Nov 10, 2016 – January 20th… The Second Day for the Battle

January 20th… The Second Day for the Battle
A Word from the Lord received by Ioan Peia at 4 AM, November 10th in Corona, CA
November 8th was the “Glorious Day”…the day on which America received a miracle from God as His people joined together in intercession and fasting… for their lives, families, communities, cities and states. Nations around the world joined them, petitioning God to move in a mighty way on America’s behalf in the national elections.
As in the time of Esther, those in the capitol of Susa (ie. the United States) rejoiced when righteousness prevailed and the spirit of Jezebel was overthrown. Haman was hung on his own gallows…a fate he’d intended for God’s servants. Although he was removed, in the spirit realm, the “adversary” was regrouping, preparing to fight back.
So, too, today…a battle has been won, but a larger one is coming. Friday, January 20, 2017, Inauguration Day, is The Second Day for the Battle…the day on which we will secure the victory won in the election on November 8th. Although the adversary has no legal right to contest this election, stir up hatred or cause chaos and harm in the nation, dark forces are at work, plotting and planning our demise!
A call to prepare, be ready, unite and fight is going forth! We must defend our future, our children and grandchildren…and the future of this great nation and the entire world.
From November 11th through January 19th, we will engage in “a warfare of love”… through 24 / 7 strategic intercession for the nation. Numerous prayer teams, uniting by conference call, will serve as GUARDIANS of the HOURS, committing to cover that particular hour for the next 70 days…straight through the dawning of January 20th, when the transition of power from darkness to LIGHT takes place and Donald J. Trump is inaugurated as President of the United States. That Second Day of the Battle… a DAY of VICTORY…will also be a GLOROUS DAY!