Nov 1, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

11-01-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Tonight, we declare total war against sickness and as we surrender our bodies, minds and spirits to You, we ask that You take over our lives! As we prepare to enter Your Presence, we honor You and
Lord, by such things people live; and my spirit finds life in them too.
You restored me to health and let me live.
Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish.
In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction;
you have put all my sins behind your back.
Isaiah 38:16-17
We prayed for healing for the following;
- Frank Shield, MT – Wanda’s husband – has a tennis ball-sized mass in his pancreas
- Doug Abruzzo, FL – Sonia’s husband – multiple transfusions, hemoglobin levels way down, bone marrow not producing blood cells, and no immune system to speak of
- Philip (CA) had all his teeth taken out this week, and is having implants put in, and thank the Lord for total recovery
- Vai Nuusa, CO – Repeka’s husband recovering after knee cap replacement
- Gary, NC – Andrea’s husband – nodule on his thyroid, going in for follow up, to decide treatment
- Troy (CA) – asked for a creative miracle to remove all the heavy metals in his body
- Gloria (NJ) has bladder problems, and her husband has had years of tremors, which are getting worse, and her brother Steve (68) is showing out, hard to live with and is mean to everyone
- Willis (HI) a friend of Philip’s who has no strength
- Sharon (Paraguay) – Her aunt Marjorie is 107, is involved in Scientology and needs salvation, and has numerous skin cancers. If they would drop off, that might cause her to believe.
- Lori (WY) – a family of friends, healing after stroke for the husband
- Daniel, MT – Rhonda’s husband – having back fusion surgery – pray also for Cheryl and her back, that she would walk out her healing
- Kara (WY) has something going on physically – private
- Kimberly (CA) needs healing of her back – pain moves around – also asked for Anita (NJ) back as well
- Diane (CA) still having lightheadedness and dizziness, and has had several falls, and has lost her driver’s license until she improves – going for more tests, and will have an MRI – no power for several days
- Sherrill (TX) battling bronchial things for 3 wks – diagnosed with COPD – feels its reaction to air
- Kris (CA) thanked God for her cochlear implant – acid reflux erodes her voice box and esophagus, so she is limited in how long she can talk
- Craig (VA), Debbie’s husband – has a lot of medical problems – re: BP and muscle loss – meds mess up his blood sugars, and he is always tired.
- Julie (NC) – her son Rex (54) has cancer in his brain, liver and lungs – chemo has reduced it to 16%. He is such a kind individual, and never speaks badly of others
- Sally (WY) needs healing for congestion, and her friend Dottie needs healing for her voice box
- Nancy (FL) she is struggling with balance, and has been told it’s an inner ear problem – wants to walk straight
- Juanele (NC) total healing from any of the effect of the stroke she had 3 years ago – still has held over issues from it. Her sister Angela (51) has kidney failure, is on the kidney register and needs a transplant
- Diane (MT) her friend Nancy Kruger, part of our 24/7 family, is housebound and needs home care
- Glenda (CA) has a friend Shauna, whose Mother is starving to death, and is a skeleton now. Her girlfriend is frantic for her Mother, Juanita, and wants to see her live.
- Others have issues that were not mentioned, but we stand for their healing as well!
Maureen said that now we know why the Lord wanted us to start this night with prayer for healing! Pastor Ioan asked if there was anyone on the call that was in perfect health, not in need of healing. We asked them to pray!
Julie (NC) prayed James 5:15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Debbie (VA) while we were taking names, she saw God blow on us and knock us out in the Spirit. The POWER OF GOD is upon us! Let all be healed!
Diane (MT) Lord, You gave us promises, and told us that greater works would we do! We trust you and take You at Your Word, and pray for Your complete healing for each and every one! By Your stripes we are healed! Speak to each heart and tell them Who You are to them, soi they can take hold fast to the knowledge of what You’ve done!
Wanda (MT) the Holy Spirit is binding Himself to your body, flowing through your blood, we welcome You, Holy Spirit, to be bound to each and every one of us! We call forth each body part, ailment and attack, and ask that You bind Yourself to it and purify it with Your love, rearranging the molecules and resetting it to Your original intent! We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and we thank You, Holy Spirit! Marvelous are Your works, Lord! We welcome You to flow through and DO HOLY SPIRIT SURGERY on each one! This is a movement of refreshing and restoration taking over the body…sickness be gone! We have nothing in common with you! We break it off, Lord and we call forth the connections of the blood to the brain! Let this 24.7 family be well and whole, with ONE VOICE in YOU!
Albert (CA) We bind ourselves to Your Word and thank You for Your comfort to each of us and thank You that Your healing is made manifest in us! We pray and give You thanks, Lord!
Paul (NY) Praised God for healing him from a double hernia, BP, vertigo and growths on his body! There is nothing too difficult for YOU! You were wounded for us…and by Your stripes we ARE healed! Isaiah 53:5
Nancy (NY) the woman who touched the hem of your garment is symbolic of those on this prayer call. We are reaching out to You, Lord, as we are praying for one another. We curse all these sicknesses and diseases and cut them off at the roots. Thank You for Your power coming forth touching and healing all on this line! You healed me of cancer and agoraphobia, and I wait to hear all the good reports that will be coming forth!
Laurel (WA) read verses from Psalms 31 and 32, Psalm 107:20, Proverbs 3:5-8, Proverbs 16:24, Psalm 103:1-5
and sang in Hebrew over the call, and pronounced a blessing in the name of Yahveh.
Pastor Ioan shared that in this moment of prayer for healing of our 24/7 family, he was prompted to ask us to extend this prayer for healing over the President, for he needs it!
- Therefore, we now pray for restoration and healing for the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
- We also pray for his doctors, that no enemy will be able to come close to his body.
- Only those who are Godly will be able to touch him and minister to him. All those who are caring for him will do so under the guidance of the Holy Spirit!
We prayed corporately for the President, covering him with our love, asking God to protect and give a supernatural strength for him!
- We were exhorted to SPEAK LIFE to him!
- We prayed that there would be no poison through food or medication that would harm him!
“…thus says the Lord God: “It shall not stand, Nor shall it come to pass.”
Isaiah 7:7
(with 77 people on the line)
- When we are around the demonically possessed, they drain us of our energy, just as when we are around Godly people, they are pouring out to us! We ask that You will create a shield of protection around the President, to keep him from being affected by ungodly people who would drain his energy, both physical and spiritual. Let only those who are Your children be allowed to come near to and be around him!
We were reminded that after Welcoming the King of Glory into California, a few days later, we were in the Florida Keys and did the same thing. During the time in Florida, the Lord revealed that we would WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY into this nation in Florida, at Mar-a-Lago, with the President! This week, the President announced that he is transferring his official “state of residence” from NY to FL! That means that the State of FL will be home to the highest (human) governing official in the US and world! HalleluYah!
Now, we contrast the two reports:
- That the President’s life is threatened, that there are those around him that would seek to poison him and that the demonic are seeking ways to get to him, and drain him of his strength.
- The President is strong, healthy and protected…and he will continue to do his job on behalf of the nation! At some point, he will WELCOME THE KING OF GLORY INTO THE NATION…in Florida!
WHO’s report will believe? We will believe the report of the Lord! He says the President is strong, healthy and protected…and that he will be able to continue to work he is doing on behalf of this nation and our people…and one day, he will welcome the KING OF GLORY into FL! HalleluYah!
Maureen said she keeps seeing Haman’s gallows, as she did
Now, what we have prayed for our President, we receive for ourselves what we have prayed for him…protection, strength, health and the ability to do all God has purposed for us and all that we have committed to in His service! We prayed into that corporately!
Now we prayed individual prayers!
- Philip (CA) things shifted this week;
- Donna (NY)
- Julie (NC) “Are you giving the enemy more air time in what he is doing through man? Would you not praise Me for what I am doing, for what you have asked Me to do and what My Word says I am doing?” There are so many promises in God’s Word that if we spend that time with Him, we will see the things He is doing, instead of focusing on the enemy’s work! You are building our President up and the enemy can not pull him down! The enemy can’t pull us down!
- Marie (CA) while praying for the President, she thought “OD IS THE SHIELD AROUND HIM…” THE GLORY AND THE LIFTER OF HIS HEAD!”
- Mary Ellen (IL) got 1 John 5:18 “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps ]himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.” He is in perfect health!
- Diane (MT) You are the God eternal and You protect those who stand in righteousness...and You are still the same God Who created all things, including us.
- Marilyn (KY) Jesus, You have kept President Trump in good health and are protecting him from all the wiles of the enemy, who seeks to kill him. Just as Josua and Caleb were strong in their later years, so too, give Donald Trump strength and energy… and make him an overcomer…strong, healthy and wise!
We speak to that “mountain” of garbage that has been dumped on our President… the lies, the false accusations, the innuendos, the misrepresentations…every word…and say that it will be removed! Mark 11:23 says:
“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
All these things are coming together tonight, and we now look at John 8:1-11
“But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Now ]early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now [Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”
This past week, as the Democrats tried to trap the President, Jesus was again writing names on the ground! There were 14 Democrat pastors who voted against the President yesterday! The Democrats were acting like a pack of jackals, attacking a wounded prey…but they are the real prey, for the darkness that wants to destroy them!
“O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake Thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from Me
shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters.”
Jeremiah 17:13
Either our names are written in the Book of Life, or on the ground! You can not have both…its one or the other! These people are in serious trouble. Bring a great conviction come upon them, so that they will wake up before its too late. Let them be saved…from the fate they have called upon themselves!
We cry out for that conviction, so that they will repent. Let them know that they have caused their names to be written on the ground… and that they will be wiped out! We ask for mercy for them, that they might turn, repent and be saved!
We took communion together and sang in gratitude for the Body and Blood of Jesus that heals, nurtures and protects us!
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love;
according to your great compassion, blot out my many transgressions
and wash away all my iniquity, cleanse me from sin.
Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison!
Lord, have mercy! Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy on us! Come and heal our land.
Cleanse with Your fire, heal with Your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon You now.
O Lord, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us!
We closed the call on a sober note, reflecting on the coming “Day of Corporate Repentance by the Body of Christ in the United States of America” this Sunday, November 3rd!
SHABBAT SHALOM to all our 24/7 family and those we love and pray for!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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