Mau 10, 2019 – Notes Shabbat Call

05-10-19 Notes from the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
“International SHABBAT Celebration”
7-10 PM Eastern 712-770-4340 code: 543555 #
SHABBAT SHALOM! We opened tonight’s SHABBAT CALL in prayer, covering ourselves and our 24/7 family with the Precious Blood of Jesus, and binding any demonic interference that would dare to raise its head, casting it down into the abyss. We welcome the Presence of God to penetrate, permeate and saturate the atmosphere around each of us on this call…and to flood across this nation! We ask His permission to enter into His Presence, to sit with Him and sup with Him and one another on this sweet SHABBAT!
We sang:
This Is My Desire
This is my desire to honor You, Lord, with all my heart I worship You.
All I have within me I give You praise; all that I adore is in You
Lord, I give You my heart…I give You my soul…I live for You alone.
Every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake,
Lord, have Your way in me
Pastor Ioan said that we are indeed experiencing the CLIMATE CHANGE! Not the one that is false (as the globalists like Al Gore talk about), but the TRUE CHANGE that all nature is rejoicing in…the beauty of the Lord that is such a blessing…and is being revealed across the land. The rain in California is part of the blessing God is pouring out over our nation! We are seeing the BEAUTY OF THE LORD revealed in His creation!
Earlier this year, we received a word that this was the year of “The Beauty of the Lord” …a time when the Beauty of the Lord would be revealed! In the LIGHT of the Lord, darkness is exposed and the CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT, the Children of God, are seen as so very different from the children of darkness! Those who are like Him are seen clearly, and those who reject Him are being exposed for what they are! The Beauty of the Lord exposes both sides…and“…where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” Romans 5:20
As we begin our SHABBAT CALL tonight, we ask for the grace to see You, Lord, to touch and smell and be with You, as the Bride is with her Beloved in the Song of Songs! These are justified requests from the Children of God to their Father.
“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple.”
Psalm 27:4
We prayed corporately that we would see Him, in all His Beauty…that we would be able to look into His eyes, see His smile and smell the fragrance of His garments, as we are wrapped in His arms and able to experience His love as never before!
“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.”
Psalm 42:1
We are thirsty for YOU, Lord…for YOU, Jesus, Who is the LIVING WATER – the “water” that brings life to our beings. Pour into our beings that LIVING WATER that ONLY YOU can give!
We opened the call…inviting the team to speak out to Him, to ask that we might see and touch and speak to Him face to face…knowing that the only way we can continue to do all that He is asking us to at this crucial hour in our nation’s history is to receive HIM… to be with HIm…in HIS PRESENCE…day by day…moment by moment!
- Philip (CA) Thank You for preserving us the unity of the Spirit and the bonds of grace! “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water.Jeremiah 2:13
- Sandy (CA) We present the prayer of Daniel and apply it to our nation…Hear and answer our prayer!
- Bev (NC) The Lord is the Shepherd of His people…He leads us, restores us, for His Name’s sake! Is goodness and mercy will follow us…and we will dwell in His House forever!
- Sherrill (TX) connects Psalm 90:17 “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us” and Romans 13:12 “let us put on the armor of light” and vs 14 “put on the Lord Jesus Christ”
- Laurel (WA) reminded of Exodus 15 when the Israelites traveled in the wilderness, they could not find good water…but found only bitter water. When they cried out to God, He sweetened the waters for them!
(I don’t want Egypt in me…to be in that place where they don’t see Him.) HE ALONE GIVES LIFE!
- Bobby (WI) Since I was very young, I have often felt that I did not belong here…and I repent for it…and yield…(as in the old song: “Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus!”)
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart “
Psalm 37:5
- Dee (CA) Sang out: “I stand, I stand in awe of You!”
You are beautiful beyond description To marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen and heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom Who can fathom the depth of Your love
You are beautiful beyond description Majesty enthroned above
And I stand, I stand in awe of You I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of You
You are beautiful beyond description Yet God crushed you for my sin
In agony and deep affliction Cut off that i might enter in
Who can Grasp such tender Compassion Who can Fathom this mercy so free
You are beautiful beyond description Lamb of God who died for me
And I stand, I stand in awe of You I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of You
Pastor Ioan asked what the most striking thing about a person is when you see them. THE EYES!!! (which are the windows of the soul!) We see in Jesus the LOVE that is there…(sadly, in others, we can see things that are not of love.) When Jesus meets with us, when He comes to spend time with us, His Beloved Ones, His Children, He is filled with that LOVE, and the intimacy is profound… as we enter into and spend time with Him in His Presence! (We – like Mary – have chosen the better part!)
As we look into someone’s eyes, we can see what is beyond…the feelings, the heart, the emotion…and in Him, we see all that we long to see…to receive… to know! He knows all about us…and welcomes us. He calls us to be with Him…saying, “COME TO ME!” (…and there, we find rest for our souls!)
The real “SEERS” are those who see the Lord! May we welcome the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us right now…in this time of preparation…as he does His work in us! We welcome you, Holy Spirit, and say that we accept and welcome Your work in us, Your ministry in and to us!
Pastor Ioan heard the word: Restructure us!
- You have our permission to restructure all in us, according to the perfect will of God!
- I want to be restructured to be in complete harmony with My Father…
- My mind, my spirit, my soul, my body – all coming into perfect alignment with You, Lord!
- I welcome Your ministry in me, Holy Spirit!
All that is within me must realign with God…thoughts, emotions, sickness…any strongholds that the enemy uses to affect us. We agree to be aligned, and restructured by God, body, soul and spirit! I welcome You, Holy Spirit, Your ministry, and work in my entire being! Our human soul is pure, perfect, created by God…and all He does is perfect! The soul is held together with the body…and is married to the flesh! As God redeems and realigns, body and soul are healed and made whole! As we submit our free will to God, we give Him our souls…asking Him to change and transform us, and make us as He desires us to be!
We sang:
“Change my heart, Oh, God – Make It Ever True Change my heart, Oh God – May I Be Like You
You Are The Potter – I Am The Clay, Mold Me And Make Me – This Is What I Pray.
Change My Heart Oh God – Make It Ever True Change My Heart Oh God – May I Be Like You
Jesus Oh Jesus – Come And Fill Your Lambs Jesus Oh Jesus – Come And Fill Your Lambs!”
We accept this transformation – this realignment – this reconstruction in our lives…
in order to see the BEAUTY OF THE LORD!
Those are the “peacemakers”, the Children of God, those who carry His Presence into the nation!
As we welcome Him, His Word, His Rhema…we fall in love with Him! There is no one who sees HIm that can resist the Beauty of the Lord JESUS…or resist His Love! We are the revelation of the LOVE of GOD!
When we see Him face to face, we know that we shall not die…but have eternal LIFE!
We ask that You extend the revelation of Your love and life and grace to this nation!
Reveal Your BEAUTY to this NATION!
The Beauty of the Lord can be defined as God possessing everything in His character that is desirable. Everything that is good and righteous has its ultimate fulfillment in God. The desires of the human heart can only be found in the Lord and his beauty.
In the Old testament, we read:
“Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You.”
Psalm 73:25.
In the New testament, Paul wrote:
“I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings,
becoming like Him in His death.”
Philippians 3:10
His Beauty Is To Be Reflected In Believers, and when believers act according to the commandments of the Lord, they reflect His beauty. The beauty of the Lord means that, in his nature, the Lord possesses everything that is desirable. His character is one of perfection. Consequently, believers are to desire him above all. If we delight ourselves in him he promises to give us the desire of our heart. This desire will be the Lord himself. Believers are commanded to reflect God’s beauty in their conduct.
1 Peter 3:12
God hates sin, but loves the sinner, and He desires that everyone would come to Him!
For the eyes of the Lord Yahweh rest upon the godly, and His heart responds to their prayers.
But He turns His back on those who practice evil.
1 Peter 3:12 (The Passion Translation)
We are connected RIGHT NOW, WITH GOD, FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT! He hears our prayers!
We sang:
“HalleluYah”! “HalleluYah!” “HalleluYah!”
“Praise Ye, Yah” “Praise Ye, Yah” “Praise Ye, Yah”
(“Yah” is the shortened form of “Yahweh” in Hebrew)
Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!
Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works!
Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!
Psalm 105:1-3
And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying,
HalleluYah; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:
Revelation 19:1
“And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters,
and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying,
HalleluYah: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.”
Revelation 19:6
Here in His Presence, we recognize that God has the supreme right to in His Presence, all is well! OUR GOD REIGNS! The KING OF GLORY is here and everything is under His reign! GOD IS IN CONTROL…in CHARGE! He reigns — as Judge, Lawgiver, King! We agree, acknowledging and welcoming Him as KING! We thank You, Lord, for being here with us and showing these things to us!
We welcome the WORD of GOD the RHEMA, the LIVING WORD, brought to us by the Spirit…the sword of the Lord. It cuts away all that is not of Him…and we declare that anything that has been sown by the enemy to corrupt our minds or our souls is to be cut off…whatever the enemy has sown in my life that is not in accordance with your will for me, for us…has to go! We welcome Your ministry in us, we welcome the sword of the Lord in us, the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Cut off and destroy anything that keeps us from the knowledge of Your BEAUTY! Come, Holy Spirit and do Your work in us, right now!
We prayed individually, thanking the Holy Spirit for His work in our hearts! We thanked Him for the refreshing and renewal that is in Him! We thanked Him for His mercy for this nation!
Pastor Ioan received an understanding that there are some (at least 2 people) on this call who carry heavy burdens and should be invited to open their hearts to the Lord. Something is holding them back, and they need to be freed to enter into the fullness He has for them! We waited for them to speak up!
- Diane (MT) asked the Lord to intervene and take ahold of her marriage. She is unsure of what direction to go, as she and her husband Jim (a narcissist and unsaved) are living separately now. Pastor Ioan said God shines His grace on all…
- We prayed for her to “be willing to be willing” to let God do His work in them!
- Carol (TX) has a concern about a man involved in ministry that she used to date. He seems to be playing another woman off against her, to create a jealousy in her, but she has no interest in him.
- We prayed for all soul ties to be broken with him, so they can each do as they should with their lives.
- We encouraged anyone else who has soul ties, affecting them negatively, to ask the Lord to cut the ties and free them!
- Becky (FL) prior to the call, she was reading in Ephesians about unwholesome talk…and asked God to change her in that…and to remove bitterness and sweeten the waters of her life! She felt that God did something in her heart.
- We prayed that she would be free of self-condemnation and condemnation of others that had affected and operated freely in her life! As she looks into His eyes, let her see the LOVE and not judgment! Let her welcome His embrace!
We shared communion and closed the call with this song:
“Draw me close to you, Never let me go
I lay it all down again To hear you say that I’m your friend
You are my desire No one else will do
‘Cause nothing else can take your place To feel the warmth of your embrace
Help me find the way Bring me back to you
You’re all I want You’re all I’ve ever needed You’re all I want Help me know you are near.”
Maureen and Pastor Ioan
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