Nov 3, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour with the reading of God’s WORD
How the Lord has covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in His anger! He cast down from heaven to the earth the beauty of Israel, and did not remember His footstool in the day of His anger. The Lord has swallowed up and has not pitied all the dwelling places of Jacob. He has thrown down in His wrath the strongholds of the daughter of Judah; He has brought them down to the ground; He has profaned the kingdom and its princes. He has cut off in fierce anger every horn of Israel; He has drawn back His right hand from before the enemy. He has blazed against Jacob like a flaming fire devouring all around. Standing like an enemy, He has bent His bow; with His right hand, like an adversary, He has slain all who were pleasing to His eye; on the tent of the daughter of Zion, He has poured out His fury like fire. The Lord was like an enemy. He has swallowed up Israel, He has swallowed up all her palaces; He has destroyed her strongholds, and has increased mourning and lamentation In the daughter of Judah. He has done violence to His tabernacle, as if it were a garden; He has destroyed His place of assembly; e Lord has caused the appointed feasts and Sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion. In His burning indignation He has spurned the king and the priest. The Lord has spurned His altar, He has abandoned His sanctuary; He has given up the walls of her palaces Into the hand of the enemy. They have made a noise in the house of the Lord as on the day of a set feast. The Lord has purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion. He has stretched out a line; He has not withdrawn His hand from destroying; Therefore He has caused the rampart and wall to lament; they languished together. Her gates have sunk into the ground; He has destroyed and broken her bars. Her king and her princes are among the nations; the Law is no more, and her prophets find no vision from the Lord. The elders of the daughter of Zion sit on the ground and keep silence; They throw dust on their heads and gird themselves with sackcloth. The virgins of Jerusalem bow their heads to the ground. My eyes fail with tears, My heart is troubled; My bile is poured on the ground because of the destruction of the daughter of my people, because the children and the infants faint in the streets of the city.Lamentation 2:1-11
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump,
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
Strategic Focus for Wednesday
Lamentation for the United States of America – Day 3
Beginning August 29, 2021, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call family spent 27 days identifying the sin of the nation, in preparation for Welcoming the King of Glory into all 50 States and US Territories on September 30th. During that period, the prayers of those on the call were recorded each hour and compiled into a special document: Lamentation for America.
Starting this past Monday, November 1st, and going through Tuesday, November 9th, we are praying into 3 of the 27 topics every day, with 8 hours dedicated to each one. We will be speaking out our Lamentation for America, asking for forgiveness. We encourage the participants to share in the solemn reading of our Lamentation, punctuating it periodically with the fervent prayer:
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
The Mass Media
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 12 AM through 7 AM EST)
– bringing fear, manipulation, and control to the public; witchcraft; addiction to media; the demonic covering over our nation’s leaders; spiritual darkness; arrogance; pride; lies…liars have their place in hell; lies of “Wokeness”; slander-tearing down; back-biting; character assassination, especially of President Trump; cancel culture, robbing people of their means of support; the spirit of destroying; Marxism in the media; censorship; Group think; selective media that allowed and encouraged Violence, repetitive, violence
– Marxist technique of brainwashing, repeat a lie over and over until it is believed
– laziness, allowing media to invade our children’s minds through music, movies, the internet
– empowering the media by watching it; – like a frog in the pan, slowly the temperature of the water is turned up until heated to boiling; complacency; slow pace, left-field way media has come into our homes and churches; Greed, envy, lust, pride; everything that exalts itself above God
A heavy hour in doing the work of identifying, repenting, and asking forgiveness and healing for the sins of the mass media; The mass media does all the sins listed in Prov 6:16-19
– haughty eyes; a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart that devises wicked schemes
– feet that are quick to rush into evil; a false witness who pours out lies; a man who stirs up dissension among brothers; False teachers, 2 Peter 2:1-3; Witchcraft; Anti-Christ spirit expressed by social media censoring Christians and Conservatives; Spying on people in their homes via Alexa and computers, cell phones – which is an example of a heart that devises wicked schemes; Deceptive reporting which is an example of a lying tongue; Forgive us for not listening to the Holy Spirit for truth. Forgive us for relying on the news Forgive us for opening our homes to demonic portals to control our minds, hearts. For allowing in what seems innocent, but is wicked like Disneyworld with “Magic” Kingdom, even newspapers. Smith Wigglesworth did not permit the newspaper into his home because he recognized it as evil.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Pride/Exalting themselves above the truth as they label Christian or Conservative posts that they deem untruthful as ‘misinformation’. Jesus is the Truth; Unholy alliance between the White House and social media to push an agenda; Media is built on sinking sand
– Sorcery is used in the area of fact-checking. They crunch the numbers that are spewed out as truth.
– We need the Lord so desperately. Please Lord forgive us of all these wicked sins in Jesus’ name, amen.
– Lying; Wickedness; Arrogance; Slander; Sowing division and discord; Ask forgiveness for our watching and supporting; Manipulation of minds; Ask forgiveness for them and us – for making idols of people and programs
– 6 things the Lord hates – Proverbs 6:16-19
“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”
– Self-Deception – to allow ourselves to be mesmerized by the TV shows and the News and to passively participate in the false doctrines, immorality, and lies being offered to us there. Forgive us for wasting our time with this.
– Using TV and the Internet as a babysitter and letting our children be molded by their wickedness
– The entity calling itself, ‘Trusted News Initiative’ – many large media companies belong to it: BBC, Facebook, Reuters, LA Times, etc many more) – Their stated purpose is to control the narratives being portrayed about Covid, the vaccines, and the Presidential Election. They are a propaganda cabal pumping out lies and controlling who gets to speak on these subjects, using cancel culture, politically correct intimidation, threats of losing jobs, information being made available to the people (actively scrubbing the internet of certain facts) etc.
– The Lincoln Project – a group of progressives pumping out false doctrines in the universities – education – is an arm of the media/propaganda
– Lord forgive the liars and those believing the lies. Please cleanse by Your Blood and Break the bonds of wickedness these lies are holding us in. Let the Name of Jesus be exalted over every lie!! Lord, let Your voices of truth be heard shouting on the mountain tops. Lord, come against these oppressors and bring their great and intricate strongholds down. Strengthen the righteous foundations of the nation and restore us to Yourself and Your righteousness. Strengthen all our righteous bonds. Strengthen our bonds of unity in righteousness and as a nation cause us to stand before You exalting the Name of Jesus above every name.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We released the call of the Lord saying, ‘Come out of her (Babylon).’ to our entire nation!
– Forgive us for allowing these things to go unchallenged!!
– Cleanse us and cause us to speak up and get involved. Help us to love our enemies.
– we repent for leaving this to the enemy. We have abandoned this into him. We have allowed all sorts of evil and not intervened. We have abdicated our responsibility. We pray that you will raise up righteous people that will come and take the media. We need a miracle from You, Lord.
– we repent for the lying in our media. The false accusations have done against our President.
– forgive us for when we do something wrong and we know the facts, we do nothing. We should write a letter to the editor. Forgive for being silent and inactive. Show us what we can do.
– forgiveness for the role of the media in the stealing of the 2020 election-the false polls. For being complicit in this treason. May they be found out. May they be removed and pay for their crimes. In Jesus’ Name; we come against the powers and principalities of darkness that are operating in Fox News. They called the elections in AZ when there were still 1 million votes not counted. They did it to throw the election. They did not allow Tucker Carlson and Hannity to talk about Mike Lindell’s symposium where he was exposing the fraud.
– Lord, I thank you for journalists who spring up and tell the truth. I pray for courage for those that are on the scene and they will know that they are doing wrong. May they find kindred spirits that they can unite with. May they even form new broadcasts. In Jesus’ Name.
– Lord bring down CNN and other networks that lie all the time. May the wicked ones be brought down, In Jesus’ Name.
– repentance for Hollywood and the horrible sins they have committed. Sex trafficking, witchcraft, satanism, and all sorts of evil. Father, we need for Hollywood to disappear. For those involved in those things to be found out and prosecuted. We pray for You to reveal yourself to them and give them an opportunity to repent. Lord, this will take a miracle from You.
– bring down the wicked media and the wicked in our federal government. Those that are not there legally, in the senate, legislative branch, the executive branch. If they have any conscience, may they turn to You. Bring them down from the positions they hold. I pray for the believers in Afghanistan. Do miracles. Put angels around them. We pray that those that are being martyred that they will only fear You and not feel the pain. We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in these other lands that are being persecuted.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– I repent for the things that I have watched and there were evenings when my son, who came home, put shows on and I sat with him and many times, just to be with him, and the movies were defiling. Lord forgive me for this. Then other shows that seem to be ‘ok’, yet show homosexual agendas. It is a ‘bad testimony for me to my son because he did not understand I just wanted to be with him, not watch those movies.
– identification repentance. I was reading in Nehemiah 1 before he went to Jerusalem. He was fasting and praying. Vs. 6-7- ‘Let Your ears are attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of your servant which I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father’s house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against you.’ He said ‘We’ have acted corruptly against You, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses.’ So now we take the place of the media. We repent for the sins that the media have done and the people that have watched the media. We repent for the evil which we have perpetuated and not taken a stand against; we repent for not speaking out when we should have. We have been silent against the evil; coming against us.
– I repent for parents allowing their children to watch cartoons and movies that have witchcraft, sorcery, violence, and all sorts of evil, even when it is ‘masked’. Parents have not been vigilant with their children and are allowing their minds to be ‘trapped’ in these wicked things. Father, forgive us and I pray for there to be an ‘awakening’ in the minds of the parents. I pray that they will take their responsibilities ‘seriously’ to watch over their children’s minds. In Jesus’ Name.
– we repent for grandparents that allow their grandchildren to watch programs that seem to be ‘innocuous’, yet have homosexual and occult things in them and we just allow this to corrupt their minds. Thank you for waking us up. Help us to be more vigilant and more aware to know what they should watch and not watch. Help us with this we pray, in Jesus’ Name.
– Lord, I pray that there will be more ‘good’ films coming out. We pray that they will be a blessing to many people. We pray that more good things will come out in the media. Help those that are trying to bring good media out.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Father, we thank you for those that are bringing out good books. I pray that these books will be excellent and that many will know about them and get them for the kids.
– even with Superbook they need to make clear their ‘age appropriate’ content. Give them wisdom to determine ages that are appropriate to see for their cartoons.
– repentance for the books being done to even babies that promote homosexuality, two moms and two dads, etc. We need the libraries and the schools to be cleansed of all of this evil.
– Disney shows promote witchcraft and homosexuality. Love wakes up parents. Have parents go to ‘plugged in’ and see movie reviews. I pray for wisdom and discernment for parents.
– it will take a miracle from God. It will take a spirit of repentance to come and invade the hearts of humanity. Lord, we pray that You do this. In Jesus’ Name.
– I pray that the LGBTQ community will find no way to go. They will be blocked. They will find You, Father God.
– Father, we pray for revival in every state and every nation. We pray for 1 billion souls to be saved. May it come to every city. May we confess our sins and may You heal our land. Forgive us. Heal us and bring revival. In Jesus’ Name.
– advertisements on TV-there are gays, homosexuals, transexuals in every single type of advisement. The message is that this is acceptable. We pray that when companies do that, we will contact them and tell them what we think and how offensive we see those ads. And any programs that have those advertisements, call and tell them that we are offended by the advertisement they show. They have to hear from us or they will not know. We need to speak up, in Jesus’ Name.
– forgive the ecclesia for allowing the kingdom of darkness to prevail. We have abdicated our authority and are not being the ruling body on the earth. We are seated with Christ in the heavenly places and have been commissioned to rule on the earth. Father, we repent for not doing this. In Jesus’ Name.
– No complaining, break all word curses; Fear that has been spread from their broadcast
– Repent of being gullible to all the lies; Looking to media, not the word in the bible
– Not trusting God, hurting God when we don’t trust Him; Feed on the Word and His Truth, not media
– Allowing self to be deceived; Sports and entertainment idols, repentance all time given to them
– Repentance for ways entertainment led to sin; Hypnotized by shows; Repentance for being governed by media, not the congress
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– prayed about the use of words by the mass media and how they twist the truth and over time people accept the changed definitions. For example, the twisting of the words ‘ oy’ and ‘ irl’ and how we are prohibited from using God’s definition. We repent for not holding fast to the truth, afraid of the backlash. Father, heal our minds so we do not accept the lies of the enemy.
– Regarding words, we pray against lying lips, word curses, bearing false witness…correct us where we are guilty and unaware of our sin. We pray for crop failure over every tare, plucked out, destroyed so the wheat can be harvested! Break lying words power so they have no effect on this nation!
– the enemy manipulated words in the garden…twisted the truth…when Jesus was tempted by satan, lies were told and the truth twisted. Proverbs 18:4 “The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; The wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook…As deep waters hide what lurks beneath them, a person’s words may hide his thoughts as well as reveal them.” We repent of definitions that have been changed online…Webster’s dictionary disparaged President Trump…we pray for the right and truthful words.
– prayed against movies and TV programs and advertisements that promote the LGBTQ agenda and we repent for not making our feelings known…we must contact the companies and advertisers to say we will not patronize their products because they are an affront to our God and our Savior!
– we need to contact the decision-makers at these companies to let our feelings be known…we pray they would love the truth and know their rewards are here and eternal. As the scripture says in Joshua 24:14-15, “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Bless Mike Lindell…a Godly man…give him a double portion and thank You for using him. We ask that he not be tempted by evil, that he would stand strong!
– we pray for Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, and others in the media who stand for our values but are not saved. Pour out Your Spirit upon them. We are concerned for their souls…we pray Your protection, Your Spirit, Your insight upon them…Bring believers around them.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– we pray that Christians would read the Bible…Hebrews 5 talks about discernment…we pray for discernment regarding evil, witchcraft, etc. We ask for Your wisdom and godliness. We seek clean humor, not violence…minister truth. I don’t believe we can repent for the actions of others. We pray for the hatred of sin. Pierce the hearts and passion of parents. May children be evangelists as Jesus prayed in John 17. May the Church walk in love…Christian marriages too!
– raise up Christian artists, comedians, entertainers to bring clean material and eliminate the evil that has infiltrated our culture.
– Allowing any influence over our thoughts & attitudes above the Word of God; Covering up real news of good, pushing forward bad news; Money driving what makes the news thinking that will bring more viewers/listeners; Media having too much influence over our minds & lives
– Repentance for sitting in the seat of scoffers [joining the attitudes of veil doers]-Ps. 1
– Ask that the giant of mass media be brought down concerning their deception and lies
– Repented as the church for allowing “free speech” to be allowed to go beyond its proper boundaries
– Redefinition of words that bring a dishonest understanding of – life, lifestyle, gender, marriage, etc,
– Christians in the media need to stand up for what they know is right and true. Pray for and witness to those in the media who don’t know You, Father, to come into an understanding of their destiny in You.
– Break the spirit of confusion and lying. Where there is darkness, bring the light.
– Believers in the full armor of God to take the authority to break the strongholds over Washington D.C.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Release of finances for organizations like Judicial Watch, Human Events, etc. to be able to fully do their work; Independent reporters, many of who are not Christian but desire to know the truth, be guided away from false idols of new age, and other gods to the only true God.
– Spirit of control that is rampant in this nation and driven by the media through the actions of government agencies, politicians, Antifa, BLM, education, health care, etc.
– Salvation for media, that they would report the truth and that the money streams would dry up
– Repentance for propagating lies, propping themselves as idols, pretending to present truth, repentance for manipulation, witchcraft spirit, setting agendas from the pit of hell and collaborating with demonic forces, pride, and their anti-life stance
– Come against the spirit behind them and cast it out in Jesus’ name. This includes all newspapers, the Internet, radio, and film. Prayer that they would no longer serve evil, pride, mammon
– Repentance for the spirit of celebrity homosexuality (Lemon, Maddow), lack of modesty, sensuality, all types of sexual perversion, and in morality that it is glorified through the media in their personal lives
– For blinders to come off and God to touch their minds and hearts. For young people to return to morality and that the movie industry would become more family-oriented, children dress and act appropriately. To demolish every unholy alliance.
– Thanking God for the exposure he has done. For the body of Christ to repent for the services like Netflix they continue to support. To help God’s people say no to these services, no more money towards fake Christian programming, false teachers, the prosperity movement, positive teaching, false prophets. That the word of God would become our media.
– Repent for a lying spirit and send that spirit back from where it came. For the body of Christ to turn off unrighteous stations. For American people’s eyes to be opened to horrifying injustice.
– Repentance for opening themselves up to the mass media, for the body of Christ to choose not to listen to them, thanking God for young people who are Christians to become influencers, evangelists and that God would heal our land through them
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Prayer for Christians in the media for example Shannon bream. For all of the people behind the scenes and forgot to use them to tell the truth. Forgot to call believers into media and would step out by faith and become godly influencers
– For the finances to dry up and that God would take the wealth of the wicked and give it to the righteous. That they would use the money to fight wickedness.
– That God would bring forth whistleblowers and dismantle these institutions through legislation
– Thanking God in advance for healing our land and that the Holy Spirit would come to our churches, homes, cities in the hearts of our leaders. God forgive us and have mercy.
– Get rid of all bitterness…and every form of malice; Repent as consumers who are addicted to tv as an idol replacing God and yielding to the control and instead of seeking; intimacy with you. But think on what is pure and whole and noble; Censorship is suffocating what is good. The good news of God.
– Lord You love to come at the darkest hour when it was humanly possible
– Parental failure allowing the children to run things instead of mom and dad. Failure of parents for putting a TV before the kids instead of bringing up children and being the example they need instead of them seeing the confusion of role models etc on the tv.
– Forgive us for worshipping idols & imagery of the Beast through all of our electronics.
– We repent for the exporting of pornography, filth, violence, corruption & perversion throughout the world.
– We pray for the demolition & removal of these strongholds & their replacement with purity.
– Let our nation’s #1 export by the Gospel. We come against witchcraft, the channeling & programming & the telling of (the enemies) vision. We pray that the families of the US cut the cord & sever the cable. Raise up the protest of not consuming, protest with our money; We pray for deprogramming.
– We thank you LORD for the horrible TV ratings that all the networks have been suffering from. All-time low sports, awards shows, & news viewership.
– Slander; trying to destroy President Trump, giving their opinions as facts and defrauding the American people who trust them; Deception, telling lies, and telling them often enough to make them believable.
– Treating Republicans with contempt while highly esteeming Democrats.
– Wicked Shepherds, sheep are starving to death for the truth and they feed them only lies.
– The sodomites are in the house; they have brought the sin of homosexuality into our homes and put our children at risk for abuse, sexual sin, and contributed to the breakdown of America’s morality.
– They are not heralding the truth, not proclaiming the truth of God; Mind control, the spirit of Leviathan.
– Libel, destroying the reputation of President Trump and others through the written word.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
Big Tech and Social Media (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram…)
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 8 AM through 4 PM EST)
– allowing the 1996 laws (Clinton administration) to strike down the 1890 Sherman antitrust laws. This has taken down our Free Enterprise system and allowed monopolies of Big Tech and Social Media in our Market.
– not sending our young men and women into the media mountain, thus it has been taken over by the ungodly; accepting so-called ‘free” services from Big Tech that actually has been costly…now they can track our every move
– allowing our constitutional rights to be taken away from us; censorship
– believing the lies and misinformation of the covid virus, how to treat it, and where it came from
– allowing media to steal the 2020 election; trusting in demonic sources
– allowing evil leaders to take over, leaders who worship Baal and Molech
– worshipping at altars that give platforms to the Taliban but takedown/silence the President of the USA (Pres. Trump)
– engaging in social media to the detriment of speaking to our neighbors
– habitual partaking of social media; allowing social media to target our children
– witchcraft, pride, arrogance, love of money, manipulation, control; deception
– entangling and leading the public astray
We say, Enough! In Jesus Name! Acts 4:12
– Psychologist named Height did a study of people who commit to an opinion in public. It can be in print, on social media, on TV, radio, or online. The study showed that when they were proven wrong & confronted with the truth more than half refused to change their opinion or admit their error. Their pride & ego will not budge for they are wise in their own eyes. We pray that their colored glasses will be forcefully knocked off their heads. Let the scales fall from their eyes so that they can see so that the talents that they have can be used for the Kingdom and His glory.
– We repent for our tolerance for the filth, perversion, violence & demonic programming that we have allowed into our homes. NETFLIX is one of the worst offenders. They push the occult, witchcraft, pedophilia, sex, cartoon perversion, and animal hybrid Satanic programming. They have a show called “Sweet tooth” about half-animal/half-human hybrids marketed for children.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Several Cell phone providers include Netflix free. All this distraction & corruption has kept us ineffectual.
– We repent of allowing these sick things into our homes and onto our devices.
– Spiritual blindness caused by the music they present; The cartoons that impact our young
– The filth, swill, and evil that come into our homes
– The sexual immorality, adultery, and vile transhuman, human/animal abominations they glorify
– We repent for the portals that allow this filth to enter our homes.
– Sports that is being corrupted by halftime entertainment; The idolatry of sports
– The money involved in sports and entertainment and the use of that money
– CIA controlled media; – Allowing ourselves to be controlled by the media, for stirring up lust for products, envy, strife, violence, and hatred between us.
– For promoting same-sex attraction and marriages, for normalizing this behavior.
– For promoting or bringing us into laziness and passivity so that we do not know how to work and we are not teaching children to work.
– Allowing our children to waste so much time playing video games, (China has now limited their children to 3 hours a week of media time).
– For promoting fear and control concerning covid, help us to realize we are being controlled.
– Promoting the sale of products made in China by forced labor, i.e. Nike. We repent for purchasing products made by forced labor.
– Teaching hatred: against President Trump; black against white; against righteous leadership.
– For legal justice shows that make a mockery of our court system, children’s programming that teaches witchcraft, disrespect for parents and the elderly, violence, bullying, and cause addiction to media. Forgive us Father for allowing and encouraging our children to use social media at very young ages.
– For the tele-evangelists that have distorted Your word and message for profit.
– For Hollywood for promoting and operating on, drugs, alcohol, sex, sexual assault.
– For the music industry for praising violence, sexual violence, murder, racial hatred, division, and strife.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
Father, we repent for watching and participating in these sins in Jesus’ Name, amen.
– Repenting for the covenant of death; Repenting for sins of omission
– Binding the Prince and power of the air; Repenting of being distracted with big tech
– Repenting of the spirit of control
– lies, apathy both personal & church body, the churches’ lack of standing strong & firm concerning the evils of these media & big tech, slothfulness, fear, pride, greed, cowardliness, addiction to social media, phones, internet, etc., allowing our youth to form these addictions, for letting these entities track us & sell our information, for supporting Zuckerberg & other immoral individuals & companies, for not being informed, laziness, prayerlessness.
– Congressional leaders, who have been well aware of the monopolies and censorship by Big Tech, but either has been bribed or intimidated into doing nothing to help the public.
– Our lust for information, our desire to know and see more. We choose to eat from the wrong tree many times. Not that having info is wrong, but we magnify it by overeating from the Tree of Life and the Word of God. Therefore, we fuel the engine of Big Tech.
– Repentance from not “occupying till I come.” Allowing too much of the world to still be in us. Cleanse, fill, use us!
– Our “need to know” often creates more anxiety, and we don’t stop to hear what the Lord says.
– Repent for our distraction. Our technology actually can be a barrier to communicating with people in a normal fashion. It dehumanizes us, makes being critical easier.
– We’ve made our phones and technology an idol! We see that we’re the ones allowing this Big Tech monopoly by being so addicted to our phones and computers. And we are not always discerning about the lies shed abroad by what we read, hear, and see on our devices. We eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
– Repent for spending more time on our phones and devices than in the Word of God. We are “beholding vanity.” (Ps. 119:37 “Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy way.”)
– Repent for feeding on the “Babylonian diet” in regards to the abundance of internet information. We need to be like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who refused to diet on the fare of the Babylonians and were healthier for it.
– Repentance for the falsity of “fact-checkers,” who are demonic and anti-Christian, anti-truth.
– Repent for the system of greed, power, and control associated with these businesses.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Use of media for child trafficking, luring young people in.
– Enforcement of a false narrative; Publisher vs Forum legal aspects.
– Addictive nature; Vaccine and social credit internal passports.
– With a sling and a stone, one man took down the giant. One man in YOU. You are raising up an army with warrior spirits, an army of Davids, Esthers, and Gideons. The enemy is NOT winning. You are laughing at them.
– Give us creative ways to use God’s systems, not the world’s systems
– Help the Body of Christ to stop supporting these ungodly platforms. Shock the heart of these 6 corporations and let the shock reverberate to all the users of these platforms . . . so that they can once again hear Truth.
– Tracking people and enticing them to sin
– Apathetic – promoting sexual promiscuity, violence, perversion
– Porn embedded in children’s music videos
– Fear-mongering – thank you for hope-filled people like Doug Billings. Fear led to closing churches, masking our faces, avoiding one another, and pulling away from others.
– “Submitting to authorities” – wake up Christians following the fear-mongering. We have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind!
– Parents allowing children to watch inappropriate things and without supervision, for using media as a babysitter. Help us to raise discriminating children who can rightly discern good and evil.
– Lies of covid. Doctors and other truth-tellers have been silenced. Release their expertise for all to hear. Many have died. Perpetrators of lies should be sent to prison. O Lord, bring justice to this situation.
– Even Trump’s HHS Alexander – says there is no vaccine for the variant. He is exposing lies and calling on Trump to speak out against vaccines. President Trump is still counting this as an accomplishment. Lord, help him to stop counting this as an accomplishment and see/hear/understand that he was used and manipulated. Help him to confess publicly regarding this.
– Rip the veil over the American public (and our brothers and sisters) who still cannot see. Rip it from top to bottom, as you did at Calvary.
– Lies of the stolen election [we didn’t get to enumerate what this has led to an invasion in our own country by evildoers from a multitude of countries, increased sex trafficking (one child produces $20M over the course of his/her life as a sex slave), increased drugs harming our citizens, terrorists coming in, continuing to devalue our money, passing more unjust laws. . .]
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Protect the alternate media who are professing Truth. They are paying the price – families are being threatened, they are being sued, provide the resources that they need and expand their influence/audience while keeping them untainted from the world.
– Raise up a good and godly search platform that will not be corrupted, that will bring up honest results in a search AND that will warn of vile and inappropriate material accurately so that we can protect our own eyes and our families as well
– Repent for passing information through Facebook or other media that is not true.
– Prayers for the media that is telling the truth.
– Prayers for doctors and health professionals that are being persecuted for telling the truth.
– Repenting for abortion and the spirit of Baal that fuels the lies perpetrated by social media.
– For pastors to preach repentance from the pulpit.
– Forgive us for not teaching our children the Word of God and for presenting Yahweh in a legalistic manner, not demonstrating the love of God.
– Pride; Grabbing power from God – assigning themselves the power
– Empowering those who are evil and shutting down those who are good
– Give themselves over to the lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh; Greed
– Used by cancel culture to destroy people; Unborn, body parts being sold; Abortion; Debauchery; Lying
– Control of the content of what is being read and heard by the consumer.
– Lawlessness; Manipulation of Truth; – Censorship of Free Speech violating rights
– Control; Spirit of Religion; form, traditions of man
Repentance of Ekklesia: Complacency; Apathy- Slumbering Spirit; Mark 7:13 Taking the easy road, seeking comfort, and ease; Addiction to social media vs. being the church in the world and not of the world; being distracted & allowing ourselves to forego discernment, and staying alert; time wasted in social media vs. the word of God
– Repentance for allowing it to consume our lives.
– Pride – making decisions as to who or who may not express opinions.
– Greed
– Hatred – not caring for their neighbor as themselves
– Spirit of Jezebel – through manipulation and control.
– Deception – deceiving the people
– Enemies of the people/Controlling the minds of the people – Psalm 5
– prepare our hearts for this hour. That we will be so focused on what you want us to be focused on- social media.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
-May we only utter words directed from the Holy Spirit. Show us how and what to pray. May this be a cleansing of social media. I ask for forgiveness for being dependent on it sometimes. Let us focus on things of God if You want us there.
– I lift up these companies, their leaders, and founders. They seem to have a mind of ‘being gods themselves. We repent and ask for forgiveness. Lord, change their hearts. We lift up these people that somehow, someway, You will turn their hearts to repent and to seek your face, and turn this to good, for You are a good good God. Even those that have gone astray or never been in the fold. We lay this down before You
– Father, you know each person involved in that. Everyone has been working for the Deep State and planning this for a long time. Thank you that you are dismantling the stronghold of these 6 corporations. Their goal is to transform our hearts, minds, and lives. We are asking you Lord to show who You are to each of them. We pray for salvation for them. We also ask that since You are a God of justice, to sever those ties. These appear to be tied with cords that cannot be broken. But You can break those ties.
– This goes back to Hitler’s day. Things have a tendency to repeat. We repent Lord and ask that you expose these corporations and those that are the owners and families in each of these when the federal agencies are supposed to stop monopolies. We ask for Your intervention in the media.
– Lord, I repent for the influence I have allowed Big Tech to have in my life. I repent for the control, domination I have allowed it to have in my life. I repent for being mystified by certain shows. I repent for allowing them to have such an influence in my life. I pray that the Americans will also repent.
– we come to you tonight Lord and ask forgiveness for the pornography that has gone out tonight and also for the church which is involved in this sin. Lord, set the church free from this sin. Lord, move on these companies and bring righteousness where there has been so much evil. Deliver your people for this sin. We ask forgiveness for the pastors, deacons, elders, leaders that are caught in this. Break the chains. Forgive us for this evil. I pray in Jesus’ Name.
– I agree with my sister’s prayer. I ask forgiveness and also that You will help us to completely surrender our lives. Help us to make different choices. We cannot do it without the Holy Spirit. Help me to make You, my media. We still have such a dependency on this. Lord help us to make conscious choices. Lord help us to read the terms when we sign up for these social media. I will not give up my camera to Facebook. Father, help us to ‘empower’ ourselves by reading what we are agreeing to. Reading the terms to the social media. We surrender our rights when we say ‘yes’ to everything they demand. The truth is that if we all say ‘no’ they will have to release us from this. I ask forgiveness for the information I have given them. Lord help us to be wiser than we have been and say no to these entities. I am sorry for any money I have put into Facebook through the ‘ads. God, help us to be wiser and not complacent and truly protect ourselves and our families. In Jesus’ Name.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– I repent for not praying for the Big Tech and all the social media people who are involved in this corruption. Lord God, I pray for their salvation. They have been captive by evil. What a big difference they could make when they come to You. Lord save them to the uttermost. Lead them to Your kingdom. Quicken us to pray for their salvation. Free them from mind control. They are being used by the enemy. We know that You can turn what the enemy meant for evil for good. Thank you, God. In Jesus’ Name.
– I want to repent and ask forgiveness for the hearts that have been broken through social media. Things that have been posted and perpetuated are not true. Forgive us when we have agreed with it and passed it on. Thank you, Lord, that tonight I saw one of the frontline doctors, Dr. Emmanuel, that she deserved an apology from social media for being wrongly accused as ‘crazy’ for promoting hydroxychloroquine. Thank you, God, that she be vindicated. And may people be able to use these medicines. We bless You and praise you and know that You will turn this around. Transform the media platforms to be Your good report. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– repent for all the misinformation and disinformation and blocking of true information that the media has been complicit in. They have been like the ‘false prophet’. They are responsible for so many deaths. They kept the truth from the people. They blocked the doctors that were giving the right treatments and people to be healed of covid. Lord forgive them for the blood on their hands. I pray for them to see their sin and ask for forgiveness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– I ask for forgiveness. It is an ‘addition’. Father, forgive me for that. I ask forgiveness for our nation being controlled. This is now controlling people. They are not in control by You or Your Spirit. They are controlled by their Ipads and Phones. Take away that dependence. May we be able to do without it. Lord bring us back to You. I pray, in Jesus’ Name.
– I like to repent for all the ways that Facebook, Amazon, have made so much money. They have corrupted our elections. This has seeped into so many areas. I repent for all of it, Lord. It has crept into all facets of our society. Lord, I lift all of this up to you. Repenting and asking You to turn it in. I yield it to You. Examine it and turn it. Turn to a good report. Away from the vile and wicked. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– Father, invade earth. May your presence remove the evil.
– Amazon has so many facets and it controls the supply chains. The Washington Post and others are tied to China. I repent for these networks and the way our government agencies that are supposed to protect the consumer are not doing it. Before these monopolies were forced to break up. We ask for Your plumbline to come and correct this. Gov agencies are in cahoots with this. We lift this for Your correction, Your intervention and to bring righteousness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
– I repent for allowing myself to be entertained, Lord God. Father, I am fascinated by people’s lives and gossip. Forgive us for being ‘seduced’ by these ‘carnal spirits’, instead of being ‘seduced’ by Your Spirit. Lord, help us to discern. Our children are being seduced by the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. By the blood of Jesus’ Christ, cleanse us.
– I ask for forgiveness for the parents and grandparents that have not been vigilant with their children and grandchildren and are allowing the children to watch cartoons and other programs full of witchcraft and other evils.
– Lord, I repent that I have allowed the grandchildren to watch tv while I am cleaning or cooking and I ask You to break off all of the curses.
– We come tonight and tear down this idol of ‘technology’. We tear down this idol. We tear it out of our Country. It will no longer be used for evil. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– we ask for forgiveness for allowing this sector to be controlled by those that are godless and evil and have not been a positive influence in this very important sector of our society.
– Lord, we repent and ask that you purge us and cleanse our bloodlines. Cleanse us from the blood-guiltiness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
Electoral System and Elections
(This topic will be covered during the hours of 5 PM through 11 PM EST)
– Tolerating fraud for many years, being asleep on our watch. Repent for tolerating wicked, greedy, self-seeking leadership. We have been self-seeking, abdicating our active participation in the election process. CA leading the nation in abortion fueling wicked powers.
– Complacency, Not voting for the best candidates, Not being involved in the election process, Not realizing the importance of intelligent voting, Allowing judges to control the election process, The sin of going along to get along in the election process, Not confronting the corruption in the election process. Not being involved in stopping the corruption in the election process. Blaming leaders for corruption instead of taking responsibility for the corruption in our own lives and getting help to turn for it so corruption will go away in our leaders. Not realizing this is a spiritual battle and fighting in the flesh. Manifesting hate in our own lives and criticizing hate in the election process, Not putting enough pressure on ones responsible for the election process, Sin of giving up, Church not voting, Church voting for the wrong candidate, Criticizing candidates and not praying for them. Prayerlessness even on the Call
– Bullying; Lack of awareness/not getting involved; Not seeking Your will according to Your Word – James 4:13-15, We consider which candidate will give us more stuff.
– Thinking we own things – James 4:13-15, we own nothing, You own everything. When we die we have nothing. Even WE belong to You.
– Ignorance/Rebellion to Exodus 18:21-22 in selecting leadership.
– Convenience – machine voting is faster, easier than paper ballots or another more time-consuming method of voting.
– Hatred that the media created for DJ Trump, 1 John 3:15, everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.
– For being passive; For letting evil men take governmental positions.
– For not taking authority over the evil, Causin no more chaos in upcoming elections. No more chaos.
– For not being involved in our elections; For allowing satanism; For blind eyes
– For the Christians that do not vote; We repent Lord and ask for your forgiveness in Jesus’ name.
– Repent for the sins of the Church, for not doing our job of participating and keeping our nation holy
– For the sin of fraud; the sin of pride; the sin of covetousness, mammon
– for refusal by the courts to acknowledge our wrongdoing and turning away from pursuing justice
– for the sin of wanting power; the sin of lying and bearing false witness; the sin of murder
– the sin of stealing; the sin of apathy; for the sin of the shame that we have brought upon this nation and the shame that we have brought upon the name of the Lord through all our sinning
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– My vote and voice doesn’t matter; Not participating didn’t vote, didn’t pray
– The corruption that was voted into our government; The church wasn’t informed on issues, didn’t vote
– Sacrifice our values for convenience; Prayerlessness; Take time to hear God’s voice
– Illegal funding by groups, Facebook, ballet boxes; Bribery and threats
– Lack of prayer and financial support
– Illegal action. Secretary of State of California changed laws and dates, meddling with dates
– Why to bother to give money or pray, they will lose anyway
– Infiltration of school board and homeowners association
– Our silence; Not following your heart cry; Lack of Worship
– Serving gods of pleasure and comfort; lack of sacrificial service
– Lack of discernment and therefore allowing wickedness in; Lack of prayer, not pressing in
– Laziness; Complacency; Thinking we can’t do anything
– Lack of love (1John 4:20) – lack of love in church/nation; hatred (of Donald Trump)
– Legislators not doing their jobs in this area; Allowing what has happened to happen
– Lack of research on candidates; Not voting; lack of steadfastness and support for Godly candidates
– Not being informed, ignorance; Voting on racial grounds, or by gender, or what someone looks like.
– Not turning at Your rebuke – Turn at my reproof, Behold I will pour out my spirit upon you. I will make my words known to you. Pr. 1:23.
“All that’s necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”
“To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling … be glory and majesty, dominion and power … both now and forever …” (Jude 24:25)
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– The Church/Body of Christ has been asleep @ the wheel! -failing to do our due diligence re/voting, putting feet to our prayers & get involved @ some level; -need to re-examine our own lives, repent for letting our guard down & lack of Vigilance -repented for Laodicean spirit…lukewarmness! We asked the Lord to forgive the US, His Church, for the lack of Unity among us! Lord, have mercy on us!
– California-repented for Incestuous sins in leadership. Newsom, Pelosi, etc. have created Strangleholds over politics in CA all the way to DC! Repented for Abortion (1st Abortion clinic was in Santa Barbara, Ca, Laurie shared), Sins of Idolatry…W/craft/ Scientology, false religion, pedophilia! Lord, have mercy on us!!
– Maryland-we repented for self-seeking rulers, for seeking our own way apart from God’s, sin of Bribery! Lord, have mercy on us!
– Arizona-forgive Sins of Gov, Sec of State, Katie Holmes, Cindy McCain & family for illegal involvement & for their attempts to hinder/stop forensic audits! Lord, have mercy on us!
– Louisiana-Idolatry, Mardi Gras, sins of our Dem leaders & asked God to raise up godly trustworthy leaders who fear Him & who will stand boldly for forensic audits & demolishing Dom software in La! Lord, have mercy on us!
– Not requiring voter ID; Allowing one person to vote more than once.
– Not being faithful to have clean voter rolls;
– Knowing that some people took bribes to alter the outcome without consequence; Indifference
– Apathy when one goes to vote and not being informed; Fully candidates on the entire ticket.
– Not turning ballot over and fully participating; The sin of silence when fraud is exposed and not reporting it
– Taking Bribes from bottom to top.
– Repent for deep voter corruption for decades.
– Apathy on Ecclesia’s part; Forgiveness for evil men and women that crept in unaware.
– Stealing of the election; That the SC justices would repent for ruling unjustly; Thank you, LORD, for supporting Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito; Have mercy on the people who know what they do. Father, bring them to a place of repentance; Father, bring those who believed the lie of the Democrats that they had their best interests at heart to repent.
– Forgive us for not taking down the high places; Forgive us for allowing anything associated with the CCP.
– Forgive us for allowing machines to take Dominion. You have given us Dominion.
– Forgive us for not being discerning about who is running for office.
– Forgive us for being offended by President Trump; Let us look for the fruit of each and every one.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– That God would intervene in the CA election. We pray for transparency at every level of the voting process; We demand voter ID nationwide.
– we repent for the fraud, for the judges, for the dominion machines, and all the wrong things that have been done. Lord forgive us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
– song: rise up King Jesus, no man can hinder thee.
-asking for forgiveness for those that participated in this fraud in every state at every level. I ask for there to be a spirit of repentance to come upon all of them. I pray that all will be brought to justice.
– I ask forgiveness for stealing, lying, taking down your commandments and putting idols in their place, greed, conspiracies that have been perpetrated against our government and against You. As a nation Lord, we have sinned against You. We ask that You wash us, and cleanse us. I see it as the dross coming to the top. Father, I ask that You keep skimming it off. And forgive us, Father. I pray that in the Name of Jesus.
– forgiveness for all those that have stolen governmental seats. Make it right. Expose how it was done.
– Father, I lift up the media to you. It was all fixed. All the big tech and all the TV companies were in on it. We ask forgiveness for that. For the sin of lawlessness. Lord cleanse us across this nation from lawlessness and debauchery. Lord forgive us for all of that. I ask You to wash us. And for Wall Street which is filled with greed and evil. I pray for the cleansing blood of the Lamb. And also, for the spirit of control, I ask for forgiveness. Cleanse our nation, cleanse our government. The media should do no more than report. They have become an arm of the government. We remove it and ask forgiveness for all the sins that have brought this about. In Jesus’ Name.
– we ask for forgiveness for allowing China and other countries to come and interfere with our elections. We ask for forgiveness for allowing our enemies to come in and corrupt our elections. We ask your forgiveness for this and ask for this to be corrected.
– ask for forgiveness for interfering with foreign elections and opening this door for this to be done to us. I ask for forgiveness for Biden asking the Chinese to help him steal the election and selling our County and selling Afghanistan. May all of this be exposed and everyone knows the truth.
– we have no idea how far other nations were willing to go to come against Trump. The plan was not known at the beginning and God has revealed it. I believe God will do something. Let it run its course. Let it be known as severe treason. May the judgment be there for those who have done so. As we reflect on what they have done, we ask for them to repent. You have the right to judge the unrighteous. God is still doing His work; All those involved with this. There are prophecies that have been spoken years ago. It is fairly evident that the wicked who planned this were not aware this would be found out. I thank you, LORD, for allowing this. Let us not grow weary. I ask in the name of Jesus the Messiah.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– Lord, we thank you for allowing us to see all of this evil in the elections. We come against all the lies and tricks of the enemy. We come against the dominion machines and against their use again. We come against the ballots coming to the houses. I pray that they will repent for cheating. I pray that You will look from heaven and heal our Land. Even the post offices have been involved in the fraud. We put a restricting and restraining order against all witchcraft at the elections. We uproot it and cast it to the abyss. We pray that people will stand up and say what is going on? Also, that people will listen and hear what they say. I pray that people will repent for not voting for Donald Trump.
– Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are sovereign. In addition to Mike Lindell that has proven fraud without a doubt, you have also exposed it. Show yourself strong on behalf of your people. Put judges in the right places that will defend righteousness and the constitution. Replace the wicked ones. May your plans be done, and not those of the wicked. What You will do, You will do. Help us to continue to pray. Your words are life. No weapon against us will prosper. We see this wicked plan is not prospering. We applaud you, Father. Go right on King Jesus.
– Father I come to You today and ask forgiveness for the innocent blood that was shed today through abortion. Forgive me that I do not ask for forgiveness every day, as you have asked me. I pray that your cleansing blood will wash us. I pray for an awakening and a move. I ask in the Name of Jesus.
– in the name of Jesus we pray and ask for forgiveness for the Christians that read the wrong books, look at the wrong programs. I ask that people repent for entertainment. I pray for Your mercy. We have things in our house that are not of You. I pray for the children that they will be brought up in your ways.
– we thank you that the leadership in our 24/7 had us pray into the 2020 elections for 642 days. You sent your Word and healed us with Your word. We thank You for Your word. We believe that our prayers will not return void. We believe that there is a multiplication of the power of our prayers. I repent that even though we were praying, there must have been thousands of people in this election fraud. There were so many many people involved. I come to You with identification repentance for the sins of our land. This is anti-God and anti-Constitutional. It was violated again and again and again. We repent for the sins of our nation. We ask you to have mercy on us.
– Having allowed outside governments to interfere with the election.
– Manipulation of the dominion machine; – Immigration opened to illegal aliens; California election
– Cheating, treasonous acts of fraud, the use of Smartmatic and Dominion machines that were connected to the internet.
– Cut voters off the rolls/delegated their names because they changed from the Dem party to Republican Party.
– Blinded by the sin of abortion, and the sin of child sacrifice. This is the root of deception of making a covenant with death. Isa. 28:16
– Used the same machines that stole elections in the past; After hours, GA officials used suitcases full of votes, truckloads of votes to add to the voter tallies over and over.
– Dems seeking to control votes in future elections by these practices.
– Placing people in districts where they do not live to run for office.
– Using poll workers that do not have integrity and do not follow the law.
– Not calling for our state legislators to demand a forensic audit.
– SCOTUS refusing to hear the cases about voter fraud in the 2020 election.
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– For using the vote for race-baiting; For violating the Constitution. We repented for all these acts and asked for forgiveness in Jesus’ Name.
– We are not getting involved enough such as attending town hall meetings or getting involved in politics
– Covetousness (wanting free stuff); Greed – getting something for nothing
– People are willing to lie and cheat and steal to get their ‘lackeys’ elected so that the lackeys can give them ‘free’ handouts; Media blinds the eyes of unbelievers (and believers alike), withholding the truth and reporting lies; Media blocked Pres. Trump from speaking. They even blocked advertisements for the Mike Lindell Symposium.
– We prayed for the veil to be pierced so that people could see. We prayed for lies to be exposed. We prayed for wicked media to be replaced and dismantled. We prayed for Knowledge to be revealed. (my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge)
– We prayed for doors to be opened for godly media; We repented for voting for abortion candidates
– Christians have a lack of knowledge about government
– Allowing Dominion machines to be used. We must speak up
– The love of Mammon overrules godly goals; America has not truly repented for many sins in many years past, all the way back to when Abortion was made ‘legal’.
– Corruption at top levels of our government, including FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and all Government offices across the nation. Those wicked leaders are trying to enforce wicked policies. We prayed for their wrong-doing to be exposed and for them to be removed from office and go to prison for their crimes, including Treason; Corruption from Soros, and other people providing demonic finances.
– We came against Powers and Principalities and Rulers of this World and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places; We prayed that the riches of the wicked are laid up for the righteous
– We repented for Fat, Lazy, dumb, apathetic Americans (including Christians) to wake up and repent and intercede
– We repented for not having prayed all the way back to having prayer removed from schools in the ‘70s
– We repent for Sins of Omission; We repented for not being interested in Politics in the past
– We repented for not caring for the poor as the Church should
– We issued a restraining order on future voter fraud, duplicate ballots, people voting in several states, ballot harvesting, creating fake ballots; We repented for Christians simply not being interested
– We have allowed the enemy to deceive us, we have not taken our rightful place ‘in the gates’
– We have allowed Evil to conquer the mountain tops, we have not fought
– We have let our guard down; We have not been vigilant
– We have NOT been on the wall, watching and praying
– We prayed for the Body of Christ to take our place in battle formation; We have not taken a stand
– We prayed for all the forensic audits, Starting with Arizona and all other states, to not only be showing irrefutable proof, but that those results would be published, heard, and acted upon. We prayed for a BREAK-Through for the Arizona Forensic Audit
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
– We prayed for the California election going on, Newsome vs. Elder, for only true ballots to count, we came against voter fraud in CA right now
– We prayed for everybody who was robbed due to voter fraud, starting with President Trump, Mc Sally in AZ, James in Michigan, both Senators in GA, for any Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Mayors all the way down to local elections. That the illegitimate would be removed and the rightful winners would take their place by whatever method or miracle of God. We prayed that this would happen BEFORE the 2024 elections; We prayed for Election workers and especially for those who committed crimes
– We prayed for those who paid or received Bribes to commit Election Fraud
– We repented for America – we have mishandled our freedom and have not appreciated our freedom
– We are NOT a City on a Shining Hill right now but we are praying to become the City on a Shining Hill once again; We came against Mind-Blinding Witchcraft and Sorcery
– Greed and lack of integrity; Love of money; Lust for power; Deception; Corruption
– Lust of the eyes and flesh; Pride of life; Thievery & stealing; Rebellion
– Military leaders (Generals & Admirals) weakness and putting woke culture above national interest and safety; Legislators (Senate & House) failed to stand up for truth to stop the steal
– US Supreme court failed to do its job; – The legal profession failed to bring lawsuits to stop the attack on the US Constitution
– Failure to pray and support Patriots like Mike Lindell, General Flynn, and many others
– Church and spiritual leaders that are silent and complicit
– Inconsistencies and election fraud in the State of Michigan
– Sin of hatred of President Trump
– Matt 3:10 “The ax already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”
– The power of God is wielding the ax; Repentance and ashes for forgiveness
– Demonic strongholds trying to destroy God’s good; Put on the full armor of God-their evil to come back on them; The Church-not supporting elections-not show-up, support, apathy, figure their evils will get passed anyway-need to be sacrificial
– Recognizing our true condition thanks to Covid-seeing wokeness, socialism, progressive and election agendas; Blessings when obedient; Sins of omission-deadness of souls, irresponsible,
– Like Biden in Afghanistan. All was under control and then the church let the enemy in. The Lost, the Homeless, the Needy-where are we?
– Lord, mercy over judgment, pour out Your Spirit on America
-All who vote, vote for the glory of God
– Operate outside of the state and the federal constitution – ignore signatures, run ballots over and over, add drop boxes, etc.; Voting for homosexuals and other corrupt immoral people
– Election officials, media, citizens, ignoring election fraud
– Seek after power, money infiltrated our election system
– Take office through fraud or illegal means; Those trying to do away with the electoral process
– Harassment of those who have stood up for righteousness
– Foundation of the voting process is disintegrating
“Lord, have mercy on us! Forgive our sin and heal our land!”
If time allows, invite individual prayers and then conclude the hour by singing:
Lord, have mercy on us. Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your Fire, heal with Your Touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on us. Oh, Lord, have mercy on us.
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