Nov 26, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

11-26-19 Notes “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we entered into the call tonight, Pastor Ioan said at this moment the President is making his first message to the nation from his new home state of Florida. We will pray for him for the next two hours…we believe this is God’s will for the nation…we feel he is speaking with his heart. May the Lord inspire his words. Pastor saw some frustration in his face…it’s been a difficult two weeks.
We Prayed Corporately for the President, for the Lord to give him the words to speak with his heart. We bless him as he speaks to this nation, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Ioan: We give thanks for tonight and ask for an outpouring of his spirit and of the audience…today some booed the First Lady…we pray for the President’s healing…bless him and may he speak wisdom from above…James 3:17 speaks of Godly wisdom…we are the watchmen of this nation…we pray for him for wisdom from above. Amen
Pastor Ioan: When you pray your spirit hears…”the Lord can give him supernatural wisdom…he speaks his heart wherever he goes”…
We Prayed Corporately: That this is the moment the Lord can take over…we prayed that we believe, Lord, that you can speak your wisdom and truth to the American people through him tonight. “Now!” Amen!
Pastor Ioan: “I watched the beginning of the President’s remarks…he said ’the landslide is going to start in Florida for the 2020 elections’. He made this statement and many times speaks prophetically. This landslide will not take place through money or the Republican or any other party but through the Holy Spirit. We pray, Lord, your presence will turn things around for good. We pray the landslide will begin in Florida through the power of the Holy Spirit.” We Prayed Corporate Prayer…
Pastor Ioan: Many times we have prayed in Real-Time for the President. For example when he was with Kim Jung-un… We pray tonight for the President’s protection and for nothing to happen to him. We want to arrest the power of the enemy.
We launched into corporate prayer for our President and prayed for physical and spiritual protection for him.
Pastor Ioan: In the West side of Ft. Lauderdale is where he is speaking in a sports arena…we were in that area…with Maureen and two other brothers we met in that area…it’s called ’Sunrise’….Lord take over and change this sports arena (Sunrise) into a sanctuary and dwelling place of Your Presence.
We Prayed Corporately for the Lord to manifest His presence in that place (BB&T Sunrise Arena), in the name of Jesus…come Lord Jesus!
Pastor: It’s indeed a big arena…many people can fit in there. 10-15-20 thousand people? I sense an excitement. Trump said what he does is tough but he loves it! We need a fighter. He’s a very sensitive man…soft heart but he loves to fight, like lambs.
Individual Prayers:
Debbie in VA – it holds 20,700 people…bless all these people with a manifestation of your presence…our President will be blessed.
Pastor: there is an anointing on our prayers…38 people on the call at this time
Fatima. – We are so thankful for our President and that he is very sensitive and has the heart of a father…he loves his family and his country. No weapon will ever prosper against him and you will bless him with Your favor and wisdom and that those watching him will receive the outpouring of Your love, to see he truly is Your anointed and their. eyes will be opened.
Jim in CA – Great mercy and grace will be upon him and those in attendance will see his anointing.
Pastor: It is a blessing to bless him and all listening to him.
Janice & Ray in Mass. – the past couple of weeks he has stood up against all these people against him…we pray God will wash away all the darkness he has had to endure from the impeachment hearings…all these negatives will be washed away.
Mary Ellen in Chicago – Give him a divine revelation of who he is in Christ and give him the confidence in his identity.
Paul in NY – he sang Psalm 1 over the President – thank you Lord that he is standing under the blessing…that he can speak boldly and hear the oracles of God.
Sister in Kansas – We offer the blessing of the Fishes and the Loaves…that many many thousands more would hear his words.
Pastor: Every day we try to be informed of what he is doing…we are praying day and night and are sensitive to the words of the Holy Spirit…we try to understand how the Lord is leading…these things are in our hearts day and night…we are now entering a new season and must pray according…we are led to pray day and night. We now will pray for his physical needs…to be rejuvenated…refreshed…his strength to come back.
Corporately we Prayed and Blessed the President for rejuvenation and refreshing and restoration…that he will come into a place of the Lord’s rest…the energy of love…carried by the love of the people who love him…love pouring out onto him…Lord lift him up…the healing that love brings. Remove anything that is not right…as they move to FL that the Lord’s presence would permeate Mar Del Lago.
Melania was not well received when she spoke about drugs in Baltimore…Some booed her and some cheered her…and the media took advantage to focus on the negative. She is such a nice lady. They are one and they work together. They suffer for each other.
We Prayed Individually for the First Lady:
Bettina in NY: We pray You would protect her heart and her mind…let her understand this is not personal…that she knows how much we love her.
Nadine in TX: Give her peace in every situation…strength quiet boldness…Thank You for her willingness to lead the country in the Lord’s Prayer.
Kay in IL: She came from another country that You chose for her…continue to strengthen her…we bless her sensitivity…comfort her husband…give her a deeper understanding of what her husband is going through. That she would receive messages from the saints to know she is treasured in this nation.
Pastor: Thank You for such a lovely family. Bless the First Family, Lord. The President just finished his message. He looks strong and we give thanks for that.
We agree with the President’s statement…a landslide of the Lord’s presence in this country…our Welcoming the King of Glory in CA and FL! The Lord will start to plow this nation. Lord, You are so good! When the Lord starts to work no-one can stop Him!
Pastor read James 1:16-18. When the Lord does something, it cannot be stopped. We recognize this family is a gift from God for the United States of America. They are perfect for such a time as this.
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.
James 1:16-18
We Prayed Corporately in thanksgiving for every gift from God…every gift is Perfect!
Pastor: Maureen has a family reunion which is very important for her….that is why she is not on the call with us tonight…we bless Maureen because she is called to this. She is such a good mother of 6…they have together 18 grandchildren…we bless her.
Pastor: The Lord’s message for us is Shadow…those who come against the President try to hide in the shadow…they’ve been very active for Trump’s overturn but now there is a moving backwards. I say this will not stand! Our God is the Father of lights…there is no variation or shadow of turning. This means the sun and the moon give light and all the objects in the Universe that give light (the source of light) but put something in front of it and it gives a shadow. In God, there is nothing that can stop His light…His light penetrates everything…The enemy is completely exposed by the Father of Light! God knows them and He says they want to hide in the shadow but there is no place to hide. All that is in the darkness will be exposed in the light.
We give thanks to the Lord for exposing all things in the darkness…through the power of your light and revelation, …no-one can hide from Your presence. All who try to do evil…there is no place to hide from your wrong-doings.
We Prayed Corporately for the Lord to spread His Light of Glory over this whole nation…where Your Light is there is no shadow! Where You are there is Light!
We Sang Together:
Lord, the light of Your love is shining
In the midst of the darkness, shining
Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
Set us free by the truth You now bring us
Shine on me, shine on me
Shine, Jesus, shine
Fill this land with the Father’s glory
Blaze, Spirit, blaze
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow
Flood the nations with grace and mercy
Send forth Your word
Lord, and let there be light
Lord, I come to Your awesome presence
From the shadows into your radiance
By the blood I may enter Your brightness
Search me, try me, consume all my darkness
Shine on me, shine on me
As we gaze on Your kingly brightness
So our faces display your likeness
Ever-changing from glory to glory
Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story
Shine on me, shine on me
We Prayed Individually thanking God for His Light of Truth and Glory of His Presence:
Bobby of Wisconsin – The light is always with us…thank You for Your light and for the protection and light You have given the President.
Janice and Ray, Mass – Nothing is covered from His sight. There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Help us to discern the lies from the truth.
Pastor: I hope you know about the USMCA…we prayed for it last Tuesday…the next day the President and others pushed for it. We see when we pray for something the Lord gives us, we see it manifest. Pelosi said she would do it in Feb….now nothing! We need to press on for this issue. The President keeps bringing it up. We pray she cannot stop it from passing.
We Prayed Corporately for the USMCA to be Passed: We pray Pelosi will allow it to pass and that she cannot stop it! Let her realize the importance of it.
Pastor, what if someone robbed this nation of billions of dollars…those opposed to the passing of USMCA are robbing this nation and committing treason and acting against this. They put a hold on the budget for the Army…they cannot continue this way…Congress must act on behalf of the nation and not act as robbers. Agree with me that those who put a hold on these things, that they will be removed from Congress. We pray God will remove them in the Name of Jesus!
Pastor: On Jan. 3 of this year we prayed for the Congress of the US…Something in the spirit said this was a coming time of judgment…we asked the Lord for mercy…we had asked for more time for the Congress…now as we pray for the cleansing of the Congress, God reminded me that we had asked for more time for them…but we are praying for God’s perfect will for the Congress of the United States. Friday we talked of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments in Ex 32, 33 and 34. Moses stood in the gap for the wrath of God…he turned back and broke the tablets on the golden calf because of people’s rebellion against God. He went face to face with God who called him back onto the mountain…God’s mercy…He gave Moses the tablets again which he took to the camp. God had fellowship with him there. God said if you fulfill my words you will see My Glory…Moses’ tent was between the mountain and the camp. This is the message of the Cross…we are in such a time of intercession…we exit the camp and are standing outside away from the masses and are seeking the presence of God…asking what God wants to do…we ask for mercy and more time for repentance…God reminded us that we are standing in His presence…we must recommit ourselves to stand in the gap and to be a mediator…we will continue to stand in the gap for this nation! We renew our commitment!
We Prayed Corporately To Continue To Stand In The Gap for Our President and for This Nation…
He will make us whole for His Purposes!
Tesi, Florida – We ask the Lord to help us be strengthened to continue our commitment to stand in the gap according to His perfect will.
As we prepare to take communion tonight, we want a special prayer for Maureen, Carmen, their children and their grandchildren…and also blessings for all our families at this special time of Thanksgiving.
“The season of the binding of the enemies begin”…because the Father of Light “with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
We joined together in Communion and Pastor Ioan blessed the body of our Precious Jesus Christ…we pray for the new season…Your goodness…Your precious son given for us.
Brother Paul blessed the cup…the precious Blood of Our Savior, Jesus Christ…there is life in the Body and Blood of the Son
Pastor, may we declare it is good to be together (there were 51 on the call)…Peace to all who love our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Pastor Ioan closed the call, blessing one another, our 24/7 family!
In His overwhelming love!
Pastor Ioan
Love and Blessings…Bobbie and Carol