May 22, 2019 – Prayer Focus

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
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We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
In taking measures to protect and defend our 24/7 family, the top of every hour,
the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over this line and our 24/7 family!
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President Donald John Trump
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection and we cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their son Barron and each of their family members.
We cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We also bless the members of the Federal Reserve Board along with those who are part of our nation’s banking system which impacts our economy! May Jerome H. Powell, Richard H. Clarida,
Randal K. Quarles, Michelle W. Bowman, and Lael Brainard serve with integrity and honor!
The 24/7 NSPC is calling the Body of Christ nationwide to pray for the 2020 National Elections,
mobilizing intercessors and positioning ourselves in prayer before the Lord
on behalf of our President and nation!
COUNTDOWN: 532 days until the election!
Let us pray into this verse:
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
Strategic Focus for Wednesday
Americans Come FIRST!
“...whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe,
lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
2 Corinthians 2:2
“AMERICANS COME FIRST!”…a clear and concise statement by our President Donald J. Trump!
His proposal to “put America first” by fully securing our border and reforming our immigration system is a perfectly logical, judicious and rational plan of action to those of us who are not “blinded by the god of this age”. Sadly, there are many who are blinded by the insidious darkness, fighting our President every step of the way, determined to take him down and see the destruction of this “GREAT EXPERIMENT”, the United States of America. They are working toward the dismantlement and removal of the very safeguards that have preserved and protected our beloved Democratic Republic as ONE NATION UNDER GOD for the past 243 years!
We pray:
- We of the 24/7 NSPC stand foursquare behind, and in agreement with, our President, as he works tirelessly to safeguard and defend this nation, praying for him hourly in his effort to resolve the critical issues our nation is facing!
Regarding the border and immigration, President Trump has declared: “It is time to begin moving towards a merit-based immigration system – one that admits people who are skilled, who want to work, who will contribute to our society, and who will love and respect our country.”
Our President’s vision and his proposal for a pro-American, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker approach to immigration can be achieved as we fully secure the border and move our outdated legal immigration system to a competitive, merit based system. When accompanied by structural changes to immigration agencies, we will see improved coordination and enforcement which will allow us to combat long standing problems, such as visa overstays. It will also ensure that all employees are legally authorized to work.
We agree with and declare that his objectives for a modernized immigration system will be accomplished, to:
- Fully secure the border
- Protect American wages
- Attract and retain the best and brightest talent
- Prioritize immediate families
- Strengthen our workforce
- Preserve our Christian values
We pray:
- Lord, these are not “extraordinary” things, but “normative” to a society that is regulated by common sense and decency (i.e. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability)! Give us a national “spine” to stand up and say NO to his detractors, and demand that Congress cooperate with him to implement the changes necessary to secure and protect our beloved country!
Full border security is the bedrock of a functioning immigration system, therefore, SECURING THE BORDER must come first. Everyone knows that the crisis at our border is at a breaking point. Approximately one million aliens are projected to arrive at the border this year alone, and more than 100,000 aliens have arrived in each of the past two months. Coming into agreement with each point of the President’s proposal:
We pray:
- That a self-sustaining, renewable border security fund will be established to:
- Fully secure the border
- Ensure 100% inspection of people and good at ports of entry
- Stop drugs, contraband, and counterfeit goods
- Facilitate faster trade
- That our homeland will be safeguarded by continuing to add to the 400-plus miles of border wall underway in strategic locations, and enable public donations for the wall.
- That immigration officials will be fully empowered to protect American communities, including by strengthening their ability to remove criminal aliens and alien gang members.
- That integrity will be restored to our broken asylum system, as legal loopholes are closed so we can address the driving forces behind the humanitarian crisis at our southern border by expediting the review process for immigrants seeking asylum.
- That the laws will be changed in order to stop the flood of child smuggling and to rapidly reunite unaccompanied children with their families back home.
Every year the US issues nearly 1.1 million green cards, which gives foreign nationals life-time permission to live and work in the US and a path to citizenship in five years. Around 70% of those are admitted based on family relationships or through the visa lottery. President Trump wants to change that. “Our proposal fulfils our sacred duty to those living here today, while ensuring America remains a welcoming country to immigrants joining us tomorrow. Instead of admitting people through random chance, we will establish simple, universal criteria for admission to the United States. No matter where in the world you’re born, no matter who your relatives are, if you want to become an American citizen, it will be clear exactly what standard we ask you to achieve. It will be made crystal clear. We will replace the existing green card categories with a new visa, the ‘Build America’ visa.”
President Trump’s proposal PRIORITIZES MERIT OVER CHANCE. It puts our country’s interests first, by moving to a merit-based immigration system that protects American workers.
We pray:
- That we will put into effect the “Build America” visa, selecting immigrants based on a point system and features three high-skill categories:
- Extraordinary talent
- Professional and specialized vocations
- Exceptional academic track records
- That “immediate” family prioritization will ensure that mothers and fathers and children will be at the front of the line.
- That a fair and transparent system will be created to level the playing field for potential legal immigrants and allow for greater diversity.
- That our common language would be promoted, which will strengthen our national unity.
The President’s proposal offers the opportunity to increase American competitiveness in attracting and retaining the best and brightest for the United States, helping America to be more competitive, as we adopt a system based on merit that will protect and secure our nation!
We pray:
- That what is contained in this proposal will be pleasing to You, O Lord, and that You will grant us success in its implementation. We leave the timing to You…and place the entire situation in Your hands!
Specific Prayer Topic for Today
Praying for the Mass Media in our Nation
Lord, as the media reports on this plan, please give some of them the courage to speak well of it and suggest that it has the potential to resolve many of the issues we as a nation are facing! We pray this in Jesus’ name!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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