May 3, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

05-03-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Pastor Ioan opened tonight’s SHABBAT Call by securing the line from any demonic interference and covering it and all of us with the Precious Blood of Jesus! We burst out in song, acknowledging and worshipping our Bridegroom King!
- Holy Lord, Most Holy Lord, You Alone are worthy of our praise!
- A spontaneous song about his Holiness
- Well Done, Good and Faithful One! (Sung over our President!)
We recounted the steps of our “process” for the new participants:
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
QUICK UPDATE on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call…
From / including: Friday, November 11, 2016…to / not including Saturday, May 11, 2019 = 911 days
That is a total of 911 days we have been going, 24/7, from our start date.
That is a total of 2 years, 6 months …(a total of 30 months)
Alternative time units…(just for fun and because Pastor Ioan is a scientist / mathematician)
911 days can be converted to one of these units:
- 78,710,400 seconds
- 1,311,840 minutes
- 21,864 hours
- 911 days
- 130 weeks and 1 day
Our beloved brother in Christ, Sheldon Livesay, facilitator for our 6 AM ET hour on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, sent this update to our 24/7 family. We are so grateful for God’s intervention in saving his life!!!!
I wanted to give you an update. I got a sub for Easter Sunday morning so I could do an Easter Sunrise Service for a group here in town, had pulled my Monday morning focus up and prepared before going to bed Sunday night. I woke up Sunday night not able to get breath in my lungs. I was thinking heart attack but learned that through a series of miracles I was put on life support twice between Sunday and Thursday with only a few bits even being in my memory.
Except for the cancer thing a couple of years ago, I’ve not even had health issues all my life, take no medicines and have been a picture of perfect health. But somehow I came in contact with a very “mean” pneumonia virus that filled both lungs and the cavities around them.
Hospital officials didn’t expect me to make it.
I was told as late as Wed, I would be wearing oxygen extensively,
I was told I would have to walk with a walker for weeks
I was told I would have to spend weeks in a rehab
Then they came in yesterday, said you were denied rehab because you are too healthy. All we can do is send you home.
Right now I’m not sleeping well at night. My body is very fragile so it will be about a 2 month process to get back to a full schedule. However, if these champions who are subbing for me might continue through this next week, it is possible I would be ready to come back the following week. A few things will come day at a time to make decisions on that. I will have to watch just little things.
Catching a cold or flu
Being in crowds where I am expected to “perform” ie: preach, lead ministry events, etc
Being out in the night air
Any could bring it back, they said, with a vengeance.
I will be on a 2 month schedule of easing back into routines and schedules, taking time to rest. My dad is 98, still is independent with my step-mom, drives and shops. If I do this right, I have the opportunity to follow his footsteps.
I hope this helps. Prayer has made the critical difference over and over during these nearly 2 weeks. I so value and cherish each of you. I’ve had a couple of breakdowns in last couple of days, just weeping over the sweetness and goodness of God. Nurses at the hospital have come in just to sit and talk about the Lord and how He is directing their lives through healthcare. I have had opportunity to pray numerous times with healthcare professionals, usually ending in many tears. People from Intensive Care would come in because I beat their odds, to allow me to confirm the goodness of God and prayers of God’s people turns critical situations around.
Sheldon Livesay
423-923-0864 cell
We prayed corporately for Sheldon’s quick and complete recovery, raising our voices in gratitude to God for allowing him to “beat the odds”! Pastor Ioan charged us all to “stay the course”, and not be planning to go anywhere until we have finished our job here!
We also prayed for healing for each one of us, and for God’s protection for all of us in the 24/7 family…whether on this call tonight or not! We received His healing in our bodies…and wait in joyful expectation for the manifestation to be seen! ALLELUIA!
We shared that the WTKOG into Yellowstone National Park is coming along, and prayed for our sister, Sally Bohart, who is doing the advance work of preparation for our team to enter the region! June 20-23 will be the Days of the Lord for Yellowstone National Park…and we noted that the Summer Solstice is June 21st this year…the longest day of the year!
We shared about the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER observances we each were involved in across the nation! Maureen shared about the NDP and its history, about our dear sister Kathy Branzell being selected as the new NDP Task Force President and the observance Maureen participated in with the Hispanic Pastors in Orlando!
- Donna (MT) shared that she and Sally had staked out the Capitol and that they were allowed to be inside this year for the first time!
- Debbie (VA) shared about going to pray in DC over Statuary Hall prior to the evening gathering with Karen and Jerry Ellard in worship
- Mary Martha (FL) we had a huge cross-section from the different denominations of the Body of Christ from Lake CO, all together and prayed as ONE…and there was a commitment to continue to meet! AN ANSWER TO PRAYER!
- Laurel (WA) Said that she lives in a “wicked” area of the NW, with much demonic influence. Her pastor invites all the churches to come and attend…and this year 2 were churches represented, with 10 people, and 3 children…it was simple and humble, and she felt that God was pleased as she was given the opportunity to repent and to declare BREAKTHROUGH! They declared that they were taking back their city!
- Philip (CA) they live where 14% voted for President Trump and the rest for the Dems…and they were at a NDP breakfast with over 100 people, but no one mentioned the name of God, although he had the chance to pray with several people, inviting them to receive Jesus!
- Audrey (CA) she works with the Navy and she was in a prayer meeting for NDP with an “on fire” Pentecostal Anglican preacher, who brought the fire of God into the gathering! She found out that is daily prayer on base, which she can join! She was able to declare that she was “with Mr. Trump!”
Pastor Ioan shared that he had a great conversation with Rosemary Schindler Garlow in 2006 in Jerusalem. He asked her what she knew about a “covenant” made by the Jews to reject Jesus and His followers. (As soon as he broached the subject, Pastor Ioan was knocked off the line – his phone died and then he rejoined through the computer!) …TO BE CONTINUED…
While waiting for Pastor Ioan to resume his sharing, we asked Tom Dumbacher of “NOVO” ( to share with us about what his wife Perri is doing while on her 5th medical missions trip to the heart of the Middle East, to places where the people HATE Christians and HATE Americans! Right now they are in Syria, and the ministry they serve in has launched 7,000 groups for prayer in the regions they are ministering in! Tom had called for prayer when he was concerned for Perri’s safety in the high-risk area they are now in! He joins us for prayer tonight!
Areas he is requesting prayer for:
- A man who is a Judge, “a man of peace” (Luke 9) and a leader in that region, has come to know the Lord, is being persecuted by those who don’t know Jesus. As the highest official (civil and spiritual) he has been telling people who come before him to go and read the Bible and come back!
- Women are ravaged in these camps, and many come to the clinics for care. One woman who came to the clinic yesterday, who was told that God loved and cared for her, wept as she heard these words! Another who was planning to abort – having experienced such care and love – made a decision not to kill her child!
- They are asking that God lead them to the right people in each area, country and region.
- They need to be able to get the medicines in when they go…and for the past 5 clinics, they got them in (ie. smuggled them in) and were not searched.
Kala said that before we pray, since this team is going to a nation, not just to individuals, we must be operating in an Acts 2 posture, binding the demons and praying in the spirit together! We prayed corporately…then we asked Tom to pray his heart for his beloved and the team… and the ministry and the points he has out forth tonight! He prayed protection, guidance, and apostolic authority as God has given them. They will continue to open ground, make more disciples. He also asked for more resources, more favor for all the people who are part of this ministry and those who will come to know Christ because of it! He blessed them with miracles, dreams and visions, and the chance to see the love of Christ as the evil spirits are broken off! Give wisdom to all involved, and release the resources, and bring in more laborers to this harvest!
Then we responded individually:
- Sandy (CA) loves Tom’s spirit and feels the LOVE as he speaks. She asked for his protection, and for warring angels to surround him. He is anointed by You, Lord, and You will not disappoint those who serve YOU!
- Kathy (IL) this AM she was praying for our team, and kept getting a sense of the Middle East…she is so proud to be able to pray for them tonight! Let them know where to go, who to speak to and what to say.
- Andrea (NC) She thanked Tom for being obedient and doing what they do! They will be in a haven of protection, almost invisible to the enemy, and everything you need (provision) will be there. God will provide that…and the resources needed.
- Laurel (WA) Joshua 11:21-22 And at that time Joshua came and cut off the Anakim from the mountains: from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, from all the mountains of Judah, and from all the mountains of Israel; Joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities. None of the Anakim were left in the land of the children of Israel; they remained only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod. God will have His victory over the enemy and cut their heads off…and the nation will be free of the giants!
- Philip (CA) shared from Psalm 27 “that they will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” as words of knowledge and words of wisdom, and the love and care they demonstrate will turn the people’s hearts to Him because of this team!
Pastor Ioan continued with his sharing: He said that in 2006, he was with his family in Israel, preparing to make aliyah…and he had a vision of a scroll coming from heaven, and it was pierced by a sword which was also coming from above. God told him that He was refuting an evil covenant that had been made…and setting the Jewish people free from this curse that is coming upon them as they speak against Messianics!
No one knew what it meant, but two later, in a conference in Romania, he met a man who spoke to him about a compact made at the Council of Yavneh in the year 22 AD, 92 years after the destruction of the Temple. In this compact/covenant, they rejected the sacrifice of the Son of God and wrote a curse against those who believed in Yeshua Jesus as Messiah. They have been praying it 1,900 years…and it is the root of the break of the Jewish nation with the rest of the Body of Yeshua.
That is a history of almost 2,000 years of cursing the followers of Yeshua with these phrases:
“For the apostates let there be no hope. And let the arrogant government be speedily uprooted in our days. Let the noẓerim and the minim ( followers of the Nazarene / Jesus ) be destroyed in a moment. And let them be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be inscribed together with the righteous. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant”.
After sharing this information with us, Pastor Ioan prayed for this information to be revealed to the Jews, and that they would willingly remove it from their daily prayer! We prayed that PM Netanyahu would become aware of it and speak out, and that President Trump and his family, with his daughter and son in law being Orthodox Jews, would hear and understand this and speak out on it! Also, that key leaders would agree and the cursing would stop and the Body of Yeshua Jesus Messiah would be united as ONE!
On Thursday, our National Day of Prayer, President Trump and our First Lady Melania hosted a time of prayer for the nation in the Rose Garden at the WHITE HOUSE. One of the first guests introduced was Rabbi Goldstein from Chabad Poway, who was shot this past week at his congregation in San Diego by a gunman who killed one congregant and wounded three others. When Pastor Ioan and I spoke about the ceremony, we felt that there was a blessing imparted to this nation from that Rabbi, who said that President Trump spoke about his love of peace, Israel and Judaism during the conversation, and then he expressed his deep gratitude to the United States and to the President, for his care and stand after the tragic shooting this Saturday. AMEN! SO BE IT!
Pastor Ioan then shared a dream he had yesterday…where he saw himself is a situation with the President, preparing to go into a meeting. In this dream, he was serving as a security officer and a witness and he knew that he was there to protect the President! Pastor Ioan saw some Muslim women trying to come close to the President, and he and the other security officers moved them away. When they came out, he identified Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Vladimir Putin, the China delegation and the American delegation with the President were wearing disguises for security reasons.
Pastor Ioan feels that this is a significant dream, as today President Trump had an hour-long phone call with Russia’s Putin today, and will be talking to the Chinese as well about what is taking place in Venezuela, which is critical. We must pray for wisdom, discernment and strength for the President as he deals with this situation, and all others he faces on behalf of this nation! Let God’s perfect plan for Venezuela be fulfilled!
We took communion together as we closed our SHABBAT Call, and thanked God for the healing that He is bringing to this world which is in such tension and despair. Lord, there are empty places at the table, and we long for those who are supposed to be with us, here at YOUR TABLE, LORD! Touch them and bring them in, Father! We celebrate the future by faith, knowing that Your LOVE is greater than anything, and they will come!
Shabbat Shalom to all! We love you! Maureen and Pastor Ioan
* Additional Information:
This is The Birkat haMinim (Hebrew ברכת המינים “Blessing on the heretics”) that was used…it is a Jewish curse on heretics (minim)…(ie. those who follow Yeshua Jesus as Messiah!)
“For the apostates let there be no hope. And let the arrogant government be speedily uprooted in our days. Let the noẓerim and the minim ( followers of the Nazarene / Jesus ) be destroyed in a moment. And let them be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be inscribed together with the righteous. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who humblest the arrogant”.
The writing of the “benediction” is attributed to Shmuel ha-Katan at the supposed Council of Yavneh which was inserted in the “Eighteen Benedictions” (as the 19th “blessing” which is really a curse) in the silent prayer to be said three times daily, the Amidah.
The Amidah (Hebrew: תפילת העמידה, Tefilat HaAmidah, “The Standing Prayer”), also called the Shemoneh Esreh (שמנה עשרה), is the central prayer of the Jewish liturgy. This prayer, among others, is found in the siddur, the traditional Jewish prayer book. Due to its importance, it is simply called hatefila (תפילה, “prayer”) in rabbinic literature.[1]
Observant Jews recite the Amidah at each of three prayer services in a typical weekday: morning, afternoon, and evening. A fourth Amidah (called Mussaf) is recited on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, and Jewish festivals, after the morning Torah reading. A fifth (called Neilah) is recited on Yom Kippur.
The typical weekday Amidah actually consists of nineteen blessings, though it originally had eighteen (hence the alternative name Shemoneh Esreh, meaning “Eighteen”).
According to one theory, it was useful as a tool for outing minim (“heretics”), because no min would recite aloud or reply amen to it, as it was a curse upon minim.
According to the Babylonian almud Tractate Berakhot 28b–29a, Shmuel ha-Katan was responsible for the writing of the Birkat haMinim.
The nineteen blessings are as follows:
- Avot (“Ancestors”) – praises of God as the God of the Biblical patriarchs, “God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob.”
- Gevurot (“powers”) – praises God for His power and might. This prayer includes a mention of God’s healing of the sick and resurrection of the dead. It is called also Tehiyyat ha-Metim = “the resurrection of the dead.”
- Rain is considered as great a manifestation of power as the resurrection of the dead; hence in winter, a line recognizing God’s bestowal of rain is inserted in this benediction. Except for many Ashkenazim, most communities also insert a line recognizing dew in the summer.
- Kedushat ha-Shem (“the sanctification of the Name”) – praises God’s holiness.
- During the chazzan’s repetition, a longer version of the blessing called Kedusha is chanted responsively. The Kedusha is further expanded on Shabbat and Festivals.
- Binah (“understanding”) – asks God to grant wisdom and understanding.
- Teshuvah (“return”, “repentance”) – asks God to help Jews to return to a life based on the Torah, and praises God as a God of repentance.
- Selichah – asks for forgiveness for all sins, and praises God as being a God of forgiveness.
- Geulah (“redemption”) – asks God to rescue the people Israel.
- Refuah (“healing”) – a prayer to heal the sick.
- Birkat HaShanim (“blessing for years [of good]”) – asks God to bless the produce of the earth.
- A prayer for rain is included in this blessing during the rainy season.
- Galuyot (“diasporas”) – asks God to allow the ingathering of the Jewish exiles back to the land of Israel.
- Birkat HaDin (“Justice”) – asks God to restore righteous judges as in the days of old.
- Birkat HaMinim (“the sectarians, heretics”) – asks God to destroy those in heretical sects (Minuth), who slander Jews and who act as informers against Jews.
- Tzadikim (“righteous”) – asks God to have mercy on all who trust in Him, and asks for support for the righteous.
- Boneh Yerushalayim (“Builder of Jerusalem”) – asks God to rebuild Jerusalem and to restore the Kingdom of David.
- Birkat David (“Blessing of David”) – asks God to bring the descendant of King David, who will be the Messiah.
- Tefillah (“prayer”) – asks God to accept our prayers, to have mercy and be compassionate.
- Avodah (“service”) – asks God to restore the Temple services and sacrificial services.
- Hoda’ah (“thanksgiving”) – thank God for our lives, for our souls, and for God’s miracles that are with us every day.
- When the chazzan reaches this blessing during the repetition, the congregation recites a prayer called Modim deRabbanan (“the thanksgiving of the Rabbis”).
- Sim Shalom (“Grant Peace”) – asks God for peace, goodness, blessings, kindness and compassion. Ashkenazim generally say a shorter version of this blessing at Minchah and Maariv, called Shalom Rav.
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