May 31, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

05-31-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
SHABBAT SHALOM! Pastor Ioan said that the blowing of the horns is a prayer and so we opened tonight’s SHABBAT CALL with the sounding of the shofar by Albert and others who have their horns! We then prayed, covering our 24/7 family with the Precious Blood of Jesus, and binding any demonic interference that would dare to raise its head, casting it down into the abyss. We asked to be filled anew with the Spirit and rejoiced together!
“Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. In Your Name they rejoice all day long, and in Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength, and in Your favor our horn is exalted. For our shield belongs to the Lord, and our king to the Holy One of Israel.” Psalm 89:15-18
We sang: “Let’s just praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Let’s just lift our hands toward heaven and praise the Lord!“
/ “I need a touch from the Master! He is holy! Hallelujah!” / “More of You and less of me, Jesus!” / “His Glorious Bride” – a new song from Joy – FL / “Jesus, at the mention of Your name, every knee must bow!”
Jane prayed that everyone would know the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, and there would be blessings on those on the SHABBAT Call as never before!
At this time of year, many in our families are celebrating transitions in school, including graduations! One of Maureen’s grandsons, Carter, is transitioning from 5th grade into Middle School, and Ioan’s youngest son, Filip is about to enter his final year at Biola University, where he has maintained a straight A average for the past three years. Members of the 24/7 family have contributed to Filip’s support over the last three years, and Filip sent the following letter to thank our 24/7 family personally! He will also be joining us tonight on the call.
Letter of Support and Thankfulness
Hello dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is by the grace of God that I was able to finish yet another semester at Biola University. The Lord has yet again blessed me through your loving gifts to continue my education at such a wonderful university. I am surrounded by loving professors and students that are teaching me to grow in His likeness as each day goes by. If this is not enough, the Lord has also increasingly blessed me in my studies with a continuing GPA of 4.0 in all my classes. Thus, I am thankful to both you and Yahweh for how faithful you have been, and for the many ways you have cared for me. Through your countless prayers, letters of encouragement, and personal support, God has brought me thus far, close to the finish line in my educational upbringing.
This semester, The Lord has blessed me with my driver’s license, and my first old beat-down car worthy of a college student (her name is Betsy). He has blessed me unimaginable growth in maturity in my relationship with my girlfriend and has gifted me my first-year anniversary with her. The Lord has blessed me with many wonderful Christian mentors whom I adhere to learn about Christ and His Church. The Lord has blessed me with a work ethic that has made me trust and rely on Him even more, as I worked 18 credit hours while working 20 hours a week. Finally, the Lord is answering our prayers when it comes to my ability to stay in America, as I have been granted a work permit by the American government. By the grace of God, I will hopefully have my green card as well.
And now, I ask of you, brothers and sisters, to please help me finish this race. I am readying myself for life as an adult, and I could not have gotten as far as I have without your help and the grace of God. Please keep my dad and I in your prayers, and if the Lord puts it on your heart to bless us, we will be eternally grateful. I am looking forward to witnessing how the Lord will provide these last two semesters.
May God bless you and keep you, encourage you in the missions he has called you to, and strengthen you in the work he has commissioned you too! I love you all!
Filip Peia
Filip shared his heart of gratitude to all those who have prayed for and supported him in his studies and asked for prayer for those friends of his who have graduated and are returning to their own countries. He is so thankful for the support he has received to be able to study here in the US and is working toward graduation next year and has received his green card so he can begin working here in the US now, and prepare for a future in the financial industry!
The next semester starts in the late summer, for which Filip will need $19,000. (not the $10,000 he thought!) The total for the entire Senior Year is approximately $38,000 (not counting the $16,300 he will receive in financial aid from Biola University!) Please join us in praying for all the funds necessary to complete his studies and graduate! Lord, help us! The money is there…let it come forth!
- Pastor Peia prayed for and blessed his precious son, Filip, asking God to care for him and his future!
- Audrey (CA) prayed Psalm 34:9-10 and Psalms 84:11 Filip, as a young man is following You, and we claim Your Word for him, as he walks in the steps his father has walked.
- Joy (FL) would like to donate as this is “good ground”
Checks may be made payable to:
On the memo line write:
Filip Peia Scholarship Fund
Mail to:
% Pastor Ioan Peia 1226 Taft Circle Corona, CA 92881
Cindy Collins, one of our 24/7 team and the head of SpeakHope, a pregnancy help center and pro-life ministry headquartered in Slidell, LA, is joining us to share after Democrat Governor John Bell Edwards of LA signed the HEARTBEAT BILL into law. It outlaws abortion as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as 6 weeks gestation, and bans abortion for any reason. Cindy has been involved in this ministry since 1986, and shares her story and is consistent in her efforts to see LIFE nurtured and sustained in LA and across the USA! There have been over 60 million abortions…by over 45 million women…who have experienced abortion! The end of abortion is on us, and it is time! She is asking for prayer for herself, and for Allan Parker, Alveda King, our Governors, our State Legislators, the Supreme Court, our President, and those who have conceived in rape, which is a major issue being debated these days!
Pastor Ioan said that we see a tremendous victory ahead, and that is why there is such a battle! We must cover those on the front lines who are CHAMPIONING LIFE…and will begin to do so daily in our focuses as of Sunday!
A huge blessing is that the Senate of Louisiana has passed the “Love Life Amendment” by a 31-4 vote, sending this constitutional amendment to the residents of Louisiana, who are supposed to vote onit this fall! HB 425 by Rep. Katrina Jackson described it as a simple affirmation of a LA pro-life ethic…“To protect human life, nothing in the Louisiana Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.” Gene Mills, President of LA Family Forum, said that “we look forward to the day Roe v Wade is overturned. This amendment, once approved by the voters of LA, will make clear that the people LA will protect life at all stages and tolerate no attempt to create a right to abortion in our state constitution.”
We prayed corporately for Cindy and then individually:
- Nga (CA) blessed and thanked Cindy for her service to the Kingdom and those she is impacting for LIFE
- Janet (FL) go before Cindy and continue to refresh and keep her healthy, give her rest and SHALOM sleep, and for that same rest over Allan and Susan Parker, Alveda, and all others who serve for life!
- Bobby (WI) prayed for those who are needed inorder to help these mothers, as the changes in the law take place. Raise up those who can genuinely help who understand the pain and will minister to those who are hurting! Send laborers” into this harvest field!
- Bobbi (NC) prayed for the men in this situation, those who know and are complicit, and those who do not know that they have conceived a child who was aborted. Bring healing, repentance and revelation to them, so they might be protectors of children.
- Bobby (WI) she said she believes that when her oldest son, Craig, who committed suicide, said: “I DIED TODAY.” that he represented those men who experience that hurt and shame and regret of abortion.
- CJ (MI) Prayed for Bobby and the circumstances she shared about her son Craig, blessing her and the love she has for her son! Comfort her and use her for Your purposes with those in this battle!
- Donna (MT) reminded us that what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn around for good…by His GRACE! We take our shields of faith and hold them up to protect these warriors!
- Bobby (WI) prayed for the men to have ministry to help them recover from the things they did wrong…and be set free.
Maureen suggested we reach out to Promise Keepers to partner with us in this area, working with men and being a blessing that way!
- Rhonda (MT) asked if there are any men’s recovery ministries, or men’s testimonies that share about it!
- Albert (CA) asked for restoration for our men
- Jane (MD) prayed that people would abstain from sex if they are not ready (married) and prepared to be parents.
Cindy prayed that since abortion is accompanied with such deep trauma, that anyone who has gone through this or has participated in or paid for it, will come to the Lord to be healded! For any we know who need that healing, we now pray! We cut off the spirit of suicide and we speak LIFE…and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY! She asked that congregations and individuals will be prepared to bring the Lord to those in that pain and volunteer to be places of refuge for all who need that healing! Cindy prayed over us and our prayer assignment for LIFE! She declared that “The covenant with death will not stand and the agreement with Sheol will not stand.” Isaiah 28:18 Cindy closed by sharing about the chances she has had to appear on TV and speak about LIFE! She said that as we walk in intimacy with God, responding in love and not reacting, that those who are bound by the enemy will be disarmed and let their guard down and be set free!
We took a moment to pray corporately, giving thanks to the Lord for all He is doing in the LIFE movement!
GOD IS MOVING…More Muslims have turned to Jesus in the past 15 years than in the previous 1,400 years combined. Join history’s most incredible movement of God among Muslims: 30 Days Loving Muslims in Prayer Initiative goes thru June 6th this year.
In many places, public schools have become hotbeds of Islamic propaganda. Christian students are being required to profess in writing, the Islamic conversion creed, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” These are some ot the other things being taught:
- Most Muslim’s faith is stronger than the average Christian.
- Islam at heart is a peaceful religion.
- Jihad is a personal struggle in devotion to Islam, especially involving spiritual discipline.
- To Muslims, Allah is the same God that is worshiped in Christianity and Judaism.
- Men are the managers of the affairs of women and righteous women are therefore obedient.
Teaching Islam in schools has gone far beyond a basic history lesson. Prompted by zealous Islamic activism and emboldened by confusing court decisions, schools are now bending over backwards to promote Islam while at the same time denigrate Christianity. The Supreme Court is now being petitioned to provide the necessary legal guidance to resolve insidious discrimination against Christians in our public schools.
Fatima Eid, our beloved 24/7 teammate (who trains you on the console and so graciously handles the coordination of our facilitation schedule), is a former Muslim from Egypt! She sent the following response to our focus on Islamic indoctrination taking place in our schools. We will read it and then ask her to share with us:
“I want to stress that what the kids in Maryland, California and other areas in the US are asked to recite is the first of the five Pillars expected to follow in Islam. This is exactly what you do to become a Muslim….you say: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” And this is what is required to become a Muslim. Just those words. SO, to the Muslims that are behind this it means these children ARE MUSLIMS. This is what they mean by “all Americans will become Muslims.” In Islam, words are VERY important. Example: If a man “says” to his wife “I divorce you,” by Islamic law, they are divorced. This is much more serious to these extremists than MOST people realize.”
We invited Fatima to take the mic and share her heart with us.
- She opened by praising God for Cindy and the way God used her in her (Fatima’s) life!
- There are 1.7 B Muslims in the world, and maybe only 15% are radical…but that is still a lot! The radical ones come in to the universities and buy them off, controlling with money (mammon). There are radical training camps here in the US and many are being radicalized here on our own soil!
- She reported that there have been people in MI who have been beheaded according to Sharia law and it was permitted “because it’s their religion”.
- Open borders are part of the terrorist plan; we must secure our borders.
- It is critical that we not walk in fear of Muslims, even though the terrorists are real…and they are here. We ask that the Holy Spirit will give us the courage to speak to them and share the love of God…and then be prepared to help them as they transition…for they will loose everything if and when they convert!
We prayed for Fatima and into what she had shared:
- Julie (NC) let us trust in You, Lord, and pray Your Word, for it does not return void…and our prayers will never be amiss. Open our hearts to the harvest field, for it is so ripe! Let Christians be on every corner
- Albert (CA) has a meeting on June 3rd with the CA Deputy Superintendent of Education Khleem Jackson, a Muslim and the # 3 person in charge in the Educational System.
- Jane (MD) asked for prayer for ministry to the men who associate with Louis Farakhan (Nation of Islam)
Today the invitations and information went out for our next two Welcome the King of Glory events, which will take place in Yellowstone National Park and in the Grand Tetons National Park in mid-June! Sally Bohart (WY) and Donna Elford (MT) shared about the preparations for the WTKOG into that region, our first regional WTKOG, covering 3 states: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.
- Sally (WY) shared that there is a lot of Masonic activity there and that spirits of death and suicide are critical problems in the region!
- Donna (MT) a native of the Yellowstone area, facilitates the 12 midnight ET hour on the 24/7, and is so convicted about the need for prayer for this country. She said Montana is a “womb” state, and has passed pro-life legislation twice…which was vetoed by the Governor. She is praying for this time to see the bondage broken so that Montana fulfills its destination.
- If someone is called by the Lord to come, please do not hesitate…let us know! You are most welcome!
We will exit the park by the south gate, and expect a “birthing” will take place from this “womb”…as the KING OF GLORY comes in and displaces that which does not belong in His territory!
We read aloud these verses from Revelation 4:1-11
After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this. ”Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads. And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:“You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.”
On Tuesday night, on our 8-10 PM ET Call to the Wall to Pray for our President, we shared an experience together that brought this to mind. Revelation 4:1 says “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” When we do, we will see and hear what He is sharing with us…and walk in it!
Tuesday evening, we saw and heard the Lord tell us that He was taking over Washington DC, and we said we would see what happened in the next 24 hours. On Wednesday, Mueller appeared and spoke out, stirring things up in the dark realm, further exposing the darkness. God is on the move! HalleluYah!
As we prepare to pray this weekend for our President with over 300 ministries across the nation, and so many who are intercessors, we lift up this initiative…and all who will take part, to the Lord.
- Bring people in to this prayer at every hour, Lord.
- Cause the pulpits to become altars for the people of this nation to be consecrated to You once more!
- Let the pastors and the people come before You on our Presidents behalf filled with JOY!
Pastor Ioan shared that the word “epiphany” is derived from the Greek word “epiphaneia”. It means “appearance,” or “manifestation.” In literary terms, an epiphany is that moment in the story where a character achieves realization, awareness, or a feeling of knowledge, after which events are seen through the prism of this new light in the story. Once we encounter the Lord personally, (an epiphany), our lives are changed permanently! (ie. our salvation experience). After that experience, we are able to literally WALK IN WHAT WE HAVE PERCEIVED! We received it, we believe it and we walk in it! The epiphany of Jesus should be an ongoing experience with God – part of our spiritual life.
We concluded at the COMMUNION TABLE and as we ate the bread and drank of the cup, we received all He wanted to give to us, in Jesus name! We each received a special touch of the Lord…and then we closed.
With deep love and appreciation to all our 24/7 family…
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
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