Nov 17, 2023 – Notes Shabbat Call

11-17-23 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
7-10 PM ET 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we opened this SHABBAT CALL, we lifted up Pastor Ioan, Debbie and Daniel (TX), and Robert (OK), as they arrived in Colorado Springs to be with David Clements as he screens his new documentary about the 2020 election corruption: “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”
Debbie (TX) led us in receiving the armor of God, according to Ephesians 6:10-18.
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s full armor, asking that we will afford it the dignity it deserves
as we wear it. May it help us to radiate the character and attributes of Christ!
Colorado Springs was established by General William Palmer, a Quaker, who donated much of his property to veterans. Eventually, It became a hub for Christian missions. There were 280 mission organizations based in Colorado Springs, operating globally, and nationally. Following vicious attacks by the spirit of Jezebel (spirit of manipulation, control, and domination) over the last 25 years, 275 of them ceased to function in their ministry. Tragic!
King David brought the Ark back to Jerusalem, where continual 24/7 worship was conducted until the Temple was built by his son Solomon. We rejoice in knowing that this ministry of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is a key to this restoration of the Tabernacle of David, as it is a living example of the 24/7 prayer and worship that will take place again!
We prayed together for Pastor Ioan and those who were there with him as they left the call to attend the screening with David Clements. These warriors are going into battle, and we who are on the 24/7 call are staying behind with the supplies (PRAYING THEM THROUGH!) 1 Samuel 30:24 “as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike.” Daniel (TX) prayed for all of us in the 24/7 family – both there and on the line
This is the letter we sent out to our 24/7 family today:
On August 23, 2020, a team of intercessors from the 24/7 family made our way to the top of Pike’s Peak, outside Colorado Springs, CO. It was very dangerous there, as the cliff dropped off…straight down into the valley. As Pastor Ioan was standing with his back to the drop-off, Maureen saw a figure rising, about 20 feet tall, right behind him. From the torso up, the body was dark with an oval oriental-looking face and catlike purplish, blue-green eyes. From his diaphragm down was nothing but a churning, rolling fire, intense and deep. I felt as if I was looking into the bowels of hell. She believed it was the ruling principality over this region, and told the entity that it had no authority to be there. It totally collapsed and then vanished.
Until yesterday, the name of that entity was unknown. Now, it has been identified, and on Sunday, November 19th, at 12 PM – High Noon – we will finish what we started in 2020.
That spirit who manifested on Pike’s Peak is the spirit of Jezebel, the one who manipulates, controls and dominates. It has caused many a ministry to fail. In Colorado Springs only, 275 global Christian mission organizations ceased their ministry in the last 25 years. Jezebel, the avatar of this spirit, was renowned for killing the prophets and the priests of the true God of Israel. On Sunday, that will come to an end as we serve it a Notice of Eviction.
All are invited to join Pastor Ioan and the on-site team at Glen Eyrie Castle 3820 N 30th St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 on Sunday, November 19th in the Rose Garden, at 11 AM. After a quick orientation, the Notice will be executed at HIGH NOON!
The rest of our 24/7 family will be praying off-site, on the call along with them. Please cover them as they travel and gather to complete this assignment, to the Glory of God!
If you are able to travel to join him and the team, please let Pastor Ioan know…ASAP. 323-618-7131
Please be on our SHABBAT CALL tonight to hear more about it.
Diane (MT) was praying and felt rushing water all around, and there was new growth popping out of the land…new life!
Sally (WY) lived in CO Springs and worked at Focus on the Family…and they almost gave up the ministry because of the warfare. Saw a lot of ministries come and go, and it was so hard to find community. It was a difficult place to live. She prayed that God would bring His disinfecting Sonlight to cleanse it!
Danielle (SC) this last week, their internet and phone service went down. When it came back, several sites were gone…24/7 NSPC, IFA, Epoch Times, et al. On the Thursday call in the AM, the participants were kicked off the line several times, and a voice said YOU CAN’T BE ON THIS LINE! She was born in CO, and has birth rights there to pray for that state! She did…and declared that we are the true Bride, and Jezebel is the counterfeit bride. With You, we have the overcoming power. We will not quit, or give up but will stand. We are fortified and will speak with a Kingdom voice!
Mary Ellen (IL) The Judge in CO ruled today that President Trump CAN be on the ballot in CO! We plead the Blood of Jesus to cover the meeting tonight with David and praise You that You are moving in this situation of correcting the corruption and fraud. Also, we thank God that Mike Johnson is releasing all the J6 tapes, so everyone can see them.
Susan (GA) the J6 videos are now released, and being posted on X (Twitter) – they show the peaceful welcome by the police into the building…and the opposite of what we were told by the evil J6 Committee. We pray every J6er will be released.
Jerri (FL) There were 2 Capitol police who lied and then were shown to have lied. Let those who lied and perpetuated the lies be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! Restore all that has been stolen! Let the TRUTH COME OUT and WAKE PEOPLE UP.
Diane (MT) if there were any threats against those who are telling the truth now, protect them.
Carol (NY) we pray against every plot and scheme of the enemy. Penn Station is the site of protests. Now we see that Mayor Adams in NYC had his laptop and phone taken by the FBI.
Mary Ellen (IL) Adams’ assistant was also raided recently by the FBI. The topic of “GHOSTBUSTERS” and ‘Antifa” dressed as police were also brought up! All of them are being exposed.
Ydia (NY) They said Adams is being investigated regarding a question on fundraising…(not for his position of moving the illegals.) We pray for clarity in every situation. Pelosi was behind what took place in DC on January 6th.
Carol (NY) prayed for the situation in NYC, tenting the illegals, who refused to stay in tents! They wanted hotel service! So, now the FIRE DEPARTMENT budget is being decreased by 5%, and there won’t be water for fires. We ask that You intervene and show Yourself
Susan (GA) videos are available through Adams is also cutting the budget in NYC for the police
Bev (MT) read Psalm 64 over this situation and prayed into it
Peter (FL) Psalm 2:1-4 Nothing is hidden from You, Lord…and You are exposing all the fraud, corruption, and traitors. Thank You for the RICO Act, which will allow all their assets to be seized. Clear out the darkness and replace it with the Kingdom of God,
Bernadette (NY) United Sovereign Americans Unite4Freedom leader Harry Haury (an Election Integrity warrior) asked for prayer so they can get more exposure and support for what they are doing.
Diane (MT) prayed for their protection and the support they needed. She read on in Psalm 2
“Now, therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.”
John (NJ) Law Enforcement has been undermined…and is so short-staffed and undermanned that no one wants the job! Fear and intimidation are being used to discourage them from serving. This nation was formed by those who stood together against unrighteousness. Let those who have retired – when the alarm is sounded – let them show up and like sheepdogs, go after the wolves! We do not fight for pay, but for the OATH WE TOOK! We are here to protect and defend the community! Psalm 10:14-15 “But You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief, to repay it by Your hand. The helpless commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless. Break the arm of the wicked and the evil man; seek out his wickedness until You find none.”
Kay (IL) when I read about what we have allowed in our nation, how we have failed to value righteousness and holiness…and most of all YOU! We know You are a gracious God and we trust in You! Save us and the other nations who will be blessed because of what You allow us to do!
John (NY) has been on the morning call with Bettina for NY. They have prayed for a whole year for the right people to be seated in the House…4 were elected and the GOP won by 2…and then Mike Johnson became our Speaker. We are praying for truth to be revealed and for Godly people to be in each seat from the President on down. The seats are covenanted by God to bring righteousness and justice into the land!
They painted the borders and blessed the waters, which touch all the places in the city. They are praying a RESET for NY…and they are seeing the lying spirits revealed and Godly men take their places! Johnson is teaching the Word of God as he does his job! The Bible is preeminent in his life and guides him; he says so! NY Gov Holcom wants to give November over to the trans group! We say NO! Shake what can be shaken, Lord. Shake loose the strongholds of lying and the manipulation of Jezebel.
We prayed corporately into all that we have prayed and heard…thanking God for all He is doing and accomplishing in the midst of such wickedness as we have seen.
Here is the press release from the Subcommittee on Oversight releases USCP Video Public Access Policy
November 17, 2023,
WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Chairman of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, announced that the Capitol Police video footage from January 6, 2021, will be made available to the public through two methods, a new online viewing room and in person at the subcommittee’s offices in Washington, D.C.
Starting today, all video footage previously released to media outlets will be uploaded to an online viewing room for public access. This includes all videos released to Tucker Carlson and other media. Following the initial tranche of footage, the Subcommittee will continue to populate the viewing room with additional footage for public view.
“The goal of our investigation has been to provide the American people with transparency on what happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and this includes all official video from that dayWe will continue loading video footage as we conduct our investigation and continue to review footage. As I’ve said all along—the American people deserve transparency, accountability, and real answers supported by facts instead of a predetermined political narrative.”
The public will be able to access the footage via an online public viewing room on the Committee on House Administration’s website, found here.
Also, beginning Monday, November 20, the Subcommittee will allow any U.S. citizen to access USCP video footage of the Capitol from January 6, 2021, by scheduling an appointment to view the videos in person in the Subcommittee’s offices in Washington, D.C. To schedule an appointment, please email This is the first time the general public will be allowed to view—and request clips from— all USCP video footage from the USCP CCTV cameras at the Capitol from January 6, 2021.
We paused just before 9 PM, and Anita (NJ) led us in singing the National Anthem,
united from our 50 states across the nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we prayed corporately
and committed to continue to stand with them and their families,
asking that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
We continued to pray for the J6 prisoners:
Angela (CA) prayed for all the defense attorneys who have been begging for video footage for their discovery in representing their J6 clients. Bring to justice all who have had a hand in this! Let there be great justice as families are compensated, and let them see the VICTORY of this never happening again!
Bernadette (NY) let all those who know the truth be convicted, punished, and turn to repent for their evil deeds.
Nancy (MN) thank You for bringing this out before Thanksgiving. Please deal with the media who lied about the truth. Don’t let them get away with this again! Protect Speaker Mike Johnson for his great work.
Susan (GA) blessed the J6 prisoners and their families. Let there be a halt to anyone else being dragged into this. Let those be delivered and set free and made whole.
Diane (MT) recorded a prisoner who had been in prison for 700+ days. She also prayed for the members of Congress who did nothing.
Carol (NY) prayed that HOPE would arise in them now as this change has taken place…let it be a swift change so they will be home before Christmas.
Susan (GA) the song “I’ll be home for Christmas” by God’s grace!
John (NJ) that song was written for our soldiers during the war…and this will be a reminder when it takes place. The evil ones thought they had NY. Most don’t know what the candidates stand for…they believe the lies and with this RESET, people are becoming aware. Reverse the curse.
Janice (AZ) How about taking a leap of faith and letting them be released NOW…so they can be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
We prayed corporately into this!
Kay (IL) asked that we pray for the J6 prisoners, treated so poorly and abused by the system, and who will be released. Bring healing to them, so that they will NOT go home broken, but they will know we are behind them. Cleanse their memory of this time so they are well in mind and spirit!
Mary Ellen (IL) John 8:12, 31-32 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Peter (FL) Luke 4:18-21 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
Cindy (AZ) prayed for those J6 prisoners who were raped and impregnated, or sodomized, or who might have been infected with STDs. Have mercy on them.
Sherrill (TX) not one will be left in prison or overlooked…they will be set free. Let there be a day when they can take the witness stand against their guard who abused them.
Angela (CA) prayed for the Chaplains who have access to minister to the J6 prisoners Acts 20:27 and that they would declare the whole counsel of God to the prisoners. Let them be free in Christ, in the Spirit…as people speak life to them…and let it bring forth fruit!
Carol (NY) in many places, the Chaplains have NOT been allowed to visit them. OPEN THE WAY for them to receive the attention and assistance they need. Give them dreams and visions, to hear Your voice in the night, and their inner man healed.
Teddi (TN) strengthen their inner man and integrate them back with their families…and give them smooth transitions back into their lives
Tesi (FL) prayed for those who have been sentenced and that they would be set free.
Tesi (FL) said Pastor Torben was imprisoned for over 420 days, never charged, and is free now and in Europe now. We prayed that he would be granted asylum and able to come back to the USA.
Diane (MT) sent the link for the video LIFE IN PRISON.
We prayed for David and his documentary “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” We asked for the funding, and for the right channels through which to release it in a nationwide distribution that will share the truth with all those who have been deceived! Maureen shared that he told her he had invested all they had in this project. She told us that he and Erin and their family have, like our Founders, pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in this quest for freedom! They drive an old “clunker” of a car, which needs to be replaced, and they have everyday needs for food, bills, etc. Pray for finances, so all their needs are provided for.
Then we prayed individual prayers:
John (NJ) this is a big thing and it will change everything – darkness will NOT interfere with it! We stand against the darkness and all its powers, and say NO! The truth will be revealed and captives will be freed!
Joann (MO) thanked God and believes these prayers are being answered…for all these years we did not give up…JUSTICE SHALL BE DONE!
Angela (CA) prayed a release over the finances David needs for this project. For the help he needs to get it ready to release. Bring the finances in, and as people give, let them also know Salvation / Jesus! Let him meet the right person to give him the car he needs for his family! We lose that same favor over Pastor Ioan! No clunkers!
Mary Ellen (IL) read David’s post saying the distributors are avoiding them…but the RED SEA will part and he’ll go through! Let it be shown wider and farther than he ever expected!
Joan (AZ) I see great success happening! Continue the momentum…and let him…and Your People… go free!
We shared in communion, with John (NJ) led us in receiving the bread / the Body of Christ, and then Joan (AZ) led us in receiving from the cup / the Blood of Jesus.
We sang “SHABBAT SHALOM!” and closed with love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Every slot for FT Facilitators is now filled.
(Contact Maureen to be put on the wait list to serve. 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch our hearts, Lord, and cause us to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
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