May 31, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

05-31-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
We opened in prayer, blessing God for His goodness to us, and then together received the Ephesians 6 armor so graciously provided for us by our loving and protective God.
“Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.
Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.
Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield,
for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one!
Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.
And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.”
Ephesians 6
We prayed corporately to receive the full armor of God, and to wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Our 24/7 participants, Daniel and Debbie (TX), who were on-site in Geneva and Davos, with Andrai and Denisa, (Romania / Germany) have fulfilled their assignment and returned to the US, arriving less than an hour before we began this call! We are grateful for their safe return and invited Debbie to give us an update.
- She first thanked everyone for the support the 24/7 family gave them throughout the assignment!
- RE: the portion re: CERN Site 8-LHCb). Pastor Ioan determined the exact site, and Andrai drove them to the place where the three of them prayed for CERN! While praying in the Spirit, DebbieAnfrai interpreted her prayer language. The message was “I rebuke you, mammon.”
- She called those whose hearts were not completely reprobate to COME OUT OF THAT EVIL SITE!
- There was no fear at all…and they had little resistance, due to the prayer coverage they had received.
- They spent time with Elizabeth in Geneva, and with Marie as well…who took a 2 ½ hour train ride to reach them. They were joined in prayer and worship by Robert from OK by phone, as he played his harp!
- Marie saw many cogs joining into the 24/7.
- Debbie sensed a connection between what happened in Barrow, AK, and what took place there in Switzerland and Germany.
- Pastor Ioan had told them that they should be prepared to be SURPRISED! And they were when they had a reunion with a friend from Africa who is a Lt Col in the army in Mauritania. They had dinner together and shared with him about their assignment there and what happened with the WHO and WEF.
- She praised God for the entire journey…which was amazing!
LIBERTY COUNSEL released this message re: the WHO
Stunning Defeat for Biden Amendments at the WHO
May 31, 2022
Last week at the 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, the Biden administration’ attempt to present 13 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that would empower the World Health Organization (WHO) to unilaterally declare a “public health emergency” for any reason, failed miserably.
None of Joe Biden’s 13 proposed amendments were adopted by the WHO. Rather than reducing the time frame, as Biden sought, the delegates agreed to extend the time for a member nation to reject an amendment from 9 to 10 months. The current 24-month time to implement a regulation after entry into force of an amendment remains the same.
A “Working Group on IHR Amendments” (WGIHR) has been established and there are upcoming meetings scheduled to continue the process of discussing proposed IHR amendments. The timelines for IHR amendments and a new Pandemic Treaty are as follows:
Proposed IHR Amendments Timeline:
- September 30, 2022 – deadline for proposed amendments to IHR
- October 1, 2022 – Director-General to convene IHR Review Committee to make technical recommendations on the proposed IHR amendments
- November 15, 2022 – WGIHR meets to consider IHR amendments
- January 15, 2023 – IHR Review Committee reports to the Director-General
- May 2023 – Present proposed IHR amendments at the 76th annual World Health Association meeting
Proposed New Pandemic Treaty Timeline:
- June 16-17 – request to speak or submit written statement regarding the new Pandemic Treaty
- August 1 – working draft of new Pandemic Treaty is submitted
Throughout the week, delegates from nations like Australia, the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States spoke in support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty.
However, other countries such as Africa, Brazil, Brunei, Namibia, Bangladesh, Russia, Malaysia, India, China, and Iran expressed reservations or objected to the proposed amendments. Brazil said it would exit the WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments. The African delegation expressed reservations about these IHR amendments, saying all reforms should be tackled together as part of a “holistic package” later. Iran and Malaysia are reported to have also expressed reservations to the proposed IHR amendments, while Russia and Brazil seem set to possibly exit the WHO.
Therefore, when the WHA ended on Saturday, May 28, the Biden administration failed to have its proposed amendments added to the IHR.
On January 18, 2022, officials from the Biden administration quietly sent the WHO the original 13 amendments to the current International Health Regulations and tried to keep them hidden without an official statement or a single press conference. These were not made public until April 12, 2022, when a researcher, discovered them on March 31. The proposed amendments, in combination with the existing ones, enabled Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and any future Director-General to have unrestricted powers to define and then implement their interventions and to declare “health emergencies” at will.
During the WHA in Geneva on Tuesday, May 24, a new set of amendments, “Conference Page 7,” was submitted in complete violation of Article 55 Section 2 of the IHR, which requires amendments to be submitted at least four months prior to the WHA. After more than 50 nations objected, the secretary reserved rooms so they could have “backroom discussions” in order to persuade those countries that were objecting to the amendments. These efforts failed.
We prayed corporately and then individually, in gratitude for these results!
- Richard (AK) so thankful for the VICTORY and for Debbie and Daniel and Andrai and Denisa being there, and for the 24/7 backing them up. We are thankful that we are winning this war, and we will continue to win, and take our country back!
- Mary Ellen (IL) Psalm 121:1-2I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.”
- Joan (AZ) We say: “Onward, Christian Soldiers…!” and the on-site team did an outstanding job of “boots on the ground!”
- Danielle (SC) Romans 8:31-32 “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Make us battle-ready, and let us line up to receive our orders!
- Sherrill (TX) Hearing: “He makes even his enemies be at peace with him.” and it is amazing that Russia, China, and others were against the amendments!
Pastor Ioan noted that the response time by our 24/7 team was remarkable…even when it was short notice. What happened at CERN is critical for the end times…as the enemy is trying to find the “GOD PARTICLE” and be like God! In their blindness and depraved minds, they are daring to confront God! We pray for a restoration of their sight, and the release of their minds so that they can be set free. We pray for this project at CERN to fail…and all their resources (mammon) to be cut off! We prayed corporately for further understanding of this, then offered individual prayers, insights, revelations, et all about this.
- Peter (FL) shared about Keena Cowsert in FL, who is networking intercessors in 87 counties.
- Danielle (SC) There is a demonic matrix…(which is like a cup that holds something)…and when she asked how to break through it, God said we can’t …He is the only One Who can do it! A matrix is a bunch of numbers…mathematical equations…and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet can break the code. The use of the Hebrew language is a strategy of warfare for the end times.
Maureen looked up: “MATRIX, defined as “an organizational structure in which two or more lines of command, responsibility, or communication may run through the same individual.”She thought of the fallen angels and the structure which operates under satan.
Pastor Ioan said Scripture tells us the origin of all things is the WORD of God…Jesus! He spoke the world into being. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Jews believe that Torah came and spoke with GOD…and that Torah was a person.. (Who became flesh and dwelt among us!)
The following link may be used to read about the Hebrew alphabet!
Last week was huge for President Trump, as he spoke at the NRA in Houston, TX and at the Event Center in Casper, WY. Sally (WY) shared her experience there, in the midst of the largest crowd ever gathered there! She loved it when President Trump said: “Liz Cheney, you’re fired!”She had prayed in June 2018 for this event to be held there. They endured very intense weather…with a double rainbow overhead! and it took place exactly as she had prayed…HalleluYah!
- Sally prayed that God would clean the swamp and bring in the right people to serve in this state!
Statement by President Trump:
“America needs real solutions and real leadership in this moment, not politicians and partisanship. That’s why I will keep my longtime commitment to speak in Texas at the NRA Convention and deliver an important address to America. In the meantime, we all continue to pray for the victims, their families, and for our entire nation—we are all in this together!
Compare how great America was just two years ago, with today. No Inflation, the WAR with Russia going into Ukraine would NEVER have happened (zero chance!), $1.87 per gallon gasoline, Energy Independence & soon Energy DOMINANCE – leave Afghanistan with dignity and strength, not surrender, death, and 85 Billion Dollars worth of equipment left to the enemy – a completely REBUILT Military, and with the addition of SPACE FORCE – Biggest Tax and Reg Cuts EVER, historic Jobs numbers, and so much more!
A massive surge of illegal immigrants is right now taking place at our Southern Border – A surge like never seen before and coming in, totally unimpeded. Over 100 countries are “represented.” Our Country is being destroyed!
Our Legal System is CORRUPT, our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised or just plain scared, our Borders are OPEN, our Elections are Rigged, Inflation is RAMPANT, gas prices and food costs are “through the roof,” our Military “Leadership” is Woke, our Country is going to HELL, and Michael Sussmann is not guilty. How’s everything else doing? Enjoy your day!!!”
We prayed corporately, then offered individual prayers:
- Richard (AK) prayed for the citizens of this nation to stand up and speak out
- Susan (GA) was at the Cobb CO Elections Board meeting today, where they certified the results, even though they knew that it was corrupt. They were told if they didn’t like it to take it to court! She stood up and objected, but was told to sit down!
- Sherrill (TX) let the citizens take the challenge to go court
- Mary Ellen (IL) praised God for Susan standing up and speaking the truth! Let “We, the people” rise together and speak the truth into the atmosphere!
- Judy (VA) help us prepare the way for the King of Glory to come in
- Debbie (RX) thanked God for Susan’s boldness and that it encourages others to stand up. Let President Trump return to the Presidency of the US swiftly. Prepare him and Melania to return. Restrain the evil so it can not hinder him!
Susan (GA) sent this info on “throw a monkey wrench into” (something) – and it proved TRUE at WHO!
- To disrupt, foil, or cause problems to a plan, activity, or project. (Primarily used in the US.)
- To sabotage or frustrate a project or plans
- The transfer of industrial sabotage…that is, throwing a tool inside machinery…to other subjects dates from the early 1900s.
RE: the fraudulent elections…so many times we were told that the voting machines were safe…but they were not! They were used to foil the elections! So we pray that there will be a way to “throw a monkey wrench into them!”We prayed that the ballot boxes be removed so there can be fair and free elections!
We prayed corporately for our beloved President Trump, and for Melania, Barron and the entire family. Let the grace of God guard and keep them all, so that the President is free to focus on what pertains to this nation as he prepares to retake the White House and lead us into the destiny that God has for us!
When we first started to pray for the WHO and then the WEF, we received a notice from MailChimp that somehow, we had violated community standards, and that our account had been suspended…and that took place by artificial intelligence! We were able to retrieve our information (names, email addresses, et al) and restructure the email distribution through other sources…our website: (…as well as through our 24/7 Google group, Truth Social and Telegram
We shared in communion together, invoking God’s favor and healing for our families. Have mercy, Lord!
We closed our call with love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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