
Nov 16, 2021 – A Call to the Wall

Nov 16, 2021 – A Call to the Wall

11-16-21 Notes for  “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”

8-10 PM ET  Tuesdays  24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call

712-770-4340  code: 543555 #

Good evening from Romania and Florida, where we (Pastor Ioan and Maureen respectively) have been eagerly anticipating being with you for this call tonight!  God is moving in the nations around the world, and we of the 24/7 family are at the tip of the spear…on the cutting edge of what He is doing in intercessors’ hearts worldwide! 

Maureen prayed that we would unite our hearts tonight with all those called to holy intercession in the Body of Christ…and bless them in Jesus; Name!  Let us pray for ourselves and them, that we might fulfill all of our assignments, praying in gratitude for all He has done and is doing…and in joyful expectation of all that He is going to do…in this nation and the nations of the world! May we live to see the kingdoms of this earth become the Kingdom of our God! HalleluYah! 

Pastor Ioan prayed and blessed President Trump and his interview with Mike Lindell.. (it’s on our FB page) “We bless our President, and thank you for what You have done and ask you to teach us to pray in Your will during these difficult times.”

When we asked him what kind of weather he had there, he said they were in winter and could have snow at any time.  Brrr!  (But…each day, he has been able to get some sun as he  walks in the park near their home, where he used to go often when he lived there.)

He shared about the restrictions imposed on the people there in Romania…with an 8 PM curfew for unvaccinated people, and an 11 PM curfew for all others. When they went to apply for David’s student visa, Pastor Ioan and David were told that they could not enter into the building. All the government buildings are closed to the unvaccinated, as are stores, supermarkets, and other places of business.  

He expressed his gratitude for the freedom we still have in the United States. We are the hope of the nations!  If we are destroyed, all others will lose the hope they have.  

We prayed that we would not allow this in the USA and that we would rise up and stand for liberty and justice for all! We pray for the manifestation of the Spirit of the American Revolution and the supernatural energy to stand strong and not grow weary as we fight this battle.  We cannot be quiet and must rise up and fight for freedom.  In the Name of Jesus, we say “Wake up! Wake up!”  This is our duty, to see the Spirit of the American Revolution once again, and the American Republic restored! WAKE UP, AMERICA! 

Kyle Rittenhouse’s case is being deliberated by the jury right now in Kenosha, WI.  It is emblematic of the battle going on for the United States, and he is a symbol of what the battle is for our country. We prayed corporately for him, asking the Lord to strengthen him, embrace him and encourage him to fight back and overcome the media.  

We then offered individual prayers:

  • Kay (IL) bring this young man to salvation, so he might serve You.  Give true LIFE to him, as well as freedom.
  • Debbie (TX) we speak courage, strength, and Divine wisdom that he will be a beautiful representative for You
  • Roman (UY) prayed that the jurors would come to a decision based on the evidence and that they would be protected. Let the jurors bring a verdict in light…of only the facts, and not in response to the threats of the media and the people!
  • Joan (AZ)  Be his shield and buckler.  If he doesn’t know You, let him learn of You now, and see You as His defense. Let him know that His God is powerful and that there would be angels all around to protect him. She prayed for his Mother’s heart, as she watched her son go through this trauma.
  • Fran (NY) thanked God for this young man and for his bravery, for the legal fund set up by the police to help him and all those police officers and civil servants that donated to his legal fees, and for the encouragement he’s received through it. Refresh and renew him as a child reaches up to his father.  Release Your warring and ministering angels to minister to him and to his mother, pour out Your love on him and cover him with the mantle of love.

Pastor Ioan asked that we put the Ephesians 6 “armor of God” on ourselves, and offered a corporate prayer for Kyle and his mother to be dressed in the full armor of God.  Protect the judge and the jurors from the devices of the enemy! Let each of them (and us) receive each piece as His provision and protection in the battles being fought!  Let us wear it well so that we might fight this wondrous WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our nation!  We prayed corporately to receive the full armor of God!  


During our Shabbat Call on Friday, we received word that Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, had been indicted by Congress on two counts of criminal contempt – one for refusing to appear for a congressional deposition and the other for refusing to provide documents in response to the committee’s subpoena.

The 67-year-old Bannon surrendered yesterday to FBI agents and was released without bail Monday after a hearing on criminal contempt charges for defying a subpoena from a House committee investigating January’s attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Bannon did not enter a plea during the hearing. Magistrate Judge Robin Meriweather released him without bail but required him to check in weekly with court officials and ordered him to surrender his passport. He is due back in court on Thursday.

If convicted, Bannon faces a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year behind bars on each count, prosecutors said. Outside the courthouse, a large inflatable rat altered to look like former President Trump was on the sidewalk as reporters waited for Bannon to leave the courthouse.

When he surrendered to the FBI earlier Monday, Bannon looked directly into the camera that was live-streaming on the social media website GETTR and urged them to remain focused.

“We’re taking down the Biden regime. I want you guys to stay focused. This is all noise.”

Bannon is one of more than 30 people close to the Republican former president who has been ordered by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee to testify about what happened in the run-up to Jan. 6, when thousands of people stormed the Capitol building in an attempt to prevent formal congressional certification of Trump’s election loss to President Joe Biden.

House investigators hope the action against Bannon will motivate other witnesses, such as former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, to testify. Bannon has refused, citing Trump’s insistence — already rejected by one judge – that he has a right to keep the requested material confidential under a legal doctrine called executive privilege.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a known liar, and collaborator, who sits as the Democrat chair of the House Intelligence Committee and is a member of the sham Jan. 6 panel, said he believed Bannon’s indictment on contempt of Congress would sway others to drop their defiance.

Maureen said: Schiff says if they can nail Bannon, it will discourage others from standing against them.  We say IT WILL NOT!  Let it have the reverse effect!

Steve Bannon is yet another patriot under attack by the fake administration of Joe Biden.  And we gladly offered individual prayers for him!

  • Debbie (TX) prayed for Steve Bannon and Kyle together.  Surround them with favor.  No weapon formed against them shall prosper.  Thank You for exposing this and bringing them through the fire, without even the smell of smoke!!
  • Jackie (FL) prayed and said NO to those who are coming against him. Steve Bannon is fighting for the truth.  Biden has tried to turn good into evil and evil into good but will be exposed.
  • Marlene (CA) give him wisdom and lets him hear what You want to say to him. Surround him with favor. Let him be a mouthpiece for You even when he doesn’t know it.  
  • Kay (IL) cover Steve Bannon with Your Presence…the power, peace, love, and joy…and the assurance that You are in charge!  Let Americans stand up for those who are righteous! 
  • Debbie (TX) heard BACKFIRE!  The enemy plans are going to backfire! 
  • Nadine (TX) heard BOOMERANG! “A curse causeless cant come!”  Let it go back on those who sent it! 
  • Peter (FL) the firemen set backfires to burn ahead of the fire…to stop the bad fire.

Maureen prayed: Let that fire ignite our hearts and ignite others who come in contact with us! Let that backfire be the fire of God ignited on all our hearts and we will each have the Spirit of the American Revolution operating within us. We praise You and thank You that You are never late.  We believe that this is a catalyst and will explode into something we have been waiting for, for a really long time!

  • Sherrill (TX) This is going to be a catalyst for something that is coming that will explode and deal with this faux administration! 
  • Bobby (WI) they expect Bannon to shoot himself in the foot, but he won’t – this attack on him will boomerang on them. Rather than the expected, let there be the unexpected. Isaiah 30:15  “In returning and rest shall you be saved, and in quietness and confidence is his strength”


Tonight, Mike Lindell played an interview with President Trump at 7 PM ET and his network FRANK SPEAK  (We put it on our FB page for all to enjoy!)  We prayed for them both, as together they are standing for righteousness and justice in this land! President Trump is our nation’s true leader…and we always want to hear and see what he says! We prayed for Mike and our President, blessing and encouraging them in the SPirit, from every part of this land! We prayed for them individually:

  • Kay (IL) thanked God for taking a throwaway (Mike) and making him HIs son. He is an unselfish man who has sacrificed much for this cause of righteousness and justice!  Give him wisdom in every decision he makes and direct his path!
  • Suzanne (ME) she and her husband Murray are dealing with COVID but want to pray! She asked that God would give Mike Lindell COMPLETE SUCCESS and the strategy to keep his business going and keep getting the truth out. 
    • Maureen blessed her and her husband and prayed for their healing! 
  • Mary Ellen (IL) she remembers the day that Mike stood in the Rose Garden and testified to the Lord, and how the darts were incoming immediately! Pour Your Precious Blood over him and his family and employees to protect them!  She thanked God for the warring angels and for Mike holding his shield of faith up, so he and his family will be covered so thickly that nothing can attack him!

Maureen blessed him and his employees and declared a banner year of business for MY PILLOW this Christmas!

  • Joan (AZ)  read Psalm 56:3-4  and declared that with God on his side he will not be afraid!
  • Debbie (TX) Isaiah 11;2-4   asked that the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel cover President Trump.
  • Marlene (CA) If we do not praise Him the rocks will cry out. God has used even a donkey to glorify Him.  Who would expect a former drug addict to speak out and be a leader, but God! She prayed that  God would continue to use him in great ways.
  • Nadine (TX) when Jesus called His disciples, had no training but spoke with wisdom as they walked with Him.  Continue to show the world that You are the one who gives wisdom and understanding
  • Bobby (WI) Let Mike and President Trump pray for and with each other. and see Your glory…for they have so many similarities
  • Nikki (CA) blessed Mike and asked that all he does will prosper.  She thanked God for Mike’s sacrifice of time and money and for using the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.  Protect him and give him good and true friends, as he is a true friend to the President.

Maureen said that Eric Trump told Mike Lindell, just before President Trump went down the escalator to announce for the Presidency, he told Eric:  “Now, we’ll know who our true friends are!”

  • Cindy (CT) prayed for Mike’s fiance: “Let Mike and his fiancée be united in the Lord and be a good team.  Make her an encouragement to him.”
  • Mary Ellen (IL) she served as a prayer warrior during the cyber conference and was with him when he was assaulted…Lead both of them to grow closer to You.  Heal any wounds from the assault in South Dakota.  Move them in a mighty way and give them wisdom as they grow together in ministry.

Pastor Ioan asked us to pray for the President to enjoy the Presence of God at this very moment!  Give him an intimate encounter with You. Let him experience God’s embrace and a supernatural encounter with the Lord that will enable him to be blessed, encouraged, and strengthened by the Manifest Presence that connects him with HIs God.  We offered individual prayers:

  • Kay (IL) That Mike Pompeo, a man the President can trust and respect, will be used to come alongside President Trump, helping guide and direct him with wisdom.
  • Roman (UT) prayed for the President’s peace of mind and his guidance and for his family who are a source of strength to him.
  • Bobby (WI) how difficult it can be to trust when you have been betrayed…he was vulnerable to those who weren’t there when he needed them! LEt any wounds be healed and let the avenue be open to the future! 
  • Debbie (TX) thank You for what You have been doing in and through him in this season, for renewed strength and strategies that will be used to reinstall him. Thank You that the joy of the Lord is his strength.  We speak peace and even greater unity in his marriage with Melania.  Let there be a united vision in the FIrst Couple..between him and Melania.  Thank you for trustworthy advisors, cull the herd of those who are not trustworthy. Let Mike teach him about the joy of the Lord, Mike Pompeo teaching about wisdom. Thank You for what You have done in him and through him, give him divine strategy, a creative way to return to his station. 
  • Fran (NY) thank You for the perseverance he has shown…his “never give up” spirit.  Let his strength be in the power of YOUR MIGHT, LORD! Thank You for his bloodline, and his two elderly aunts who were prayer warriors and for their revival spirit, and for his Spirit of the American Revolution.  LET HIM NEVER GIVE UP!   Guard his mouth and protect his spirit!.   


Neither Vaccinated Nor Unvaccinated: How Churches Imposing Vaccine Mandates 

Are Dividing Christians With A ‘Different Gospel’

Maureen shared that Tim Keller’s church has now posted a notice announcing the separation of vaxxed and unvaxxed people.  Other churches in Maine, New York, and California have also enacted a vax passport policy.  In July, New York City’s Redeemer Presbyterian — Tim Keller’s theologically conservative church, firmly embedded in the mainstream of American evangelicalism — quietly posted a statement to its website regarding service attendance: Individuals who are fully vaccinated are welcome to sit on the main floor of the sanctuary without social distancing and masks will be optional Individuals who are not fully vaccinated are welcome to sit in the balcony.” The language of the announcement was understated but the import was not — Redeemer Presbyterian had effectually segregated its church body based on vaccine status. Redeemer, at least, is trusting the honor system to enforce its (literally) divisive policy. Anyone over 12 years of age who wants to attend Episcopal worship at St. Peter’s in Rockland, ME, or St Luke in the Fields in NY or Grace Cathedral in San Francisco will have to show vaccine passports 

We declared that “A house divided can not stand”...overcome the enemy…and this division in the Body of Christ is deadly!  When the body of Christ is divided, we cannot stand against the enemy as a united front.  

Pastor Ioan said that Chuck, the pastor of his church in CA, shares the love of God with all the people, vaxxed and unvaxxed… Republican or Democrat. He will not allow any division in his heart or in the congregation! That’s a real pastor! 

The Lord told us in March that He would protect us and that He is preparing an  “antidote” for the “vaccine.”  We know that God desires unity…and to trust in God’s protection. We must allow free choice in others as God allows in us!  We are not called to separate, detach from or judge those who have taken or have not taken the vax…we are ONE BODY IN CHRIST, and we do not stand alone!  Jesus received and healed all who came to Him with pure hearts, and when we decided to welcome the love of God for this nation, we made a commitment to welcome and love everyone! We are AMBASSADORS of CHRIST to all!

Our prayer has been that the love of God would be released all over the nation.  The Lord warned us not to allow the fear of the virus to overcome us.  Leaders and pastors in churches must have the same attitude. We are called to respect the free choice of others, if there are consequences of their free choice, we are called to help.  We must stand and pray together in unity, not judging others for their choices. Our Lord received all, healing and delivering everyone who came to him.  So we must receive everyone and be ambassadors of the grace of God.  We pray for the churches who are segregating to realize that there is no race, no color, no division in the body of Christ.  

Pastor Ioan shared that he has received a word to go to Israel while he is on the continent – to connect with those we are in a relationship with there…and let them know we are with them and for them! If there is a restriction saying there is a covid vaccine required to enter Israel, many people will not go, but having received this assignment and praying for wisdom, he (and we together with him) will overcome all these things through the love of Christ! The Lord is challenging us…and when we surrender to Him, we submit our free will to Him! When He says GO, we will go! 

There is no division or class in the Body of Christ…we are ONE NEW MAN IN CHRIST! Before the fall of communism in Romania, the deaf community in Bucharest was the least evangelized of all groups. Pastor Ioan learned sign language, and devised additional signs for sharing the gospel…and ministered to the deaf community for 10 years! He shared the sign for salvation, as a bondservant to Jesus.

We together rejoiced in the beauty of God’s people,  and asked that he let us see them through His eyes! 


Pastor Ioan shared that David was sharing with him about the CHINA SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM...where all the citizens receive and lose social credits according to their actions. Reward and punishment! It started in 2014, and is expanding to the entire nation! Shades of BIG BROTHER! and 1984!  President Trump stood for the USA and against the Communist system…and we call him back as our nation’s leader! We prayed corporately for a Spirit of Revolution in China, to end this tyranny and bring freedom and a turnaround.

As we prepared for communion, Pastor Ioan proclaimed the life that comes through the Body of Christ!  We have unlimited optimism for the United States!  We receive those in Your Body, and we bless them.”’

Maureen declared: “You are more than enough to enable us to be stable and confident!  Bless this nation!  We share that optimism that not only will You deliver us from evil but will equip us for all we need in these end times!’

We shared in communion…taking it on behalf of our nation…and as we closed the call, Maureen prayed for Pastor Ioan: We bless you in Romania, and pray that you will find favor where you least expect it and be  successful in all you do!”


Blessings and love! 

Maureen and Pastor Ioan



Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Chanel – https://t.me/nationalstrategicprayercall

Our 24/7 NSPC Telegram Group – https://t.me/joinchat/2ktpOlvELsNiMzMx

We have been blocked numerous times by Facebook, so we ask that each of us would repost our 24/7 focuses and notes on our own FB pages, so friends and family can join us in prayer.  


Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:  WTKOG13@gmail.com  

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