Nov 2, 2021 – Notes A Call to the Wall

11-02-21 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Pastor Ioan began the call, giving thanks for Pam and all our 24/7 brothers and sisters who faithfully uphold this call. Tonight, Maureen is driving back from Jacksonville where she has been at the Mayo Clinic with her husband Carmine.
- (Maureen. I’m on the line and we are still driving home.)
Pastor Ioan: Drive safely. We were very pleased with your good report, Maureen.
- (Maureen: We are so thankful for my daughter Erin’s help in getting right in to see the Mayo doctors! We were very impressed with the Mayo Clinic. They took Carmine through every pre-op test today, and prepared him for surgery this coming Monday.)
Pastor Ioan: That’s a good report, Maureen. Thank You, Lord. Let’s have a corporate prayer for Carmine’s healing. We then offered individual prayers:
- Sandra, Louisiana; Thank you Lord for your peace and shalom. And lift up Maureen, Proverbs 31 woman, and healing of her husband. Amen.
- Debbie, TX; thank you for Carmine and Maureen. guide each one. Bless their daughter who connected them. Speak healing in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Pastor Ioan: I have no idea what happened in the exit polls of elections today… Let’s pray together for the armor of God. Thank You, Lord, for dressing us in the Full Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
It is not an easy time to confess the sin of the nation and repent and ask forgiveness for the nation of more than 300 million people. It’s tough. Lamentations are not new. Tears and prayers. Jeremiah 5.
100 of 1000s of intercession for the judgment not to come upon us. I am so encouraged that so many say that there is only one President, Donald J. Trump. It has been one year since that happened. See in the notes.
Thank you Susan for taking the notes tonight. May we start tonight in this time of Lamentations that have only one President, President Donald J. Trump. There wasn’t enough to fight. It is not letting go easily. It is not yet a victory. Don’t give up. President Trump is the legal duly elected President. Biden is a shame for the United States of America. Let’s pray. Amen. Amen
We prayed corporately into this! Then, offered individual prayers:
- Fran (NY) We know you have a plan Lord. His name means World Leader. Thank you. You bring him in. Encourage his heart. Thank you for all the prophets. They gave him warning about his advisors and he changed them. Thank you for his Great Aunts. Cover Him with the blood of Jesus. Thank you for Melania. Thank You, Lord. We are waiting for you.
- Joan (AZ) Thank You, Lord, for what I am seeing. He is coming. He will be back in office very soon. See the first fruits of what is going to happen to this Nation. Thank you that you heal his heart and bring this country back to Jesus. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen.
Professor David Clements offers us a list of his current “life goals”:
1. See the Republic saved and restored.
2. See Donald J. Trump’s resume the full authority of his presidency. He is the President now. He won.
That is an inescapable fact. Yet the enemy has not yet been vanquished.
3. See those responsible for treason and crimes against humanity executed.
4. Get a job ensuring the above three things never happen again during my lifetime.
MSNBC finally reports the scary truth: “Americans Have Lost Confidence” In Biden
71% say we are on the wrong track!
Ron DeSantis, the great Governor of FLORIDA, is continually speaking out against this repression!
Podcaster Joe Rogan announced that 200 Congresspeople have been treated with Ivermectin for Covid, and that before there were vaccines, this was a common off-label treatment for Covid. He said to Google that!
Dr. Pierre Kory, from the Front Line Critical Care Covid group, who treated Rogan and hundreds of members of Congress with monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins, and ivermectin. posted:
“Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers and family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin and the I-MASK+ protocol at None have gone to hospital. Just sayin’.”
We learned that there are around 24 K who have been exempted from the vax mandates…members of Congress, their families, and the members of their staff. We prayed into this matter!
We prayed for the activation of the American Revolution. Speak it out. It is happening. This is the Kingdom of God. We have the prophetic to speak out in the Spirit of the American Revolution. Something is moving unpresidential. …. I will let you know about this from the Fake media that they are in big trouble. Thank you for standing and fighting for the USA. Who wants to pray?
- Jill (TX) ….it is all foe. This is a sign…. Look at the office…He cannot stand. It is not his. So clear. He cannot even go in there. It is fake.
- Kay (IL) Last week or week before, praying 70 some days and the American Revolution. School Board, heard about SouthWest Airlines, People are standing up. We were so complacent. We didn’t know how to fight. We didn’t know we had to fight. He had to show us we had to fight. One nurse that did not get the jab was fired and left the hospital. I saw a bus and found that it was full of nurses from FEMA…who were exempt from the jab. She was fired for not taking it, while they were “excised”. That was the “Icing on the cake. “ I want to give Him praise, glory, and thanksgiving. Thank you for the will to fight for freedom. We want you to receive the glory in Jesus’ Name Amen.
- Tesi (FL) Thank You, Lord, the American people have answered the call. Thank You, Lord, that you have awakened the Spirit Revolution in us. Thank You for awakening more.
Pastor Ioan: Report from MSNBC..they finally report the truth. Americans have lost their confidence in Biden and the track of the USA…. 71% of people say Biden is not good for America. The Democrats are not stupid. They finally see. America is waking up. Let’s give thanks to God for America waking up and removing Biden.
Pastor Ioan: Truth cannot be suppressed. Let’s pray for the removal of the faux government. We have prayed for ten months that God would take them out by the law of the land. Let us pray. I am looking at the results in Virginia. The good guy is leading. I do not want to give up. May we pray the bad guys and all the machinery not do anything. May the good governor win. Let’s pray the results are the truth. The turnout of over 2 million voters in Virginia. Highest ever. It is a test of the MAGA movement. We are called to pray for the integrity of the election. Pray for the evil to stop and not manifest today. Raise up your voices. No more stuffing ballot or stop the counting. Remember what President Trump saying in GA.
In VA and NJ as the polls have closed and the counting is taking place. IN VA, Youngkin is ahead, and we prayed for the integrity of that election, with NO REPEAT OF 2020! We prayed into this corporately…then offered individual prayers!
- Debbie (TX) We know the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. We ask for a stop. Not today on our watch. We claim Victory. Lord, you said that you will align. Cleaning out. Raise up the Spirit of the American Revolution to defeat the evil that is trying to destroy our nation! No matter the cost. Not today. We are taking the Country back for the glory of God.
FROM THE NY TIMES…When will we know the results? Hopefully quickly. Virginia passed a new law requiring counties to pre-process absentee ballots before the election, which should allow officials to report the result of the advance vote soon after the polls close. Pre-election polls show Mr. McAuliffe leading among early voters, so he might take an early lead if counties report the early vote first, like most states with similar laws.
Mr. Youngkin is expected to win the Election Day vote, and he would slowly whittle Mr. McAuliffe’s early advantage away if the race is close. If there’s no decision after the Election Day vote is tabulated, which should be done on election night, it could be days before the state counts provisional or late-arriving mail ballots. And those could arrive by Thursday if postmarked on or before Election Day.
- Tesi (FL) Let it be a HUGE WIN…no question! Declare the divine turnaround. This is the first of many victories. The fear of the Lord falls on these people. Thank You, Lord. You have opened eyes and ears.
- Jill (TX) Prayed for that huge win…no questions!
- Sharon (Paraguay – formerly from VA) let the “believers” who have been blinded and are so deceived be set free and know the truth, which will be so strong that it will penetrate the lies and set the captives free!
Pray for the diluted, blind, Trump haters… Thank you that you are getting the truth out. Pray that you make the truth so strong it will penetrate the lies and those spirits in the Name of Jesus you are not going to win this. No Way. Truth has won in VA.
- Judy (VA) testified as to Youngkin’s fitness spiritually to be the Gov of VA and prayed for him to prevail!
Thank you that Youngkin is born again. Thank you for the others who are Godly people against any mechanism. We claim this vote will be complete tonight.
Maureen said she sees Youngkin as one speaking from the heart. She asked the Lord to give a resounding defeat to evil. Give special grace to Winsom Sears, who is running as the Republican candidate for Lt Gov of VA.
DID YOU KNOW? The song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” was written, not about the mythical Land of Oz, but it was about Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people. The lyrics were written by Yip Harburg, the youngest of four children born to Russian-Jewish immigrants. His real name was Isidore Hochberg, and he grew up in a Yiddish-speaking, Orthodox Jewish home in New York. The song’s music was written by Harold Arlen, also a cantor’s son. His real name was Hyman Arluck, and his parents were from Lithuania. Together, Hochberg and Arluck wrote “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” which was voted the 20th century’s No. 1 song by the Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the Arts. In writing it, the two men reached deep into their immigrant Jewish consciousness — framed by the programs of the past and the Holocaust about to happen — and wrote an unforgettable melody set to near prophetic words.
“And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.”
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Someday I’ll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops…that’s where you’ll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly; birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why can’t I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, then, oh why can’t I?
Pastor Ioan: Played the recording of Judy Garland singing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”. He said that he enjoyed listening to Judy Garland as a child and was not aware that this was a Jewish song. He reflected about the Jews of the USA. What are they missing? Why so much blindness? It does not stop me from praying. I see so much harm. My only solution is to love them. (He has posted his video interview series on the internet and we can see interviews with key Jewish leaders. Listen to Benjamin Berger and learn how the Lord touched his heart.)
We are called to bless. Love the USA. Love the Jews. Revival among the Jews will start in the USA and go around the world. May we pray; Lord, start a revival among the Jews. May You turn their hearts in the USA of the Jews to the Lord. We prayed corporately for love and the turnaround of Jews.
Then we offered individual prayers for Jewish people in the USA and Israel to come to Jesus.
We prayed corporately for the Jewish people of the United States, asking God to cause them to turn to Him, so that they will recognize Christ as their long-awaited Messiah, and have a love and loyalty to both Israel and the United States. We ask that secular Judaism will give way to Jews with sanctified lives, lived for Christ!
- Peter (FL) shared about a funeral where they played SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW and God manifested a full double rainbow at the reception. A pastor there said the Jewish people are going to be loved in Jesus’ arms.
- Marsha (CA) loves her Jewish doctors, with tremendous gifts, saying she always delights when I get a Hewish doctor. We love the Jewish so much. Thank You for them. Save them, Lord. Lift the veil. May we love them into the Kingdom of God
- Sharon (Paraguay) suggested we offer healing to suffering Jews, in the name of Messiah
Maureen noted that a Jewish friend has placed Carmine on the prayer list at their synagogue! If we love them, they appreciate that.
- Roxie (CO) prayed for her born-again daughter-in-law’s family, who are all Jewish. Let them come to You, Lord! Let the people of Israel come to their Messiah! Draw them in an extension to Israel, come back to God, the Bible, and reject the secular they have embraced.
We then heard that Fairfax CO (a hotbed for the Dems) has reported 58%…and they’ve stopped counting!
Something is not right. (Lord, intervene! No replays of 2020 tonight! Thank You that whatever is happening that is deceptive will be stopped right now. )
Statement from President Trump
“Early indications are that MAGA voters are turning out big for Glenn Youngkin, let’s see what happens. All eyes are on Fairfax, why the delay?
I would like to thank my BASE for coming out in force and voting for Glenn Youngkin. Without you, he would not have been close to winning. The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before. Glenn will be a great governor. Thank you to the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia and most particularly, to our incredible MAGA voters!
It is looking like Terry McAuliffe’s campaign against a certain person named “Trump” has very much helped Glenn Youngkin. All McAuliffe did was talk Trump, Trump, Trump and he lost! What does that tell you, Fake News? I guess people running for office as Democrats won’t be doing that too much longer. I didn’t even have to go rally for Youngkin, because McAuliffe did it for me. Thank you to the MAGA voters for turning out big!”
Maureen prayed: Thank You, Lord, for all those standing for righteousness…Lord, clean every seat…and put Your servants in them! “We, the People” must stand up. Don’t get discouraged. God is moving. We are now praying through Lamentations. Reading should cause us to weep over this nation. You all wrote those lamentations. Pray the Lord would forgive us, have mercy on us and heal our land as we confess the sin of the Nation.
Pastor Ioan: The Lord is watching. This is reminiscent of last year. Take out the evil Lord. They have no right to destroy this nation. It is such a transfer of power and energy from the USA and destroying the USA.
We prayed for the NJ gubernatorial race… that Phil Murphy will be ousted from office and that NJ would have a Godly Governor in Jack Ciattarelli.
After praying for both VA and NJ, we sang this song over both:
“Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your great compassion,
blot out our many transgressions, wash away all our iniquity, cleanse us from my sin.”
As we prepared for communion tonight, we sang out to the Lord:
In moments like these we sing out a song, we sing out a love song to Jesus.
In moments like these we lift up our hands, we lift up our hands to the Lord.
Singing we love You, Lord! Singing we love You, Lord! Singing we love You, Lord, we love You.
We shared in communion…taking it on behalf of our nation…and as we prayed for our CC number to remain the same through Free Conference Call HD, we blessed them, our 24.7 family, and all our loved ones, in His Name!
Blessings and love!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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