Nov 1, 2024 – Notes Shabbat Call

11-01-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
Ps Ioan opened the call by saying that we are coming up on 8 years of standing in prayer on behalf of the President and our nation. Tonight, Maureen is not with us, as she is attending the wedding of one of her grandsons, Caleb. (Don’t worry, we’ll survive.) Melissa (VA) will serve as our “scribe” for the evening, and for that we thank her!
Lord, we give you thanks and ask You to lead and guide us on how to pray in these final hours before the elections. Help us to have an intimate experience with You and stay focused. We lay down our worries and concerns as we are “waiting in joyful expectation” for the VICTORY for righteousness that we have been praying for all these months and years! Only 4 days left to go!
All this time, we have faithfully engaged in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our nation. In order to do so effectively, we continually and gratefully receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God that He has so graciously provided for us! Bobby (WI) led us in receiving that armor!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving all of God’s armor, asking to wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Ps Ioan, who is in Romania, said he was walking through the park with his son David when they saw children in Halloween costumes, but wondered where their parents were. He spoke about how the observance of Halloween harms and brings darkness to people. At this critical time in our nation’s history, as we are calling upon the Lord on behalf of our nation, many have been indulging in the observance of Halloween, celebrating darkness and invoking curses upon our nation and people…while unwittingly bringing those curses down upon themselves! This begs the question written in Scripture: “What fellowship has light with darkness?” President John Adams spoke the truth when he made this statement:
“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.
Virtue is an inner commitment and voluntary outward obedience to principles of truth and moral law.
Private virtue is the character to govern oneself according to moral law at all times.
Public virtue is the character to voluntarily sacrifice or subjugate personal wants for the greater good of other individuals or the community.
Specific moral virtues include charity, justice, courage, temperance, reverence, prudence, and honesty.
These virtues are the moral fiber and moving force to act in accordance with wisdom.
We prayed corporately against the evil of Halloween, for protection for children and for LIGHT!
Mary Ellen (IL) years ago, little children would dress as saints on Nov 1. Somewhere along the lines, evil came in!
Ps Ioan: Biden celebrated Halloween at the White House last night and little children in costumes were presented to him and given candy! Witches and warlocks are trying to extend the darkness. The other side is the Children of Light who welcome Jesus and light is upon them. The darkness is getting bigger towards the end times. Where is your affiliation? We went over the following chart which shows to which party those who do not ascribe to morality and virtue belong.
Statements by President Trump
Bobby (WI) Quoting President Trump: We must forgive Biden for he knows not what he doeth
We prayed for the protection of President Trump during these last few days before the elections.
Ps Ioan: Spoke about the big changes that have taken place in the past 8 years. Our prayers are affecting those being prayed for. There’s been a great transformation in President Trump because the Lord has been surrounding him with His Presence. (He blessed God’s work in the life of President Trump.)
Mary Ellen (IL): Thank you Father for changing the life of President Trump. We’ve seen it. I heard an interview in which Franklin Graham told President Trump he would be better off if he didn’t use bad words. Father Your Word says we are to “ be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Thank you for bringing people beside him that will speak the Word. Move-in him in a mighty way. We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump and ask that he will be calling for that National Day of Repentance and that it will go forth from this nation around the globe.
Sharon (VA): Father, we rejoice with You. I pray that what he spoke will be words that are planted deep, will take root, and send out seeds. Mold him to be one with a forgiving heart as he goes through all of these attacks.
Sarah (GA): Thank You, Father, that he calls on You and prays to You. Continue to love him, bless him , and protect him. Let him stand strong and know that he has a deep relationship with heaven. As he gets older, destroy the enemy. Continue to protect him 24 hours a day. Thank You, Lord, that there are only 4 more days. Our God is a miracle God. We declare and decree that God will destroy all of the wicked.
Anita (NJ): We pray for Alex Jones’ protection and for the President because of all of the harassment by the FBI.
Bobby (WI): Maureen noticed that Trump always used to say: “I did this” and “I did that” but now, he says “we.” Both his sons are marksmen and said that it had to be a true Divine protection when he was shot… a miracle. We praise the Lord that this whole incident was turned it for good from evil. Romans 8:28 President Reagan was changed after his assassination attempt, and Trump has changed as well. There are so many things we don’t understand that are difficult and dangerous, yet as long as we are under Your wings, we are protected Psalm 91. We have that blessed assurance.
Ps Ioan: It is wonderful if he can love his enemies; that is difficult for many of us.
Bobby (WI): Another thing he said tonight: “I think Biden likes me better than Kamala.” I think that in other circumstances they would get along much better. Thank You for his childlike nature.
Ps Ioan: Spoke about how Trump calls us the heart and soul of America, not garbage. Begins to talk about problems in swing states. People waiting hours to vote. Over 2000 ballots were saved in one state, 120k duplicate ballots were found in another state. This did not happen 4 years ago. Everyone thought that everything was fair and square. Trump said the corruption is so big in this country.
We prayed corporately that votes would be protected and that God would position people in all key places where
for the security of the election.
Brad (VA): Former AG Bill Barr told judges and the DOJ not to pursue any fraud nor prosecute voters.
Lord, let your eyes be upon every polling place. We place this in your hands.
Ps Ioan: Let us pray for the Judiciary and Executive branches of our government.
Anita (NJ): Heavenly Father we are concerned about Texas cheating and they are trying to turn into a blue state and how they are encouraging illegal aliens to vote. That Texas does not turn blue in Jesus’ name
Debbie (TX): There are some warning signs and the conservatives are not to be baited by the wiles of the enemy. There’s so much cheating; you wonder what’s going on, whether there’s some litigation underway on some level. Father, I thank You that You know everything from TX to CA to FL to HI…there’s nothing that You don’t see. You know all the motivations. We believe that You have a covenant with this nation and Your desire is that we fulfill the mission to be “a city on a hill.” Move on all individuals preparing for litigation. that they would not act without consulting You. We know that You have a plan. Help us to be still and to trust You with the blueprints from Heaven. Let everybody humbly bow before You. Be high and lifted up. Give us patience because it’s not going to be over on Tuesday. For your glory.
John (NJ): I want to confirm something Debbie said. All of this latent cheating and documenting and making it public…my stomach has been turning. It’s a provocation to get people to react. All of the angst, attacks, and now calling us “garbage.” This is a cult of death. Father, we thank You that You have blanketed this nation with Your Shalom. There is no natural explanation except that You are love, You are mercy. The nation will not be provoked or tricked into a trap, Into a media headline of January 6th. They can’t be sedated, they are too dangerous…with pervasive words of lying and manipulation. When the storm is over, let the righteous be rooted and the wicked be uprooted. When pride comes, then comes disgrace. Bring down the Marxists. We thank You for the peace that covers this nation. We thank you that your people will not be trapped. We will not be led by emotions. Bind the spirit of retaliation; loosen the spirit of responsibility and wisdom. We thank You that no one will be established through wickedness. This evil government has operated under “the ends justify the means.” The word “Pinkerton” came to me. They were the strong arm, the hired hand of the government. They burned, looted, stole, they did atrocities and their mantra was the end justify the means. They were the precursor to the CIA and the FBI. We bind that spirit, we pray that you would shut it down. We pray for confusion for all of these henchmen setting traps. Open them up to opportunities for salvation. We pray like President Trump: “Forgive them.” Extend mercy
Desiree (NY): Gregory Sendstrum has been involved with corrupt elections since 2016. He was saying that we must remain peaceful for it is their desire to take us into a civil war. I couldn’t help think of Romania when the whole country came together. As Americans, we should do the same thing. Sing hymns in the name of Jesus
declaring Jesus is Lord. The only reason they want to extend the elections is so that they can cheat. We will not sit back idly. We will come in decently and in order. We will use our cell phones and record and not be violent. You are not done with America. Mind control be severed in the name of Jesus. Standing in the gap for the three generations. That you would be glorified. That people will say, God saved the United States of America. Strengthen all of these men and women of God, so that those imprisoned will be better mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, in Jesus’ Name.
Ps Ioan: Maureen had this impression: that we should worship God throughout the day on November 5th, Election Day. Spend it worshiping and praising the Lord. Expect this to happen on Tuesday… all day long.
President Trump’s response to those who attack him is “I love you.” On the other side, all they do is divide this nation. Let’s worship the Lord, let’s bring praise to our God.
“Kamala’s closing message to America is that she hates you—My closing message is that I love America! I am asking for your vote, but I want you to know that whether you vote for me or not, when I win, I will fight for you with every breath in my body!”
“We are done with the hoaxes and hysteria from Democrats. We will not let them continue to divide and destroy our country. Our coalition is as diverse as our country. Everyone who wants to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is welcome to join us.”
“On issue after issue, Kamala BROKE IT and I will FIX IT. On top of it all, Kamala says she would not do one thing differently from Joe Biden, which is DISQUALIFYING!!”
“Kamala and Joe call us all “garbage”. I call you the HEART and SOUL of AMERICA!”
“For the past 9 years, Kamala and her party have called us racists, bigots, fascists, deplorable, irredeemables, and they call me Hitler…They’ve taken your money, they’ve thrown open our borders to criminals…They’ve sent our blood and treasure to fight in stupid foreign wars—This Tuesday is your chance to stand up and declare you are not going to take it anymore—VOTE!”
“We caught them CHEATING BIG in Pennsylvania. Must announce and PROSECUTE, NOW! This is a CRIMINAL VIOLATION OF THE LAW. STOP VOTER FRAUD! CHECK OUT KAMALA’S NEW SLEAZEBAG LAWYER. WE ARE ON THEM ALL THIS TIME! Who would have ever thought that our Country is so CORRUPT?”
“Today’s jobs report is a great embarrassment for our Nation. Kamala has lied for years about their pathetic job growth, which has never been real. Kamala killed 46,000 manufacturing jobs, while 773,000 Americans have lost employment in just the last year—all while their jobs have been taken by foreign-born workers. America is a Nation in Decline because Sleepy Joe, and Lyin’ Kamala, didn’t do their job. “TRUMP” WILL FIX IT! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! GO VOTE!”
Ps Ioan spoke about George Soros’ involvement in our elections and his determination to destroy the United States of America from within. 8 years ago, something happened with Hillary Clinton. They covered up the cheating…and the same thing is happening with Kamala Harris. Let’s pray for these evil puppets to be stopped in the next few days. Something to come out and stop it before the elections. Pray for the evil to be stopped from taking over the country. A full stop in the next two days.
We prayed corporately for accountability in our voting/election process.
Ps Ioan: Someone had an impression to pray for Kamala Harris in the next 2-3 days
Sarah (GA): Father, we thank You for Your anointing. We bless our nation. Never fear. We trust in You, Lord, with all our hearts. Thank You for strengthening the men and women of God. You have the best in mind for all of Your people. We are a great army in You. We pray for more visitation, more miracles, and more supernatural actions!
Ps Ioan: Explained what can happen if those who are corrupt lead our nation. Listen to what is happening to true patriots, like the J6ers, denied the right to vote while career criminals are encouraged to vote.
January 6 Prisoners Denied Right to Vote While Career Criminals Cast Ballots!
In an appalling move of tyranny, political prisoners from January 6, locked up in the Washington, DC jail for nearly four years, are being denied the right to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. Even as other inmates, including career criminals, carjackers, thugs, and violent repeat offenders, are escorted to early voting stations, these American heroes are being cruelly blocked from exercising their fundamental rights. As the rest of the jail population sees their voices counted in this critical election, these patriots are left without representation. The Gateway Pundit obtained an exclusive statement from inside “The Gulag” from J6 political prisoner Jake Lang, who has been detained for 1400 days without a trial – 900 of those have been in solitary confinement. “We are officially the most disenfranchised group in American history; they stole our vote in 2020 – and now after waiting 4 long, hard years in dark, musty prison cells – we are having our VOTE STOLEN from us AGAIN! These Marxists have a playbook, and to systematically deny us our ability to elect Conservatives and Constitutionalists, they are trying to turn America into an autocratic nightmare.”
Ps Ioan: Let us pray for the J6 prisoners
Bobby (WI): Prayed for the food that they eat, the lack of sunshine, psychological and mental stress, not be able to do anything. My heart is so overwhelmed with sorrow and grief for them. We lift them up to You, Lord Jesus. Let someone be moved. Help them, Father, to reach out. Fill them with strength. Just use a verse to encourage them…whatever You can use, encourage them.
A participant (NY): We thank You for doing a new thing for the J6ers and their families. We remember them; You also remember them. You keep them every day of their lives and they have learned to encourage themselves. You will recompense them and their families. This is a new season. You told prophet Kim Clement that Donald Trump would be “a two-term president.” We pray that when he is president, Donald Trump will release the J6ers quickly.
Kayla (NY): Raise up people in prison ministry. Allow the J6ers to vote. We pray for Your love to be returned and You will heal this nation. Reinstate the right to vote through an article or an amendment to make this clear.
We prayed corporately, lifting up all who have been accused, tried, and imprisoned unjustly…
and those with pending cases, such as President Trump, and all the others being persecuted!
Then, in solidarity with the J6ers, Desiree (NY) led us as we sang the National Anthem
from our homes across the nation!
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
May they enjoy the sweet Presence of the Lord in their prison cells tonight,
and be comforted and at peace, knowing that God is near!
Ps Ioan: President Trump is suing CNN for $10 Billion For Deceptively Editing ’60 Minutes’ Interview with Kamala Harris.
RFK, Jr. has been asked to lead the restructuring of the CDC, NIH, FDA and part of the USDA as of today (…and he said: “Yes!”) We can save $2-3 T every year. This government cannot cover the huge amount of money borrowed by us as loans. That means more taxes! Kamala always says: “Let’s move forward!” but has never said anything specific. Let us welcome a better future for the United States. We prayed for RFK!
Melissa (VA): Prayed a blessing over RFK, Jr, that the Lord would give him Divine strategy
Peter (FL): Prophecy, the era will be known as “before Trump and after Trump.” Isaiah 45. He prayed Jeremiah 1:9-10. Lead your Church out of the darkness, out of Babylon. Lead with the joy of the Lord.
Brad (VA): Teaching on 7 seven mountains, concur with Melissa’s prayer make America healthy again…RFK, Jr. has a whole army of people committed to tear down the things that are not for the people. May he be an evangelist for God’s army. Bring him into the Kingdom.
Celeste (WI): Pray for all of the Church. All of the Body. We need your revelation and wisdom. This filth has been going on for so long, it will be a great shaking. I know something great is coming. Help us to understand the people that are coming under your judgment. We pray for their souls. They have sown wicked things so help us understand. Help entrepreneurs that are bringing good things for our food system. Also, Let there be an entire loosening from Roe v Wade.
Mary Ellen (IL): Father, we pray over Health and Human Services (HHS)…a department that approves hormone blockers. As the wise men followed the star, they were in the darkness. They followed the star because in their hearts, they knew they were going the right way. As RFK, Jr. gets in position, let him not get deterred but follow Jesus closely and adhere to what Jesus wants for all of His children.
Desiree (NY): Trump talked about a “transfer of wealth” at a gathering with Wall Street minds. Father, as we pray about the transfer of money, we thank You for the brilliant minds that were once in the Financial District in NY. We commit them to You, men and women of integrity — not men of greed — will be a part of this. This is a new day. Thank you for the realignment of wealth. We have entered a kingdom era. Rand Paul, Elon Musk, RFK, Jr. …we bless each and every one of them in the roles they are about to take on. Strengthen those who have a desire to see Your Kingdom enter this nation in this era. Your kingdom come and Your will be done. Let the Gospel be preached in all the nations.
Ps Ioan: Asked: Do you consider yourself a supporter of Trump? Harris-Walz surrogate Mark Cuban just went on The View and insulted tens of millions of American women, saying: “Donald Trump — you never see him around strong, intelligent women. Ever. It’s just that simple.” Will the Harris-Walz campaign disavow this pathetic, outrageous, and disgusting remark from their top surrogate? In the closing days of their desperate campaign, the Harris-Walz campaign has now smeared Trump supporters as “garbage,” compared Trump supporters to Nazis, and implied women who support Trump are neither strong nor intelligent. While Kamala perpetuates hate and division, President Trump is standing up for tens of millions of Americans — of ALL genders, races, religions, and ethnicities — by focusing on the issues that matter to them.
Matthew 12:3 speaks to this: “Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
Angela (CA): I got a revelation about what he said. Numbers 27:7 speaks of when the daughters of Zelophehad had their father’s inheritance given to them. Trump might have worked with Cuban in the business industry but for Cuban speaking as he did. Lord, thank You for the doors that are swinging wide for your daughters. Let the daughters of Zelophehad stand up. Thank you for the morality and love that comes forth from our First Lady Melania, and that Donald Trump embraces them. There will be so many women in positions of power and authority because we submit to the power and authority of God. We loose the authority of President Trump to promote women.
Barb (WI): RFK, Jr. said human life begins at conception.
Ps Ioan: Thanked us for our responses, saying we had responded in the way he expected. He shared these verses:
“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.”
1 Peter 4:12-16
Ps Ioan shared these stories:
A HUGE WIN: Judge Orders Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State to Release List of 218,000 Registered Voters Who Did Not Provide Proof of Citizenship Today, the Superior Court of Arizona issued a ruling in America First Legal’s (AFL) lawsuit against the Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and the Secretary of State’s Office, ordering Secretary Fontes to immediately produce the list of individuals who registered to vote without providing proof of citizenship as required by law. The number of individuals affected by this issue is approximately 218,000. Secretary Fontes announced in September that a longtime computer glitch had allowed 218,000 individuals to register to vote without providing proof of citizenship, even though Arizona law requires such proof. Earlier this month, AFL sued to obtain this list on behalf of the Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona, known as “” Arizona’s Public Records Law requires Secretary Fontes to produce this type of voter information for members of the public who request it, and Secretary Fontes’s Office regularly produces voter lists in response to such requests. After Secretary Fontes violated the law and refused to hand over these records, AFL swiftly sued to demand accountability. This lawsuit is critically important to the integrity of the upcoming presidential election as the official results for the presidential race in Arizona 2020 list the margin of victory as being only 10,457 votes. Today, AFL has secured a win after the Court ruled that the Secretary of State must produce this list by Monday, November 4, 2024 — one day before the U.S. presidential election.
We prayed corporately and gave thanks for this news and asked that God position His holy angels to watch over and make this election function for the benefit of our people. Raise up protection for the elections and let there be Divine intervention on the day of the election…that it would be impossible to rig.
Ps Ioan: Thanked everyone for all of these years of faithfulness and trust and invited God’s powerful Presence into our nation.
National / Global Day of Repentance,
Sunday, November 3rd
Zoom Call at 2 pm EST
Sunday November 3rd, 2024, 2 pm Eastern time – 2-hour National / Global Prayer and Repentance Zoom – focusing on the USA – prior to the Presidential Elections on November 5th, 2024. Register here to join: or
The recording will be available afterwards on the National Day of Repentance YouTube Channel:
On November 5th, we will be “on the call and on the wall”
praying that God will answer our cry to restore righteousness in this land!
AMEN and AMEN! HalleluYah!
We shared in communion and closed the call singing SHABBAT SHALOM!
REMINDER to UPHOLD and PRAY for VICTORY for President Trump and JD Vance
as they speak TRUTH to all! Give them favor and keep them in perfect peace!
With our love and blessings.
Ps Ioan (and Maureen)
There is a NEED for FT Facilitators to cover these 2 hours weekly!
*** Please see which hour might fit into your schedule!***
(Convert Eastern Time (ET) to that of your own time zone!)
3 AM ET Wednesday
2 PM ET Sunday
Using the “two by two” Biblical model, we also have “Co-Facilitators” to help Facilitators carry the call.
(This ensures us each hour is always covered…and the need for subs can be eliminated!)
We need those who are willing to step up and stand in the gap for the 24/7 NSPC!
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve for an hour a week…407-810-4665)
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our 24/7 family to be open and willing to rise up and serve
at this 11th hour for our nation’s destiny and deliverance!
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