Mar 9, 2021 – Prayer Focus

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call
1-712-770-4340 Code: 543555 # (Ongoing call…24 hours a day!)
We begin our hour by praising and giving thanks to God!
“There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12
We sing: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! There’s just something about that Name!
Master, Savior, Jesus…like the fragrance after the rain!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Let heaven and earth proclaim!
Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away but there’s something about that Name.
The key assignment for the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call is to intercede hourly
for the safety and security of President Donald John Trump, and to pray for that which pertains to our nation!
We pray for his protection, for our First Lady, Melania and their marriage and for all the members of their family.
We cover them all with the Blood of Jesus.
We ask that in every situation and decision, President Trump will be led by the Holy Spirit!
The 24/7 NSPC continues to stand for righteousness and justice in our nation and affirm Donald Trump as our duly elected President!
We pray that the evil actions of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be exposed and that they be removed from office!
We pray for ourselves and our loved ones, and corporately put on the full armor of God!
Strategic Focus for Tuesday
The Navarro Report on Election Fraud – Part 17
“Why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the Name of the Lord.”
Acts 22:16
How complicated human beings make life! People spend endless hours doing things they know they should not do, and then even more time justifying those actions and words, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge and repent for them. Pride, procrastination, and a lack of humility are huge stumbling blocks, which must be dealt with and removed, or they will lead to death and destruction. In our verse above, one simple question is asked: “Why are you waiting?” The answer is also, given: “Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the Name of the Lord.” The Lord, Almighty Eternal God, Jesus, Savior of the world… His is the Name that must be called upon. The world is full of lost souls who do not know God. They are caught up in their own devices, schemes and plans…and are headed straight for hell, just like those who conceived and collaborated to steal the 2020 election. The enemies of this nation are enemies of God, and unless they turn and repent and call upon the name of the Lord, nothing and no one will be able to save them. Today, as we conclude Volume 2 of the Navarro Report, we ask that the evil done against our nation will be stopped and reversed. We turn those who perpetrated that wickedness over to God for His justice! Pray.
“Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.”
Romans 12:9
Ballot Harvesting…is the practice of allowing individuals to collect ballots from voters and deliver these bundles of votes to polling stations or drop boxes. Given the obvious chain of custody issues associated with ballot harvesting – and the equally obvious opportunities to engage in fake ballot manufacturing – it is no surprise that many states forbid the practice.
The Democrat Party successfully pushed for the passage of legislation to legalize ballot harvesting in the battleground states of Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin.
- On August 3, 2020, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak (D) called a special session with the State Legislature and signed a bill legalizing the practice of ballot harvesting, which passed on a party-line vote through both the state Senate and Assembly, with Democrats in favor and all Republicans opposed.
- Implementation of this bill took place over the strong objections of Republican SOS Barbara Cegavske, who warned that expanded ballot harvesting could fraudulently tip the scales in elections.
- In both Georgia and Wisconsin, where ballot harvesting is illegal, Democrat operatives nonetheless pushed the envelope of the law to run ballot harvesting operations.
- Several Democrat non-profits took advantage of the Georgia ballot-curing extension deadline and conducted an absentee ballot-harvesting operation, suspected to have added enough Democrat votes to tip the scales in favor of Joe Biden.
- To engage in this end-run around the law, these organizations called themselves “Ballot Rescue Teams.” They deployed Democrat volunteer activist operatives to call voters and knock on voters’ doors as part of this operation.
- In Wisconsin’s Democrat stronghold of Madison, city officials assisted in the creation of more than 200 “Democracy in the Park” illegal polling places, promoted and supported by the Biden campaign.
- They provided witnesses for absentee ballots and acted in every way like legal polling places—but weren’t. They received ballots outside of the limited fourteen-day period preceding an election that is authorized by statute for in-person or absentee balloting. These were all clear violations of state law that had the effect of propagating ballot harvesting.
We pray:
- That ballot harvesting will be rescinded in every state and no longer allowed in our elections. Pray.
Do not say, “I will repay evil”; wait for the Lord, and He will save you.
Proverbs 20:22
Installation of Potentially Corrupt Voting Machines…Vulnerabilities in voting machine systems can be exploited by cyber hackers and other bad actors to alter the count of actual ballots.
- A poster child for this problem is the dramatic malfunction of Dominion Voting Systems in Antrim, Michigan.
- In July of 2019, the nonprofit group Fair Fight Action issued a report claiming that another system—Election Securities and Software (ES&S)—has demonstrated “systematic disregard for basic security best practices and a complete lack of competence in the manufacturing of reliable voting machines…; large-scale negligence [that] exposed personal data of millions of voters, left tens of thousands of names off rolls and led to massive delays in vote counts across the country.”
Numerous US Senators “have expressed national security concerns after ES&S lied to federal lawmakers, refused to reveal which states were sent critically flawed machines, and vigorously fought attempts to reveal reliability information.” Despite such concerns and warnings, Dominion and ES&S were implemented in all six battleground states between 2017 and 2020.
- In March of 2020, Georgia installed 30,000 new Dominion electronic voting machines. State evaluators warned that the machines were subject to vulnerabilities, but they were installed in all 159 GA Counties.
- In 2019, Pennsylvania installed Dominion in 14 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, due to guidance issued by the Soros puppet Secretary of State Boockvar.
- In 2020, 33 PA counties installed the ES&S system, including the Democrat strongholds of Philadelphia and Montgomery.
- Dane and Milwaukee in Wisconsin used ES&S which were also found to be susceptible to vulnerabilities.
- In March of 2017, Michigan awarded Dominion a $31.5 million contract for machines statewide!
We pray:
- That truth about both Dominion and ES&S will be made evident in an indisputable manner, and neither will be allowed to be used anywhere in the United States. Pray.
Figure Seven
Even as the Democrat Party dramatically INCREASED the amount of absentee and mail-in ballots, they also DECREASED the level of scrutiny of such ballots… significantly increasing the level of illegal ballots able to FLOOD into the six battleground states. In studying Figure Seven, note that all methods of reducing ballot scrutiny are not created equal. A critical element of a free and fair election is the transparency one gains through comprehensive poll watching and observing.
- While both Pennsylvania and Michigan are characterized by only this method of reduced scrutiny, this method alone affected hundreds of thousands of potentially illegal votes in both states.
- The State of Georgia effectively ran the table on behalf of the Democrats – no small irony, given the fact that Georgia has as “useful idiots” both a Republican governor and a Republican Secretary of State. Pray.
Relaxed ID Verification Requirements…The Democratic push for lower voter identification requirements most notably occurred in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin.
- Behind the shield of the CCP virus, Democrat stronghold counties in Arizona allowed and encouraged residents of long-term care facilities to vote by video chat. With no way to verify voter identification by video call, and no oversight, election boards didn’t know if ballots were being recorded accurately.
- Wisconsin’s Democrat-dominated Dane and Milwaukee counties allowed anyone to register as “indefinitely confined”. These Wisconsin votes were thereby tabulated… without verifying photo ID.
We pray:
- That we will never again allow a “shield” such as the Coronavirus to be created and used to perpetrate corruption and fraud in our national elections. Pray.
Relaxed Signature-Match Requirements…Mail-in and absentee ballots can be verified through a process called signature matching. Voters must provide signatures on their absentee and mail-in ballot return documents in order to verify identification. 32 states require election workers to match voter signatures with a signature on record for the voter.
Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada all relaxed signature match requirements, bringing into question hundreds of thousands potentially illegal ballots.
- On March 6th of 2020, Georgia SOS Brad Raffensperger, with the approval of Governor Brian Kemp, (both Republicans) signed off on a secret legal agreement with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to significantly alter absentee ballot procedures in Georgia. The Democrats’ attorney for this secret deal was alleged Russia Hoax operative Marc Elias from Perkins Coie.
- Georgia originally required that the signature on the mail-in envelope had to match both the voter’s signature stored in the State’s E-Net system, as well as the absentee ballot application. The new guidance loosened these requirements; required that the signature on the mail-in ballot envelope either must match the eNet signature, or the absentee ballot application, rather than both. If an election worker found a signature didn’t match, it couldn’t be rejected…unless a majority of the registrars, deputy registrars, or absentee ballot clerks reviewing the signature agreed.
- This wholesale gutting of the state’s signature-match requirement resulted in a drastic reduction in Georgia’s absentee ballot rejection rate from 6.8% in 2016, to 0.34% during the 2020 Presidential Election. Almost none of Georgia’s 1.3 million absentee ballots were rejected.
- Georgians were also given the opportunity to “cure” or “fix” their ballot signatures on ballots incorrectly filled out for three days after November 3 (Election Day).
If the flood of absentee ballots in the 2020 election had been rejected at the same rate as in the 2016 election, that would have been enough alone to flip the election to President Trump. Pray.
A similarly egregious problem reared its Grand Strategy head in Nevada. New legislation passed in August of 2020 allowed voters over sixty-five who have a disability or are unable to read or write to have someone assist them in physically marking signatures on their ballots. These relaxed rules thereby have called into question at least some of the 400,000 ballots cast by Nevadans aged 65 and older. This “reform” also likely contributed to the statewide absentee ballot rejection rate dropping from 1.6% in 2016 to 0.58% in 2020.
We note that regarding the Illegal Counting of Naked Ballots… the State of Georgia “cornered the market” on illegal counting of naked ballots. (This was part of the bitter fruit of the aforementioned Georgia Consent Decree.)
We pray:
- That signature matching requirements in each state will be followed meticulously and there will no longer be exceptions made in order to flip the elections. Pray.
Increased Opportunities for Ballot Curing…Democrats pushed for ballot curing “leniency”, which increased the timeframe for curing problematic ballots and allowed counting of illegally submitted mail-in or absentee ballots.
- For example, on September 10, 2020, Obama-appointed Judge Douglas Rayes of the US District Court for Arizona ordered election officials to give voters five business days after Election Day to sign their vote-by-mail ballot envelopes. Voters had until 5 PM on November 10th to sign the envelopes even if they failed to sign at the time they submitted the ballots. In the wake of this order, Democrat volunteers raced around the state texting, calling, and knocking on people’s doors to make sure thousands of ballots would be cured. Without the ruling, such votes would otherwise have been deemed illegal.
- The Wisconsin Election Commission unanimously offered guidance for vote curing, notably in contradiction of Wisconsin Statutes 6.84 and 6.86. They instructed curing mail-in ballots with missing addresses, despite Wisconsin Election Law plainly stating: “If a certificate is missing the address of a witness, the ballot may not be counted.”
- Nevadans were also given a ballot-curing extension for up to a week after Election Day.
We pray:
- Let ballot curing be discontinued and voters take responsibility for proper submission of their ballots. Pray.
Reduced Poll Watching / Observing…Democrat officials repeatedly sought to reduce the meaningful access of Republican poll watchers and observers during the ballot counting process in half of the battleground states. They also sought to reduce the actual number of poll watchers and observers, often behind the shield of the CCP virus.
- In Pennsylvania, the State Legislature passed Act 12, which mandated a reduction in the amount of poll workers. Certified Republican poll watchers were not allowed within six feet of ballot counters, and kept at distances between 50-100 feet, disenfranchising observers and legal voters. Counties like Philadelphia asserted that these restrictions had to go into effect due to pandemic social distancing guidelines. These limitations remained in place until a Pennsylvania Court Ruling went into effect on November 5, after hundreds of thousands of ballots had already been processed.
- Michigan, likewise, was a hotbed of poll watcher and observer abuses designed to reduce the scrutiny of potentially illegal absentee and mail-in ballots. Republican poll workers were kept more than six feet from ballot counters, sometimes, on entirely separate floors. Like in Pennsylvania, this flagrant denial of ballot observation was justified under CCP pandemic Guidelines.
The practical effect of the Democrat Party’s Art of the Steal was to substantially increase the number of potentially illegal ballots across all six battleground states and effectively tip the balance of the election through the strategic gaming of the electoral process. Much of what the Democrats did was not per se illegal, but they enabled illegal activity, stuffing the ballot box with illegal mail-in and absentee ballots.
We pray:
- That poll watchers and observers will be unhindered as they do their jobs and they will no longer be interfered with by local, state, or national elections officials. Pray.
Concluding Observations for Volume 2 of the Navarro Report…By implementing its Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy, the Democrat Party and its political operatives have strategically gamed one of the most sacred elements of American democracy: our election system. This was “brass knuckle politics” at the highest level and a vicious kick to the groin of American democracy. That the Democrats have gotten away with it represents a failure of the media, Republican state legislators, and other Republican government officials across the battleground states, the US Congress, and our judicial branch of government at both the state and federal levels.
We pray:
- That there will be a full investigation of the election irregularities and strategic gaming of our political process, which led to a stolen presidential election and an illegitimate occupant in the White House. Pray.
- That what the enemy has attempted to steal will be fully restored and we will experience the resurrection of this nation and rejoice as we serve God together in the coming end-times harvest. Pray.
Our 24/7 NSPC website is up and functioning!
We have a page on our website for people to post prayer requests.
Listen to the song ahead of time, then either sing or pray it!
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