
Nov 17, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Nov 17, 2022 – Prayer Focus

Thursday, November 17, 2022 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call


1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)

We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God! 

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, 

and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: 

with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 

And one cried to another and said:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!”

Isaiah 6:1-3

We sing: God Of Wonders

Lord of Heaven and Earth! Lord of Heaven and Earth!

Lord of all creation, of water, earth and sky, the heavens are Your Tabernacle. Glory to the Lord on high!

God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are Holy! Holy!

The universe declares Your Majesty, You are Holy! Holy!

Lord of Heaven and Earth! Lord of Heaven and Earth!

Early in the morning, I will celebrate the light. 

When I stumble in the darkness, I will call Your Name by night.

God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are Holy! Holy!

The universe declares Your Majesty! You are Holy, Holy!

Lord of heaven and earth! Lord of heaven and earth! 

HalleluYah! to the Lord of heaven and earth! HalleluYah! to the Lord of heaven and earth!

HalleluYah! to the Lord of heaven and earth!

God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are Holy! Holy!

Precious Lord, reveal Your heart to me, Father, Holy! Holy!

The universe declares Your Majesty! You are Holy, Holy! Holy! Holy!

HalleluYah! to the Lord of heaven and earth! HalleluYah! to the Lord of heaven and earth!

HalleluYah! to the Lord of heaven and earth!


The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly 

for the safety and security of our duly elected President, Donald John Trump, 

and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!

We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania, and their marriage

 and for all the members of their family. We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.


For the restoration of Donald Trump to his rightful office.

In every situation and decision, let our President be led by the Holy Spirit, 

so that he learns the truth and acts accordingly, for the good of the nation. 


For protection, provision, and peace 

for all working to expose the fraud and corruption of the 2020 and 2022 elections!

As the SAVE AMERICA movement gains momentum, let those leaders that God anoints and appoints 

take their places in the governments of each state and in our nation’s Capitol! 


Strategic Focus for Thursday 




The Returning of President Trump to the White House! – Part 75

“He who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations”

Revelation 2:26

President Trump made the long-awaited announcement of his candidacy for President in 2024. We have obtained the transcript, and today, we begin praying into excerpts of what he has spoken, standing with him in THE BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA! Pray. 

“On behalf of Melania, myself, and our entire family, I want to thank you all for being here tonight for a special occasion, at a very special place. You, and all of those watching, are the heart and soul of this incredible movement and the greatest country in the history of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and my fellow citizens, America’s comeback start right now. Pray.

Two years ago when I left office, the United States stood ready for its Golden Age. Our nation was at the pinnacle of power, prosperity and prestige, towering above all rivals, vanquishing all enemies and striding into the future, confident and strong. In four short years, men, women, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, everybody was thriving like never before. There was never a time like this. We turned the page on decades of globalist sellouts and one-sided trade deals, lifted millions out of poverty and together we built the greatest economy in the history of the world. When the virus hit our shores, I took decisive action and saved lives and the U.S. economy. And by October of the same year, America was roaring back with the number one fastest economic recovery ever recorded. All the incoming administration had to do was just sit back and watch. Pray.

Inflation was non-existent. Our southern border was by far the strongest ever. And because the border was so tight, drugs coming into our country were at the lowest level in many, many years. Importantly, after decades of rising energy costs, the United States had finally attained American energy independence, which soon would have turned into energy dominance. For the first time in memory, China was reeling back on its heels, because the United States was outdoing them on every single front. China was paying billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs. The farmers know that because they got $28 billion of it. No president had ever seen or received $1 for our country from China until I came along! Many people think that because of this, China played a very active role in the 2020 election, just saying. Pray.

Instead of jobs and factories leaving America for China, they were for the first time ever leaving China for America. Businesses were pouring back because of our historic tax and regulation cuts, the biggest in both categories in history…bigger even than what Ronald Reagan was able to produce. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea were in check and they respected the United States and quite honestly, they respected me. The vicious ISIS Caliphate was decimated in less than three weeks, and Al-Baghdadi, its founder, was hunted down and killed. North Korea had not launched a single long-range missile since my summit with Chairman Kim Jong-un…and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. Look at what’s happening today. My opponents made me out to be a warmonger. They said during the 2016 campaign that if he becomes president, there will be a war within weeks, and yet the world was at peace, America was prospering, and our country was on track for an amazing future. I made big promises to the American people, and unlike other presidents, I kept my promises. Pray.

Under our leadership, we were a great and glorious nation, a strong nation, and importantly, a free nation. But now we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. For millions of Americans, the past two years under Joe Biden have been a time of pain, hardship, anxiety and despair. As we speak, inflation is the highest in over 50 years. Gas prices have reached the highest levels in history, and the strategic national reserves, which I filled up, have been virtually drained in order to keep gasoline prices lower just prior to the election. Joe Biden has intentionally surrendered our energy independence. There is no longer even a thought of dominance, and we are now begging for energy help from foreign nations, many of whom find us detestable. Pray.

Our southern border has been erased, and our country is being invaded by millions of unknown people, many of whom are entering for sinister reasons, and you know what that reason is. We will be paying a big price for this invasion into our country for years to come. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of deadly drugs, including very lethal fentanyl, are flooding across the now open and totally porous southern border. The blood-soaked streets of our once-great cities are cesspools of violent crimes, which are being watched all over the world, as leadership of other countries explains that this is what America and democracy is really all about…how sad! Pray.

The United States has been embarrassed, humiliated and weakened for all to see. The disaster in Afghanistan is perhaps the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, where we lost lives, left Americans behind, and surrendered $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment anywhere in the world. Ukraine never would have happened if I were your president, even the Democrats admit that. Our enemies are speaking of us with scorn and laughter and derision because of those two events. Now we have a president who falls asleep at global conferences, and who said thank you to the wrong country for inviting him to a major summit on the environment. He’s leading us to the brink of nuclear war, a concept unimaginable just two short years ago. You cannot mention the nuclear word, it’s too devastating. The Green New Deal and the environment, which they say may affect us in 300 years, is all that is talked about, and yet nuclear weapons, which would destroy the world immediately are never even discussed as a major threat. (Imagine, they say the ocean will rise 1/8 of an inch over the next 200 to 300 years, but don’t worry about nuclear weapons that can take out entire countries with one shot.) Something is wrong with their thinking! Under Biden and the radical Democrats, America has been mocked, derided and brought to its knees, perhaps like never before. But we are here tonight to declare that it does not have to be this way. Two years ago, we were a great nation, and soon we will be a great nation again. Pray.

The decline of America is being forced upon us by Biden and the radical left lunatics running our government right into the ground. This decline is not a fate we must accept. When given the choice boldly, clearly and directly, I believe the American people will overwhelmingly reject the left’s platform of national ruin, and they will embrace our platform of national greatness and glory to America. Pray.

Exactly one week ago, our citizens voted in the important midterm elections, and despite a ridiculously long and unnecessary period of waiting, just a short time ago, the Republicans won back control of the House of Representatives. Much criticism is being placed on the fact that the Republican Party should have done better and frankly, much of this blame is correct. But the citizens of our country have not yet realized the full extent and gravity of the pain our nation is going through, and the total effect of the suffering is just starting to take hold. They don’t quite feel it yet, but they will very soon. Pray

I have no doubt that by 2024, it will sadly be much worse, and they will see much more clearly what happened and what is happening to our country, and the voting will be much different. 2024! Are you getting ready? I am! 

In the midterms, my endorsement success rate was 232 wins and only 22 losses. You don’t hear that from the media, but I think you will, because people are starting to see what happened. In the primaries, it was 98.6%. The reason for that unprecedented success rate is that the Trump administration changed our nation on trade, on securing the border with the strongest safest border ever in the history of our country, and on Islamic terrorism. We got along very well with the various countries, including coming up with the Abraham Accords. It’s because of cutting taxes, cutting regulations at the highest level ever, and on building the greatest economy, any time in the history of the world. There’s never been an economy like we had just two years ago. Pray 

Despite the outcome in the Senate, we cannot lose hope. We must all work very hard for a gentleman and a great person, Herschel Walker, who loves our country and will be a great United States Senato. Get out and vote for Herschel. We elected a group of incredibly talented America first leaders who will be stars of our party for many years to come. In the popular vote, Republicans won five million more votes…the largest margin in many years over the Democrats. Breaking the radical Democrats grip on Congress was crucial. Pray.

So we have taken over Congress and Nancy Pelosi has been fired. We have always known that this was not the end. It was only the beginning of our fight to rescue the American dream…and in order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.” Pray.

We pray:

  • With grateful hearts for having a man like President Trump to lead us during this tumultuous time! Guard, guide and govern his every word and action; protect him from all enemies, without and within; help him discern rightly about counsel given by those who advise him. Pray. 
  • In thanksgiving for all the conservative candidates elected to office. Protect them as they take their places, to fight for critical issues and to rectify the fraud in our elections! Pray.
  • For all who are “standing in the gap” with our President, engaging in this BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA, and rejecting the usurper and those pulling his strings in this faux administration. Pray.
  • Protect and strengthen our 24/7 family and bring in new intercessors who are called to this assignment with us, to pray for our President and our beloved nation! Pray. 


Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it! 















REVIVAL – from Heart to heart! 

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