May 17, 2024 – Notes Shabbat Call

05-17-24 Notes from the “International SHABBAT Celebration”
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
As we begin our SHABBAT CALL, Ps Ioan blessed the facilitators and all those on the prayer call, to pray and come into God’s Presence, then Albert blew the shofar over our call! This weekend, Maureen is involved in one of their granddaughter’s wedding! Maureen won’t join us on this call, as the entire family is decorating the church and reception hall tonight! We prayed corporately for their family, for Maureen (“Momo”) and the bride (Laura Elizabeth) and groom (Moses), and everyone involved in the wedding. Make everything in Your Perfect Will, Lord! May there be Shalom…a peace that passes all understanding.
We offered individual prayer:
Danielle (SC) Thank you for Maureen and calling on her life. Bless the family and the celebration. Keep her hidden in plain sight, as a memorial to You. Thank you for all Maureen means to us and our family.
Ps Ioan noted that Maureen gifted Laura with her wedding dress, made by Herla Barthelemy, who sews all of the Disney World costumes! (Maureen was a beauty queen in 1967, who as Miss Travel America, toured the USA for the Discover America Program, and as a member of the New Oregon Singers, was an American Ambassador of Song to many countries of the world.) She always spoke well of and showed respect to her own parents…and has passed this blessing on to the generations in her family!
Viviana (NY) As a grandmother, I know what it is like to pray for the generations. May this couple reach the world for you, Lord. Let there be a covenant relationship between Maureen and her new grandson. Let everything be filled with joy so that Maureen is beaming with a healthy pride in her generations!
Danielle (SC) led us in praying to receive the Ephesians 6 “armor of God” as we engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Prayer requests:
This is Bev Spooner (CA). We are in Poland, leaving for Istanbul for a week this morning (Thursday), and then on to towns in Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc. We have been under such spiritual attack the likes of which I have never seen, since before we even left L.A. We have tried to battle it ourselves but are overwhelmed. Could you please ask the 24/7 to pray for us during the Shabbat call Friday, to break this demonic grip? We have connected with various YWAM leaders in some of the countries we are visiting, where Michael, and possibly me, are hoping to speak into the lives of the students. We know God wants to use us, but the enemy is hindering us spiritually, emotionally, and physically (a three-pronged attack). Thank you so much.- Bev
Ps Ioan prayed for Bev and Michael as they travel, and then we offered corporate prayer, followed by individuals.
Viviana (NY) Heavenly Father. Thank you. We break off any evil from them. Let them feel the lifting of the oppression. They are released to do as you called them to do.
Bev (MT) Sang: “My Glory and the Lifter of My Head”
Ps Ioan challenged us to stay with the call for the next 2.5 hours. There is something new to share after 9 PM, so be ready. It is quite interesting and unusual, a long process that we all need to understand.
As we began our SHABBAT CALL, we rejoice that President Trump is able to attend his son Barron’s graduation, scheduled to begin at 7 PM tonight, at his high school, Oxbridge Academy, in Palm Beach. Barron towered over other students and administrators at his South Florida high school on Friday morning as he accepted his graduate diploma, with his parents, Melania and Donald Trump, smiling while watching from the stands. (pictures below)
President Trump was photographed looking like a very proud father, beaming with his wife Melania at the graduation ceremony. During his father’s administration, Barron relocated from Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York City to St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland. During his early years, the youngest Trump has mainly avoided the spotlight, spending his time between New York and Florida and avoiding public speaking, until recently.
“Going to Barron’s High School Graduation. Great student, wonderful boy! Very exciting!!! DJT”
Looking beautiful, (as always), Melania, 54, “wore tailored separates for the event, sporting a black Dior jacket with a white Michael Kors pencil skirt featuring a slit at the side.” Barron, the recent high school graduate, has not yet disclosed his future plans, but Trump says that recent anti-Israel protests, among other campus unrest, would affect his son’s college prospects. “He’s a good guy. He’s a senior now in high school, and he’ll be going to college. And you know, a lot of these choices of colleges are changing because you see what’s going on in the last month,” Trump said. The President also disclosed this month that Barron enjoys giving him political advice on occasion and has a fondness for politics in general. “He’s a little on the tall side. I will tell you, he’s a tall one, but he is a good-looking guy. And he’s really been a great student. And he does like politics. It’s sort of funny, he’ll tell me sometimes, ‘Dad, this is what you have to do.’”
Ps Ioan. This is the story of the Trump family. It’s a great moment…a great time in the family as children graduate.
We prayed corporately and then offered individual prayers, blessing Barron and his family!
Danielle (SC). We lift up President Donald Trump and Melania. Bless them and everything they put their hands on. You have them covered under the blood of Yeshua. Keep Barron all the days of his life. Save and provide for him. Give him divine wisdom…
Sherrill (TX). Father, we thank you so much for President Trump and what a family can be. They are game changers. We plead the Blood of Jesus over Barron. He will carry out the plans You have for him and his parents. Bless the future for them for family and Nation.
Bernadette (NY) Thank you for hearing prayers for President Trump so that he was free to attend the graduation. Reveal yourself to this young man and the entire family. Cover him going out and coming in. Make him a great blessing to his parents and family.
Mary Ellen (IL) In everything we’ve seen, there’s nothing negative. We see the fruit of the tree. “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” Psalm 1:3 Thank you for the foundation in the father and mother and he shall grow in You and prosper in You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Donna (M) “What a man sows so shall he reap.” President Trump has sown well. Barron will reap and Barron’s children will reap. Pray for a Godly spouse. He will have those things You decree for him.
Ps Ioan. Amen and Amen.
How is President Trump able to fight every day against the enemies of the people? He cried out to let him attend the graduation. The enemy tried to cause such stress, but today is a good day for President Trump. He never stops fighting for America. Here is a transcript of his statement about Joe Biden’s “inflation tax:”
“It was just announced that last month inflation surged once again and…very badly. Joe Biden’s inflation tax continues to take away 30-50% of every dollar you have. It’s a 50% tax. That’s what it is. Joe Biden, without any tax hikes, has already tax-hiked you 50%. It’s like a sales tax, but much bigger, more painful and more destructive because all of the money goes to pay for Joe Biden’s wasteful inflation. Spending like the green new scam. And that’s what it is. It’s a scam. Not one thing is cheaper. Under Crooked Joe’s food, gasoline, cars, trucks, rent and mortgages, they’re all through the roof. The whole country’s going to hell because of this guy. He’s got a 50% tax and nobody ever talks about it and nobody wants to hear about it. But that’s what it is. It’s called an inflation tax. Biden’s price hikes are killing the American dream, and perhaps most tragically of all, the 50% Biden inflation tax hits working Americans and young Americans the hardest. It also hits African Americans and Hispanic Americans as hard as they’ve ever been hit. It’s a massive wealth confiscation from the people who need it most, and from people also that produce our jobs. Crooked Joe and his cronies are getting rich while you’re struggling to get by. If you’re a young person, Joe Biden has completely pulled the rug out from under you. There is no longer an American dream. He’s made it impossible for you to save, to buy a house, or to have a wedding while simultaneously driving up the price of everything for which you want to save. The month I left office, the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.65%. Now it’s almost 8%. Joe Biden is the worst president for young people in American history. The Biden inflation tax is also crushing corner stores, restaurants and small businesses of all kinds, including those owned by millions and millions of African Americans. And Hispanic Americans, they’re the ones that are taking this the hardest. They’re the ones that have just told Joe Biden – We don’t want you anymore. Who looks at the poll numbers? The Hispanic Americans and African Americans don’t want Joe Biden anymore. He’s destroying their dream. One thing is very clear, whether you’re young or old, black or white, you can’t afford four more years of Crooked Joe Biden, the worst ever. I will end this nightmare, and we will once again have the greatest economy in the history of the world. Thank you.”
Ps Ioan He dares to say the truth. When the Communists took over Romania in 1947, they created inflation to destroy the upper and middle classes. The USA has had so much prosperity. Now everything is collapsing. Pray for President Trump. He is the voice. Rally around him and pray for him. Let’s pray for blessing and protection for President Trump. Thank you for praying. The prayers keep him alive. The Lord said: Don’t stop praying. It’s intensifying all the time. He’s a trumpet. He’s a trumpet. He is a fearless and very intelligent person and is taking the abuse. Thank You, Lord, for a shield of protection around President Trump. Let Your angels surround and protect him. Pray.
Ydia (FL) In the book of Esther, everything they did backfired. The black people have been used and abused. Everything Biden says is a lie. In Cuba, during the revolution, everything was owned by the gov’t. You pay the gov’t. Make everyone equally poor. No money, no hope. No future. We can see that he cares. He was a good president. He cares for the Nation… We want him back! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Danielle (SC) When you study Hebrew, understanding the meaning of words is very important. “Donald” means “ruler,” “John” means “favor,” and “Trump” means “stand against all odds.” It’s remarkable. A ruler’s destiny is to rule and you want the favor of God for your plans. Trump… holds the winning card. “Art of the Deal” book. Offer it back up to You. You love him so much that You laid down Your life for him. Thank you so much.
Mary Ellen (IL) Why did Biden say inflation was 1.4% when it’s 9%? He is lying. Father, in the Name of Jesus, thank you for President Trump. I saw our prayers being answered. People are waking up. When debates come, Trump will hammer inflation. And it’s much more than 9% for food. Thank you for those who are speaking the truth. Pray all this goes viral …especially with young journalists. Let the voice of TRUTH never be silent. Truth. Receive truth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Ps Ioan; Biden says inflation was 9% in 2021 and now as low as 3%. His mind isn’t working. It was less than 1.4% under President Trump.
Ydia (FL) He lies.
John, NJ; Hebrew month of Iyar. The second month represents healing. Connected to Issachar, such a month to contemplate numbers. Release of discernment. Analyze the numbers. I’m paying more and getting less. Cast our burdens on you, Lord. Thank you President Trump cast his burdens upon you. He moves in your power and he connects properly and be back in the White House. People now recognize it. Your people are positioned right for what’s next. We give you all the glory. Reveal your secrets. Radiate your splendor. The letter “vav.” Nail and connected with understanding….
Ps Ioan: insert the letter “vav.” The first letter is a tent peg…Truth…and it cannot be changed. The tent peg is nailing the truth… You will know the truth. For the Truth shall make you free. (See info at end of the notes!)
Biden (or his “handlers”) has agreed to debate President Trump.
The suggested dates are June 27 and September 10. We’ll see!!!! (…or will we?)
Ps Ioan: President Trump made two statements about debates today:
“On behalf of the future Vice President of the United States, who I have not yet chosen, we hereby accept the Fox Vice Presidential Debate, hopefully at Virginia State University, the first Historically Black College or University to host a Debate – Date to be determined. I urge Vice President Kamala Harris to agree to this. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
“I have accepted a fourth Presidential Debate against Crooked Joe Biden, this time with NBC & Telemundo. It is important as Republicans that we WIN with our Great Hispanic Community, which Biden has devastated with Crippling Inflation, High Gas Prices, Crime in our Streets, and Border Chaos. This Fourth Debate will go along with our previously accepted Presidential Debates on CNN, ABC, and Fox. This is all in addition to our accepting an invitation from Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum of Fox News to host the Vice Presidential Debate at Virginia State University, or another venue, in Virginia, to be named later. These are the Debates that Voters have been asking for, and these are the Debates that Voters will get!”
Ps Ioan: Let us pray that if the debates are traps, and not from God, they will be exposed and not take place.
Mary Ellen (IL) Debates. Will it make any difference? They can edit parts…spin the debate tape and turn it against President Trump. Another thought, Dan Bongineo says the Biden people and Obama People hate each other. His theory is Obama is pushing this. Encouraging Biden to step aside. But Biden doesn’t want to step aside. They know that the people on the left are going crazy because of the polls for Trump. You have to give votes to another person.
Bev (MT) Read this scripture, David’s prayer, for Donald John Trump: ”Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me under the shadow of Your wings” Psalm 17:8 Amen.
Ps Ioan said I love MN. Pray for a shield of protection when he enters the GOP in MN. Such a great opportunity in MN. Pray for the impact of this message to inspire people to fight!
Nancy (WA) Lord we ask for your anointing to come on President Trump that he would speak of a different tenor of your spirit. That he will be on a positive note. He is happy because he was at his son’s graduation. Sensing a different anointing. And he wants it all the time in Jesus’ Name Amen.
Sandra (LA) We lift up President Trump and Psalm 91. Thank you for the work you are doing in his life. We know he would not be standing without you. Keep him humble before you. He will do and say what you say. He feels you and give him discernment. Who is on the Lord’s side…. Amen. (sounding of the Shofar.)
Joan (AZ) Father, we know this is Pentecost weekend. Pour out on him like never before. I declare it. Let the Spirit be poured out on him. Pray he had a wonderful time. Pour out every bit of your spirit on him. Bless him in Jesus’ mighty name Amen.
Aida (MI) Psalm 121, Lift up your eyes, President Trump….I Welcome President Trump to my State.
Ps Ioan read the following two statements from President Trump.
“People are thinking that Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, who never wanted to bring the Witch Hunt against me in the first place, is going to drop this ridiculous and very unpatriotic “CASE” in order to save lots of money, and also the self respect of his once revered Office. He would then be able to focus on Violent Crime, which is running rampant and totally out of control in New York. The dilemma is, and always has been, the Trump Hating (APPOINTED IN 2009 & STILL ACTING!) Judge, Juan Merchan, who would be confronted with the problem of how he would explain this TRUMP loss, to the Radical Left Democrats, to whom he owes so much? Bring back “Justice in America.” ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!”
“There is virtually universal agreement of the fact that the Alvin Bragg Witch Hunt against me, a SHAM TRIAL instigated and prosecuted directly from the inner halls of the White House and DOJ, should be immediately dropped, with apologies to me and all of the others who have had to live with this Election Interfering Hoax against Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent. Not nice!!!”
Ps Ioan: Bring back justice in America. This trial is concerning him. Let us pray corporately for President Trump for the 4-5 trials.
President Trump wants to win NY and has announced an HISTORIC VISIT TO THE SOUTH BRONX:
President Donald J. Trump is keeping his word with newly announced plans to campaign in the South Bronx. In a major play to win New York in the 2024 presidential election, Trump will pitch his America First alternative to Biden’s “disastrous presidency” directly to voters. His visit will take place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. ET, according to an announcement the Trump campaign released on Friday night. Describing the need for change in New York, the campaign’s statement slammed Biden’s “failed policies” and cited alarming statistics on rising inflation and violent crime in the Empire State.
“New Yorkers have suffered greatly thanks to Biden’s failed policies. With prices in the Empire State up by 17.5% since Biden took office, New York families continue to suffer from high inflation on everyday goods. In fact, New Yorkers have spent $7,747 more on transportation, $3,542 more on energy, $3,637 more on food, and $3,921 more on shelter on average since January 2021 due to Bidenflation. Both New York City and the state at large have been ravaged by monumental surges in violent crime as a direct result of Biden’s and Democrats’ pro-criminal policies. Murders in New York City are up 23.1 % from 2019 levels, while felony assault is up 35.4 %. These upticks are incomprehensible and devastating.”
President Trump’s commitment to rallying support in the South Bronx has generated significant anticipation as he charts a new path to victory in November. “The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden,” the Trump campaign’s statement reads. “President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York! We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth.”
Ps Ioan declared: President Trump never gives up. The Bronx is mainly African-American. Let’s pray corporately to bless President Trump as he campaigns in the Bronx, for great success and that it spreads all over. May he reach the Jews there, too.
John (NJ) Bronx is the poorest borough of NY, very suppressed, and has been manipulated and exploited. Nobody goes to the Bronx except to the Baseball Stadium. Thank you for energizing the people across the state. Thank you for the wrecking ball, Donald Trump, who will demolish the giant that has choked the whole East Coast. Let the Blood of Jesus speak to their hearts.
We paused as we do nightly, to pray for the J6ers just before 9 PM.
We prayed corporately and lifted up all who were accused, tried, and imprisoned unjustly…
and those with pending cases, such as President Trump, and others being persecuted!
Then, in solidarity with the J6ers, Nancy (WA) led us in singing the National Anthem…
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, return to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
Let them be comforted and at peace in their cells tonight, knowing that God is near!
Ps Ioan: Thank you, Nancy, for blowing the Shofar. That was beautiful. And Lord, bless Maureen again because she loves this moment when we sing our National Anthem.
Following prayer for the J6ers, Ps Ioan had us look to the Scripture about the end times in Matthew 24:14. It tells us: “This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” We are approaching the greatest harvest ever. Ps Ioan shared how he had been impacted by the Navigators, then Campus Crusade for Christ (now CRU), and their Jesus Film project and many good programs for children. The USA has been blessed to share the gospel and to have a born-again President (DJT). There will be a revival of Jews in the USA. God’s Covenant with them has never been broken…although the enemy tried to interrupt it.
He continued: It’s not an accident that I came to the USA. I wasn’t a citizen until December 2022. In November 2017, a revival started in CA, the Golden State. The Lord gave a special anointing, the Gold Anointing. Nothing was to corrupt it. We must all accept it by faith. We began to welcome the King of Glory in 2017, then again in 2018… and this state of CA belongs to the Lord.
Personally, I was very restricted. I had no car, and I questioned why that had happened. It’s God’s way to not allow us to be corrupted by mammon. I was offered a car as a “gift” from a friend in Oregon, and while driving home to CA, the car broke down. It was a clunker. (I felt very dishonored, so I fixed it… and gave it away.) On my way home, I passed by Mt. Shasta. I had come to the land of all possibilities…and I was stuck. At that time, Jenny Johnson said that we needed to Welcome the King of Glory to Mt. Shasta, one of the occult dark places in the world. So we did, and we built an altar to the Lord there in November 2018.
There are 9 specific places where we are to Welcome the King of Glory and serve notices of evictions: We have now completed 6 of these: in Brussels, Belgium; the City of London, UK; NY, USA (including PA); Jerusalem, Israel; Athens, Greece, and the American Territory of American Samoa. In each place, after we had affirmed our Covenant with God, letters of divorce with false gods were read and eviction notices were served.
We still have 3 evictions: in Egypt, South Korea and Russia. We realized that we dared not take a sabbatical…but needed to continue to expose and cleanse everything.
Suddenly a word came about the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation 6.
First Seal: The Conqueror
1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Second Seal: Conflict on Earth
3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.
Third Seal: Scarcity on Earth
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”
Fourth Seal: Widespread Death on Earth
7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.
Lord, what is our role? What is our assignment? What about these riders? For the end-time harvest to come, these principalities must be restrained. So we must go back to Mt. Shasta.
Ps Ioan said he felt that Isaiah 33:22 and Mark 4:39 are our key verses for our next assignment!
Isaiah 33:22
“For the Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us!”
Mark 4:35-41 (waters in Scripture represent the nations!)
35 On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” 36 Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. 38 But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”
39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
40 But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”
be still – phimoo fee-mo’-o
to close the mouth with a muzzle, to muzzle; to stop the mouth, make speechless, reduce to silence
peace – siōpaō see-o-pah’-o
silence, i.e. a hush, properly, muteness, i.e. involuntary stillness, or inability to speak,
Rebuke – epitimaō ep-ee-tee-mah’-o
rebuke, reprove, censure severely, to admonish or charge sharply
wind – anemos an’-em-os
wind, a violent agitation and stream of air; a very strong tempestuous wind
We shared the Notes from a 5-15-24 ZOOM Call, with Ian, David, Evy and Randy, Debbie and Daniel, Ps Ioan and Maureen…(Robert joined us later in the call.)
Ian opened in prayer and we began to discuss what is coming and prepare the way for what the Lord is about to do. Maureen blessed the call, Evy and Randy, and then we welcomed David, then Debbie and Daniel joined us! Ioan prayed as well, then we got to the purpose of this call.
Ps Ioan said that we have fulfilled our assignments with 6 of the global principalities, and we still have
3 remaining: the Prince of Africa – the spirit of Occultism, Witchcraft and Slavery, The Prince of Asia (Korea) – the spirit of Death, and the Prince of the North – the spirit of War (Russia)
The Prince of Africa – Occultism, Witchcraft and Slavery
Opening the access for daemons into mankind. Humans are the source of power for the demons. This is working in straight opposition to God’s work for humans. All that we receive from God is a gift. All that daemons and Satan take from us is a robbery.
The Prince of Asia – Death
The cult of death is preeminent in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. North Korea is now the main source of power for this prince. With this power, he is holding in place communism in China and the division of Korea.
The Prince of War (The fearless spirit of the Vikings)
The lack of fear is not the product of the Love of God and for the neighbor but is by denying the reality of death, despising the gift of Life which is given to man every day by God. This spirit of war and aggressiveness was known in history as the Viking spirit which opposed the advance of the Kingdom of God to almost all Beulah. This spirit of war was transferred to the Slavs by the Viking tribe called Rus in the 9th century. Since then the Russians have been at war with all the nations.
The entity at Mt. Shasta has been identified as one of the 4 RIDERS spoken of in Revelation 6…(the black horse…famine…and lack of resources!) The other 3 RIDERS are the remaining principalities identified above. These are to be restrained, for the preparation of the end-time harvest. The representations are of Africa (white horse), of Korea (pale horse), and Russia (red horse).
Last week, David Clements was in CA where he met with patriots in Huntington Beach, CA. One of the people who attended said that CA was facing famine and bankruptcy. From mining over 700 tons of GOLD starting in 1849, it’s gone to the opposite end…and is failing…(as is the whole West Coast of the USA.)
Ps Ioan showed some pictures of a previous Mt. Shasta visit. It is located about 2 ½ hours N of Sacramento. Its influence is widespread. When we Welcomed the King of Glory there, Jenny Jones and Ray Shelton were among those who went “on-site,”. Going up the Bonnie Trail Flat, they found an altar, which they dismantled…and turned it into an altar for God! As they did that, the 24/7 family was on the call with them and praying.
David shared: As the black horse was mentioned, Revelation comes to mind. Horses travel, and behind them is an army that follows…not just death riding on a horse, but death ushering in all forms of evil…there is a human agency that helps carry that out in the natural…(ie. Newsom, Pelosi, et al). Shasta County is one of the few counties that stood up to the Dominion voting machines. What if this could bring a victory and the overthrow of the slave master in the election?
He said that in the Lord of the Rings, there were 9 riders who were serving their dark king… working evil for satan’s kingdom. The other side had Gandalf, who was trying to awaken the others…to be the heroes to contend with the 9 riders. We have a Biblical mandate. Jesus accomplished the VICTORY at the cross, and sent out the 12, then the 70, or Gideon’s army of 300…the saints… to contend with the human agencies that serve the forces of evil. Shasta is a stronghold. The enemy wants it. The fruit that will be born from the defeat of Dominion there would be nationwide.
When he got to CA, he met with the founder of the new CA state movement that wants to split the state in half…Paul Preston, of New California, CA history shows that whenever they were on the verge of collapse, God moved. First, the GOLD RUSH, then the 1920s oil find, then in WWII, 40 % of our airplanes were made in CA. In 2024, there is famine because of the slavemaster framework, and here comes the 24/7 NSPC network…and it all comes together. Shasta CO is vital.
David said that 13-14 years ago, he dreamed of a demonic horse (like the blue horse “Blucifer” at the airport in Denver). As we were speaking of these 4 horses, he thought of it again. These 4 horses are war horses, and we are in a war.
When we look for better ways to think through process serving and eviction, we shouldn’t get caught up with the way the earthly legal system works. So how do we go about this notion of serving process/evicting?
It seems as if we serve the King, it’s the most powerful service! I see knights; I see “Ambassadors;” it’s not a menial function! He noted: “Muzzling” is a very specific term applied to horses…
RE: Timing: Ps Ioan said that David would be back there in CA from May 29-June 1st…so we could meet in Sacramento and drive to Shasta together from there…and pick David up en route. Ps Ioan sees this as a mission by “friends”! David said that process servers have “authority” to put someone “on notice,” and as friends of Jesus, we serve the King, and the authority is even greater.
We were asked to respond to what we’ve heard:
Ian shared: said that he has been fasting since he heard about it
Debbie shared: Exodus 12:12 and Daniel 7:9-10
Daniel shared: He believes the peace treaty will come in 2025…he said that God told him: “I am not Your Father’s servant, I am His friend!”
Randy shared: thank You to the Lord, and keep us in His way, so we can help our team. We are amazed at the revelation being given to us. We will do what we have to do…we are waiting for REVIVAL before the Lord is coming, and we want America to be revived.
Maureen shared: that we are both Ambassadors and friends, and as such, carry greater authority than either one or the other! It is beautiful to see the unfolding at a deeper level of how we are being permitted to serve our KING!
Ps Ioan said we would send details soon.
Maureen prayed as we closed the call…and Logan (David’s son) hopped on the line and cheered us all up!
End of call notes!
Ps Ioan: Let’s have a corporate prayer to the Lord for grace and restoration, revival… He called this hidden until now.
gag order A “gag order” is the term for when a judge prohibits the attorneys, parties, or witnesses in a pending lawsuit or criminal prosecution from talking about the case to the public. However, a court will scrutinize any gag order under the right of free expression, protected by the First Amendment, and applies a heavy presumption against its constitutional validity, as with any prior restraint. See Carroll v. Princess Anne. In Nebraska Press Ass’n v. Stuart, the U.S. Supreme Court considered the following factors in analyzing the constitutionality of a gag order: “(a) the nature and extent of pretrial news coverage; (b) whether other measures would be likely to mitigate the effects of unrestrained pretrial publicity; and (c) how effectively a restraining order would operate to prevent the threatened danger [of an unfair trial for defendant].” In that case, however, the Court found that a lower court’s gag order was justified because publicity of alleged shocking crimes would be widespread and would likely reach a jury, impairing the defendant’s right to a fair trial.
cease and desist order A cease and desist order is an order by an administrative agency that requires certain practices specified to stop. It is used in Labor and Employment Law, Security Law, Education Law, and a lot of other areas of law. Typically, an administrative judge has the discretion to decide over the issuance of the order. There are two different kinds of cease and desist orders: summary cease and desist orders and final cease and desist orders. A cease and desist order that is issued prior to a hearing or without judicial proceedings is called a summary cease and desist order. The violator must request a hearing within a certain amount of time, otherwise, the order becomes final.
restraining order A restraining order is a civil court order that requires one person not to harm or harass another. Although you can enforce a restraining order by asking the judge to hold a violator in contempt of court, such orders are usually enforced by police officers or other law enforcement professionals. Violating a restraining order is a crime that can lead to arrest, fines, and jail time.
We shared in communion, then closed singing “SHABBAT SHALOM!”
With our love and blessings.
Pastor Ioan and Maureen
We NEED FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
Participants are also invited to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour a week.
We use a “two by two” Biblical model to ensure each hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
(Contact Maureen to volunteer to serve…407-810-4665)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Touch hearts, Lord, and cause our family to be open and willing to step up to serve!
Thank YOU, Lord! This is Your work!
To print the PDF file, use the following link:
The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called “Vav” (pronounced “vahv”) and has the sound of “v” as in “vine.”
In modern Hebrew, the letter Vav can appear in three forms:
Write the manual print version (or “block” version) of Vav as follows:
Note that there is a slight left-to-right decline in the horizontal stroke.
Note: In ancient Hebrew, Vav may have been pronounced “w” and is sometimes transliterated as “w”; however, in modern Hebrew Vav is pronounced as a “v” sound. Vav can also function as a “consonantal vowel” in Hebrew texts.
Advanced Information
The letter Vav is the sixth letter of the Aleph-Bet, having the numeric value of six. The pictograph for Vav looks like a tent peg, whereas the classical Hebrew script (ketav Ashurit) is constructed of a vertical line and conjoined Yod. The meaning of the word vav is “hook,” as a connecting hook used when the mishkan (tabernacle) was assembled.
1. The Mystery of Vav
The first Vav in the Torah occurs in Genesis 1:1:
The placement of the Vav suggests two of its essential connective powers:
By joining heaven and earth ( ) it implies the connection between spiritual and earthly matters.
Since it occurs as the 22nd letter in the Torah attached to the sixth word, (et), it alludes to the creative connection between all of the letters. Vav is therefore the connecting force of the God, the divine “hook” that binds together heaven and earth.
2. Vav and the Tabernacle (mishkan)
The word Vav is used in Exodus 27:9-10 to refer to the hooks of silver fastened to posts (called amudim) that were used to hold the curtain (yeriah) that encloses the tabernacle:
Just as the tabernacle was the habitation of God while the Israelites traveled in the wilderness, so the Torah is the habitation of His word today. Therefore, the scribes developed the idea that the Torah Scroll was to be constructed in the manner of the tabernacle. They called each parchment sheet of a scroll a yeriah, named for the curtain of the tabernacle (there are roughly 50 yeriot per scroll) and each column of text an amud, named for the post of the tabernacle’s court.
Now since each curtain of the tabernacle was fastened to its post by means of a silver hook (vav), the scribes made each column of text to begin with a letter Vav, thereby “hooking” the text to the parchment:
The laws of writing a Torah scroll are called soferut. There are over 4,000 “laws” or rules used by scribes to prepare a kosher scroll. For instance, the Torah must contain exactly 304,805 well-formed letters in 248 amudim (columns or pages). Each yeriah (sheet of parchment) must come from the hide of a kosher animal that has been specially perpared for the purposes of writing. Special inks are used and whenever a scribe writes any of the
seven Names of God, he must say a blessing (l’shem k’dushat Hashem) and dip his quill in fresh ink.
A Torah scroll may contain no errors of any kind or it is considered passul (invalid). Each line of every amud is carefully read (backwards) by the sofer and compared against a working copy (called a tikkun). If an error is detected in a yeriah, it must be removed from the scroll and buried in a genizah, a sort of “cemetary” or repository for sacred texts (the most famous genizah is the Cairo Genizah).
3. The Belly of the Torah
An oversized Vav marks the “center” of the entire Torah (Leviticus 11:42):
Appropriately enough, the word in which this Vav occurs is gachon, meaning “belly.”
4. Vav is a picture of Man
Since Vav represents the number six, it has long been associated as the number of man in the Jewish tradition:
Man was created on the sixth day
Man works for six days – the realm of the chol and the mundane
There are six millennia before the coming of the Mashiach
The “beast” is identified as the “number of a man” – 666 (Rev 13:18)
5. The Broken Vav
Soferut (i.e., the laws concerning the scribal arts of writing Sefrei Torah) requires that all Hebrew letters be well-formed – that is, no letters can touch other letters and no letters can be malformed, broken, or otherwise illegible. However, there is a strange exception to these rules regarding the Vav that appears in the word “shalom” Numbers 25:12:
“Behold, I am giving to him my covenant of peace.”
In a Torah scroll, the word shalom would be written like this:
What is the significance of this broken Vav?
The story in Numbers chapter 25 is about Phineas (the grandson of Aaron the priest) and his zeal to remove evil from Israel by driving a spear through a man who was fornicating with a Moabite woman. On account of Phineas’ act, God stopped the plague and Israel was delivered from destruction. From a Messianic point of view, we can see that Phineas is a type of Yeshua, since it is written that “he was jealous for his God and made atonement for 4/6
8/22/2018 The Letter Vav the people of Israel” (Numbers 25:13).
On a “sod” level we can further think of this broken Vav as picture of the brokenness of the Messiah for our ultimate deliverance. How so? Well, since Vav represents the number of Man, the broken Vav represents a man that is broken. In this particular pasuk (verse), the man has been broken for the sake of a covenant of peace that brought atonement to Israel – another picture of the Messiah Yeshua and His ultimate deliverance for us.
6. The Vav, Messiah, and New Creation
When God first created the “generations” of the heavens and the earth, the word toldot (תודלות) is used (Gen. 2:4). This refers to created order before the sin and fall of Adam and Eve. After the fall of Adam, however, the word is spelled differently in the Hebrew text, with a missing letter Vav (i.e., as תודלת). Thereafter, each time the phrase, “these are the generations of” occurs in the Scriptures (a formulaic way of enumerating the generations of
the heads of families), the word is spelled “defectively,” with the missing Vav (ו). The Vav was “lost.” However, when we come to Ruth 4:18 the phrase: ‘These are the generations of Perez’ is spelled with the missing Vav restored (i.e., as תודלות). In all of Scripture, the only two places where we see the restored spelling is in Genesis 2:4 and Ruth 4:18, which leads to the question as to what connection there might be between the creation of the
heavens and the earth, the fall of mankind, and the creation of the family line of Perez?
The name “Perez” (ץרפ) means “breach” (from paratz, meaning “to break through”). God was going to “break through” the families of mankind in order to restore creation back to its original intent. The letter Vav represents man, and the very first Vav in the Torah is associated with the “first and last man” as seen in Genesis 1:1:
The Restored Vav is a picture of the Mashiach who would descend from the “generations” of Perez. He would be the one to breach the gates of death on our behalf. Just as the original Vav was lost through the first Adam and his sin, so the Vav is restored through the obedience of the “Second Adam,” the Mashiach Yeshua.