Nov 18, 2016 – For the Shabbat service

November 18, 2016 – For the Shabbat service
Cc: Dallas Eggemeyer
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 at 15:09
Wonderful! Holy Spirit will lead.
Sent from Maureen’s iPhone
On Nov 18, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Ioan Peia <> wrote:
Dear Maureen and Dallas
For the Shabbat service
1 Welcome the Lord of Shabbat: Lev 23:3
Hebrew 4:9-10
2 Entering in the Presence of God and His rest: Mat 12:28-30, Phil 4:6-7
3 Intimacy with The Lord, Unity by the Holy Spirit, Communion
I have a message as spiritual food for the Body: The binding/ sacrifice of Isaac, Gen 22. All the families of the world are blessed in Jesus
A testimony: The miracle of the multiplication of oil and the prophecy regarding the unlimited anointing over the USA. Sept 11, 2009, Manhattan. United Prayer Initiative. IPC
I understand that the moderators and you must lead these three hours and I only contribute as the Spirit lead.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 16:34, Maureen Bravo
<> wrote:
Join us as we celebrate a CORPORATE SHABBAT SERVICE by Conference Call tonight / FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18th from 7-10 PM EST.
We encourage all facilitators and teams to participate as Pastor Ioan Peia, from Romania leads us in praying more deeply into our FOCUS of “Laying the foundation for God’s New Administration”. Alleluia! Invite others to dial in to: 712-770-4340 Code: 543555#
“80 Lashes for Drinking Communion Wine” –
As we facilitators prepare for tonight’s special SHABBAT Celebration, please be mindful of three Christian brothers who were arrested in Iran and sentenced to public lashings for drinking communion wine. The Christians were sentenced by a Sharia court (the legal framework to regulate public and private aspects of life based upon specific Islamic teachings. Sharia is a strict system that views non-Muslims as second-class citizens, sanctions inequality between men and women and prescribes cruel and unusual punishments for crimes.) Their conversions from Islam to Christianity are not recognized by the Iranian regime. Although it is legal for Christians to drink alcohol in Iran, it is illegal for Muslims. The three –Yaser Mosibzadeh, Saheb Fadayee and Mohammed Reza Omidi – will each receive 80 lashes and plan to appeal the sentence. It is reported that most people can only withstand eight lashes before they faint.
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