May 28, 2019 – Notes A Call to the Wall

05-28-19 Notes – “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we began tonight’s call, we covered this call with the Blood of Jesus, bound and cast down any spirit that might dare to raise its ugly head against us, and spoke a blessing over all on this line and over our entire 24/7 NSPC family.
We thanked God for the success of our President’s trip to Japan and for his safe travel home! They arrived back at the White House this afternoon and have no other public events on their schedule. The remainder of their day will be spent resting and recovering from the time change. We cover them with the Blood of Jesus, and ask that they be protected, renewed and refreshed after they travel! We rejoice in the positive reception they received in Japan, and look forward to continued good relations with this nation that was once our enemy! May the Son of God arise with healing in His wings over the “Land of the Rising Sun”, steeped in Shinto and Buddhist practices, so that the people there will be set free to know, love and serve the Living God.
We prayed corporately for our beloved President., then offered individual prayers:
- Suzanne (MD) thanked God for the Great Awakening that is coming to our nation!
- Sharril (MO) the President’s travel schedule includes stops at various air bases protect and allow them rest as they travel, stop, travel and stop!
- Kitty (FL) read Psalm 23 over the President and our First Lady, personalizing it for them
- Sherrill (TX) prayed for and blessed the Secret Service agents who accompany him on this trip – let them have rest and be with their own families and recuperate from this trip
- Suzanne (MD) going to DC Saturday to join in worship with those at Awaken the Dawn
Pastor Ioan reminded us that when the President departed that there was much turmoil in DC, particularly issues with Nancy Pelosi and “left-wingers” who continually harass the President, his family and those who are involved with him. We prayed corporately to cleanse the atmosphere in the DC area, and for the WHITE HOUSE to be cleansed for the FIRST FAMILY so that the Presence of the Lord will flood that place and they will experience the angels filling it, ministering to them.
We welcomed the Presence of God in our own rooms, wherever we are right now and asked that the Lord would manifest His Presence to each of us! Let there be a glorious outpouring of HIS PRESENCE throughout the land, starting at the WHITE HOUSE and from there to the nation! We thank You for the JOY and PEACE You give to the President right now!
- Kay (IL) we stand in the Spirit in the White House and worship You. We delight in Your Pleasure in being with us…as You bless each and every person in the WH …let each one feel Your nearness! HalleluYah! We ask that You would purify each one that enters this WHITE HOUSE…draw them to YOU!
Pastor Ioan spoke the word: “Shoshana” which means the lily or the rose! “As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.” Song of Solomon 2:2 The Manifest Presence of God beautifies a place in which it is released. We declare that THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD IS SEEN THERE in the WHITE HOUSE! Let HIS FRAGRANCE be released, BRINGING HIS BEAUTY INTO THE WHITE HOUSE! This is time for the Lord to take over the WHITE HOUSE! King of Glory, take over!
Let Your Glory fill this (WHITE) HOUSE! Let Your Presence fill my mouth!
Let each vessel offer unto You A sacrifice of Praise.
You alone are Holy. You alone are Worthy. You deserve the glory. Jesus You alone.
- Kay (IL) As we pray and envision ourselves in the WH, He enters into our worship and is there!
- Andrea (NC) John 1:1-5
- Sherrill (TX) saw us there in the WH dancing, with the President and Melania with us. They broke away to rest together!
- Pam (TX) shared lyrics of a song from SNOW WHITE and the Seven Dwarfs.
- Bobby (WI) had the opportunity to smell that heavenly fragrance, and prayed that others would too!
- Martha (NY) was laying down while we are praying and started smelling a powerful smell
Pastor Ioan said that the Lord is allowing us to experience what He is doing in the WHITE HOUSE right now…bringing JOY through the supernatural experience of His Presence! We agreed with HIM and prayed corporately into this.
There is a principality that is keeping DC in bondage. Its base of operations is the Washington Monument! This power has held sway since the construction began in 1848 and influences those who live in the Capitol and those who work there. As the Lord takes over the WH tonight and expels and removes that spirit... we come into agreement with HIM as He cleanses the swamp! We move from a “defensive posture” to one of “rejoicing” as You permeate the atmosphere there…and take over Washington, DC! It is YOURS, LORD!
- Bobby (WI) Lord, take captive and do not allow that spirit to harm or interrupt anyone in any way
“You’re the God of this city, You’re the King of these people, You’re the Lord of this nation, You are!
You’re the light in this darkness, You’re the hope to the hopeless,
You’re the peace to the restless, You are!
There is no one like our God! There is no one like our God!
For greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city.
Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city.”
Pastor Ioan declared that we are secure in God, and he bound and cast down any spirit that might try to interfere with us as a result of us participating in this prayer! We witness the truth of what He is doing by the JOY of the Lord that is in us as we pray…and that’s how He confirmed in us! We bear witness in our spirit! As we start to share testimonies about the MANIFEST PRESENCE OF GOD, about the fragrance of God that we experience, and as we agree with HIm, His joy bubbles over in us and we witness it in our own spirits!
“We sing praises to your name, Oh Lord, praises to your name, oh Lord,
for Your name is great and worthy to be praised
I sing praises to Your name, oh Lord, praises to Your name, oh Lord,
for Your name is great and worthy to be praised.”
- Mary Ellen (IL) And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18 and “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! Isaiah 14:12
- Kay (IL) spoke of how Ruth Heflin shared about the GLORY, about dancing and worshiping in His Presence, to draw and usher His Presence into a place (like DC)
- Suzanne (MD) Acts 8:8 “And there was great joy in that city.”
- Susan (GA) let there be joy and dancing at AWAKE THE DAWN in the street of DC
Tonight, we are praying for our President, but it is not just about him tonight…it is about God wanting to take over this nation! The Holy Spirit has been speaking to us for the past two and a half years…and it’s the momentum that is bringing it to this point tonight…it’s the reality of the work of God! This nation is on a continuous mode of transformation and we believe in You and the reality of Your WORD over this nation!
We have been together with the Lord in His suffering and now we’re together with HIM in this rejoicing! Touch all of us now, so that we can see and understand what You are doing right now! If we don’t rejoice now, when will we rejoice?
- Susan (GA) John 15:11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”
Pastor Ioan shared that Susanna, spoken of in Luke 8:3 is a name for America. “...Susanna, and many others who provided for Him from their substance”. Susanna is Shosanah and appears only one time in the NT.
“My soul magnifies the Lord And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name.
And His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation.
Luke 1:46-50
- Maureen prayed we would see the evidence of what took place tonight within the next three months!
- Aida (CA) we have come a long way since we started, and she was reminded of the People of Israel when they moved into the Promised Land and God went before them, removing their enemies one by one!
As we closed, Pastor Ioan recapped what happened tonight on this call.
- There is a real taking over of the White House and DC by the Lord tonight.
- New strength is being given to those in the WHITE HOUSE, especially our President.
- The LIGHT and GRACE is moving forth from that place, removing and expelling the strong man over DC. GLORY!
We have experienced and agreed with what the Lord is doing tonight, and as we end this call, we received a blessing from Pastor Ioan for being a part of it! May the evidence of the reality of God’s work be fully seen in the coming days!
REMINDER: Encourage others to join in on our 24/7 call! When you receive the daily focus by email (which you can request daily by sending an email to – include your full name, state, cell and email) or when you read it (on one of the several 24/7 NSPC FB pages or groups), please take a moment and share it to your own FB page and any groups you’re part of...(and to other social media as well.)
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In His Love,
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
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