Nov 4, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Thursday, November 4, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour with the reading of God’s WORD
They say to their mothers, “Where is grain and wine?” As they swoon like the wounded in the streets of the city, as their life is poured out in their mothers’ bosom. How shall I console you? To what shall I liken you, O daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I compare with you, that I may comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? For your ruin is spread wide as the sea; Who can heal you? Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; They have not uncovered your iniquity, to bring back your captives, but have envisioned for you false prophecies and delusions. All who pass by clap their hands at you; They hiss and shake their heads at the daughter of Jerusalem: “Is this the city that is called ‘The perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth’?” All your enemies have opened their mouth against you; they hiss and gnash their teeth. They say, “We have swallowed her up! Surely this is the day we have waited for; We have found it, we have seen it!” The Lord has done what He purposed; He has fulfilled His word which He commanded in days of old. He has thrown down and has not pitied, and He has caused an enemy to rejoice over you; He has exalted the horn of your adversaries. Their heart cried out to the Lord, “O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night; Give yourself no relief; Give your eyes no rest. Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.” See, O Lord, and consider! To whom have You done this? Should the women eat their offspring, the children they have cuddled? Should the priest and prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord? Young and old lie on the ground in the streets; My virgins and my young men have fallen by the sword; You have slain them in the day of Your anger, You have slaughtered and not pitied. You have invited as to a feast day the terrors that surround me. In the day of the Lord’s anger there was no refugee or survivor. Those whom I have borne and brought up my enemies have destroyed.”
Lamentations 2:12-22
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
Strategic Focus for Thursday
Lamentation for the United States of America – Day 4
Beginning August 29, 2021, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family spent 27 days identifying the sin of the nation, in preparation for Welcoming the King of Glory into all 50 States and US Territories on September 30th. During that period, the prayers of those on the call were recorded each hour and compiled into a special document: Lamentation for America.
As of this past Monday, November 1st, and going through Tuesday, November 9th, we are praying into 3 of the 27 topics every day, with 8 hours dedicated to each one. We will be speaking out our Lamentation for America, asking for forgiveness. We encourage the participants to share in the solemn reading of our Lamentation, punctuating it periodically with the fervent prayer:
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Health Care System, BIG PHARMA, CDC, NIH and FDA
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 12 AM through 7 AM EST)
– the violations of our constitutional rights
– control, those telling us what we can and can’t do with our own bodies
– shaming those who are unvaxed or unmasked; spirit of mammon; overcharging for drugs
– forbidding the release of HCZ and Ivermectin, drugs that have shown that they work
– crimes against humanity; undo control over people; offering a “bandaid” when Truth is needed
– not giving Truth about food, exercise, stress, what you put in your body
– mandating a shot when something works that is abundant and inexpensive; Masses being held hostage
– CDC causing wrongful death; fear of man, fear of losing jobs
– lying, CDC overreach, concerning SARS, covid, etc
A declaration was made that a RESET would come forth and that God would RECREATE what is good.
– wrongful deaths, crimes on humanity, greed, lying, deception, repression of the truth, accountability
– Come against “New World Order.” May new doctors come forward.
– Truth to prevail; Repentance for people messing around with cells in labs.
– Repentance for trusting in man, not asking the Lord. Idolizing doctors, their success, and intellect. Realizing we have been compromised because of our fear of man, our “fear” of the “brilliant doctors.”
– Repentance for including abortion in “healthcare.” Maybe that’s why we are finding ourselves fighting the current healthcare system because it has been so compromised with evil.
– God is shaking all that can be shaken, including our faith in the healthcare system. Repentance for faith in it, and in the CDC, FDA, etc.
– Demonic spirits and forces behind the “pleasant faces” of the priests and priestesses of the healthcare system. The prayer likened it to Pergamum. The people perish for lack of knowledge (and discernment). We are fighting demonic forces. We must not serve the lie and take their poison.
– TEN COMMANDMENTS BROKEN in relationship to Health Care
– NO OTHER GODS – False Gods of the Medical profession (MDs) are before God almighty.
– NO IDOLS – Temples of healing in our land. Idols we worship, give honor to, hope in, give our earnings
– NO TAKING GOD’S NAME IN VAIN – Using God’s name for the blessing as we take poisons.
– SABBATH REST – Not honoring YOU with REST to receive health
– HONOR PARENTS – Forcing parents to take the Vax “You cannot see the grandchildren unless….”
– DO NOT KILL – Knowing murdered babies were used in developing the Vax we accept it.
– HONOR MARRIAGE – Strife in marriage overtaking the Vax
– DO NOT STEAL – Taking the Vax because it is “so-called” free is theft of public funds.
– DO NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS – Saying our neighbors are dangerous because they are not Vaxed.
– DO NOT COVET – Coveting advantages to engage in commerce because we are Vaxed.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Sins of Nation:
– Biden fake administration allowing illegal drugs over the border; Ignoring and abetting the theft of an election.
– Supplying weapons to our enemies by leaving $98 Billion in Afghanistan for the Muslim extremist.
– Abandoning Israel; Agenda of sorcery causing death from COVID and VAX
– Big Pharma restricts the availability of HCQ, Ivermectin, and other life-saving treatments for COVID.
– Deception allowed to have gains. We listen to advertised deadly side effects and take the drug anyway.
– Pride as America Medicine is considered the top in the world.
– Lust of the flesh; Pride of Life; Greed; Idolatry; Lazy/Soft; Blind to truth; Lies; Murder-AMA
– Misguided faith; Hardened
– Trusting men and doctors making them gods
– We repent of Going to the doctors rather than to the church and the anointing of healing
– We repent of Spirit of Pharmakeia which is witchcraft; – We repent surrendering to the enemies deception
– We Repent for not seeking you Lord and allowing this confusion to come upon us. May we now be prepared Going forward, as we repent on our knees; We pray for timing from you Lord, and the Holy Spirit
– Pastors and teachers teaching a false gospel.
– Deceptive reporting of media and pharmaceutical industries, CDC, NIH, FDA
– Church needs the love of the truth for all things, not just covid
– Doctors who have released information and protocols for treating covid not be victimized by those pushing the vaccines.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Burdened for Christians who are lost in fear, for lack of truth with lazy or hireling shepherds
– Asked for forgiveness for trusting doctors above God
7. Asked for forgiveness for not being houses of prayer with those who know that God is our true healer. Remembering to go to God first.
– Using prescribed drugs, street drugs, and alcohol to “fix” our problems
– Drug dependence because of other problems in our lives for which we use drugs to soothe us leading to addiction
– The withholding of medications that will heal people of the China virus i.e., ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; Sins of the CDC, NIH, FDA, each making money from every drug and new vaccine they patented and license. For abortion and the use of aborted fetus cells to make the vaccines.
– For not looking to Your word for truth. Doctors and Pharmacists are operating in a spirit of the fear of losing money, position, and their licenses if they prescribe HCQ and ivermectin when patients are first sick. Also for not giving the antibody infusions in the early stages of infection.
– People who have made a covenant of death by coming into agreement with Bill Gates, a eugenicist, in his depopulation agenda; Made healthcare an idol in this nation. For murmuring and complaining but not rising up to call upon Your Name to heal us. For turning first to medicine before Your word.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We asked for forgiveness for ourselves and our nation and that God would heal our land.
– Lies and twisting of numbers of those in the hospital; Withholding drugs and procedures that help.
– Giving shots to pregnant mothers and causing premature births and death also giving shots to nursing mothers and causing babies to dietéis is a wicked assault on babies and young children.
– Coming into agreement with Bill Gates’ depopulation efforts. Repented for not desiring truth in our inward parts, not seeking out the truth. Repented for birth control pill, for thanking the pill, and or having an abortion.
– For President Trump recommending the shot; Pride of pharma, for believing everything doctors say.
– Pastors who brought the shots right into the church and took it in front of the congregation and urged the congregation to do the same. We asked that Pastors turn back to Father God and His word.
– Conjured racism Father purge us of this; – For the culture of death through abortion, murder, genocide.
– Being lazy, making excuses and procrastinating, failing to go to an abortion clinic to protest.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Repent of the origin of the pharmaceutical industry and the fortunes they have amassed. Repent of how the Drs have been trained by the pharm. industry. Set them free from the indoctrination of the corruption of the Pharm. Industry. Pray that this corrupt system would come down. How Jesus cursed the fig tree.
– Repent for the results of injuries caused by vaccines, autism. Repent for those who have known the truth from the beginning and suppressed the truth. Repent for perpetuating the vaccines and what they are made from. Repent for not being taught about the health benefits of healthy eating and living.
– Repent for the poisoning of our food chain. Repent of supporting the lie of the enemy that Drs and god and believing everything they say. Pray for the courage and steadfastness to resist the mandates from government and businesses.
– The greed of Big Pharma; Tolerance of vaccine passport; fear-driven compliance with mandates ignoring the truth of the Nuremberg trials and convention
– Laziness in doing own research, seeking the truth; Failure to stand for truth; Looking to world systems for freedom; Not being yoked with Jesus, causing us to bear too heavy a burden; Deceitful hearts
– Hardened hearts; disobedience, failure to trust Jesus; craving convenience, including justifying abortion, the overmedication of children to make them compliant in school
– Tolerating the masking of children over the last year, to placate the teachers’ unions
– Tolerating the demonic control of our educational system
– Malpractice lawyers; Doctors who enable drug addicts
– Doctors prescribe meds to only mask symptoms and don’t solve problems; Mockers of the truth
– Addiction; Big Pharma freebies; Mandating vaccines; FDA bowing the pressure to approve meds prematurely; CDC and NIH leadership not being honest with people
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Violating intl law; – Health Insurance Co bowing to Obamacare; – Divine intervention in the courts
– Those in Big Pharma who control the medications are concerned with profit, not how these drugs affect people. They hike the prices way up and they control availability. Those who have information about irregularities and inconsistencies in the industry are afraid to speak. These big companies are promoting lies just to sell their drugs. Father, forgive these lying controlling groups and individuals.
– Father, Fauci is one who is behind the virus and the gain of functional research used to inflict sickness and disruption in the US and the world. We pray for new discernment and awareness in Your children to identify and act on what the enemy is doing.
– We know that hospitals are not reporting all the side effects (illnesses and deaths) that vaccinated people are experiencing. We pray for truthful reports…we repent of our fears about how others treat and regard us if we are not vaccinated…and about the pressures that are increasing against those who are unvaccinated…No Fear!…sadly, many in the Church are vaccinated and we hear Christian leaders promoting the shot! The 700 Club’s health expert, Laurie, is pushing the vaccine and others in the Christian community as well. Our own President Trump has been misled…We repent of their delusion and misleading Your people.
– We ask for forgiveness for all the doctors and nurses who have shown cowardice and have sacrificed their conscience to comply with all that the medical field and Big Pharma are doing and demanding. Give them courage and boldness … we pray for a great revival in the healthcare field and all therein…give each a Saul to Paul revival in their souls!
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We repent for Obamacare…for one thing, it is encouraging people not to marry and become a family according to God’s standards. Obamacare gives everything free to a person if they are single…so all costs are covered when having children if you are not married.
– We repent that we allowed our country to fund the Hunan gain of functional research that Fauci was in the middle of. And we pray that the Moo and Delta variants will not spread! If anyone is purposefully spreading the virus, we ask You to deal with them and put a stop to it…Father, You are our hope! We pray for Your divine intervention…
– We pray You would release all doctors who do not bow to evil and demonic forces to start new hospitals and clinics that are not controlled by the government, Big Pharma, or any individual or group…give them strength and provision to come out of the evil systems and help them to connect with each other.
– Finally, we pray and repent for all the doctors who run abortion clinics and commit the murder of the unborn. Dismantle these clinics and bring these people to their knees in repentance!
– Big Pharma giving away drugs at no cost, causing addictions.
– Pharmacia by which all nations are deceived; Insurance companies not putting the well-being of customers first; Government attack on constitutional liberties.
– Coercion by government agencies to take the vaccine; Giving vaccines to our young children.
– Masking our children, covering the image of God, given at creation.
– Allowing our government to take away our constitutional freedoms.
– Allowing collusion between FDA & NIH to approve Pfizer vaccine.
– Government mandating Nursing Homes to accept Covid Patients causing thousands of deaths.
– Courts not enforcing International Law found in the Nuremberg Codes.
– Citizens not doing due diligence before taking any vaccine.
– Rejecting the truth about vaccines, when given the information.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– we pray for our healthcare system, our doctors. Protect their lives and may they be brave and speak of the medicines that can help us with Covid and against the vaccine. In Jesus’ Name. Mary AZ-we lift up our frontline doctors. Father, give them the legal help they need. Thank you for righteous doctors. I ask You to unite them. That enemy cannot stop their voice. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– I lift up the doctors in NY. NY has received an alert. There are many others that have been lifting an altar throughout our state. Because it is the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the enemy may want to strike. Lord, we are the United States of America. We are on our knees. Our state is so guilty. Only You can deliver us. I thank you for the 24/7 prayer line. I ask You Father that whatever the enemy is planning to harm our city, that they will be exposed and uprooted. We cry out for the Lion of Judah to rise up. Cast out vain imaginations in the doctors. I pray the blood of Jesus over all of our city. We are going to go there to the site. May your angels be with us. We thank you that Your shalom will be upon our state in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I am reminded by Lord God that if we drink deadly poison, it shall not harm us. He who is on the Lord’s side, let him say so. The HCZ and Ivermectin are tried and true. I have been on it and it has been a blessing to me. It is gone now. Frontline Doctors are so overwhelmed. We are trusting You for the release of these medicines. We come before Your courts. They are guilty for millions of lives lost. We are asking You Lord God that You would strike Your gavel and that they know they are but mere men. May the Americans awaken and unite. You are arising and sounding the shofar. We are asking for the release of these medicines, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– We ask forgiveness for the babies that were aborted today. Forgive us for the innocent blood. We ask that You move mightily as the legislation moves forth for pro-life. I lift up the mandates being put up for this vaccination. We declare they are lies. We ask forgiveness for this. They are lying and controlling people. Father, break through the lies. Especially the young people. May they come to the truth. We declare the truth for our nation. We take the weapon of covid out of the hands of the wicked. Forgive our sins, heal our land and bring that mighty revival. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– I would like to pray over the media. Father, we bring the propaganda, fascist media before Your courts tonight. We will give you no rest. We are coming to You as that woman came to the unjust judge. Give us justice. You are the great judge. Will You God not vindicate us. We bring all of these TV channels. -CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, etc. They are all guilty of sedition and treason. Bring down Your gavel, strike them down. We are asking You Lord to find them guilty according to the crimes they have committed. We ask You to judge them this night. May the fear of the Lord come upon them. Give them no rest tonight knowing that You are coming upon them. May they repent from their wicked ways. We thank you that Your judgment is set. We thank you in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– we pray that there will be brave men and women that will stand up against this tyranny. We ask that You crush it just like You did in the Tower of Babel. We trust in Your sovereignty. If it takes going to the streets, may we do so. Help us to be strong and brave in the name of Jesus. Amen
– that is exactly what it takes. You have not given us a spirit of fear. I can attest that you have taken me out in the street where I live. I thank you that the New Yorkers are beginning to arise. Many other Abigail Adams and Betsy Ross are beginning to arise. Like the sons of Issachar, they are beginning to arise. We say to the Woke-no. We can feel the shaking and waking of your Spirit. We will give up NO ground. We will begin to OCCUPY. Having stood, we will stand. We magnify You and thank you that the
Truth is marching on.
– Father, we come to you tonight and ask for forgiveness for what big pharma has put in vaccines that cause autism. It is incomprehensible that all of these children have been so affected by this. We pray that you bring all of these people to justice. Forgive us that this was allowed to go on and was not brought to the light. So, we ask you to bring it to the light. I pray for revival and all of these young people will be healed. And I pray that this is stopped in Jesus’ Name
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– we are in the time to possess the Kingdom. We thank you, Lord, that Your light is covering the United States of America. I think of Adam and Eve and Your plan had to go forth. Every man has turned his own way. We are declaring that the Kingdom of God is here. We cry out for the nation and our inheritance-the nations. We give You Glory for the millions that will come into the Kingdom. Thank you for the many that are standing up. In God we Trust. Let us stand up, and possess the Kingdom by force. Amen
– we repent for big pharma and creating this disease to harm us. They are using mRNA which has failed for 10 years. ‘There is none that does good, not even one. The evildoers eat my people.’ We know that You are our refuge and pray against big pharma. They are using aborted fetal tissue. We pray that You will lay Your hand against these mandates, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
– Father, I agree with Susan. God, I ask you that You will help Christians to not look the other way regarding the aborted tissue and the vaccine. Christians are taking the vaccine because they want to travel and have no regard for this. In the Name of Jesus, I am asking You to help up to wake up. Help us to say no to this sin of having to pop a pill when we can just go to You. Then those who warn about these pills are condemned. They have prepared us to just ‘surrender’ to the antiChrist plan. Help us to surrender and comply to Your ‘end of time’ plan. We have complied with the antiChrist plan to close churches. Pastors are saying that Jesus would wear a mask and take the vaccine. They are blaspheming Your name. Help those who are leading Your people astray to wake up. Help us, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– I want to repent on behalf of the shepherds in my city. They have become ‘blind’ and follow the ways of the world. They are just taking money to build buildings? They sicken Me, Lord. Give us true shepherds. They have no power over this illness. They tell the congregation to use the masks and take the jab. I think of so many others that do not have faith and feel they need to take these experimental vaccines. Raise up true, apostolic, prophetic shepherds that will help your church. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I pray for our Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers – that Ephesians 1 will be in full operation in them. That the riches of the glory of Your inheritance will be known and they will not be moved by the demonic forces that are in the world. You have been placed as the head of all. You Lord Jesus fill all in all. We call all the shepherds to the table to hear what You have to say. The condemnation and shame will bow their knees. Speak to them and that they will know how to rule and obey the voice of the Good Shepherd. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– I ask forgiveness for the deception that has come to the church to be compliant with the vaccines and the masks. I ask for forgiveness for those that have complied and even told their congregations to comply. I pray for forgiveness for those Christian organizations that are telling pastors to comply. Father, break this lie and open their eyes. Show them that this is killing people and that these vaccines are dangerous. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– when President Trump started this vaccine program, he did intend to have this end up like this. I just ask your protection over him. When he starts finding out about all the people who are dying from this, please protect his heart. Surround him with people that will not deceive him. We thank you in Jesus’ Name.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Dear Heavenly Father. I heard most of the speech by Joe Biden mandating the 1 million vaccines. My heart says: what do You want to be done? He wants every child, health care worker, daycare worker, etc., vaccinated. Many people that have had covid already have antibodies. We have pharmaceutical companies that are greedy. These vaccines have fetal cells. I ask Father, what is Your will for Your people? The Holy One of Israel has a plan and a solution. An 11-month-old was given a vaccine and developed liver damage and died. Father, my eyes are on You. Just like Hezekiah when 3 different armies were coming against him, He turned to You. We turn to You. I give you all the thanks and praise. Amen.
– Father God we have come before You and have cried to You for our land, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Break off the power of darkness over our Land and deliver Your people. In Jesus’ Name.
– For being quiet when we should have spoken out with the truth; no humility; determined to fight against our nation; they are kicking against the goads; Agenda of the one-world government;
– Forgive-made money the object-those at top-a health business and not healthcare; – Fear-we could die-trust big pharma and not God. Pay attention to liars. No reason to push this. Research from abortions is evil and demonic; Eccl. 8:11 Evil sentence not executed quickly, given fully to do evil
– We surrender to pills out of fear and dependency; Did God take away HCZ and Ivermectin?-our head and not heart knowledge-don’t walk it out; Afraid to share God’s healing-ridicule
– The cheap meds that work-good even for pregnant women-not money makers. But, Not used
– Break every chain-not surrender-power in the blood god’s plan and will in Bible-walk it out with God
– Don’t listen to the hype-listen to God; Babies murdered by the vaccine
– Truth to prevail-not the shady money to be made while sick; Prayerlessness-especially men in churches
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
Conspiracy to Bring Down and Destroy the United States:
The Deep State, Anarchy, Terrorism, BLM and Antifa
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 8 AM through 4 PM EST)
– Obama continues working for the downfall of our nation.
– The State Department is not allowing Americans to leave Afghanistan until they pay a $2,000 ransom.
– The bureaucrats consider themselves to be the real rulers of the United States because they are making and enforcing rules and regulations no matter who gets elected to offices
– The constant attacks, lies, and corruption of the deep state; The extreme corruption of the last election
– The effort to impose an anti-Christ spirit upon every person especially as manifested
– The anarchy that was displayed in Seattle and Portland last summer; The effort to raise children who act out violently; A fatherless generation who joins gangs as their only family
– The power given to BLM to control the narrative with special laws protecting them when it really doesn’t help black people; Looking at things superficially and not looking at really lies behind it going along with something to be with the crowd.
– BLM is a Marxist organization that just wants to destroy the constitutional foundations and laws of our nation. It has nothing to do with helping black people; Antifa is professionally trained and armed for battle, trained by our tax dollars. Recruiting from the teacher’s union
– The attempt to impose group think by yelling ‘conspiracy theory’ whenever anyone takes a stand for the truth; The attempt to bring down any righteous leaders in our nation.
– The vaccine mandates and companies like Disney that are supposed to be family-friendly imposing mandates; Forcing our children to wear masks
– The lawlessness and looting of last summer and the lawlessness of allowing thousands to be allowed through our southern borders without even being vetted.
– Allowing of Jihad in New York and Nevada with marches calling for the destruction of Christianity and our history
– For complacency, concern for own needs, and choosing blindness regarding this evil
– For thinking, we are right and not being open to seeing the truth
– For being asleep and not wanting to see the truth or seeking God’s discernment
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– For avoiding painful things and not wanting to deal with them; For fear of man and not having the courage to do what we need to do and instead of seeking comfort in addictions
– For not being sober-minded and alert and binding and losing what we needed to
– For not being the church we need to be and blocking the evil controlling Antifa, BLM, and praying for their souls; For fear of these groups and neglecting to love and pray for the members
– For mistreatment of blacks causing hurt and anger; For lack of compassion resulting in not caring for fatherless families; For embracing humanism and not countering it
– For stubbornness/unwillingness to see the truth
– Our kids have been indoctrinated and deceived in college…we allow them to deceive us…open the eyes of Believers, Lord! We are fighting for freedom…and open the eyes of the deceivers… we pray mercy for them!
– The devotion of many to Obama is a stronghold…he’s a traitor and a satanist! We repent for not being more active and coming against this…we thank You for Candace Owens who speaks out the truth and is being attacked for doing it! She and Charlie Kirk go to college campuses and speak out the truth and debate with students! Pull down the strongholds that blind those in deception. Raise up black leaders to lead in the black community. Thank you for those who do stand up and speak out!
– In 1962 the Civil Rights laws were signed…they wanted equal rights and revenge…the Democrats stirred them up and cried out ‘racism’! Many blacks have not been taught the disciplines they need to grow out of their circumstances…many have no father in the home and the mindset of entitlement is pushed upon them. The Church is not addressing this wrong mindset.
– We bless the truth speakers…those who are speaking out about election fraud are now being attacked here in Colorado. The newspapers have listed the names of these truth-tellers, calling them conspiracy theorists. They are slandering all those who are talking about election fraud. We are now so aware of these attacks, Lord, and we repent for always thinking that someone else will handle it and do something about it. We repent for being lukewarm. We pray that the truth will burst forth!!!
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Many in the black community are middle-class hard-working people…we call on them to focus on helping and resolving the problems that exist in their own community.
– So many in the black community are without a father figure in the home to show them how to live honestly…this leaves a big hole in families. We repent of relying on the government to get a welfare check which aids in keeping fathers out of the home. They have a lack of identity…we pray You would show them their identity in You…that they would learn to turn to You! We pray for BREAKTHROUGH in the black community!!! May they find life more abundant in You! We pray over families…Welfare is keeping them in poverty and we pray against that!
– I was in a predominantly black church for 21 years…many preachers in the black community help get food stamps for their people but have no programs to help them get off welfare. I know as I was trying to speak the truth in my church that my pastor was speaking behind my back, negating what I had said.
– We repent for the Church. It is our job and purpose to raise people up in the way they should go but the Church has been a willing and complacent participant, not working to help people get out of their current circumstances. There are some churches that do help people develop a work ethic. We ask for Your strategies to help people learn the things they didn’t learn at home.
– We repent for those of us who depend on our jobs and our positions for our identity, and not You! Forgive us for not being led by Your Spirit and focusing mainly on our next paycheck!
– We pray the Church would turn to righteousness to teach the Gospel and not social justice, so our hearts can be filled with Your Spirit and bring the truth of You!
– Forgive me for being self-righteous…heal our churches and our land.
– Boot the atheist teachers out of the seminary. My father-in-law went to Seminary and didn’t believe in the Bible.
Another intercessor confirmed that…she said a lady went through the Denver seminary and they read books, not the Bible. Lord, we repent! Forgive us!
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We repent for not standing on Your Word…We bind all evil spirits in our homes, our government, our churches…We lose love, we lose the Word…We lose peace!
Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers! Hallelujah!!!
– Deep state; set free from anarchy and deep state all over the world, and the USA; Every person in the deep state, restraining order against; Churches to their knees about this.
– Churches should do this without siding with one party; Forgive us for terrorism. Wisdom/fear on who is doing it, especially tomorrow which is the anniversary of 911. Afghanistan
– Remove “deep state”. Safety of people tonight and tomorrow Mass killers will be found out. safety on police regarding tomorrow and concerning deep state and Marxism and BLM.
– Hope for people; New Jersey justice to the deep state, they will repent when they are in their cells. Antifa. – Demonic spirit, hopeless feeling. Come to Jesus, turn back to you any hateful groups found out.
– I have a hate for kidnappers. sex offenders hate, for those that are killing babies. I Repent of hate and fear.
– The Holy Spirit will guide us to know what we need to know and the courage to act on it.
– THANK you for the prayer call. Help us to get through everything. Help us to love during hard times.
– Forgive us ALl for hate/ Anger and turning your eyes away from you. We’ve allowed abortion and gay marriages. Help us not to have cold hearts and have our hearts on you.
– IS 28:17, 18 Prov 32:36, Ro 1:28 to end, Prov 19, 16:19 ps7 and 1 PS 21:8, Ps 7:1 align our hearts in our nation with you.
– Remove bad leaders. Song Lord Have Mercy on Us. Esther THANK you for the mercy You’ve shown.
– EVERY PRAYER OFFERED will bring healing for our nation, healing for our children. Thank you for your healing; Pray for God to hear our prayers, remove current leaders and provide favor for the 24/7 NSPC to pray with President Trump.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– School system didn’t do its job [over the years] to emphasize our duty [ie-what happens when we don’t vote]-to bring up good citizens
– Country has turned away from God who guides our desires & motivations; Carelessness, not being involved, on the citizens’ part–not paying attention in the past, also or praying for leaders, etc.
– Weighed in the balance & found wanting regarding judges & those making decisions. not being informed voters re: all down-ballot candidates.
– Those whose who knew but have been silent & not being whistleblowers regarding crimes perpetrated against the truth; Repentance for not being accountable to stop election fraud
– We, the people, have not demanded truth in elections- have not come forth with info.
– Repentance for desecrating the gift of freedom-by not valuing it & protecting it – a sacred gift.
– Repentance for the Church failing to hold the government accountable, & to do our own research. Pastors muzzled by-laws; Feeling like our voice doesn’t count, so make no effort to speak up.
– Deep State: errors with Israel, Afghanistan, lack of accountability, term limits, Godless decisions
Anarchy: unchecked chaos in our streets, lawlessness, defunding police, spoiled, accommodated, desire to tear down and destroy
– Terrorism: ignorance and laziness to glean and uncover, and deal with plots of violence, January 6, fair dealings
– Antifa: Godlessness, brainwashing in our schools, Godless ideologies taught in our schools
– Forgive us for bailing the guilty out of jail and allowing them to commit crimes again even murder.
– Forgive us for globalism, world religion, world banking, and for bringing in the antichrist spirit.
– Forgive us for their hidden agenda that the common man is not aware of. For cunning deceit, depriving Americans of truth, twisting hearts and minds of children, the 1619 project. There are two forces at work, good and evil, a great spiritual war. They are playing us, ploys, networks, slowly boiling us to death.
– Forgive us for the violence, hidden agenda of Antifa, the media giving them a pass. Antifa harms innocent people in cities, burning police stations. Forgiveness for the funding of Antifa and the corruption and providing the buses for transportation; Antifa and BLM are like yeast leavening the whole lump.
– Forgive us for hijacking people who have guilt and shame because of dysfunctional homes and they, in turn, want to eradicate the nuclear family to make it look more like their family.
– BLM is a homosexual agenda, hijacked the nuclear family, perverting God’s design for the family. Rebelling against God’s plan; husband as head of the home, woman, and children under his protection.
– Forgive us for allowing demonic strongholds, for not arising in God’s authority, worrying what man thinks instead of God.
– Forgive us for allowing prisoners to come through our border, for having 35-36 terrorist training camps, training terrorists all over this country. Forgive church for allowing separation of church and state which kept us from speaking into this.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Forgive us for allowing Antifa to intimidate conservative speakers on our college campuses. They have been allowed to wreak havoc, causing damage, and have gotten away with it!
– Forgive us for allowing the spirit of antichrist, witchcraft, idolatry, every work of darkness.
– Terrorism, Anarchism, Covid Agenda, Deep State agenda, Murder, Hate, discrimination, conspiracy to destroy America, and bring forth communist-style government/tyranny,
– Dishonest scaled, ill-gotten treasure, lies Michah 6:10 & 11, Violence and lies of the rich, Micah 6:12;
– Educating children in Godlessness, Educating children in sexual perversion, Educating women in selfishness, insane brainwashing of our children
– The selfishness of the nation; lack of motherhood, and strong homes; lack of honoring of the man of the house
– Lack of disciplined living and the heeding of seducing spirits that turn our hearts from following close to the Lord. Lord, Have mercy, forgive, cleanse us by the Blood of Jesus and heal our land.
– Lord, remember we are dust, and leopards who can’t change our own spots. Lord pour out a spirit of repentance and godly sorrow on us and turn us from following the ways of Omri and Ahab. Michah 6:16
– Lord, let Your judgments on us be heeded and cause Your judgments to be turned to Mercy becoming a door of hope and a window of mercy. Lord pour out the water of Your Word into our hearts and cause that water to be turned to New Wine. Lord, cause fountains of New Wine to be opened up within us and cause Your heart to be satisfied with us. All Praise and thanksgiving be to the Lord whose arm is not too short to save nations!! Even ours. Thank You, Lord.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Schools and teachers; Righteousness in our schools; Righteous indignation Among your people to do your well. That we (God’s people) listen to the Holy Spirit! People to get saved who cross the border. Confusion and Chaos into the deep state; Godly fathers to rise up
– lawlessness; corruption; rebellion; lies; acceptance of bribes; witchcraft; violence; entitlement; hatred
– destruction; religion; fear of confronting the darkness; youth rejecting the church expecting to be entertained; fear; anger; lack of trust in God; raising up and training foreign troops that have become terrorist groups; apathy in the church; seeking comfort vs. confronting darkness
– Gullible with Pres Obama’s promises. Deception; Lies about the Antifa & BLM’S Agenda; Lawlessness
– Arrogant attitudes who do not honor you; Witchcraft; lying about the vaccine
– For not standing up when we should have; We repent for going on with the lies
– We repent for all evil movies and not turning away from compromise; promoting self, strength; the music we listen to and allow our children to listen to; abortion, gay rights, and gay marriages – for us not standing up; buying into the fear of covid; BLM – we repent for
– Jezebel – witchcraft, control; Vaccine – how to force you; Antifa; Biden lying to us about the vaccine
– spirit of timidity amongst our leaders in authority from the White House, governor’s mansion, etc
– forgive our passivity/complacency as cities burned; unbowed hearts before Thee instead humility
– Lack of gratitude for the blessings of America
– lies of BLM, ANTIFA and acknowledge so many youths follow them just looking for a cause to identify with and fail to investigate what they stand for in reality
– bowing to idols in this land; general attitude of apathy and complacency
– We confessed these to the Living God as sin and we sought forgiveness and repented desiring renewal of righteousness and revival in our land.
– Sins included omission, greed, conspiracy, secrets, terrorism, jihad, lies, evil plots, Obama funding Antifa, socialism.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
“WOKE-ness”: Racial, Cultural and Generational Divisions
Remembrance of “9-11”
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 5 PM through 11 PM EST)
– thinking our own needs are more important than another’s needs; -divisions of denominations (we are the body of Christ); divisions of labeling people by terms such as “Baby Boomer, Gen X, Y, Z… (we are the body of Christ)
– compartmentalizing; denominations! (You gave us a pattern, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists); following blindly; the sins of the NEA, unions; separating children by skin color
– bullying in schools; cancel culture; NEA which supports Planned Parenthood, Transgenderism, binary ed., ie, Two daddies, Two Mommies; crazy ideas; lying; social engineering
– socialism, communism, Marxism (Thank you for Purple for Parents), humanism, an atheist religion
-Taking prayer and God out of school; separation of church and (state) schools
-Teachers who have no idea how to teach/lead; Teachers who eliminate you from the classroom
– parent apathy; Shoot-outs at school
– Awaken people to your true God. We come against this spirit of wokeness.
– Break this evil spirit and loose your spirit of freedom. We repent for ignoring the truth and for participating in wokeness. Open the eyes of those caught in this trap of wokeness.
– Return us to innocence and purity. Help us to be “All things to all people” that in every way possible people will be saved. Help us to respect our fellow man.
– Forgive us for being shy of our roots in you. Help us to stand firm now.
– Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
– Making the meaning of words change so separate understanding of what’s being communicated brings division; Separating the older people from the young in special homes so they can’t influence the younger generation; Making entertainment and tv our idols
– Churches that are just older people; Christian leaders at war with each other because of doctrinal differences
– The teaching by so many pastors and denominations that the power of the Holy Spirit is not for today – after the completion of the Bible He was no longer necessary except for salvation.
– The Marxism in our schools that brings hatred and division to our children.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Allowing a puffed-up image of our enemy to intimidate us.
– The lie that this nation has always been a racist, evil nation; the 1619 project.
– The lie that glorifying immorality and the murder of babies makes us free, fully awakened, individuals
– The lies and corruption that have placed people in offices that have no business in those offices. Remove the terrorists from office.
– The war is being waged against the anti-vaxxers and those who won’t submit to the ‘group think’ that is being imposed upon this nation and the nations of this world.
– Provoking dissension; Critical race theory; Abortion; Hatred; Prayerlessness
– Not being awake, but that we WOULD be awakened to what’s going on in this country, on the surface, and behind the scenes; The Swamp; For the false narrative that we are a racist nation.
– For the new kind of racism in this country: the racism against white people, and how the “WOKE” generation is using it to divide and conquer.
– For the seed of racism that resides in MY heart, and in the heart of everyone: white, black, Latino, etc., in this nation and for anything negative said or thought against a person because of their race or color.
– For the desperate need to be liked and therefore going along with the crowd into “WOKE-ism.”
– For allowing the schools to take over the children of this nation.
– For those of us who have allowed media to “babysit” our children so we can get our work done.
– For not using the Bible as our guide for raising children—the best “instruction manual” there is
– For the spirit of competition in this country.
– For how we have left the raising of our children to the schools, thinking they would instill character into our children. Instead, the school system has become corrupted, indoctrinating our kids with Critical Race Theory, Social Justice, etc.
-For allowing the government, who funds these school systems, to take over the education of our children and push this agenda; rather than trusting the Lord for funding our schools, i.e. for not putting God first
– For churches, and other organizations who feared not accepting 501-C3 government monies.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
-And for the fear that if they don’t go along with these government programs they will have to pay back every penny of what they took.
– For allowing a “Harmful Content” label to be placed on our Constitution in the National Archives, warning people against the “racism and sexism” that is written in it.
“Every new child begins the world again.” -Henry David Thoreau
– Turned from the truth, listen to lies- masks, vaccines-allow all this-so far afraid to speak truth
– Watered down gospel-fake church-loving people to hell
– See disruption in business, sports-not see the whole picture-too afraid to stand up-ignorance? unbelief?
– We follow-pray for Awakening
– Awake Sleepers-spirit of stupor, delusion, lawless by choice, rebellious, walk-in witchcraft, “my way”
– Take scales from eyes,
– Christ lives in us – walk in it and live it
– Don’t understand the demonic-Lord teach us to battle
– People immune-courts corrupt-Pray for a turning only God can do
– Cali election corruption-Bring down Newsom
– BLM confused for blacks-see truth-
a terrorist group. Taking America down. Global-expose and dox, cut form of communication, cut funding
– Is. 35 strength, be strong. The Church does not yield to evil. Church passive allowing evil to take over. No! Stand up for righteousness. Confirm, protect, Hwy. Of Holiness. We have the power to defeat the Spirit of Darkness
– Lukewarmness in the Church; Not Doing the Word; AMA misinformation to harm and control people.
– Doctors allow themselves to be brainwashed and not put the Hippocratic oath into practice.
– Being Fearful – not Trusting GOD; Not Honoring the Youth
– Not holding the Youth Accountable to Godly principles the correct way
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Dishonoring Father and Mother and Older Generation
– Dishonoring First Nations – Ripping their Culture out of them
– Making fun of other races and Violence towards certain races
– Not getting to the root of Unforgiveness in our lives
– Crimes against humanity; Treason; Self-pity; Retaliation; No salt/light in God’s people; Voting for wickedness; No courage; Not following God’s Word; Self Righteousness; Unrighteous Deeds
– Jezebel spirit; Lies believed; Unrighteous accumulation of wealth/ Love of Money
– Hoodwinked; Bribery; Misplaced Adoration; Wrong Priorities
– Forgive us for division and discrimination within the church thru race, culture, and generations.
– Forgive us for allowing the world to transform our children’s hearts. Lord that You would heal the children’s hearts, bring the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.
– Forgive us for allowing the Holy Spirit to be banished from Your church and bowing to worldly pressure instead of putting a demand on the anointing of the Holy Spirit and our commission to love one another.
– Forgive us for allowing our children to be indoctrinated through TV and the world’s culture. Is. 2:2-3 Bring down this spirit of religion. All the people will stream to it. You will teach us your ways and we will walk in your paths. Ps. 89:22 The enemy shall not outwit us.
– We bind this religious spirit, the spirit of trauma, the orphan spirit, the spirit of rejection, and lose a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit.
– Our terrible treatment of Law enforcement and first responders
– Allowed the schools to kick God and His Word out
– Sacrificing reality of God’s truth for man’s wisdom to the point of teaching that abortion is a fine solution to unwanted children; Woke values have been accepted as Social Justice instead of God’s Word
– Allowing the medical industry to be elevated above God – and we have allowed it to become a corrupt idol, depending on it for the health of the people
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Elevation of the media and Hollywood to give us our values; – Allowing the American past to be twisted into a picture of evil instead of a Bastion of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
– For allowing our children to be conformed into the image that Satan has for people. We have not protected them from indoctrination.
– We have allowed people who claim to know God when their actions show they do not, to be leaders in The Church; Accepting the “loving” opinion that Homosexuality is an accepted Lifestyle; Accepting the “loving” opinion that Marriage between same-sex people is perfectly acceptable
– Divisiveness of the imposters; Pride of the people at the white house; False witness
– Wicked schemes; Shedding of innocent blood
– Church leader ties to Freemasonry; Allowing witchcraft, magic, and sorcery into the church
– Our arrogance in rejecting God’s Word and judging God as too harsh or unkind for calling homosexuality or child sacrifice/abortion sin.
– Putting value on our feelings and rejecting God’s Word and righteousness in favor of following our feelings
– Failure to confess and repent of the sins of ungodly churches and church leaders. Leaving those churches but failing to repent and pray for them.
– Allowing the media, entertainment, and education systems to teach our children instead of taking that responsibility on ourselves. Dividing kids from their parents. Believing that our children are going to follow the sin patterns of the previous generation instead of standing in the gap for them and breaking those generational curses.
– Allowing the enemy to run over us, and allowing fear of losing our jobs to cause us to fail to speak the truth. Abortion
– Victimization – fueled by selfish ego, pride, and the hierarchy of oppression.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Tribalism – Similar to when cults isolate an individual from their family & community, the hive mind does the same, & replaces those with the new accepted “family”. The breaking of the ties that bind & replacement with slavery chains.
– Greed – The idea of profit by any & all means necessary, regardless of the cost has fostered a lack of identity, purpose & meaning. So people/groups justify their anger, bitterness & rage as righteousness.
– The orphan spirit, the spirit of rejection – Everyone wants to belong. The attack on the Family unit has led to these & many other casualties. This area of sin again has led back to the 7 woes of Mat 23:13-37.
– All of these issues are expressed in a new “religion” of works.
– The culture has created a new gospel of works. New Zealots, Pharisees, & Sadducees all promoting a ‘religion’ of works. Which exploits rituals & groups for personal gain. They also selectively pick what laws they wish to follow. They also emphasize rituals over relationships. This corruption is toxic, contagious & spreads unrighteousness. Heavily apparent is their own self-righteousness that they weaponize.
– We Repent for: our school system – wrong teaching;
– forgiveness for our short memories – we promise we would not forget 9/11;
– divisions of labeling people by terms such as baby boomer, etc
– watching filth on t.v.; video games; forgives us for turning in to the news and not turning towards you Father God
– False righteousness coming from the mask-wearing and vaccination
– BLM – looting and taking down business
– We repent for the people who are disrespectful to you Lord and specifically for those who interrupted our line tonight we pray for their salvation
– We repent for the current California governor
– Offense; Hate; Media; Porn; Movies; Entertainment; Music; Holding onto the world instead of holding on to Him; failing our children
– Sex trafficking; Abortion; Spirit of distraction; Evil in our public schools and colleges
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Broken families; The brainwashing of our children by the LGBTQ trying to steal their innocence; CRT
– We repented for Racial, Cultural and Generational Divisions. We fully repented for each of the things that are an abomination to God:
– Colleges; Social Media; Military; Entertainment; Church Leaders; Political Leaders; Businesses
– Hatred, unforgiveness, lawlessness, chaos, confusion, lie, deception
– Forgive professors teaching children
– Love of $ = root of all evil — forgive those giving into it by using it for fleshly cravings destroyed families due to lasciviousness, lewdness and not putting on the armor of God & so pierced themselves w/many sorrows. Devil uses that to destroy & kill (families)
– Disobedience to God root of the woke ideologies which cause dissension.
– Being intimidated by the CRT-ers and buying into the victimhood and not speaking up vs. them.
– Spirit of compromise in Church/national leadership
– Unforgiveness for people of different cultures toward one another/repentance for not accepting each other
– Wokeness-repentance for people demanding everyone to hold “feelings” [for others needs, opinions, etc.] above truth
– Wokeness demanding that our “feelings” govern over righteousness
[People’s desire to be accepted rules over truth even when the group is doing harm to righteousness]
a. Always let God be your governor, not your feelings
b. No fear of not being accepted [demanding to be accepted is controlling [from witchcraft]]
– Repentance for falling victim to others’ opinions’
– Repentance for school systems teaching racism to divide people groups; also taking God out of schools
– Repentance for pushing the hatred between people groups [God desires unity]
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
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