TURN TO BLOOD ~ and everything in the sea dies.

#3) FRESH LAKES AND RIVERS TURN TO BLOOD ~ no more fresh drinking water.

#4) SUN SCORCHES earth INTENSE HEAT ~ no more protective shield around the planet (ozone layer?).

#5) BLACKNESS DESCENDS ON THE EARTH ~ people chew their tongues in agony but refuse to repent as their hearts are impenetrable.

#6) LIES, like boastful frogs, COME OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF SATAN, THE ANTICHRIST, THE FALSE PROPHET ~ accompanied by demonic “signs and wonders.” The Battle of Armageddon.

#7) FINAL DESTRUCTION OF EARTH BY GIANT HAILSTONES AND EARTHQUAKES ~ Cities collapse. No more mountains or islands.


~ Vengeance of the Lord for all martyrs and slain prophets.


Pastor Ioan shared a message that he received from a deaf brother, Mario, to whom he had ministered in Romania. HIs friend said he was afraid of taking the vax and asked if it would compromise his eternal salvation.   He assured Mario that the vax was not the mark of the beast, and that taking it would not compromise his salvation!  We are called to make the best choices for our lives, and as believers, we will not suffer the wrath of God, but be His companions in the end times harvest! 

As Pastor Ioan and David prepare to depart for Romania next week, we sang this song over them: 

“Friends are friends forever when the Lord’s the Lord of them…”


Reminder regarding the upcoming “shift” in the facilitation structure of the 24/7 NSPC

As we move toward our 5th Anniversary of the 24/7 NSPC on November 11th, we want to remind all of our members that we will be experiencing a “shift” in the structure of our call’s facilitation. In order to uphold the call and assure continuity in the flow, every hour’s facilitator will be inviting another participant to serve as their “associate” facilitator, to share in the responsibility for that hour. Pray for those who will join as  “associate” facilitators, to uphold each hour.  Fatima will take them through the protocols so they are fully trained as they serve the King and His Kingdom – “on the wall…on the call.” Contact her to be trained!  nationalstrategicprayercall1@gmail.com  


As we come to the close of this Shabbat Call, we proclaim that “WE LOVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!” We declare our love for every person in our nation and release the LOVE OF GOD over the United States of America. “His grace is sufficient”, and through Christ, we will overcome evil with GOOD…and the LOVE of GOD and His Radiant LIGHT will disperse the darkness…and once again,  FREEDOM WILL REIGN in this place!

We sing:

Freedom reigns in this place, 

showers of mercy and grace falling on every face…there is freedom!

As we prepare to share in communion, we remember all those around the world and in our own nation that are suffering persecution because of their faith!  We lift the persecuted church up to the Lord and take communion on their behalf! 

We shared communion together, and closed singing SHABBAT SHALOM! 

With love and blessings to all! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



Ways to connect with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call and have access to our information:

Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Channel – https://t.me/nationalstrategicprayercall

Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Group – https://t.me/joinchat/2ktpOlvELsNiMzMx

We have been blocked numerous times by Facebook, so we ask that each of us would repost our 24/7 focuses and notes on our own FB pages, so friends and family can join us in prayer.  


Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:  WTKOG13@gmail.com  


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