May 14, 2024 – Notes A Call to the Wall

05-14-24 Notes “A Call to the Wall…to Pray for our President” 8-10 PM ET Tuesdays
24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
Ps Ioan opened us in prayer and then Natalie (NY) led us as we prayed to receive the Ephesians 6 armor of God, in order to engage in the BATTLE OF THE BRIDE…A WARFARE OF LOVE on behalf of our beloved nation!
“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 6:10-18
We prayed corporately, receiving God’s armor and asking that we wear it with the dignity it deserves!
Statements from President Trump:
Highlights from the MAGA Rally in NJ on Saturday…attended by over 100 K people!!!
“With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our Country from these tyrants and villains once and for all.”
“Like those PATRIOTS before us, we will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never, ever back down.”
“With your support, we will go on to victory the likes of which no one has ever seen, and we will evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House on November 5th, 2024! “
“The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer!”
“Never forget—our enemies want to take away MY freedom because I will never let them take away YOUR freedom. They want to silence ME because I will never let them silence YOU. In the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you—and I’m just standing in their way!”
*** NOTE: When the Rally was over, there was not a scrap of litter left behind!!! What a tribute to Trump supporters!
We prayed corp]orately into this and then offered individual prayers:
Danielle (SC) thanked God for sustaining President Trump, and quoted 2 Samuel that the wicked will not
prevail! His speech in NJ was a call to unity…and to save America!
Desiree (NY) shared about seeing President Trump as he approached the courthouse, and the many GOP
dignitaries and others who have gone to NY to support him and speak in his stead, since he’s
“Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!! WHY WASN’T THIS HOAX BROUGHT SEVEN YEARS AGO, INSTEAD OF IN THE MIDDLE OF MY WINNING CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT — ELECTION INTERFERENCE. The problem is that this Judge, Merchan, is TOTALLY COMPROMISED, CONFLICTED, AND CORRUPT, MAKING BIG MONEY OFF OF THIS SCAM AND ITS OUTCOME. He can’t render a fair decision, too much is at stake for him and the Democrats. The Appellate Division should remove him immediately!”
These patriots are standing for and with the President:
Rep. Byron Donalds: “This is a travesty of Justice. Look around New York – New York has got plenty of issues. You have all of NYPD’s Finest down because of the travesty going on in that Courtroom. Meanwhile, the Citizens of New York are less safe. The District Attorney isn’t prosecuting real crime. He’s a Soros-backed D.A. going after his Chief Political Rival, Donald Trump.
Governor Doug Burgum: “We know from the Polls that President Trump is leading all over the Country, and the conclusion is that the American People have already acquitted President Trump.”
Brett Tolman: “Gag Order is a tool utilized to protect defendant, rarely if ever applied to one side – Never seen it applied to defendant themselves. YOU HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL PROBLEM without ability to say anything about your own case.”
Jonna Spilbor, Attorney, Townhall: “MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING: The bulk of the legal eagles dissecting the case, myself included, still have not been able to connect the dots between the stated charges and any evidence in support of them…This case is an abuse of discretion, process, and authority at a level never seen.”
Matt Whitaker: “As a former acting Attorney General, I’m deeply concerned about the Trial in New York targeting President Trump. This politically motivated prosecution undermines the bedrock of our Justice System and erodes Public Trust in the Rule of Law. We must ensure that Justice remains blind and fair for all Americans. That isn’t happening in Judge Merchan’s Courtroom.”
Tom Fitton: “I’ve carefully tracked the @realDonaldTrump trial up in New York. The ‘prosecution’ hasn’t presented any evidence of a crime by Trump. Judge Merchan, at the conclusion of the prosecution’s case, should follow the law and end the trial with a directed verdict for Trump’s acquittal.”
Rep. Cory Mills: “This is nothing more than ELECTION INTERFERENCE at its finest. The American People see this SHAM INDICTMENT for what it is.”
We prayed into these defenders corporately, then offered individual prayers:
Mary Ellen (IL) no one knows what crime he’s accused of Isaiah 42:6-7,16 “I, the Lord, have called You in
Righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, as light
to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from
the prison house. I will bring the blind in a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not
known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for
them, and not forsake them.”
Desiree (NY) shared about speaking with foreign journalists and prayed they would know that America is alive and well.
Danielle (SC) What we are seeing played out is public persecution of Donald Trump. There is no crime, and everyone in America and around the world is seeing JUSTICE on TRIAL.
Kay (IL) agreed with that prayer to expose evil through a man who is willing to stand up and take it. Shield and guard him and his family, and continue to EXPOSE and EXPOSE, and let the people be willing to admit to what they are seeing. We all have people in our lives who have believed the LIES.
Kay prayed for those who had been deceived, and asked God to let them see the lies perpetrated
on the American public by the Dems, RINOs and evil doers!
Janis (MA) many of us have given so much thought to those who are clinging to a dearly held worldview, based in darkness, and hanging by a thread! Despite all evidence to the contrary, they can’t let go of their belief that Trump is evil….PRIDE comes into play as they are deluded and they can’t seem to admit they were wrong! Remove the veil of deception and break the power of delusion! We cry out for mercy for those under this “mind-blinding spirit” so they might know and love the TRUTH!
Transcript of the statement from President Trump today, 4 PM as he exited the courtroom:
“As you know, I’m under a gag order, so I can’t answer those very simple questions. The political science literature is pretty consistent that this is the time when the electorate’s views about the election starts to harden. And basically, they’re saying we’re doing really well and you’re seeing it in all the polls.
Quote Alan Dershowitz, a great gentleman: “This is election interference at the most obvious. And every American, no matter whether you’re on the Trump team or against him, whatever political affiliation it is, (and he goes on to say he’s a Democrat, he can’t be right about everything because he’s making a big mistake. If you’re Jewish and you’re a Democrat, and that includes Alan Dershowitz, you want to have your head examined. You see what’s going on with Israel.) But he goes on: “I’m a Democrat. You should be equally concerned about how the legal system is being weaponized and abused for partisan purposes. Remember this, all over the world they’re watching this trial and they’re seeing what a disgrace this is… a big disgrace to New York.”
President Trump added: “You know, I love this state. I love this city and they’ve got to get it back. They’ve got to get the legal system back because people are fleeing, and businesses are leaving because they can’t go through what I’m going through.”
Speaker Mike Johnson was here a little while ago. He says: “Just apply common sense. Take a look at what’s happening. Just apply common sense.” That’s a great gentleman.
Victor Davis Hanson said: “None of the five civil or criminal cases currently against President Donald Trump, (by the way, all are going through Washington,) this is all election interference by Biden. Do any of them have merit? None of them have had merit. These criminal civil trials are merely the continuation of extra-legal efforts of the last eight years that have destroyed the presidential candidate in lieu of opposing him in a transparent election. Enemies like China and Russia now boast that America’s new political prosecutions are similar to those of their own systems…and even more so.” That’s Victor Davis Hanson.
Matt Whitaker. Former. Acting Attorney General: “I’m deeply concerned about the trial in New York targeting President Trump. It’s very unfair, et cetera, et cetera.”
President Trump: I am not allowed to talk about big portions of my case. And nothing like that’s ever happened. They’re allowed to talk on the other side, but I’m not. Governor Doug Burgum was here with many other politicians today…congressmen and senators, etcetera. Have you met some of them? Bergum said that “the conclusion is that the American people have already acquitted President Trump.” I believe that’s true and that a large portion, 80% say this trial is a disgrace and so are the others, by the way, if you look at the way they’re going. Take a look at what’s going on in Florida with deranged Jack Smith. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He got caught doing things that you’re not supposed to do. That’s what he called deranged Jackman. He’s a deranged person.
Representative Byron Donalds terrific young congressman, says this is a travesty of justice. NY’s got a lot of issues that he talks about, issues we have of people being killed right outside and yet we have 20 prosecutors sitting over there for what almost every single legal analyst says “no crime.” Cory Mills said that “the American people see the sham indictment for what it is.”
So that’s it. Look, the trial is going very well. It’s the fourth week I’ve been stuck in here for four weeks. We call it the ice box. Now, today, (holding up a mug shot of an illegal alien) this is what they should be looking at…right here. This is called our new wave of crime…“migrant crime.” I call it “Biden migrant crime” because he’s allowed probably 15-16 million people into our country having no idea who they are. Many are from prisons and jails… from mental institutions and even insane asylums. They’re emptying out all over the world. They’re coming in to our beautiful USA. This is a man just charged with the death of a three-month-old baby. This right here, this is what we’re allowing into our country…no checks, no nothing.
On the economy, interest rates are rising at a rapid rate and inflation is going up very, very powerfully. And if you know what inflation really is, it’s a “country buster.” Look over the last 500 years at countries with inflation…they’re all busted. They’re busted up countries… and that’s what we have. We have record inflation and people are. dying because of it. You would have had no inflation with me. We were down to practically nothing. You have record inflation and it’s back and you have very high interest rates. People can’t buy homes. They can’t buy anything. They go for food and it’s 40,50,60,70,80% more than it was just a couple of years ago. So that’s a shame. We’ll be back tomorrow. Again, we had a very good day. I think we’re exposing this scam for what it is. Thank you very much.
We prayed into our President’s remarks:
Audrey (CA) the exposure President Trump is getting is being “paid for” by the Dems! When Moses said LET MY PEOPLE GO! Pharaoh, like Judge Merchan, was given a chance, but he refused, and then he paid a heavy price.
Mary Ellen (IL) John 18:37-38 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?”Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all. She prayed for the truth to be told by the media, who seem to have no sense of TRUTH!
We paused just before 9 PM to pray corporately for the J6 prisoners, asking the Lord to free them.
We then united our hearts with theirs from across our nation
as Sally (WY) led us in singing our National Anthem.
Having prayed on-site for them in DC, we continue to stand with them and their families,
praying that they would be set free, returned to their lives and loved ones,
and be compensated for the injustice they have suffered!
The DEMS are going nuts!!! Democrat strategist James Carville admitted, “what we’re doing is really not working!”
And Joe isn’t helping…Speaking in the Rose Garden to leaders of key American industries, he said about the members of his Cabinet: “they are here in the front row…it’s “Murderers Row!” How true!
Tough to even read, but in the interest of being “informed” about the enemy’s tactics, we read this leaked memo purportedly from the National Security Agency shows the agency endorses aspects of critical race theory and “queer theory.” A “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Glossary” for the National Security Agency (NSA), reportedly distributed internally in 2022, was obtained, verified, and published Wednesday by The Daily Wire. The document serves as a “glossary of terms and language commonly used in dialogue regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice,” with 327 terms defined in total.
The NSA is an intelligence agency established in 1952 that aims to monitor domestic and foreign threats of terrorism.
“Queer theory,” one of the listed terms, is defined as an approach that “critically deconstructs and challenges binaries such as male and female or heterosexual and homosexual.”
Other related terms include “transmisogyny,” which is described as the “intersection of transphobia and misogyny.” It defines the term as the “irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people.”
“Ze” and “zir” are defined as “gender-neutral pronouns” that can replace he/she or him/her.
Other terms include “genderqueer,” “demigender,” “pansexual,” and “AFAB/AMAB: Assigned Female At Birth, Assigned Male At Birth.” “Gender binary” is described as “the idea that there are only two genders,” which is “challenged by those who identify as non-binary.”
The term “female-bodied” is described as “very problematic as it genders bodies nonconsensually and plays into cissexism (in that breasts or a vulva, for example, are considered inherently female),” the guide explains. The section on “gender-affirming surgery” describes “sex change” as “an outdated and often offensive term.”
cisgender / cis: A term for people whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. The word cisgender can also be shortened to “cis.”
cisnormativity: The belief that being cisgender is normal. This belief feeds into a system of oppression that privileges cisgender individuals and denies equality to transgender people.
Critical Race Theory: A framework or set of basic perspectives, methods, and pedagogy that seeks to identify, analyze, and transform those structural and cultural aspects of society that maintain the subordination and marginalization of People of Color. There are at least five themes that form the basic perspectives, research methods, and pedagogy of critical race theory in education: The centrality and intersectionality of race and racism. The challenge to dominant ideology. The commitment to social justice. The centrality of experiential knowledge. The interdisciplinary perspective.
“Critical race theory” is an approach to challenging “dominant ideology,” according to the document. Two popular advocates of CRT, Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi, are cited in the glossary. It references DiAngelo after defining “white fragility” as “the state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.”
fluid(ity): Describes an identity that may change or shift over time between; generally attached with another term, like gender-fluid or fluid-sexuality.
FTM/F2M/F to M: Abbreviation for a person who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) but identifies as male and transitioned to a masculine appearance that is consistent with their gender identity. This term is problematic to some FAAB trans people as they feel they were never female and because X to Y terms can put too much focus on traditional means of physical transition.
gender binary: The idea that there are only two genders: man and woman. This idea is challenged by individuals who identify as non-binary (e.g., genderqueer, agender).
gender diversity: Refers to the extent to which a person’s gender identity, role or expression differs from the cultural norms prescribed for people of a particular sex.
gender dysphoria: The distress that a person experiences when the sex they were assigned at birth (by way of anatomy) does not match their gender identity. A person may experience various degrees of dysphoria with respect to different parts of their anatomy. For example, a female-bodied person may experience dysphoria with their breasts and voice but not genitalia.
gender expression: External manifestations of gender, expressed through a person’s name, pronouns, clothing, haircut, behavior, voice, and/or body characteristics. Society identifies these cues as masculine and feminine, although what is considered masculine or feminine changes over time and varies by culture.
gender fluid: A gender identity characterized by fluctuation between masculine/feminine/other (gender expression) and/or man-ness/woman-ness/other (gender identity). Some gender fluid people experience shifts on a frequent basis (within a day), others may go long periods of time.
gender identity: Refers to a person’s internal, deeply held sense of their gender.
gender-neutral / gender-inclusive: Inclusive language to describe relationships (spouse and partner instead of husband/boyfriend and wife/girlfriend), spaces (gender-neutral/inclusive restrooms are for use by all genders), pronouns (they and ze are gender neutral/inclusive pronouns) among other things.
gender neutral pronouns: Pronouns that do not adhere to the he:she and his:her binary, and can refer to a number of different gender identities. Some examples are ze/hir/hirs, and they/them/their but there are many others. Gender neutral pronouns are recognized by the Chicago Style Manual and AP.
gender non-conforming: An individual or identity characterized by traits that do not conform to conventional gendered behavior, expression, or gender roles.
gender normative: A person who conforms to gender-based expectations of society.
The agency describes “whiteness” as a “broad social construction that embraces the white culture, history, ideology, racialization, expressions, experiences, epistemology, emotions, and behaviors” that aims to attain “material political, economic, and structural benefits for those socially deemed white.”
“White privilege” is defined as an “unquestioned and unearned set of advantages, entitlements, benefits, and choices bestowed on people solely because they are white.”
The document appears to describe the establishment of the U.S. as an act of oppression. “Settler colonialism” is explained as typically including “oppressive governance” and “enforcement of codes of superiority.” The glossary cites the “white European occupation of land in what is now the United States” as an example of its definition.
Joe Biden has made a point of directing government entities to implement “diversity, equity, and inclusion” initiatives. On his first day in office, Biden issued an executive order to that end, which he later expanded, declaring in each that “advancing equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity is the responsibility of the whole of our Government.” The federal government “must also provide resources and opportunities to strengthen and advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility” and “have a workforce that reflects the diversity of the American people,” the second executive order read.
We shared our reflections on this evil…
Peggy (CA) this is so vile…and we need to keep praying for a National Day of Repentance. We need to be praying for SCOTUS to hold the line Constitutionally!
Ps Ioan said this is challenging God and triggering the judgment of God which could bring His wrath upon the nation! We prayed corporately into this matter!
We then offered individual prayers:
Kay (IL) prayed for those being deceived by these lies and forced to accept them. God created us male and female, no other gender. Due to our brokenness, many have fallen away…and they are not happy in their perversion! Have mercy on them, Lord!
Desiree (NY) those who are involved in this perversion can no longer hide. They are out in the open! We
shut this down, and ask that they have no rest until they turn from their wicked ways!
Audrey (CA) she was at her son’s this weekend, and saw on TV those who are engaged in the perverse lifestyle being told in commercials that they could use certain pharmaceuticals and stay HIV negative while engaging in the lifestyle! She asked that God judge those who are using these vile meds to make money off people’s sins and pain!
Nadine (TC) give these people (trapped in perversion of all kinds) dreams and visions and shows them TRUTH. We so want to see them saved and know YOU! Deliver them into truth!
Roxie (CO) prayed for the children in the classrooms and came against the devices of the enemy that try to lure little ones into this lifestyle of evil. There was a “SKITTLES CLUB” for LGBTQ middle schoolers, and it was being marketed to the younger children! We say NO to that!
Sharon (CA) one aspect has infiltrated into every arena – in the 1980’s the Drs had control of Health Care, then insurance went the way that Medicare dictated, and BIG Pharma took over! We have an evil disease that has been raised as a “lifestyle” all around the world that is to prevent life…this is the agenda of the New World Order…and many are cooperating with it…a mass insanity to which we are all expected to adapt! You are not the author of confusion, Lord…and we ask for Your mighty intervention! It is so far gone, it’s like the hysteria that took place in Nazi Germany…leading to the execution of Jews! She lifted up Drs. who refused to cooperate with this evil system, and have pulled away from taking insurance and are going cash only!
Natalie (NY) asked that we push back the agenda of the WHO and not be complicit in it!
Ps Ioan said that all the Republicans are asking that the USA NOT sign on to the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement. Our focuses will deal with this matter on this Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!
Food for thought, fuel for prayer! Full interview – Tucker and Aaron Rodgers … LFG!! Aaron Rodgers: Epstein’s Death, Psychedelics, Fake Vax Cards in the NFL –
Maureen again asked for prayer for her dear friend Adianis, who is standing and fighting in a battle for her life.
Ps Ioan lifted her up and we all agreed!
We received communion and thanked God for being invited to share in this meal together with Him and one another! Together we cry out to HIM: God bless the USA!
We love you all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
We still NEED FT Facilitators for
2 PM ET Sunday,
4 PM ET Sunday
(If you are willing to serve, please contact Maureen at 407-810-4665)
All of our participants are asked to sign up to serve as “Co-Facilitators” for one hour each week.
That “two by two” Biblical model will assure that every hour is covered…and a need for subs is eliminated!
Of 168 co-facilitator slots, we have 122, and still need 46 to fully secure the call!
PLEASE, step up and stand in the gap for this call! (Convert Eastern time to your own time zone!)
See the list of available hours on our website:
May God bring committed facilitators and co-facilitators to cover every hour.
Send your name, state, cell, and email address to us at:
To print the PDF file, use the following link: