May 10, 2022 – Notes A Call to the Wall

05-10-22 Notes for “A CALL TO THE WALL…to Pray for our President Donald J. Trump”
8-10 PM ET Tuesdays 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
As we opened the call, Pastor Ioan asked Maureen to share the good news that she received yesterday from her cardiologist! Her stress test came back, and the doctor said her heart is much stronger than it was two years ago. After the EECP treatments she received ( 5 days a week for 7 weeks), there are new arteries feeding her heart and helping it pump better, especially in the lower left area where it had been lax. Praise God! Different people gave thanks to God for this praise report!
We together received the Ephesians 6 armor so graciously provided for us by our loving and protective God.
“Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.
Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart.
Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield,
for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one!
Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.
And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.”
Ephesians 6
We prayed corporately to receive the full armor of God, and to wear it with the dignity ot deserves!
An extremely important issue that is not getting much publicity is the 75th World Health Assembly scheduled for May 22-28 in Geneva Switzerland. The faux US government, under the usurper Joe Biden, has submitted 13 articles within the International Health Regulations, which are administered by WHO. These amendments are seen by many as “SOVEREIGNTY KILLERS.” These amendments would empower WHO and authorize them to declare an international health emergency, overriding national governments. If these amendments are adopted, it would give the WHO “teeth” in the form of an enforcement mechanism. If that happens, lockdowns will become even more strict and more frequent. This means nations will be giving up their sovereignty and rights to control their own healthcare, handing that authority over to an international organization affiliated with the United Nations and run by tyrants. We prayed corporately and then offered individual prayers for this matter!
- Susan (GA) As representatives of this nation and of GA, we declare that we will not ascribe to this and that it will go down!
- Richard (AK) Donald Trump is our President and we do not acknowledge anyone else!
- Sheldon (TN) let this go out to those CHAMPIONS who will not bow to this evil initiative or this one-world government…and will rise up to take this out! We raise up a standard of righteousness and say NO to this and call upon the nations to do the same! We call on You to bring about the answers to the prayers we pray tonight!
- We sounded the trumpet as the prayer concluded!
- Beverly (CA) this reminds me of the tower of Babel and how You separated them and changed their language so they could not communicate with one another. Confuse those who are involved in this and send them home without it being ratified!
- Joan (AZ) Lord, You are the Commander of Heaven’s armies, and we ask that You ordain that this come to naught! It is null and void at this time! We legislate this in the authority we have from YOU!
- Sharon (Paraguay) No to every power that is blinding the hearts and minds of those in power in the US government who have been bought off. We apply the Blood of Jesus to this.
- Janis (MA) MA agrees with AZ, CA, and AK and we align to agree that the evildoers in this group WHO will not be able to bring this to pass. The US will retain her sovereignty. 2 Samuel 3:1 Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. But David grew stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.
- Pam (TX) Proverbs 6:31 Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house. It has been proven that this election was stolen and that this president is a usurper, and he will have to give up the wealth of his house and restore what he stole.
- Mary Ellen (IL) Send Your warring angels to expose these things that are being formulated in the dark, and destroy them! 1 Corinthians 4:5
- Julie (KS) Psalm 94:23 He has brought on them their own iniquity, And shall [a]cut them off in their own wickedness; The Lord our God shall cut them off.
- Desiree (NY) Hebrews 12:25-26 See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” Let the shaking happen.
We were reminded that this is an illegal administration and that it has no true AUTHORITY over us, nor the ability to make treaties on our nation’s behalf! Let it come down quickly and return our duly elected President, Donald Trump, to power!
Many of you have asked for a script to be used when contacting our Senators and Representatives regarding the upcoming WHO vote we have been praying about in our recent focuses. The following draft can be used as an email or phone script. (Edit and use as desired.) Our thanks to Beverly (CA), Carol (IL), and Sylvia (TX) who contributed to it.
Dear <Senator or Representative>,
As Americans, we have sole control over our nation’s healthcare system, and our national sovereignty, We do not acknowledge any other power over our citizens or land. Whatever vote takes place at the World Health Assembly (WHA) MUST NOT BE ALLOWED to regulate or govern us. As Americans, we take seriously the severity of this threat to everything free people hold dear. I am asking you to stand AGAINST the World Health Organization (WHO) and the proposed 13-treaty amendment vote which is taking place at the 75th World Health Assembly, May 22-28. Ratification of these amendments would effectively abolish the sovereignty of the United States of America. Please use the authority, given to you by the citizens of our great state and nation, to STOP this from moving forward.
Thank you.
< signature and address>
*** ACT NOW! Contact your Senators and Representatives through the US Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121
We prayed for a strong response from our 24/7 family! Make those calls…and that we’d make our feelings known.
Following the leak of the draft Supreme Court opinion that will overrule Roe v. Wade, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced he will present a bill THIS WEEK to “legalize” abortion in all 50 states. Tomorrow, the Senate will be voting on an abortion bill so evil that even witches and warlocks are openly celebrating it on the sidewalks in front of the Supreme Court. THE DEMONS ARE MANIFESTING RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES. Unless we call our Senators and protest this bill, it could pass and would become law overriding the decision to overturn Roe and Casey at the Supreme Court. The abortion bill Schumer is putting forth is the most demonically- influenced bill yet as it removes virtually any and all restrictions on abortions.
We expect this could be a two-part vote, the first for an abortion bill, and when that is filibustered Schumer will push a second to eliminate the filibuster rule to bypass the 60 votes usually needed to pass a bill in the Senate. Only 51 votes are required to eliminate the filibuster. Let us pray that will not happen!
Note: The ACLJ (American Center for Lw and Justice, Jay Sekulow’s ministry) said that Schumer’s bill to codify Roe that would be 10x worse than Roe, allowing abortion up until birth and preempting a physician or nurse. to opt-out of the procedure because of conscience. Their intent is to PUSH IT THROUGH today and maybe voted on it tomorrow. The ACLJ said to stop listening to the politicians that say this won’t pass. It certainly can. Please place calls to the Senators’ offices TODAY! The US Capitol switchboard #: 202-224-3121.
We prayed into this matter corporately, then offered individual prayer:
- Mary Ellen (IL) many have prayed to false gods, but Elijah honored the one true God, Who revealed Himself to all! We are waiting and looking for the small cloud that will indicate the birthing of something new in DC. We trust You, for You do not lie.
- Beverly (CA) Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. Come, Lord, and raise us a standard against this abortion bill! Let the Lion of Judah tear up the papers of both these bills…abortion and the WHO. Let it be ash blown away.
- Robin (NY) rise up, Lord, to scare the “HELL” out of those who support abortion.
- Peter (FL) John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. Matthew 16:18-19 We exercise the authority You gave us as the EKKLESIA and we bind the spirit of death and loose the spirit of Life over this nation
- Debbie (TX) agrees with peter, and we veto every attempt by our legislature to pass murderous laws. We say no to every evil act that would allow child sacrifice. Restore righteousness and justice and take down the evil rulers in places in the Congress, the Executive branch, and in the courts! Give us a drastically smaller government!
We understand that the leak from SCOTUS was a diversion. We are at a place where there are voices crying out from every direction, vying for our attention. We are in God’s army, led by the Lord, and we must listen only to HIs voice…and not be distracted by the others! The major battle in which we are engaged is to see the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election exposed and dealt with, Biden removed from office, and President Trump restored to his rightful office as President! He also said that the worst thing the Dems can do now is to remove the filibuster, for in 6 months, after the 2022 election, they will have no way to control the Congress! They will be DONE!
Patriot professor David Clement writes:
“The NM audit cost actually born by Otero County less than $10K. We have upwards of 30 engineering degrees held by our audit team. All donating their blood, sweat, and tears for love of country. In the days and weeks ahead, we are going to keep dropping nuke after nuke. The tyrannical US Congressional Oversight Committee trying to intimidate our audit can go pound sand.”
From Nick Moseder: New Mexico Audit Force canvassed 20% of registered voters in Otero county!
- -41% had issues
- -30% didn’t live at that address, and 40% of those VOTED in the election!
- -4% of the doors they knocked on were ghost votes
- -2% votes were canceled
In the United States right now, we have over 3,006 counties. People MUST decide at the County level how they will conduct their elections!
BREAKING: New Mexico audit finds feature within Dominion machines that would allow ballots to be filled out BY THE MACHINE ITSELF! A feature which is SUPPOSEDLY used so that disabled voters can vote by remote access, but can EASILY be exploited and used to commit fraud!
We prayed corporately for David, his wife Erin, and their family. They, and the others above, along with President Trump, Mike Lindell and so many aligned with them, are on the frontlines of the BATTLE TO SAVE AMERICA and under extreme attack!
We then offered individual prayers:
- Mary Ellen (IL) said so much of the things that are arising up right now…abortion, Ukraine, inflation, et al…is a smokescreen to keep us from focusing on the fraud in the elections. The machines are the biggest problem and need to be addressed and removed, so we can use paper ballots again, and assure fair and free elections in each County of the USA!
- Desiree (NY) “We, the People” must unite across the nation and deal with this on the local level! Help us!
From Seth Keshel – “Captain K”: Intelligence work has a practice called “Intelligence Fusion.” It encompasses all forms of intelligence gathering to create the intelligence picture (data and information turned into a “so what” equals intelligence).
There are several different disciplines to intelligence gathering. Here are a handful of them:
- OSINT – Open Source Intelligence (Sort of like what I do with my registration information and trends)
- HUMINT – Human Intelligence (using people to collect intelligence)
- SIGINT – Signals Intelligence – Intercepting Electronic Communications
- IMINT – Imagery Intelligence – Satellite/drone photography
Likewise, when we put together the entire picture of 2020:
- Mules – Ballot harvesting
- Electronic Equipment – various reports from Antrim Co., Mesa Co., and last night’s dump on NM
- Mass Mail-Ins to Stuffed Voter Rolls
We get the entire intelligence picture of how 2020 was executed, and all future elections are in deep trouble without a remedy. No one method is used to compromise election integrity, but rather, an entire array of procedures.
We prayed:
- Justice (NY) this confirms what I was feeling…and we must not grow weary in well-doing…press in!
- Mary Ellen (IL) somehow, these patriots made a connection and are now traveling around the country to expose this travesty of the 2020 election. She prayed that this movement gets broad exposure and then the hearts of the people in every county will start to call on their County elections officials to assure fair and free elections.
- Beverly (CA) Prayed for the fear of God to come over these election officials and that any spirit of fear that is not of God will be removed. It is under Your feet, Lord.
- Bernadette (NY) Let a holy fear and trembling and reverence of God come on every official.
Our sister in Christ, Jojo from Barrow, AK, called tonight asking for prayer for their community. As God is moving mightily, so is the devil to keep his hold on that region! A bad batch of drugs came into their area, and a young man, Brandon, 30, who had previously given his life to Christ, took some of them and was hospitalized today. Please pray for Brandon and for the cleansing of their region on the North Slope from this plague of drugs. We prayed for that cleansing and for the end to the drugs coming into the region!
In an interview, Elon Musk says he would reverse Trump’s permanent suspension from Twitter, adding that the ban was “morally wrong,” “foolish in the extreme,” and “flat out stupid.” (‘Nuf said! )
Pastor Ioan has a personal prayer request: Tomorrow is the first day that he can apply for citizenship in the United States, and he asks for prayer so that the application is dealt with quickly!
Richard then asked that we pray for him, as he was feeling as he did when he went onto the airplane and wound up in the hospital in Nome, AK. We bound the spirit of infirmity and all that would try to interfere with him and those living under his roof.
We shared in communion and closed our call, wishing one another well.
With love and blessings to all!
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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