Nov 11, 2016 – Three “housekeeping” items we’d like you to bring your attention to:

Dear facilitators,
Three “housekeeping” items we’d like you to bring your attention to:
1) As we approach day 30 of “70 Days of Prayer” (it’s tomorrow, December 12th), we encourage you to connect with others in your city, state, networks and prayer circles and invite them into this call. The precious grace on this initiative is that there are many voices offering many prayers at all hours; “the more, the merrier”! In order for it to be sustained, we must continuously be inviting others to enter into it with us! DO NOT KEEP IT A SECRET! Include it in your Christmas letters! That would be one of the best “gifts” you could give another believer this Christmas! NOTE: Please go to and LIKE our FB page USA Trumpet Call to a HOLY CONVOCATION to Welcome the King of Glory into our Nation!…and invite others to do so as well!
2) If an emergency occurs and you cannot facilitate your call for that day, please contact one of the other members of your team to fill in for you.
Then be sure to let me know who will be substituting for you, including their cell # and email. Thank you! Email: or cell: 407-810-4665
I am attaching a current list of facilitators (…Transition of 70 Days of Prayer…) that you might contact
in case you do not have a sub available on your team…but please try your own people first!)
3) If you want to endorse the 24/& National Strategic Prayer Call and the HOLY CONVOCATION, please return this email with your full Name and the Ministry in which you serve.
If you would like to send a brief written endorsement for the Call and/or the upcoming HOLY CONVOCATION, we will use that in future posts.
Thank you for serving the Lord and being such wonderful “companions on the journey”!
Blessings and GRACE! GRACE! to all!
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