Nov 19, 2020 – Prayer Focus

Thursday, November 19, 2020 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour praying:
“Ah, Lord God!
Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm.
There is nothing too hard for You.”
Jeremiah 32:17
We sing: Ah, Lord God
Ah, Lord God, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power!
Ah, Lord God, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thine outstretched arm!
Nothing is too difficult for Thee! Nothing is too difficult for Thee!
Great and mighty God, great in counsel and mighty in deed…
nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing…nothing is too difficult for Thee!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly for the safety and security of our President, Donald John Trump, and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection and cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
We ask that he respond to every situation by the leading of the Holy Spirit!
We thank God for exposing and foiling all the plans of the enemy that were set against him!!
We rejoice that angelic beings are stationed to stand guard over and protect the WHITE HOUSE.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their marriage, their son Barron and all their family members
We bless our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, as we put on the full armor of God!
We pray specifically for our sister, Repeka Nuusa (CO) who’s been given a diagnosis only God can reverse.
We pray for the coronavirus to be taken down by Almighty God…no second wave…no more spikes…
just the full and complete destruction of the virus in the United States!
We pray for the mass media and the social media, both of which collaborating with darkness,
allowing themselves to be being used and exploited by the “father of lies.”
Let them either reverse course, reporting freely and accurately, or be taken down.
We pray for the Federal Reserve Board members, to use their power to boost our nation’s economy.
Let them act in accord with what is good for the USA!
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our national elections!
We wait in anticipation to see all that God will reveal in the days to come!
We pray for pro-life GA Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in their January 5th run off election.
Lord, let them be victorious, and keep the Republicans in control of the US Senate.
Strategic Focus for Thursday
“I have not yet begun to fight!”
Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God, all things are possible.”
Mark 10:27
The word “impossible” is defined as: “not able to occur, exist, or be done, out of the question, not worth considering, nonviable, unthinkable, hopeless…” and is NOT a word that is in President Trump’s vocabulary! He was born for this battle, as are we, and he is reaffirming the position of his heavenly Father, for Whom NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT! Let us together bless President Trump and ask God to keep him standing strong in this fight. Pray corporately.
We now invite individual prayers for our beloved President, based on what was heard while we were praying! Pray.
Apostle Paul told Timothy,
“Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith”
1 Timothy 6:11-12
During the Revolutionary War, John Paul Jones, a great American Naval officer, spoke similar words! Facing what seemed to be certain defeat in a major sea battle, Jones’ ship sustained heavy damage. Thinking his victory was assured, the British commander sent Jones the message, “Are you ready to give up?” Jones sent back a courageous reply, “I have not yet begun to fight!” Despite the damage to his ship, Jones went on to capture the British warship and win the battle.
As we pray for our President….for those who are serving on his investigative and legal teams…for all those who are standing with him…onsite as observers and offsite in intercession…we ask that each of us might be strengthened in faith, renewed in confidence and filled with hope, so that we can boldly proclaim ”with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!” He will guide and direct those who are His own, showing them everything they need to know. Pray.
With so many asking: “WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP THE PRESIDENT?” we finally have that information!
Having recently spoken to President Trump, a personal friend of his for years, political consultant Dick Morris did an interview with Eric Metaxas in which he shared the President’s request to get this message out to all Americans:
For the sake of the Republic, for this nation’s future and for the welfare of the world,
President Trump is asking every American,
(not just those who live in these 5 key states with disputed election results),
to write to the Republican leaders of these states
and urge them not to certify their elections until all legal votes are counted accurately!
A critical piece of information is that the power to assign (select) the electorate (those who choose the President) is vested in the State Legislatures…by Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution. To assure a fair election, Republican leaders in these 5 states..(all of which are controlled by Republican legislatures…and 4 of which have Republican Governors)...must be fully mobilized!
This is a call to “whomsoever will”…a call to arms…and a call to action! We must each make a personal commitment to contact the State House Speakers and State Majority Leaders in each of these states…both by phone and email…and urge them to stand up for our national integrity and see that their state’s votes are accurately counted Pray.
Here is what we must insist upon when we contact them:
- 1-That all signatures to be verified…(and if there is a court order in that state not to verify signatures, the legislature can override that!) Pray.
- 2-That all counting and recounting is done with a Rep inspector right at the table, watching as it’s happening! Pray.
- 3-That the Trump team be given a full list of registered voters who cast votes, so that they may check that and find out who is still alive!
- In GA, there were almost 200 people who supposedly voted, who were between the ages of 105-110.
- There were 2.000 who supposedly voted, who are over the age of 100.
- There were 27,000 who supposedly voted, who are over the age of 90.
Of these, some individuals may NOT have actually voted themselves…and some may be dead.
Calls must be made to determine the truth! Pray.
As the hero from MISSION IMPOSSIBLE was told, as he received the information needed to complete an assignment: “Your Mission, if you choose to accept it, is…” We now have the necessary information and know what to say, so let’s accept the mission our President has called us to, and take action…for God and country! Pray.
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?”
Jeremiah 32:27
Please call and email these Republican leaders in each of the states and share the 3 points above. DO IT…TODAY!
Contact David Ralston, Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives
Contact Mike Dugan, Georgia Senate Majority Leader
Contact Bryan Cutler (R), Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Email Bryan Cutler here:
Contact Jake Corman (R), Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader
Email Jake Corman here:
Contact Russell Bowers (R), Arizona Speaker of the House of Representatives
Rick Gray Contact (R), Arizona Senate Majority Leader
Email Rick Gray here:
Contact Lee Chatfield (R), Michigan Speaker of the House of Representatives
Contact Mike Shirkey (R), Michigan Senate Majority Leader
Contact Mr. Robin Vos (R), Wisconsin Speaker of the State Assembly
Contact Scott Fitzgerald (R), Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader*
Email Scott Fitzgerald here:
*Scott Fitzgerald was elected to Congress on Nov. 3rd, but he is still the current WI Senate Majority Leader.
Contact Devin LeMahieu (R), The newly-elected Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader
Email Devin LeMahieu here:
We pray:
- That millions of patriotic Americans will call and email these Republican leaders on behalf of the integrity of our elections and the future of our nation! Pray.
- That when people call and email, these legislators will KNOW we mean business and will do what they musts in each of their states to assure the integrity of this election! Pray.
- That as the evidence that is presented, by those helping to expose the election fraud, it will be well organized, absolutely clear and undeniable! Pray.
- That any attack that tries to intimidate or silence those gathering this information will not succeed. Pray.
- That what appears to be a “sham” recount in Georgia will be exposed and that the Republican state officials will do what the law requires of them. (We pray this for each state involved!) Pray.
- That all those involved in the corruption and election fraud will be caught and held accountable so that the integrity of our elections can be restored! Pray.
The link is here so you can listen to the songs ahead of time and be familiar with it.
Please do not play it on the call. Either sing it or pray it!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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