Nov 21, 2023 – Notes A Call to the Wall

11-21-23 “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we entered the call, we were joined by David Clements and his wife Erin and their precious children. As David left CO Springs, to drive home to Los Cruces, NM, he prayed that he would make it there intact! HE DID!
Before we began our conversation with the Clements family, Maureen led us as we prayed to receive the full armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18,
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Then, Erin and David’s oldest son Roland (12) offered a prayer, lifting up the J6ers first. Their other children: Eleanor (8) and Logan (5) were also with them, having just welcomed their father home! David said he recorded the children’s reaction when they saw the new car…and will send the video to us!
David spoke of when we read the Covenant and served the Notice of Eviction to Jezebel, which he led us in doing! He said it is hard to compare elements of a fallen culture along with God’s Kingdom. We need to realize the authority we have in the spirit realm, as opposed to what is done in the fallen judicial system. What we are doing in the spirit is much more powerful than what is happening in the demonic realm. Walking with the members of the 24/7 network and doing this eviction has been a new experience for me…and I’m learning a lot.
Larry Curtis (MO) is hosting Pastor Ioan, Debbie, and Daniel in his home tonight in Kansas City, MO. He spoke of the exercising of our authority when we speak the Name of Jesus…and knowing those who were taking the action to evict, I trusted that Jezebel was being dethroned and the demonic structure being destabilized. What we did in NY in evicting Mammon, and Jezebel in CO Springs, and the upcoming assignment in Kansas City, to evict Absolam, the rebellious entity that has infected the church…and infiltrated the false church. He referred to the aspect of Gideon in LET MY PEOPLE GO! and said he feels that it is prophetic for the true Church!
David was asked what his impression was after Joan (AZ) “adopted” him and Joe Oltmann into the family of Wm Penn. He said he sees his faults and shortcomings, as does Joe. They were blown away by the comparison to Moses and Aaron, and they can barely understand that…we are honored, humbled, intimidated, and scared and all that comes through it!
Pastor Ioan said that throughout the screening, he saw that David was in pain, exhausted, and worn out…he had NO JOY! Pastor Ioan was in pain as well…sharing his burden! It was the pain of Jesus over the nation…and as David and Erin moved forward, through the pain, they were able to get it all down in the documentary: LET ME PEOPLE GO! After the plan for the car was received, the JOY was restored.
Erin said she understood why the JOY was gone, as they feel the injustice that has been done to those J6ers and all who are suffering because of the 2020 election fraud. God has encouraged him this past week, and we feel so loved and supported by you all…and our joy is coming back as well.
David and Erin were asked to pray for the next steps for the 24/7 family, as we advance against the spirit of Absolam that has attacked Mike Bickle in Kansas City. It has also advanced in our nation under the auspices of the usurper in the White House now. David prayed for Mike, asking that those who are trying to bring him down through slander and being brought low, will be defeated and
Maureen offered a prayer of blessing for David, Erin and the children, thanking them for the courageous and selfless stand they have taken on behalf of our nation. Then, we all prayed corporately for them.
Joan offered her thoughts on the “adoption” of David and Joe and their families: she felt total compassion and love for the suffering and sacrifices this family has made.
(The head of Operation Jericho 2023 would like to talk with David. )
Prayer requests:
This marks Day 45 in the war on Israel. May the Lord silence the dissenting voices, vanquish all those who are upholding evil, and bring victory to the IDF forces, including the release and return of all those being held hostage. Let Israel hear and follow the voice of the Lord, Who will bring them VICTORY, and not be coerced by outside forces…even from the USA. We prayed corporately and then offered individual prayers
The following is an incredible story of a miracle that just happened in Israel this past week which saved the lives of 36 soldiers who were in 3 Namer tanks
The soldiers in the first tank sensed that something was going terribly wrong, so they disembarked from their tank and sought a place of safety! The second tank team saw the first get out…and immediately followed suit! Then, those in the last tank quickly unloaded. As soon as all of them were safely away from the tanks. missiles hit and destroyed all three tanks, consuming them with fire! They called it a MIRACLE. So do we! May Almighty God, the Lord God of Israel, be glorified through it all!
We prayed corporately into this miraculous event where God intervened in their lives and saved them.
Daniel (TX) prayed into this and said that God is shining in the midst of darkness and that they will never forget it.
We paused at 9 PM, as we do nightly, to pray for the J6ers. We were led in singing the National Anthem by Daniel (TX) uniting with the J6ers, from every state across our nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Glory to God!
For the first time, in seven years of service to the King and His Kingdom, our ministry, (Welcome the King of Glory and the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call) has been blessed in a most unique way! I (Maureen) received a call this morning, from someone who knew that we had gifted David Clements and his family with a beautiful, new, sea-green Audi. They asked how the contributions to the Clements Family Car Fund were going thus far, and I told them, joyfully, that $13,900.00 had been pledged, and that $3,575.00 in ZELLE gifts had come in. Total: $17,575.00
This person, who wishes to remain “an anonymous donor,” in order to encourage others to give now, offered us a “matching gift” – dollar for dollar – for any donations made from today on…up to $20,000.
As you can imagine, I was in tears as they were speaking, and so grateful that God has moved upon someone’s heart in this way. The total cost of David’s car was $ 53,641. With the $17 K+ in pledges and ZELLE gifts, this $20 K matching gift will put us over the top…through the new donations that will come in, from today on.
The 24/7 family will honor our donor’s generosity, as we each contribute as we can, to raise an additional $20 K, to be matched to equal $40 K. Along with the $17 K we already have…the car will be totally paid for. GLORY!
Note: If donations exceed $20 K, the balance will go toward the costs of the car registration, taxes, etc in New Mexico. Any remaining funds will be given to David to put toward the costs for the documentary he is producing: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”
My heart is full as I write this. I humbly encourage those who might not yet have participated in our 24/7 family’s love gift to David to pray and then give as the Lord shows you! We are ONE BODY, and we do not stand alone!
Thank you for your prayerful consideration in this matter.
With blessings and love,
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Donations can be sent to: WTKOG, Inc.
1566 Grace Lake Circle Longwood, FL 32750
On the memo line, put:
Clements Family Car Fund
You may also ZELLE donations to 407-810-4665
Daniel shared that he’d heard Friday night after the screening, while at dinner, that David needed $20K and that the 24/7 was to help with it. He told Pastor Ioan, who said that he had also heard that he was to contribute as well. With the $20K advanced by Daniel and Debbie, and the $33+K Pastor Ioan advanced, a deal was struck made at the car dealership… which gave them a 10% discount due to Joe Oltmann’s connections. Now we are in the process of gathering the funds to reimburse them for what they advanced…(less their own donations.) HalleluYah!
David said that his JOY had returned and tonight, we heard their family echoing that JOY!
Debbie was asked to share her perspectives. She said that her heart really felt for the wives. Joe’s’ wife Erika had been working all day and finally came into the circle of prayer, and joined in prayer. As they prayed for marriages, Erika started to cry…because they had faced numerous death threats…and had been under extreme stress. She said that Monday was stressful for them, as they had engaged with financing for the car with their banks, and that today was stress-free. When Maureen shared on the phone about the anonymous donor, we all rejoiced in God’s goodness, and passed a billboard that said: JESUS IS REAL! Another sign said: “In life, you have 2 choices, heaven or hell!” And another” Jesus Heals and Restores…pornography destroys!” She shared that they had discussed about abortion, slavery, and the breaking of treaties with the First People which are the sins of the nation that need to be dealt with through repentance.
Pastor Ioan said that after serving the Notice of Eviction, he and David discussed the need for the eviction of “Molech” to whom children were offered. They felt that June 2024 would be a perfect time to do that! They also identified the spirit behind slavery as “Pharaoh”…and we are waiting to learn the name of the spirit behind “treaty breaking” with the Indians.
Larry said that the accusations against Mike Bickle are 25 years old, and the accusations are “anonymous”, and some were denied. Basically, all have been dismissed except one. Mike is in seclusion, and we’re waiting to see what the next step is.
We feel strongly that he is innocent and has an assignment to be part of leading in the restoration of the Tabernacle of David worldwide! We prayed for the full exposure of the spirit of Absolam there in KC, as well as in the White House. We prayed corporately that it be taken down completely and those who have been usurped will be restored to their rightful places, positions, and stations!
Good news is coming forth, as the attacks against President Trump, to remove him from all ballots, have been quashed! He will remain on the ballots for all states!
We are a ministry of LOVE, and we are engaged in a Warfare of Love daily. We bless President Trump with all our hearts and surround him with our love and prayers. We prayed for him as we prepared to take communion.
Larry and Daniel led us in communion, and then Maureen shared that as we took communion, she saw us drawing President Trump, David and Joe, and Ken and their families into the circle of love with us. We are family, and we will continue to stand for, with and on behalf of one another!
She prayed for the matching gift to be fully realized and utilized and commended it to the Lord!
We then closed the call by singing: Thank You, Lord!
Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! We just want to thank You, Lord!
You’ve been so good! You’ve been so good! You’ve been so good! We just want to thank You, Lord!
Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! We just want to thank You, Lord!
You changed our lives! You changed our lives! You changed our lives! We just want to thank You, Lord!
Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! Thank You, Lord! I just want to thank You, Lord!
I just want to thank, I just want to thank, I just want to thank, You, Lord!
Blessings and love,
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Every slot for FT Facilitators is now filled.
(Contact Maureen to be put on the wait list to serve. 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
To print the PDF file, use the following link: