May 18, 2019 – Prayer Focus

Saturday, May 18, 2019 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 #
We will not tolerate any demonic interference on the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call.
In taking measures to protect and defend our 24/7 family, the top of every hour,
the facilitator, in agreement with those on the line, will bind all forces of evil and cast them down into the abyss, then pray a shield of protection over this line and our 24/7 family!
*The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of our President Donald John Trump
and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for our President’s protection and we cover him with the Blood of Jesus.
We bless our First Lady, Melania, their son Barron and each of their family members.
We cover our Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen and their family
and all those serving in this Administration.
We also bless the members of the Federal Reserve Board along with those who are part of our nation’s banking system which impacts our economy! May Jerome H. Powell, Richard H. Clarida,
Randal K. Quarles, Michelle W. Bowman, and Lael Brainard serve with integrity and honor!
The 24/7 NSPC is calling the Body of Christ nationwide to pray for the 2020 National Elections,
mobilizing intercessors and positioning ourselves in prayer before the Lord
on behalf of our President and nation!
COUNTDOWN: 536 days until the election!
Let us pray into this verse:
“Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ”
Philippians 1:27
Strategic Focus for Saturday
A God of Faithfulness…Without Injustice!
“Ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just;
A God of faithfulness… without injustice, righteous and upright is He!”
Deuteronomy 32:3-4
God is NOT mocked. He has clearly articulated and delineated His heart, His law and His expectations for all of His creation. He holds everything in His hands, keeps the vast universe in perfect balance, and without His permission, nothing would exist! He is Sovereign! He is LORD! He is GOD! And we are to recognize that!
Since the beginning of creation, there have been those who have dared to rise up and challenge God’s authority. Their relentless pursuit of self-glorification has been fed by the false ideologies they espouse. Their desire for power has led them to advance perverted thought processes which enable them to lie, cheat and deceive the most unaware and vulnerable in their nations. Whole populations have been manipulated and used for their selfish purposes, which resulted in their destruction.
- Lucifer’s pride prompted a rebellion that led to the fall of ⅓ of the angels of heaven.
- Hitler’s ego caused Germany to exterminate millions of Jews and Christians, and those from other minorities, in the Holocaust.
- Idi Amin led a military coup, overthrowing the government of Uganda, and in his attempt to remain in power, slaughtered millions of his own countrymen.
- Radical Islam has targeted and annihilated millions from other religions in nations around the world.
- And the list goes on and on…
We pray:
- Father, You are good and desire only good things for Your people! Help the people of this nation to rise up and cleanse it from destructive thought patterns and behaviors. Turn us back to You once again!
Rebellion is fomented and encouraged by those who do NOT know, love or serve God. They desire power for themselves and recruit others who are willing to “drink the Kool-Aid” (today’s “apple in the garden”) to get it.
In his book, The “Deep State, Craig Huey says that “the left wing, liberal media tries to tell us that the Deep State doesn’t exist …that it’s a fabrication, a lie created by the Trump Administration”. But there is abundant and appalling evidence of that existence…and its evil influence…at all levels of government. It operates with hidden agendas, and perpetrates lies about those who try to expose it (…and if those lies are repeated often enough, they start to seem to be true!)
The “powers that be” want such evil to remain a secret…keeping the people ignorant of the truth and all the while, it has grown in power to the point that it can identify, isolate and bring down almost anyone who disagrees with them or their so called “progressive” agenda. The vicious attacks against President Trump and most recently against Attorney General William Barr are cases in point!
This demonically driven “Deep State” has used various “tools” to advance and secure its power, at the expense of the American people. It has promoted a dangerous ideological agenda…firmly planted and established under the previous Obama administration, which involved, politicized and weaponized the media and key government intelligence agencies against President Trump and his Administration, in an attempt to bring him down and destroy his Presidency! The very organizations designed to provide news and information and to protect our national security were complicit!
That season is coming to an end! US Attorney General Barr has appointed US Attorney John Durham to examine the origins of the Russia investigation, and they are working “collaboratively” with the FBI, the CIA and the Director of National Intelligence. Durham is also working directly with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is currently reviewing allegations of misconduct in the issuance of FISA warrants, and the role of FBI informants during the early stages of the investigation.
We pray:
- For AG Barr, as he heads up our Justice Department and takes the lead in seeking the truth in all these matters!
- For US Attorney John Durham as he examines the origins of the Russia investigation and conducts his investigation into alleged misconduct and alleged improper government surveillance on the Trump campaign in 2016, as well as whether Democrats improperly colluded with foreign actors.
- For our intelligence service leaders, as they all work to resolve these issues!
- For FBI Director Chris Wray
- For CIA Director Gina Haspel
- For Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats
- For Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz
Those in the “swamp” who are involved with the Deep State, and those with globalist and socialist agendas have been “hell-bent” in trying to frustrate and forestall the plan of God to transform our nation…but they can not! God is going to use the United States of America in the end times harvest of souls. As we are informed and educated about the issues of our day, as we stand against those things which threaten our faith, freedom and family values, we will once again see the defeat of His enemies and a GLORIOUS new era for our nation!
Our praying, and then speaking the truth about what we have learned and observed, is critical to “bringing the pieces of the puzzle” together. We gain understanding as we listen, share, study and pray, and become capable of sharing with others so that they, in turn, will come to understand the truth of what is taking place. Together, we will stand and see the exposure and defeat of the corrupt systems that have extended their vile tentacles into every part of our lives and culture! HalleluYah!
We pray:
- In full faith and confidence in our GREAT God…and in His faithfulness to settle these matters… His way!
- That “His work is perfect, and all His ways are just…” and that He will defeat every foe and lead His children forward into the glorious future He has destined for this nation!
“Being confident of this very thing,
that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”
Philippians 1:6
Specific Prayer Topic for Today
Praying for the Mass Media in our Nation
Each year, there are disturbing reports of newborn babies found in dumpsters and other unsafe places. Under the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, unharmed infants can be left at a designated safe haven location. No questions asked.
We pray:
- That the media will help this word to get out!
- That no child will be disposed of but be taken to a safe place to be rescued by loving people who will help place it in a family where it’s lived and wanted!
Hineni, Adonai! Here I am, Lord!
Engaging in a Warfare of Love! The Battle of the Bride!
KADIMA! Onward…forward!
Be Strong…Courageous…Brave!
Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ!
God’s Champions for Life!
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!
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