May 19, 2020 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”
Hebrews 10:22
We sing: Blessed Assurance
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story, this is my song… praising my Savior all the day long!
This is my story, this is my song… praising my Savior all the day long!
Perfect submission, all is at rest. I, in my Savior, am happy and blessed.
Watching and waiting, looking above, filled with His goodness, lost in His love!
This is my story, this is my song… praising my Savior all the day long!
This is my story, this is my song… praising my Savior all the day long!
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly for the safety and security of our President, Donald John Trump, and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection from the coronavirus and cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
Let him respond to every situation by the leading of the Holy Spirit!
We pray that the “elite medical establishment” will no longer block our doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus. Let the doctors be free to practice as You lead!
We refer those to You who are plotting and planning the demise of our beloved President!
We say “No!” to them and ask that You expose and foil all their plans! Thank You, Lord!
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their marriage, their son Barron and all their family members.
We bless our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We pray for the mass media, which is being used and exploited by the “father of lies.”
We ask that it either reverses course and reports accurately or be taken down.
We pray for the Federal Reserve Board members, to use their power to boost our nation’s economy.
Let them act in accord with what is good for the USA!
The 24/7 NSPC is praying for the 2020 National Elections,
positioning ourselves in intercession before the Lord on behalf of our President and nation!
COUNTDOWN: 169 days until the election!
Let us pray into this verse:
“The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom.”
2 Timothy 4:18
Strategic Focus for Tuesday
Standing in Faith, Trusting God
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear”
1 John 4:18
President Trump shocked reporters on Monday when he revealed that he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, a widely used anti-malarial drug that has been touted as a possible treatment for COVID-19. In an effort to prevent getting coronavirus, he’s been taking a pill every day for about a week and a half now.
“I’m taking it – hydroxychloroquine. I think it’s good. I’ve heard a lot of good stories. And if it’s not good, I’ll tell you right (away), I’m not going to get hurt by it.”
The President added that there has a “tremendous response” to hydroxychloroquine and that he had consulted with the White House physician before starting to take the drug.
“I want the people of this nation to feel good. I don’t want them to be sick, and is a very good chance that has an impact, especially early on. But you look to the frontline workers; you look at doctors and nurses…a lot of them are taking it as a preventative. I haven’t taken other than the original dose. I am taking the two, the Zinc and the hydroxy. All I can tell you is that so far, I seem to be OK!”
We pray:
- In thanksgiving for a President who LEADS THE WAY, as he is led by the Spirit, and stands by his convictions, modeling what he wants our people to do! We praise God for giving us this strong leader! Pray.
This news came after Dr. Naomi Florea was our special guest on the SHABBAT call on Friday night. Her parents immigrated (escaped) from Communist Romania, and she grew up on the medical mission field. She studied infectious diseases, was the Chair at Loma Linda University, and is now at USC. She is married with 3 children, (2 teens and a 2 yr old) and is also an evangelist, who witnesses to her patients about Jesus. After she had shared critical information with us, she asked us to pray that the “elite medical establishment” will no longer block our doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus. She asked us to intercede so that doctors would be free to prescribe the medications they thought best, and to practice medicine as the Lord leads! We prayed with her for that on Friday evening, and it is now an ongoing prayer point in our focuses. Today, we are seeing answers to those prayers as the President stood up for and defended its use!
We pray:
- That as a result of the President’s stand, many Drs will prescribe this drug and their patients will achieve optimum results. Pray.
Today, we will go over questions posed to Dr. Naomi, the answers she gave, and then pray into them. We ask that the Holy Spirit will empower us so that we might understand what we must do in order to protect ourselves and our families, and remain free in this, “the land of the free and home of the brave!” Pray.
Q. Share with us a short history of the coronavirus.
- The timeline is not well known, but it goes back to October 2019, when they started to hear reports of the virus on an app called WE TALK. They spoke of unknown pneumonia, an illness that was sweeping through the WUHAN community. By December, Drs from there were on the app, warning the world that the lungs of their patients were totally destroyed. Hospitals were flooded, there were wards set aside for the patients who were so severe. All the early reporting Drs either died or “disappeared”.
- In late December, there were tons of cases and many dead bodies.
- Dec 31, the Chinese Govt said 1 patient was found on Dec 15th…but yet, the first reported COVID death in France was Dec 31.
- On Jan 5th, they sequenced the virus, and the Chinese CDC shut down labs and destroyed data.
- On Jan 9th, a lab put the sequence on the internet, and as soon as it was released, the world started sounding off on it.
- Someone took the protein from SARs and placed it on COVID making it possible to attach to human cells.
- Jan 15th, the WHO told the world “no clear human to human transmission” – yet WUHAN was locked up.
- On Jan 16th, a traveler from WUHAN landed in WA State and was symptomatic the next day.
- Jan 21st, the CDC confirmed the 1st case of COVID in WA state.
- Jan 30 confirmed the first case of human to human transmission in the USA.
- Jan 31 – President Trump banned travel from China, quarantined those coming in from China.
- Feb – we hear reports and see horrific images of cases in Italy and Iran.
- By mid-March we saw states across the country to shelter in place, and we now have lockdowns.
We needed to have reliable data…and had no idea of how many were dead.
We were seeing 14% mortality and the sequence was terrifying…and it had been modified.
We wanted to have mitigating factors to gather data…see how contagious it is, how deadly.
Now we have data to go by and a chance to see the prevalence in the community.
Our concern was the sequence of the virus, and # of deaths in China (underground # in China reported as 8 M dead.) Crematoriums have been burning for months in Wuhan!
Pastor Ioan said we’d received a word on the 24/7 NSPC on Jan 10th that there was something that would be coming out of China (and we prayed about it on Jan 11-12 focuses), then on the 13th, the news came out!
Q. We asked Naomi how she sees this from a spiritual perspective?
- She simply said: “GOD!” She noted that prayer was coming from every direction. Drs and Nurses were on their knees, asking for DIVINE INTERVENTION. ONLY GOD could have done this! Predictions based on China numbers and expected 2 M dead here….but NO! It was God!
Q. Is it possible for human mitigation to stop this virus?
- 8 K come from China to the CA every day…and they were symptomatic as they were coming into the USA. Europeans were flying in with it. Lockdowns and quarantines may have been of partial help, but they could not be the total reason. God was intervening!
We pray:
- Thank You, Lord, for protecting us in the USA. Unlike others who take credit for their efforts, we KNOW that it is You and YOU Alone who deserve credit for delivering our nation from this scourge! Pray.
Q. How does the COVID-19 actually spread and how long does it stay alive on surfaces?
- When an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, they release droplets into the air that hold the virus.
These can infect others by entering through the mouth, nose, eyes where we have ACE-2 receptors that bind to them and enter human cells! That was what was modified by the lab in Wuhan.
- Distance precaution – keep at least 6’ distance to give space for droplets to go to the ground and not make contact with your mouths, eyes, nose.
- Wash hands constantly, so as not to infect yourself or others.
- In the air, it can live for 3 hrs and on surface 72 hrs…but the main mode of infection is by droplets making contact.
Q. Do you suggest rubber gloves when going out?
- If you are careful, and wash your hands a lot and don’t touch oral edifices, gloves are not necessary
Q. Do you suggest wearing masks when going out?
- If a patient is infected and covers their mouth, the droplets can’t go to others. If not infected, the mask serves as a barrier.
- Points of contention:
- wearing N95 tight-fitting masks, there is a potential for CO2 retention. For those with asthma or lung problems, it is not good to wear a mask.
- Cloth may retain the droplets of the virus.
- Improper use- not worn properly, playing with or adjusting it, touching the face…puts you at risk,
- Wear masks in closed spaces as a preventive barrier for a short period of time…but not while driving or exercising or if underlying lung conditions.
We pray:
- Lord, give us wisdom to know how we are to proceed, not out of fear, but of precaution, for ourselves, our loved ones and others we may encounter in public. Help us to “love our neighbor as ourselves”. Pray.
Q. Does sunlight or UV light affect the virus and will exposure to that kill it?
- COVID is an RNA virus. It has a viral envelope, made of lipids (fatty substances) and the sunlight melts away that fatty layer. Once it is at 70 degrees F, the life of the virus is cut in half; if over 80 degrees, it kills it in seconds.
- Dr. Naomi said that the Drs thought that what they saw in FL (during Spring break with the beach crowds) would mean millions dead…but the sun killed it and there was a low incidence.
- Both sunshine and Vit D are critical – take 1,000 per /day … get out 30 min/day.
Q. Would you recommend calling your doctor right away and having him prescribe hydroxychloroquine at the outset of COVID-19 symptoms?. What about things like Vitamin C, Zinc, and other vitamins, drugs, etc?
- Let’s talk about treatment: If the patient tests positive, and has at least one risk factor, they should be on Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and ZINC. DO NOT WAIT…do it immediately! Within 48 hours of onset! THEY PREVENT furtherance of the disease!
- Because the President recommended it, the media rejected it! Much of the medical community did too.
- Many who go to the clinics get “supportive care” but not the medicines. As the days go on, the patient gets worse. If the hospital has trials, you might get the test drug remdesivir, but then you get really sick. Then if you are put on a ventilator, the chance of coming out of intubation is less than 20%. It is a crime against humanity!
Q. Who is in charge of deciding what treatment those with coronavirus in the USA will get? Who is on charge of setting the guidelines for doctors to follow and what is the recommended treatment for those who end up in the hospital?
- Many have vested interests in Gilead, and it’s in their financial benefit to advance remdesivir.
- They are against the use of hydroxychloroquine, casting doubts about its efficacy, making doctors afraid that it might hurt their patients.
- They sabotaged the information on the right regimens. The drugs won’t work if not given in time.
- We need to have the right guidelines…pure, simple and correct…to serve our patients.
- Vit D 1,000 and 30 min of direct sunlight, Vit C 1,000 / day, Zinc 50 ML daily Glutathione 250 Ml daily.
- Heat…heat…heat…sunlight kills the virus… and drink lots of fluids – no dry mouth.
We see how important this battle for truth is…and we will pray every hour for those who speak the truth to power! Many Drs. who are giving these treatments are being harassed…and the same agencies who did not tell the truth to us are going after well-intentioned Drs.
Q. What about the possibility of a rebound of the virus in the fall?
- There could be a potential 2nd wave of COVID in the middle of the influenza season, (Oct-Nov) but that is not certain.
- As President Trump said, “It might go away on its own” – let that be a true prophetic word, Lord!
- There has been a mutation that has been discovered at AZ State Univ, that occurred on COVID -19 which weakens it, similar to the SARS mutation which has led to its extinction.
We pray:
- That when the President speaks prophetically, such as “It might go away on its own” we will agree with him and continue to back him up in prayer. Pray.
Q. What do you think of vaccinations and antibody testing?
- COVID is an RNA virus, and they mutate all the time. It already has at least 6 identified mutations.
- We want to create a vaccine, but in order to develop a vaccine that is effective, we need a virus that is not mutating.
- We need to be able to produce Antibodies that are long-lasting. Some like the flu vaccine can last a year, some can last 2 years, as with SARS.
- Using convalescent plasma is when blood from those who have recovered is given to those who are sick. (50% survive, 50% die)
- Safety issue: if the timeline does not allow enough time to see if it is safe and effective or if the antibodies can protect us.
Q. Do you consider that the “mark of the beast”?
- There is a priming of people taking place, to make us willing and to prepare us to take a mark of some kind in the future! Chips, etc.
Q. How do you suggest that we fight spiritually against this virus? How do we pray for the President?
- There are people at the highest levels of our medical institutions that may not be advising him correctly regarding the treatment, vaccinations, and the health aspects of opening the economy. Pray that he will receive Godly, wise medical counsel.
We pray:
“Father, we come to You in the Name of Jesus, and we pray in agreement for Godly counselors and ask for the removal of all ungodly counselors who are not serving this nation. Replace them with those Godly people who love this nation!”
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!