May 25, 2019 – Prayer Focus

Saturday, May 25, 2019 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
In taking measures to protect and defend our 24/7 family, atthe top of every hour,
the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over this line and our 24/7 family!
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President Donald John Trump
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection and we cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their son Barron and each of their family members.
We cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We also bless the members of the Federal Reserve Board along with those who are part of our nation’s banking system which impacts our economy! May Jerome H. Powell, Richard H. Clarida,
Randal K. Quarles, Michelle W. Bowman, and Lael Brainard serve with integrity and honor!
The 24/7 NSPC is calling the Body of Christ nationwide to pray for the 2020 National Elections,
mobilizing intercessors and positioning ourselves in prayer before the Lord
on behalf of our President and nation!
COUNTDOWN: 529 days until the election!
Let us pray into this verse:
“Christ in you, the hope of glory”
Colossians 1:27
Strategic Focus for Saturday
Franklin Graham “DECISION AMERICA” Northeast Tour
Day 4 – Springfield, Massachusetts (MA)
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
Romans 1:16
Continuing tonight, May 25th, and running through next Thursday, May 30th, Franklin Graham is proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ at a series of one-night rallies in seven states as he tours New England and New York. On each of the seven nights, believers are coming together with Franklin, as he calls the lost and those who are far from God to repentance and faith, and prays for the families and churches in each community. If you live in or close to Springfield, or one of these cities, you are invited to join in the “on-site” intercession. If not, join us as we pray corporately “off-site” for this Northeast Tour on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call!
- Portland, ME Sunday, May 19th, 7:30 pm Cumberland County Fairgrounds
- Burlington, VT Tuesday, May 21st, 7:30 pm Champlain Valley Exposition
- Manchester, NH Thursday, May 23rd, 7:30 pm Gill Stadium
- Springfield, MA Saturday, May 25th, 7:30 pm Eastern States Expo
- East Providence, RI Sunday, May 26th, 7:30 pm Bold Point Park
- Bridgeport, CT Tuesday, May 28th, 7:30 pm Seaside Park
- Syracuse, NY Thursday, May 30th, 7:30 pm Lakeview Amphitheater
Tonight, those in or near Springfield, Massachusetts are invited to bring family and friends to the Eastern States Expo 1305 Memorial Avenue West Springfield, MA 01089 as the DECISION AMERICA Northeast Tour continues. It will feature live music by “Crowder” and a message of hope from Franklin Graham! The venue has 3,000 bleacher seats available, but you are also welcome to bring your own chairs. There is free parking on-site. The gates will open at 6 PM. Buses will park at the Transportation Center inside Gate 1. Cars can enter Gate 1 or 9. Parking attendants will direct traffic to where parking is available in the Midway.
Sharing the hope of Christ in America’s Northeast is no easy feat. As Franklin Graham continues this Decision America Northeast Tour, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is asking Christians across the world to lift the events up to God. Franklin has said that “the most critical thing you can do is pray, pray, pray. The intercession of God’s people is crucial if we are to see a return to the Biblical faith of our fathers, the faith that has guided and sustained our country for so long.” We agree, and we are interceding along with Cindy Scott, National Prayer Coordinator for the “Decision America Tour” and the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. Along with thousands across this country, we will see the KING OF GLORY welcomed and received as He should be in the Northeast part of our nation!
We pray:
- That the people of God, the church in MA, will extend invitations to the “non-churched” to join them for this event in Springfield. Let them be bold in asking, unafraid of rejection!
- For Franklin and his ministry to the people of the state of Massachusetts, that as he speaks, the Spirit of God will move upon the hearts of the people, and many will open their hearts to Christ and receive Him as their Savior and Lord!
- We pray for Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief and evangelism organization has met the needs of poor, sick, and suffering people in more than 100 countries. Franklin serves as President and CEO of this ministry, and we pray that as he lays all else aside to serve God’s purposes with the people of the Northeast, those serving in the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse worldwide will be blessed!
Information about the State of Massachusetts:
- Massachusetts has a Godly heritage, as the birthplace of our nation, with the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the first governing document of Plymouth Colony, there 399 years ago. It was also a key site in two revival movements, known as the First and Second Great Awakenings.
- It was admitted as the 6th state to the United States of America on February 6, 1788.
- Massachusetts is renowned for its colleges and universities, and people travel to Boston from all over the world to receive healthcare in its hospitals.
- It is also known for corrupt state politics. In 2014, State Senator Dianne Wilkerson was found guilty of public corruption charges, and in 2018, Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (a homosexual) resigned after his much younger ‘husband’ was accused of sexual misconduct.
- Springfield MA, the site of this Decision America Tour, close to Connecticut, has the 5th highest crime rate in the state.
- Typically in MA elections, Democrat incumbents run unopposed. Very few Republicans are in office or run for office in Massachusetts. Amazingly, their Governor now is a Republican!
- Currently, the Massachusetts legislature is considering legislation to legalize infanticide (similar to the NY bill). It’s among the most horrible abortion legislation, known by its opponents as the Roe Act Infanticide Bill.
We pray:
- For the state of Massachusetts to return to her Godly heritage, to repent of pride and godlessness, and return to the Lord
- For the people of the state of Massachusetts (MA). During this North East Tour, may the Word of God be released throughout this state, to the families and communities in great need of the GOOD NEWS that Franklin Graham is going to bring. Give them the opportunity to hear the Gospel and receive salvation through Jesus Christ…the rightful inheritance of every person in the state!
- For this, “The Bay State”, whose motto is: “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty” (“Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem” – Latin translation)
- For the Capitol city of Boston, and the cities of Massachusetts, including Worcester, Springfield, Cambridge, Quincy, along with nearby resort areas of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.
- For Massachusetts’ elected officials, and for those serving in each branch of government and in civil service jobs, that each will honor God in all they do!
- For their Governor: Charlie Baker (R) who is standing for LIFE in his state
- For their two US Senators: Elizabeth Warren (D) and Ed Markey (D)
- For their nine US Representatives: Stephen Lynch, William R. Keating, Joseph Kennedy III, Katherine Clark, Seth Moulton, Avanna Pressley, Jim McGovern, Richard Neal, and Lori Trahan, all Democrats.
- For the Massachusetts State Legislature: 160 members of the MA State House (127 Dems-32 Rep-1 Unenrolled) and the 40 members of the MA State Senate (34 Dems-6 Rep)
- We pray for the Lord to call and equip Godly people to run for public office and for a public outcry which will lead to the defeat of the Roe Act Infanticide Bill
- For the divisions of the Massachusetts Judicial System: their Supreme Judicial Court, the Appeals Court, Trial Courts, and for the judges, attorneys and support staff
- For all military, law enforcement personnel and first responders serving the people of this state.
- For the economy and the industries of Massachusetts:
- Massachusetts now claims the No. 1 spot nationally in high-tech research and development, testing and life science industries, with more than 550 biotech and drug development companies do business in Massachusetts, with close to 1,400 drugs in development.
- More than 2.5 million pounds of fish are netted each year in the waters around Boston
- Boston, one of the top 10 US cities for tourism, generates $1 billion in taxes, $16.9 billion in related tourism revenue and provides 124,700 jobs.
- For Godly groups like the Massachusetts Family Institute (a local extension of Focus on the Family) that works tirelessly, in a hostile environment, to awaken and educate the church about what is going on at the state legislature and how to exert Godly influence there!
Specific Prayer Topic for Today
Praying for the Congress of the United States: Senate and House of Representatives
This week, just prior to a meeting with President Trump and key Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke to reporters and said: “We believe that no one is above the law including the President of the United States. And we believe that the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.” As their meeting began, the President made it clear that he couldn’t meet with them at that time, in light of Pelosi’s slam and until the endless, ongoing investigations following the Mueller “witch hunt” were concluded…and left the room.
We pray:
- That the President will continue to show strength and not allow any “game playing” by those who are involved so deeply with darkness, deception and duplicity!
- That the snide comments that dare to “insinuate” that the President is less than honorable, be STOPPED NOW, and that a fitting decorum be observed by those conducting official business!
- That the members of Congress will work with the President to maintain a mutually respectful atmosphere in which they can discuss issues like infrastructure, moving forward, for our country’s good.
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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