Nov 12, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

11-12-19 Notes “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we welcome everyone to the call tonight, our thanks go to each of you who prayed on behalf of all those who traveled to Orlando to WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO FLORIDA this past weekend!
Pastor Ioan is in the air and flying back to CA/Beulah, and sends his love to all. We ask that the Lord would bless his travel, and give him sweet rest so he is refreshed and renewed after such a tremendous outpouring this weekend! We prayed for him as we begin this time together tonight:
- Nancy (FL) shared that she was delighted to have Pastor Ioan as a guest in her home this weekend and prayed for him to have a safe trip and easy travels to CA, so he will be refreshed when he arrives home!
- Albert (CA) during his sleep, show him what is next in the Spirit! When he prayed for Filip in his final year of Biola, Maureen prayed that we will be able to help him finish strong by supplying his needs for the final semester of tuition…so he can graduate DEBT FREE!
- Tommie (ID) Prayed for David who is in Romania…open the doors to the work that is needed for him to come to the USA and be connected with his father, his family and the DIVINE DESTINY You have for him here!
- Debbie (VA) thanked God for this “general” that You have given us. He needs his ownplace, his own car and the ability to generate income! Open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing he can not contain!
- Albert (CA) We thank You for our humble pastor, and ask that You will multiply the seed and provide for all his needs! He lives with Godly contentment…reward him. We thank You for a suite in the Trump Hotel in DC…a place set aside for the “prophet”…and just as You took me to the 19th floor of Trump Towers in NY, do that for him!
- Sophia (NJ) Psalm 37:3-5 “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”
- Debbie (VA) Pastor Ioan shared so many stories, including intimate things about his wife, his marriage and his relationship with his wife, and the suffering she went through before finally passing after 16 years. It was terrible suffering, and some thought it was as bad as Job’s suffering! He also shared how we must lead lives of purity, and need to consecrate our sexuality to the Lord…if single, and if married! He also shared about how painful it is when the soul ties are broken after the passing of a loved one!
- Kara (CO/WY) She laughed and said how many times he said (quoting Albert): “My God, You just can’t make this stuff up!” Kara noted that he is moving forward in his grieving process and was wearing a blue shirt! (That was noted by those who know his story about Meruna and her passing!) She said that she sees blessing in her own marriage by knowing him! She said there were Divine Appointments and things we could not imagine…as we proceeded through the topics of the WTKOG protocols! (Radical Holiness, the Supremacy of the Christ, the Centrality of the Cross, Unity in the Body, and the Perfection of Love!) She shared about the young people who were at our hotel to attend the Electronic Daisy Festival and so scantily dressed, and totally vulnerable to the forces of darkness that were there to capture them! She was surprised to be seated on the flight home next to two girls who had been to that event, and she was able to truly LOVE them and spoke into their lives as they shared with her about it! GLORY! When they landed one of the girls reached out and hugged her…and they exchanged GOD BLESS YOU’s! She was surprised when they told her: “You are like the perfect RAVE mom!”
- Sally (WY) Still driving home from Orlando, and they are going through snow in Missouri right now! As Pastor Ioan is working through his grieving over the loss of his wife, and as he shares his story about his family, his wife and the process they went through, it impacts all of us as well! We are ONE BODY IN CHRIST! We laughed about the play on words with “beach” and how he received the feedback on it!
- Sophia (NJ) She loves the fact that she has a “family” here on the 24/7 and prays that they will have a WTKOG in NJ very soon. Maureen said let’s get a NJ SPC going and work toward that!
- Troy (CA) prayed for the two girls (Lauren and Elladena) who were on the plane with Kara, asking that God would draw them to Himself
- Ydia (FL) confirmed the use of alternate words for those which can be misunderstood
- Nancy (FL) said that Pastor Ioan was receiving “training” in caring for his physical body from Joey. She prayed for Pastor Ioan to have a restful trip home and that he will be so comfortable that he will be able to walk into the next thing that You have for him to do! Guide and direct him every step of the way!
- Tommie (ID) wants to encourage people with her take from it all! When Pastor ioan is sharing these revelations he gets, they are part of the preparation for building the team, and those who attend are precious and obedient to God and you know one another by the Spirit… instantly! Pastor Ioan shares and the humanness allows everyone to be transparent with one another..and you see beyond what people do to WHO THEY ARE! It knits everyone together! You are in a ONE HEART position, with a team built on LOVE, and you are linked, safe and protected as you go forth as one united force to take ground! God will bring those to each WTKOG that He wants there! When Joey and Adianis came and started to share what they did, it was a word for the 24/7…that He is taking the 24/7 to a higher level. We can not even fathom what our prayers are doing to the kingdom of darkness and how it is empowering the saints! God is building His army and it will break more ground than ever! God wanted me there to see and be a part of seeing some of the leadership start to emerge for what is coming!
Maureen said that tomorrow’s scripture verse is one we can contemplate individually and corporately!
“He has shown you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8
- Sophia (NJ) Sang “He’s been faithful to me!” …and we all said “AMEN!”
Maureen commented again about how wonderful the worship for the WTKOG into FLORIDA was. Karen and Jerry Ellard’s song “AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED” touched all our hearts! May it become one of our national anthems!
Here are the words:
Feel the wind of the Spirit blowing from shore to shore
The saints prayers from many years come pouring on our nation’s door
God has shed His grace on our nation once again
His Spirit pours, Conviction comes and our nation repents of sin
America shall be saved! America shall be saved!
By the grace of God, by the blood of the Lamb,
America shall be saved!
To learn more about their music, write to: Ellard PO Box 25, Helena, AL 35080 or call 205-519-7761
- Susan Strevens, GA: sent a text: “Headed back to GA and the “Plow Atlanta” gathering Thursday.. One more sign I recall from the WTKOG, the sound of the roar as a jet flew over at very start of the Welcoming at Lake Eola.. Glory be to God. My many see, know the great exchanges unfold for Orlando and State of FL. Hallelujah!”
- Kara said that it was right after we sang: GOD BLESS AMERICA! and the markings on the jet were red, white and blue!
- Susan (GA) the sound reminded her that God the LION OF JUDAH roars over His people as that jet did! She also shared that a trumpet swan chimed in as the silver trumpets were blown…and that a feather floated down and landed on the red carpet, and birds swooped down and circled over us as we WTKOG and then flew away. There was a breeze that kicked up and felt there was a shift! What a great face to face it was! (When Pastor Ioan said he saw the fish were jumping in the lake…and Maureen heard: “ALL CREATION TESTIFIES! The KING IS HERE!”) She is looking forward to Welcoming the King of Glory into GA!
The Lord has told us to have a 24/7 Strategic Prayer Call for each of our 50 states, and in our US territories. The goal is to have these up and functioning by 2020…so, let’s get it done! Contact us at if you are willing to host a call for one hour each week for your state!
We prayed corporately in gratitude for what the Lord has done this past weekend and thanked God for the privilege of being called to the 24/7 NSPC!
- Kay (IL) speaking through her tears, she said she felt that God was so eager and happy to come and be with us…to TABERNACLE with us! He wants to come to each of our states, because that is HIS DESIRE… to be with us! Work in our hearts and prepare to welcome YOU into our states…and to connect with those in our own states who we are to work with to host a WTKOG there!
As we prepared to take communion tonight, we exhorted all our intercessors to please, redouble your prayers that the Body of Christ will awaken, arise and act as God requires: being responsible citizens who vote their Biblical values on behalf of this nation!
We pray:
- That there will be a renewed passion in prayer for our 24/7 family and for all other intercessors across this nation.
- That we will increase our intercessory “BACK UP” so that we might all complete the assignments we’ve been given on behalf of our nation!
- That we would be covered by the Blood of Jesus and protected as we continually intercede for our President, our nation and our people.
Fatima (TN) and Kay (IL) led us as we ate and drank at the table of the Lord together! We are so thankful for all we have received from Your hand, Lord, and we love You so much! We cannot even begin to fathom Your ways, and the depths of Your love for us, but we thank You! Oh, how we thank YOU! Lord, Jesus, You gave Your all for us…so we could have perfect fellowship with You and one another! We delight in sharing this communion! AMEN!
We closed the call blessing our 24/7 family!
In His overwhelming love!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
Please take time to repost our 24/7 focuses and notes on your FB page, and to your friends and family.
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Note: We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. If at any time, it is necessary, the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over this line and our 24/7 family! Remember, ONLY if necessary!
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